Test 1021 MARKETING CLUSTER EXAM - HHH DECA Competition prep

Test 1021



1. One of the main functions of the legal procedure is to

A. establish laws.

C. resolve disputes.

B. enact legislation.

D. regulate business.

2. Jason would like to start a small business which he could operate from his home. His business would not

cost a great deal to start, and he has experience and interest in that type of business. What form of

ownership should he consider?

A. Monopoly

C. Sole proprietorship

B. Partnership

D. Corporation

3. What marketing function is concerned with obtaining information about the preferences, opinions, habits,

trends, and plans of current and potential customers?

A. Selling

C. Marketing-information management

B. Product/Service management

D. Promotion

4. What type of intermediary would purchase baseball bats from one producer, mitts from another, and balls

from still another, and then sell an assortment to sporting goods stores?

A. Retailer

C. Producer

B. Agent

D. Wholesaler

5. Electronic billing, purchase-order verification, bar-code technology, and image processing are examples


A. horizontal channel integration.

C. functions of the finance department.

B. integrated data between channel members. D. vertical channel integration.

6. Branch locations of a business that operate in the same city and target the same customers may

experience __________ channel conflict.

A. community

C. vertical

B. horizontal

D. dominant

7. The systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about problems related to the marketing of

goods and services is known as

A. marketing research.

C. information flow.

B. secondary data.

D. situation analysis.

8. When Jeremy extended his hand toward Hank as they were introduced, Hank said, "Hello, Jeremy," but

he ignored Jeremy's hand and kept his own hands in his pockets. What kind of nonverbal message was

Hank sending?

A. We have a lot in common.

C. I don't want to know you.

B. I am glad to meet you.

D. We have met before.

9. Which of the following is a general guideline for answering the telephone in a businesslike manner: A. Identify the firm or department and yourself B. Address the caller by his/her first name C. Take immediate action on the caller's request D. Record the correct spelling of each caller's name

10. A good example of a casually operated group is a A. football team selecting a strategy or play. B. football team running laps around the field.

C. few players tossing a football during practice. D. few friends talking about football.

11. Businesspeople need to use the correct words in written communication in order to make sure that the

receiver __________ the message.

A. understands

C. accepts

B. agrees with

D. approves of

Copyright ? 2010 by MBA Research and Curriculum Center?, Columbus, Ohio

Test 1021



12. Which of the following is an example of a complimentary close:

A. Enclosure

C. Yours truly

B. To Whom It May Concern

D. Dear Occupant

13. When encouraging the reader to take a specific course of action, persuasive messages are most

effective when the message source demonstrates a high level of

A. credibility.

C. adaptability.

B. inconsistency.

D. objectivity.

14. When staff members wish to discuss problems related to their jobs, they should communicate with

A. their immediate supervisor.

C. the company president.

B. the personnel department.

D. their coworkers.

15. What can you do to project to customers that they are important to the business? A. Use customer names in conversations. B. Stare at customers so they know you are listening. C. Request a supervisor's assistance in resolving problems. D. Speak loudly so that customers can easily hear your responses.

16. Sharon is a customer service representative who spends most of her day on the phone with customers.

Her company prohibits her from eating at her work station so she won't be tempted to eat while talking

with customers. This is an example of a(n) __________ policy.

A. service

C. product

B. employee

D. customer

17. Which of the following is not an action to take in helping the slow/methodical, or analytical, customer:

A. Demonstrate merchandise carefully

C. Summarize benefits of buying now

B. Seek agreement on key selling points

D. Show a large selection of products

18. Determine the type of utility being created in the following situation: A business offers a credit plan to

allow customers to purchase items they want.

