Board of Education

[Pages:70]Board of Education


meeting of

June 16, 2009

Aurora Public Schools

1085 Peoria Street Aurora, Colorado 80011


Aurora, CO 80011


June 16, 2009 6:30 p.m.



1. Roll Call



The regular meeting of the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education will convene in the Dr. Edward and Mrs. Patricia Lord Boardroom of Educational Services Center 4. Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education on a specific agenda item are requested to sign up at the table on the south side of the boardroom prior to discussion of the Information and Action Items. Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education on a non-agenda item are requested to sign up and will be provided an opportunity, limited to three minutes, at the beginning of the meeting and, limited to three minutes, at the end of the meeting during Opportunity for Audience.

Please contact the Aurora Public Schools at 303-344-8060, ext. 28988 if, because of a disability, you require special assistance (such as sign language or oral interpreting services) in order to participate in a meeting of the Board of Education. Persons with such needs are requested to make contact at least one week prior to the Board of Education meeting, if possible, in order to allow staff to coordinate arrangements.


The June 16, 2009, agenda is presented for approval.


The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education held on June 2, 2009, are presented for approval.



June 2, 2009, BOE Minutes

June 2, 2009


Cook called the June 2, 2009, meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

Roll Call

The following members were present:

Matt Cook, president Jeanette Carmany, vice president Jane Barber, secretary Peter Cukale, treasurer Judith Edberg, director Mary W. Lewis, director Amy Prince, director

Also meeting with the Board of Education were:

John L. Barry, superintendent of schools Tony Van Gytenbeek, deputy superintendent Rod Weeks, chief financial officer Kari Allen, chief personnel officer William Stuart, chief academic officer Anthony Sturges, chief operating officer Tonia Norman, assistant to Board of Education

Pledge of Allegiance

Cook led the Board and audience in the pledge to the flag. He then welcomed visitors to the meeting. Approval of Agenda

The June 2, 2009, agenda was approved as written.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education held May 19, 2009, were approved as written.

Opportunity for Audience



Reports from the Board of Education

Lewis attended the Gateway service pin ceremony and the end of the year staff awards and recognition program in which teachers and staff who were retiring were recognized. Linda Witulski, principal at Gateway, thanked the custodial staff for all they had done throughout the year. They received a standing ovation from the entire staff.

Lewis was invited to speak at the fifth grade continuation ceremony at Sable along with Ivan Duran, director of instructional technology and former principal at


June 2, 2009

Sable. Duran was excited to see the kids and they were excited to see him. He gave a wonderful speech.

Prince had the pleasure of attending the end of the year breakfast at Rangeview. This is the second time that I have asked to attend the breakfast. I had a very good time, and it gave me the sense that the Rangeview staff is a real family. Remember to invite me when I am no longer a Board member.

Prince serves on the BOCES committee and had an opportunity to attend the commencement ceremony at the Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning. Twenty-three students graduated from the school, and Ted Turner gave the commencement address. Congratulations to all the RMSEL graduates.

Barber attended the service pin ceremony at Pickens Technical College. Pickens also feels like a close community and the ceremony was wonderful. One staff member had just returned to work after having open heart surgery, and the staff gave her a standing ovation. It was very moving.

Barber had an opportunity to sit on a review board for students who wished to be sophomores at William Smith High School. One kid had considered dropping out of school, but was so excited about the program and opportunities at William Smith. The student spoke well and did an excellent presentation. I was very proud of him.

Barber received a course catalog of classes offered at Pickens Technical College and Community College of Aurora that showed the collaboration between the two colleges. It was really wonderful to see.

Cook was privileged to attend the end of the year breakfast and award ceremony at Aurora Central. It was very entertaining and everyone had a great time.

Cook recognized the 55th anniversary of Brown vs. the Board of Education in 1954. As we get ready for another debate in the Supreme Court, it is important for the district and Board to remember where we were just 50 years ago and how far we have come.

