CHAPTER 10 Interpersonal Skills - South Lake Marketing



Chapter 10 provides an overview of the key personal traits, interpersonal skills, and elements of teamwork that facilitate job success.


Discuss with students how people living longer, traveling more often, and communicating more easily affect the work-force. There has never been a more diverse workplace or marketplace. Inform students that it is important for workers to receive training to handle the changing environment.

C H A P T E R 10

Interpersonal Skills

Chapter Objectives

After reading this chapter, you should be able to: ? Recognize the personal traits necessary for

ethical action in the workplace ? Identify important interpersonal skills ? Perform effectively in diverse environments ? Manage conflict by using appropriate

negotiation skills ? Discuss how to receive and handle

customer complaints ? Identify skills needed to be a good team

member and provide leadership ? Name six aspects of successful



Market Talk Lead a discussion about interpersonal skills. According to students, what are good interpersonal skills? Have them give examples from their experiences, touching on relationships with people of different ages, genders, cultures, and other backgrounds.

Quick Think Students might talk to others who conduct business in that country or contact someone in the embassy.

Ask students to describe the qualities of three people who they think demonstrate good interpersonal skills.


Recognize the personal traits necessary for ethical action in the workplace. honesty, respect, fairness and equity Identify important interpersonal skills. a positive self-image, understanding the rules of acceptable behavior, and awareness of the different cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds of those with whom you work Perform effectively in diverse environments. Learning about others' interests


Market Talk Good interpersonal skills

help employees establish relationships with coworkers and clients. In the diverse marketplace, good interpersonal skills are highly valued. They enable people to work effectively with people of different cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Quick Think If you were assigned to travel

to another country on business, how would you prepare for your interactions with your counterparts there?


Rayes/Getty Images

and experiences helps you understand them better. Good workplace relationships are based on mutual understanding. Manage conflict by using appropriate negotiation skills. Negotiation involves two communication skills: listening, and speaking. Discuss how to receive and handle customer complaints. Listen, take the customer aside, repeat, get help, and establish a plan. Identify skills needed to be a good team member and provide leadership. Make the team's goals

your top priority. Listen actively and offer suggestions. Build positive group dynamics with team members. Continue to communicate with team members outside meetings. Follow up on assignments. Work to resolve conflicts among team members. Respect the members of your team. Try to inspire others to get involved. Name six aspects of successful teamwork. training, team planning, team goals, assigning roles, agreements, and shared responsibility/shared leadership


DECA Events These acronyms represent DECA competitive events that involve concepts in this chapter:










Performance Indicators The performance indicators represent key skills and knowledge. Relating them to the concepts explained in this chapter is your key to success in DECA competitive events. Keep this in mind as you read, and write notes when you find material that helps you master a key skill. In these DECA competitive events, you should follow these performance indicators:

? Develop cultural sensitivity ? Foster positive working relationships ? Participate as a team member ? Handle difficult customers ? Handle customer/client complaints ? Set personal goals

The events with an asterisk also include:

? Use appropriate assertiveness ? Maintain positive attitude ? Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm ? Demonstrate responsible behavior ? Demonstrate honesty and integrity ? Demonstrate initiative ? Demonstrate ethical work habits ? Demonstrate self-control ? Demonstrate problem-solving skills ? Demonstrate orderly and systematic behavior ? Explain the use of feedback for personal growth

ROLE PLAY Check your understanding of DECA performance indicators with the DECA activity in this chapter's review. For more information and DECA Prep practice, go to the Marketing Essentials OLC through .

Chapter 10 -- Interpersonal Skills 217


For the Teacher TeacherWorksTM Plus Teacher Resources at Interactive Chalkboard ExamView? Assessment Suite Fast File Unit 10

For the Student

Marketing Essentials Online Edition Student Activity Workbook Marketing Math Workbook Marketing Research Project Workbook School-to-Career Activity Workbook Competitive Events Workbook Business Reader with Case Studies Interactive Student Edition Student Resources at

Discuss the performance indicators for the DECA events listed, so that students understand how to demonstrate their understanding. The event acronyms stand for: AAM: Apparel and Accessories Marketing

Series ADC: Advertising Campaign Event ASM: Automotive Services Marketing

Series BSM: Business Services Marketing Series EMDM: E-Commerce Management Team

Decision Making Event FMAL: Food Marketing Series, AL FMDM: Financial Analysis Management

Team Decision Making Event FMML: Food Marketing Series, ML FSRM: Full Service Restaurant Manage-

ment Series HMDM: Hospitality Services Management

Team Decision Making Event HRR: Hospitality and Recreation Market-

ing Research Event MMS: Marketing Management Series QSRM: Quick Serve Restaurant Manage-

ment Series RFSM: Restaurant and Food Service

Management Series RMS: Retail Merchandising Series SEM: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Series SMDM: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Management Team Decision Making Event TMDM: Travel and Tourism Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event TSE: Technical Sales Event

Find timed DECA Prep activities correlated to the Competitive Events Workbook for students and DECA tips for teachers at the Marketing Essentials OLC through .




To prepare for reading this section, have students talk about times they have worked as part of a team. As a class, make a list of skills needed to work in a group. The list should include, but not be limited to, the list of key terms. Ask students to provide an example of each skill being utilized.