A. Price

C. Form

B. Place

D. Possession

19. A Vermont ski shop has not yet received its November shipment of ski supplies. Since the holiday rush is

only days away, you would expect prices of existing stock to

A. decrease.

C. remain the same.

B. increase.

D. fluctuate.

20. Efficient resource use is an advantage of the ________ organizational structure.

A. regional

C. matrix

B. vertex

D. regulated

21. The ultimate goal of a company that redirects its marketing effort to an untapped market segment is to

increase its

A. profit.

C. expenses.

B. prices.

D. output.

22. Stable prices and interdependence are characteristics of a(n)

A. technical monopoly.

C. monopoly.

B. oligopoly.

D. differentiated oligopoly.

23. What is an advantage of specialization of labor? A. Management can rotate jobs. B. It's easier to train workers.

C. Worker dependency increases. D. Jobs may become obsolete.

Test 1021



24. During which phase of a business cycle does the demand for goods and services begin to exceed the

production capacity of the business community?

A. Trough

C. Peak

B. Expansion

D. Contraction

25. The way that businesspeople in different countries behave is based on what is acceptable in their


A. activities.

C. contracts.

B. subcultures.

D. policies.

26. Ultimately, employees with initiative try to further their education to prepare themselves for

A. job advancement.

C. membership in professional organizations.

B. lateral job changes.

D. certification.

27. Accepting blame for failure and credit for success is an indication of a person's

A. initiative.

C. consideration.

B. responsibility.

D. interpersonal skills.

28. An employee who consistently displays a positive attitude is likely to have

A. decreased chances of promotion.

C. increased self-consciousness.

B. difficulty with relationships.

D. increased chances of success.

29. Which of the following is a true statement regarding negative feedback: A. Most negative feedback points out a person's strengths, as well as his/her weaknesses. B. Negative feedback reinforces a message receiver's attitude or behavior. C. The primary purpose of negative feedback is to embarrass the message receiver. D. Negative feedback expresses disapproval about a specific behavior.

30. What should you develop to persuade others to believe what you say?

A. Personal credibility

C. Creativity

B. Nonverbal language

D. Speaking skills

31. Which of the following is an example of using posture to express assertiveness: A. Explaining why you must refuse a request for help B. Raising your eyebrows when you have questions C. Standing up straight when talking to other people D. Frowning when you disagree or disapprove

32. Which of the following is an example of a conflict response mode:

A. Frustration

C. Mediation

B. Avoidance

D. Exclusion

33. Tim and his classmates all feel that their teacher's grading scale is unfair. While everyone else sits

around and grumbles about it, Tim decides to ask his teacher for a meeting to discuss the grading scale.

Which characteristic of a change leader is Tim displaying in this situation?

A. Knows how to coach others

C. Loves to learn new things

B. Persuasive

D. Not afraid to "go for it"

34. Because the United States is made up of people from all parts of the world, it has many different

A. governments.

C. courts.

B. cultures.

D. sanctions.

35. Businesses that offer revolving charge accounts and send customers updated statements showing the

status of their accounts are following which federal law?

A. Equal Credit Opportunity Act

C. Fair Credit Billing Act

B. Truth-in-Lending Act

D. Fair Credit Reporting Act

Test 1021



36. Which of the following statements about understanding your spending habits is true:

A. A key aspect of opening a bank account

C. The first step in creating a financial plan

B. A key aspect in exceeding financial goals D. The last step in creating a financial plan

37. The Chrysler Theater is hosting the road show of "Annie." In which of the following cases would the theater be liable for damages: A. A guest trips on loose carpet in the hallway and sprains an ankle. B. During intermission, one attendee accidentally spills a drink on someone. C. An attendee's car parked in a city lot gets broken into during the performance. D. People complain that the theater-goers in front of them blocked their view of the show.

