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The Church of Scotlandcenter151765 Rutherglen Old Parish00 Rutherglen Old Parishcenter18161000center6762750 Church Newsletter 00 Church Newsletter February 2019Registered Scottish CharityScottish Charities Number SC006856PASTORAL LETTERDear Friends,right1143000We are now truly into winter! Often people complain -dull days - dark nights - too much rain - dangerous ice and so the list goes on.Sadly, there are few who see any joy in this season. Snowdrops and other plants pushing through the earth go unnoticed. The beauty of frost on the branches of the trees and on the grass fails to make any impact.Some people see life as an area of darkness and concentrate on the negative.Of course, we face many challenges throughout our lives and there will be times of sorrow, but there are also times of great joy.If we allow Jesus, the light of the world, to enter our lives we will find that life is much happier and brighter. He will guide us through difficult days and give us strength to cope with life. When we feel we can’t carry on- we don’t have to – Jesus will take our burden and gently lead us.Next time you feel the day is dull, read Psalm 121. It will remind you from where your strength and courage come. God is always there regardless of season.Let us rejoice in all that he has created - Yes even Winter!blessings,Katie.OUR CURRENT SITUATIONOn 6 January at a Congregational Meeting the following members were elected to form the Nominating Committee charged with the task of finding a sole nominee to be our next Minister: J Alexander, A Bennet, G Callaghan, D Clark, I Kay, J?MacDonald, H Millar, K Morris and R?Stewart. For very good reasons the Church of Scotland requires the work of Nominating Committees to be undertaken with the utmost discretion so the Committee asks for the congregation’s understanding that its members are not at liberty to discuss its activities or progress. In the event of major progress prior to the publication of the May issue of the Newsletter the congregation will be informed during our services so, to ensure that you are fully informed, please (continue to) attend church as frequently as possible. Hugh MillarSession Clerk731393021717000CONGREGATIONAL ROLLThe following members have died:NameAddressDistrict?ElderAnn HumeDungraggan Care Home, Rutherglen, G73 4JD???26K MorrisonMary EwartGeorgia Care Home, Cambuslang, G72 8YN? 27 K MorrisonMary Reid78 Reid Street, Rutherglen, G73 3DR???10M RobinsonFunerals:??9/11/18Ann HumeDungraggan Care Home, 73 Blairbeth Road, Rutherglen, G73 4JD16/11/18Margaret Laughland400 Main St, Rutherglen, G73 3AU26/11/18Hilda Callaghan8 Wensleydale, Stewartfield, East Kilbride, G74 4QT.29/11/18Alexander Monk9 Victoria St, Rutherglen, G73 1DT13/12/18Mary EwartGeorgia Care Home, 73A Greenlees Road, Cambuslang, G72 8YN21/12/18Mary Reid78 Reid Street, Rutherglen, G73 3DR21/12/18Dorothy Martin10 Greenhill Street, Rutherglen, G73 2LHFORTHCOMING COMMUNION SERVICESright8890The main quarterly celebration of the sacrament of communion will take place during our service on Sunday, 3?March. We also celebrate Lent (10 March) and Easter (21?April) in short communions during our morning services.While all are welcome to attend any of our services, a special invitation is extended to anyone wishing to attend our communion services.00The main quarterly celebration of the sacrament of communion will take place during our service on Sunday, 3?March. We also celebrate Lent (10 March) and Easter (21?April) in short communions during our morning services.While all are welcome to attend any of our services, a special invitation is extended to anyone wishing to attend our communion services.Woman’s Guild The Christmas fayre held in November was again well supported, raising over ?1300. The guild were able to donate ?1500 to the church funds in December.The guild project this session is Prince and Princess Wales Hospice. To raise money for this project the guild members and friends filled Smarties tubes with 20p pieces. Our final total is not yet known but a very generous amount will be forwarded to the Hospice.The guild outing this year, on Monday 13th May, is still in the planning stages, but we are intending to visit Dundee and Perth.Myra McNairPresidentANNUAL PARISH VISITATION Thank you to all members