St. Philip’s Episcopal Church

St. Philip’s Episcopal ChurchVestry MeetingFebruary 19, 2019MinutesPresent: Dana Richardson, Bill Carney, Jr. Warden, Jennifer Williams, Harry Singley, Maitland Barnes, Allen Feezor, Liz Halbert, Deborah Jordan, Debbie Evans, Tom Griffin, Fr. TJ Tetzlaff, Assistant Priest, Fr. Eric Mills, RectorAbsent: Bill Bittenbender, Sr. Warden, Paul Miller90896522152531Ex Officio: Bob Fuchs, Treasurer Margaret Bearden, ClerkOpening Prayer and Devotion. Fr. Eric opened the meeting with a short Bible verse study and prayer. Approval of January Meeting Minutes. Minutes were voted on and approved with a wording correction regarding security preparedness.Treasurer’s Report.Treasurer’s Report to VestryFebruary 19, 2019Operating Budget2019 YTD Actual2019 YTD Budget2019 YTD Variance2018 YTD ActualYTD Actual vs. 2018Annual BudgetRevenues Pledges60,65439,12621,52866,590-5,936528,200 Flower Revenue225400-175150758,025 Identified Offerings2,3325,926-3,5947,272-4,94080,000 Loose Plate380533-153452-727,200 Parish Hall Rental4595-500451,140 Miscellaneous Receipts4,2524,0002521874,06518,000 Unbudgeted Revenue000000 Total Revenues67,88850,08017,80874,651-6,763642,565Expenses Parish Staff18,80233,09714,29518,73864419,655 Administration2,7243,7281,0043,658-93433,734 Property6,5769,3862,8108,505-1,92986,273 Vestry5,59412,4776,8835,696-10275,024 Faith Formation0675675008,100 Outreach1,7501,95020001,7509,400 Parish Life471400-713191524,300 Worship1,2951,260-352,033-73917,495 Unbudgeted Expenses7,5990-7,59907,5990 Total Expenses44,81162,97318,16238,9505,861653,981Net Total23,077-12,89335,97035,701-12,624-11,416Accounts12/31/2018 BalanceEnd of Month Balance Checking Account366,505118,348 Rector's Discretionary Account10,5939,789 Investment Accounts1,065,0321,332,956Total1,442,1301,461,093Loans12/31/2018 BalanceEnd of Month Balance Mortgage Payable192,638191,216Respectfully submitted,Bob FuchsTreasurerA motion to receive the Treasurer’s report was approved. Bob also discussed the requirement for a full audit, which has been determined to be five years instead of three. The Finance & Facilities Board will be researching resources in this regard.There was also discussion regarding the role of Vestry members to the Boards that have been established. The Vestry is considered a Board of Directors legally, and Vestry members are potentially liable for legal actions against St. Philip’s. Vestry members are entitled to direct communication with the individual Boards and attendance at their meetings.Rector. Fr. Eric presented the annual Parochial Report for review by the Vestry.After discussion, the report for 2018 was accepted as presented. In addition, individual Vestry members signed the Mandatory Declaration for Vestry Leadership documents required by the Diocese.The housing resolution for Fr. Eric was presented. The motion to approve and was passed unanimously. Fr. Eric distributed copies of the Letter of Agreement between himself and the Bishop of East Carolina and the Wardens and Vestry St. Philip’s. He disclosed that he had selected Saturday and Monday for his two free rector days provided in the Letter of Agreement.Strategy Plan Review. Bill Carney, for Stewardship, is beginning plans for the 2019 pledge season. Stewardship is targeting a 10% increase in pledges annually.Harry Singley, for Newcomers, discussed the interviews his Board had conducted with the various ministry boards. He presented recommendations to consider with regard to improving each Board’s understanding of and coordination with serving newcomers to St. Philip’s. Fr. Eric asked that the recommendations be tabled for a period of six months. It was noted that publicity for St. Philip’s has been lacking and needs to be resurrected, possibly with a communicator to the news outlets and media.Maitland Barnes, for Youth, is working on a survey, and plans to meet with Fr. Ericin the near future.Junior Warden. Bill Carney reported the following updates on reconstruction following Hurricane Florence: Shingles have been ordered and should arrive next week. Meeting with project manager has taken place. Paint colors have been revised. Insurance policy only provides for present value of contents, not replacement value. Final reviews of Golden Leaf grant application will be made next week.Other Business. Dana Richardson, liaison with the Parish Life Ministry Board, noted the delay experienced in implementing a security preparedness plan. He feels that this is an urgent need and must be addressed as soon as possible. He also mentioned that three questions from the November minutes that were forwarded to the Boards remain unanswered.Fr. Eric discussed the need for one more Deanery representative from St. Philip’s.Rick Pearce is currently our only representative. Generally, this position requires a monthly meeting in Wilmington. Ruth Smith was approved as Outreach Board chair, replacing Linda Humphries..Adjournment. Following an attitude check and a closing prayer by Fr. Eric, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Margaret Bearden, Clerk25434885661580 ................

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