38. Business managers use accounting information to help them to

A. reduce insurance premiums.

C. calculate excise taxes.

B. allocate their funds.

D. pay labor union dues.

39. A business's buying buildings, vehicles, and equipment is an example of money flowing out in order to


A. products.

C. staples.

B. assets.

D. supplies.

40. Benny's Bike Shop manufactures bicycles for its customers during the year. Benny's purchas es

sprockets from Spikes Sprockets, tires from Tiny's Tires, and frames from Freddie's Frames. The

expense of purchasing these items is known as

A. gross profit.

C. revenue.

B. operating expenses.

D. cost of goods sold.

41. Which of the following is a measure of how well a business generates cash flow:

A. Capital structure

C. Return on capital

B. Accounts receivable

D. Accounts payable

42. Which of the following is a desired characteristic of the format of a particular budget report:

A. Is flexible and unimportant

C. Can change to meet a manager's needs

B. Is standardized and does not change

D. Is unique to each department and manager

43. In what way might a human resources manager be involved in employee benefits? A. Selecting an employee's personal plan options B. Determining eligibility and costs of benefits C. Collecting insurance payments from employees D. Choosing an employee's vacation days

44. A wholesaler breaks down a large shipment of a product and sells portions of it to several retailers. The

wholesaler is reducing a discrepancy of

A. installation.

C. quantity.

B. assortment.

D. promotion.

45. As Justin is cooking, his sister reads the recipe directions to him out loud. Justin isn't sure if she said one teaspoon of vanilla or two. He gives her a puzzled look, and his sister reads the directions again. Which of the following steps for following directions does this situation illustrate: A. Accept responsibility B. Acknowledge directions verbally or nonverbally C. Take notes D. Eliminate distractions

46. Which of the following Internet-based marketing-research methods is most likely to raise an ethical issue

regarding the users' right to privacy:

A. Scan portals

C. Browsers

B. Cookies

D. Banner ads

Test 1021



47. Using a database to track its customers' preferences and buying habits can usually help a business A. build strong, loyal customer relationships. B. obtain additional deductions for its semi-annual tax return. C. reduce unnecessary operational expenses. D. decrease the need for personnel to analyze marketing activities.

48. The observation method of collecting marketing-research data involves

A. surveying consumers by mail.

C. watching what consumers do.

B. test marketing new products.

D. calling consumers on the telephone.

49. Advertisers that use concept testing to obtain feedback from potential customers are conducting

A. focus group analysis.

C. target readership evaluation.

B. primary market research.

D. pretest idea measurement.

50. What do businesses create to help answer the research problem?

A. Objectives

C. Procedures

B. Strategies

D. Activities

51. How might a business use the information in salespeople's lost-business reports that indicates that

customers are dissatisfied with the business's credit policies and service?

A. To identify its target market

C. To revise its marketing strategy

B. To change its operating goals

D. To update its promotional techniques

52. Which of the following is an example of a business developing a code for answers to survey questions in order to process and analyze marketing information: A. Results are tabulated according to date received.

B. Questions are numbered in chronological order. C. Each survey contains an identification number. D. Each answer has a specific numeric value.

53. In addition to the wording on a questionnaire being clear, the wording should be

A. ambiguous and complex.

C. concise and objective.

B. complex and concise.

D. objective and adaptable.

54. Because of customer requests, a business decides to reorder a product that it had stopped selling. The

business is using the

A. distribution process.

C. production process.

B. promotional-mix concept.

D. marketing concept.

55. The XYZ Corporation has set a goal to increase profitability by 15% within the next two years. To achieve

that goal, the corporation has decided to open a new location. This strategy is the corporation's

A. plan of action.

C. type of risk.

B. marketing mix.

D. financial plan.

56. Which of the following is an example of an external change that could affect a business's sales forecast: A. A new sales rep has been hired to develop the company's territory in Texas. B. The population of a town increases when a new hospital opens in the community. C. The company plans to modify its approach to mailing catalogs to customers. D. A company plans to raise prices on its products.

57. Managing information regarding copyrights and trademarks helps a company to preserve its

A. identity.

C. correspondence.

B. inventory.

D. customers.

58. The scope of the Internet can be described as A. regional. B. secure.

C. worldwide. D. proprietary.


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