of the congregation who assisted in any way (whether by delivering cards or praying for the success of the visitation) with our annual Parish Visitation at the end of last year. Hugh MillarSession Clerk412432513970000016510000SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETYNabil Omiesh visited various churches in Scotland, telling of the work of the Bible Society in Iraq. He and his colleagues have seen the horrors of a war torn country, yet still work with peace and joy in their hearts. He shared stories of refugees, fleeing Isis in Iraq, to neighbouring countries. Some are slowly returning, to find devastation and ruined communities, and they have emotional and physical wounds. The Bible Society in Iraq has introduced a Bible based trauma healing programme. This helps the participants to find healing and hope in God’s Word, and to discover God’s love for them.Nabil thanked the Scottish Bible Society supporters for praying for Iraq, and all the people involved in the conflict there.The above is small example of the daily work being carried out around the world in God’s Name.Marjory GreigSBS ContactOur Coffee Morning in October raised a final grand total of ?799.50, for which the Committee is delighted. We had a great turnout of folks from all congregations in Rutherglen and beyond.Our next Fundraiser is a Concert on 28th March in Stonelaw Church at 7.30pm. The entertainment will be provided by some pupils from various Stonelaw High School Bands. This promises to be a good evening, and tickets will be available in February at ?5 for Adults and ?2 for children. All money goes directly to further the work of Christian Aid throughout our troubled world. Thank you in anticipation of you support.Jean Caldwell & Marjory GreigCA Committee MembersThoughtful ThursdaysThe church is open to the public from noon till 2pm each Thursday for a quiet visit or meditation. We also serve tea, coffee and biscuits, but bring your own packed lunch!? This has become a very pleasant interlude for chat and company and any member of the congregation will be most welcome.Elsa COFFEE MORNINGWe were delighted to host a very successful Coffee Morning, in November, for Erskine Hospital. We received a very nice letter of acknowledgement, appreciating the ?260 we were able to send them. This was due to the continuing support and hard work of our visitors and volunteers. We are open on the second Saturday of each month from 10am till Noon, so we shall look forward to welcoming some new faces in the coming months. The three Cs are always available (Coffee, Cakes and Chat).Best Wishes from The Coffee Morning CrewALISON, BETTY, MARJORY and SANDRA SCRABBLEright1333500We meet each Wednesday, till Easter, in the Session House at 2pm, and enjoy Scrabble, laughter and tea. What’s not to like about that? Come along any Wednesday and join us, whether you have played before or not. It is not a difficult game, and helps to keep the little grey cells working.THE SCRABBLERS 364176628575005652201778000 WORLD MISSION NEWSThe WM Council tell us that 37 million people live with HIV worldwide. They do not look for sympathy, but support and solidarity. One way of doing this is to order Red Shoelaces from sending along a donation to support the work. Then, lace up your boots, and organise a sponsored walk with friends. Currently the Church of Scotland HIV Programme supports 18 projects in 13 countries, including Scotland. This is only possible thanks to funds raised by congregations throughout Scotland, and beyond. THANK YOU FOR CARING.Please remember, in you prayers, all the work and workers in World Mission, and also our own Missionary Worker, Anne Davidson in Makululu.Marjory GreigWM CONTACT CONGREGATIONAL GIVINGW F OOpen PlateOther IncomeFabricTotalB/f?37,896.48?1,599.72?13,038.34?3,060.00?55,594.54Amend-?1,000.00?1,000.00Oct28?751.00?12.40?508.00?1,271.40Nov4?1,460.30?66.00?2,927.13?4,453.4311?812.80?387.37?442.50?1,642.6718?967.25?54.00?108.60?600.00?1,729.8525?981.80?19.00?60.00?1,060.80Dec2?1,840.30?58.45?846.57?2,745.329?2,284.30?28.85?1,720.00?4,033.1516?822.80?48.50?100.00?3,000.00?3,971.3023?696.30?42.04?180.00?918.3430?1,701.00?16.30?226.36?1,943.66?50,214.33?2,332.63?19,157.50?7,660.00?79,364.46Income for period ending 31/12/18 (excluding Fabric) =?71,704.46Budgetted income requirement per week =?1,401.00Budgetted income requirement to 31/12/18 =?72,852.00-7175516510GIFT AIDAre you a Tax Payer?If so your offerings and any other donations you make to the Old Parish couldhave 25p per pound added to them. For further information please contact Jim Alexander, Gift Aid Convener. 