Items of Current Interest

Barry congratulated Rangeview High School for being named a "No Place for Hate" by the Anti-Defamation League. We are proud of Rangeview for making a public commitment to foster a respectful environment for all. A special thanks to Rangeview assistant principal Lisa Grosz and Rangeview special education teacher Tara Henderson for their hard work and dedication in organizing the "No Place for Hate" recognition ceremony. The Anti-Defamation League's assistant directors, Paula Brown and Tara Raju, wrote a letter expressing "It was truly a privilege to work with such enthusiastic and gifted professionals like Grosz and Henderson to help create an environment at Rangeview High School where all feel safe and welcomed." It is staff members like Grosz and Henderson who truly make a difference. Barry presented Grosz and Henderson with Superintendent recognition coins.

Congratulations to Columbia Middle School for earning the title of "Aspiring School of Character" from the Foundation for Character Development. Columbia's intentional focus on character development has helped create a school culture that contributes to increased academic achievement and school civility. We are proud of their outstanding efforts in developing the positive


June 2, 2009

character of our students.

On Monday, June 15, Columbia will be presented an award by Commissioner of Education Dwight Jones at the 2009 Colorado State Schools of Character event. It will take place at the Colorado State Capitol in the Old Supreme Court Chambers from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP no later than June 5 by calling 303-410-1522.

Barry presented Carla Stonbraker, assistant principal at Columbia, and Janet Gagnon, school psychologist at Columbia, with Superintendent recognition coins.

Congratulations to APS Director of Finance Adrienne Bradshaw and the entire APS Accounting and Accounts Payable departments for earning the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 25th consecutive year! This award was for the district's comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) and was presented by the Government Finance Officers Association. This represents a significant accomplishment as it is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

These team members have demonstrated a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate the district's financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. We commend this team for all of their hard work. Barry asked Bradshaw to come forward and be recognized by the Board and district leadership.

Congratulations to APS Health and Medicaid Services Coordinator Mary Beth Rensberger for earning the Colorado State School Nurse Administrator of the Year award from the Colorado Association of School Nurses. She will go on to compete for the national award. Her work ethic, management skills and the amount of care she puts into her work is truly commendable. We are proud to have Rensberger as a member of our team and wish her the best of luck for the national recognition. Barry asked Rensberger to come forward and be recognized by the Board and district leadership.

The APS Board of Education and I would like to give a special thanks to the APS School Services department for their exceptional work and efforts in coordinating and organizing this year's commencement ceremonies. Many hours of hard work went into ensuring that our students had a memorable graduation experience. We commend your dedication to our students and are honored to have you as part of our team. Your work does not go unnoticed. Barry asked Barbara Cooper, Bonnie Lavinder, Debi Hunter-Holen, Judy Goos, Ana Sias, Sandy Dayton, Patty Shaw, Joyce De La Rosa and Kathy Zinter to come forward and be recognized by the Board.

Please welcome Littleton Public Schools Public Relations Coordinator Diane Leiker to present the APS communication department with awards they earned from the Colorado School Public Relations Association.

Leiker thanked Superintendent Barry and the APS Board. As a member of the executive board of the Colorado School Public Relations Association, it is my distinct pleasure to present my esteemed colleagues from APS with these awards of excellence from the second annual COSPRA Communications Excellence Awards program. So much of the work of public relations professionals is done quietly, behind the scenes, to support the efforts of students, employees, parents and community members throughout the district. This program recognizes outstanding communications and public relations work


June 2, 2009

by schools, districts, education agencies and associations in every aspect of public relations planning, implementation and evaluation. A panel of public relations professionals from Oklahoma judged this year's entries. They were extremely impressed with the entries and kept a few to use as samples. APS should be very proud of this recognition as its rigorous competition judged your entries against the highest standards in the profession using a rubric based on evidence of research, assessments, analysis, planning, evaluation and results.