25?pence per pound added to them.For further information please contact Jim Alexander, Gift Aid Convener00GIFT AIDAre you a Tax Payer?If so your offerings and any other donations you make to the Old Parish couldhave 25p per pound added to them. For further information please contact Jim Alexander, Gift Aid Convener. 25?pence per pound added to them.For further information please contact Jim Alexander, Gift Aid ConvenerLEPROSY MISSIONAs a congregation, we collect used stamps for the Leprosy Mission. Please use the envelope in the vestibule to donate your used stamps.New leprosy collecting boxes are now available in the vestibule along with the summer issue of their magazine. Please take one if you are interested.Elsa Muir.February - May Flower ListDateDonnorDelivererDriver17th FebMiss M DobbinMiss M Dobbin24th FebMrs A BrownMrs A Brown3rd MarMrs J AlexanderMiss J TMcTaggartMrs M Greig10th MarMiss I KayMiss I Kay17th Mar.Mrs E MuirMrs E Muir24th MarMiss I KayMrs J KeenanMrs J Keenan31st MarMrs E DuncanMr T Duncan7th AprMs E CunninghamMrs I CampbellMrs P Cumming14th AprMrs A HorneMrs C BrodieMrs C Brodie21st AprEaster/ committeeMiss E PatonMrs J Caldwell28th AprMiss J McIntoshMrs M RobinsonMiss A Bennet5th MayMrs J HurstMiss M DobbinMiss M Dobbin12th MayMrs S StevensMrs A BrownMrs A Brown19th MayMrs P CaugheyMiss J TMcTaggartMrs M Greig26th MayMiss I KayMiss I KayIf you have an interest in flowers and would be willing to join the weekly rota please contact Alison Bennet Tel No 647 4415 or speak to any of the flower arrangers who are listed below for further details.M Alexander, R Bradley, S Horne, J Keenan, and M Greig.If you wish to make a donation to the Flower Fund this can be placed in the “Flower Boxes” located near the Church doors on a Sunday or if you wish to commemorate a special date please contact Alison Bennet.We thank everyone who contributes to the Church Flowers and our faithful Flower Arrangers listed above. The flowers are very much appreciated by those who attend our services and by those who receive then afterwards.Alison Bennet LINK Excel.OpenDocumentSpreadsheet.12 "C:\\Users\\Stuart\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\LocalState\\Files\\S0\\12717\\Mag1807[12961].ods" "Sheet1!R1C1:R30C7" \a \f 5 \h \* MERGEFORMAT center22733000CHURCH DIRECTORY INTERIM MODERATOR:Rev Jeanne N Roddick B.D.??Tel: 644 1395Greenbank Manse, 38 Eaglesham Road, Clarkston, G76 7DJJRoddick@.ukLOCUMKatie MorrisonMob:?078523738403b / 16 Stockiemuir Avenue, Bearsden, G61 3JLTel:?942 3024SESSION CLERK:Hugh Millarsessionclerk@137 Blairbeth Road, RutherglenTel: 634 4355ROLL KEEPER:Brian Keenan56 Highburgh Drive, RutherglenTel: 647 8828CLERK TO THEAlison G Bennet BOARD3 Drumsargard Road, RutherglenTel: 647 4415TREASURER:Irene Kay15 Ettrick Crescent, RutherglenTel: 316 4235GIFT AID AND W.F.O.James G Alexander CONVENER:9 Jedburgh Avenue, RutherglenTel: 647 0593ORGANIST:Gordon I Callaghan18 Reid Grove, MotherwellTel: 01698 277002CHILD PROTECTIONAlison G BennetCO-ORDINATOR:3 Drumsargard Road, RutherglenTel: 647 4415NEWSLETTERKaren Morris?????? EDITOR:6 Highburgh Drive, Rutherglen, G73 3RZTel: 562 1755 PLEASE NOTE: Anyone wishing to consult the Locum may do so after the Morning Service any Sunday.Intimation of change of address should be given to the Roll Keeper as soon as possible.Website: : : OF ADDRESSTo enable the Congregational Roll to be kept up-to-date would members who have recently, or are about to, change their address please either complete the form below and forward it to our Roll Keeper, Brian Keenan, or telephone him at 0141?647?8828. RUTHERGLEN OLD PARISH CHURCHName ………………………………………….Date …………………………………….is moving fromAddress …………………………………………….…………………………………………….Postcode……………………………………………. Tel. No.……………………………………………. ?? toAddress …………………………………………….…………………………………………….Postcode…………………………………………….Tel. No.…………………………………………….Please forward the completed form to:Brian KeenanRoll Keeper56 Highburgh DriveBurnsideRutherglenG73 3RZ ................

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