Leiker presented Georgia Dur?n, chief communication officer, and Dianne Lewis, coordinator, with three media awards of excellence including:

photography category ? Anatomy in Clay photography category - Ready for School writing category ? Aurora Sentinel back page ads

APS was also awarded four media awards of merit including:

special purpose video category ? APS 2008 Bond and Mill Levy Information Internet/Intranet Web site ? Intranet Marketing Site photography category ? After School Program Skater calendar category ? West Middle School Calendar

The APS communication professionals put forth a true team effort in support of all district functions, and are seen as leaders among their peers in the profession. These awards represent the kind of dedication and excellence that is commonplace in APS.

Cook congratulated the entire communication services team on behalf of the APS Board. They continually make sure that the district looks good and is seen in the best possible light. We appreciate and thank you for all that you do for APS.

VISTA 2010 Update

Cook shared that the Board look at different elements of the VISTA 2010 Strategic Plan at the first meeting of the month to determine how we are progressing on goals and metrics.


Allen chose a slide that highlighted Goal 1: recruit and hire high performing staff and Action 1: develop partnerships with colleges, universities and foundations. We received a grant from the Colorado Department of Education to work with PEBC and the Boettcher Foundation in regard to the Urban Teacher Residency program. The program is modeled after a medical residency program in that after teachers finish school and complete their undergraduate degree, they enter a teacher residency program. Some of the well-known teacher residency programs are located in Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles. We are working with DU and UCD to develop teacher residency programs. The program at DU may be more of an extended undergraduate program with a residency program in the fifth year. The program at UCD would most likely be a post baccalaureate program. These programs are another example of partnership ventures with universities to bring more teachers to APS.


June 2, 2009

Lewis noted the low number of applicants from the Troop for Teachers program and asked if more had applied from the program. Allen replied that there were not a large number of applicants. Most potential teachers are involved in the district's teacher in residence program because they are looking for licensure pathways. There are a number of applicants in the Troops for Teachers program throughout the nation, but we reserve most of our alternative licensing programs for applicants who wish to teach in high need areas. Carmany asked about the Teach for America program. Allen noted that this is another partnership that we have begun in APS and are in the process of reviewing teacher applications for next year. This is another alternative licensure program in which we are looking for candidates who want to teach in high need areas.


Stuart reviewed Goal 1, Objective 1, related to improving student achievement and ensuring APS students receive a well-rounded education. We measure this by perceived reports in regard to how APS art, music and physical education teachers as well as library/media services staff feel supported. One question from our spring staff survey relates to how teachers feel supported in this area. This year our teacher support rating increased from 2.9 percent to 3.3 percent. Our goal is to increase the support rating to 4.0 percent by March 2010.

Initiatives in place to improve overall support for teachers include financial support for the arts from the APS Board of Education and professional learning support in the form of an instructional coordinator for art, music and physical education.


Cooper shared that the community goal selected focuses on Goal 3: increase dialog and cooperation with key local, state, national groups and organizations. It specifically focuses on the task of indentifying youth-oriented programs currently being utilized in APS. In 2007 and 2008, we increased our partnerships by 25 percent. This year, we increased partnerships from 64 percent to 84 percent. We requested that schools list their partnerships with various organizations and were pleased with growth seen. There were approximately 84 partnerships with APS schools that focused on a variety of programs including tutoring, dental services, and the Colorado parent information resource center, CPerk. Next year, we plan to extend this opportunity to various divisions and departments in APS in order to include partnerships that are not reflected, but support APS schools.

Carmany asked if there was a central location on the Web site where the public could access information regarding before and after school programs. Cooper is planning to compile and include a list of partnerships in one place for the public to access. We plan to combine efforts with the city of Aurora so they can access what is happening in APS schools. Information has been compiled on a spreadsheet. Carmany asked if information could be provided to parents at centralized admission offices. Cooper replied yes. Lewis asked if there was a time line to complete the project. Cooper plans to work on the project this summer and information would be listed in a centralized spot for the public to access this fall.


Sturges invited Dan Davis, chief information technology officer, to the staff table



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