KEY TERMS Read the key terms aloud, or ask a volunteer to read them. Ask students to use each term in a sentence. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Refer students to the OLC through for the Academic Vocabulary Glossary before they read the section.


Model using the graphic organizer for students. Tell students to go to the OLC through for a printable graphic organizer.


NCLB connects academic

L correlations to book content.



Personal Strengths and Interpersonal Skills



Connect List five ways your interpersonal skills have helped you form relationships.

OBJECTIVES ? Recognize the personal traits D

necessary for ethical action in the workplace ? Identify important interpersonal skills ? Perform effectively in diverse environments ? Manage conflicts by using appropriate negotiation skills


? self-esteem

? initiative

? time management ? assertiveness

? flexibility

? ethics

? equity

? negotiation

? empathy





You will find these words in your B

reading and on your tests. Make

sure you know their meanings.

? perceive ? demonstrate


Self-development and interpersonal skills are essential to handling work situations effectively among diverse people.


Draw this chart to list personality traits and interpersonal skills.

Personal Traits

Friendliness, courtesy, tact

Go to the OLC through for printable graphic organizers, Academic Vocabulary definitions, and more.


English Language Arts NCTE 3 Apply strategies to interpret texts.

Science NSTA Content Standard F Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: personal and community health

Evaluate Yourself Make a list of personal traits you need for building relationships.

Building Good Relationships

Successfully interacting with others and developing good human relations depends on many factors. A positive selfimage, understanding the rules of acceptable behavior, and awareness of the different cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds are some of these factors.




Lead students in finding examples of ways interpersonal skills have helped them form friendships. Answers might include compassion, encouragement, and exibility.

D Develop Concepts

THE MAIN IDEA Ask a volunteer to read the main idea aloud and ask another student to retell it in his or her own words.

Tell students to keep their lists of personal traits and take note of which ones appear in the section. Ask students what they can do to improve their traits. 218

Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is how you perceive yourself. Self-esteem is how you perceive your worth or value as a person. It is one of the basic building blocks of successfully interacting with others. Having self-esteem is important because it allows you to believe in yourself and improves your attitude at work.

How do you demonstrate self-esteem in the workplace? When you value yourself and know how you would like to be treated, it allows you to treat others the same way--with respect, friendliness, and patience. Another way you show self-esteem is in your work habits and grooming. Dressing appropriately and behaving in a confident yet courteous way shows that you respect yourself and your work. Arriving at work on time shows that you value yourself as a professional.

Setting goals for your career and personal development is an aspect of self-awareness and self-esteem. You cannot get anywhere if you do not know where you are headed.


People who exercise self-control take careful, measured steps and do not act on impulse or emotion. Self-control in the workplace allows you to stop and analyze a situation before reacting to it. This is important when handling conflict. Self-control and orderly behavior inspire confidence in customers and in coworkers. People who cannot control themselves tend to be perceived as overly emotional, irresponsible, inattentive, and uninterested in the customer. They are not likely to be taken seriously.


Creativity is the ability to use the imagination to invent. Creativity is used in marketing

to think of new products and to develop new CC

ways to present products. It also allows you to find new ways of doing your job. Creativity can help you analyze problems from a new and fresh perspective.

Analyze Why is self-esteem important in the workplace?

Time Management

Time management means budgeting

Positive Attitude

your time to accomplish tasks on a certain

Your attitude is your mental outlook, schedule. Time management principles in-


which shapes the way you view people and volve establishing goals, setting deadlines, situations. People with a positive attitude wel- allocating enough time for each task, tackling

U come a difficult assignment as a challenge. the most difficult task first, and being realistic.

They look for something positive even when In order to be effective in your work, you must

they experience setbacks. They also accept be able to use time wisely. Managing time well

constructive criticism as a way to improve.

is an example of responsible behavior. To man-

Initiative and Responsibility

Initiative means taking action and doing what needs to be done without being asked. If you come up with a new idea, initiative allows you to act on it. Initiative shows enthusiasm.

Accepting responsibility means being will-

age your time, follow these guidelines:


1. Make a list of the tasks you need to


2. Determine which task is most important

considering the time frame you have.

3. Continue to rank the tasks.

4. Create a schedule based on your list.

ing to be held accountable for your actions.

When you are working on one task, do

After taking the initiative to begin a job, you not let yourself worry about another one. You

must accept responsibility for completing it. may, however, be able to work on more than

Employers and customers value responsible one job at a time. Managing multiple tasks at

employees because they fulfill their promises. once is called multitasking.

Chapter 10 -- Interpersonal Skills 219

S Skill Practice

Time Management Ask students to look up the keywords time management in a search engine online. Have them nd out what online services are available to help users manage their time and what strategies are used. Ask: Do you think such strategies would be helpful to you at home, at work, and at school? Have students share their responses in class.



Discussion Starter


Create a List Ask students to consider the following scenario: As a member of a start-up marketing company, make a list of skills you would want your boss to have. Then make a list of skills you would want your employees to have. Ask students to justify their responses and discuss the similarities and differences between their lists.

Clarify Let students know that interpersonal means between persons or involving relations between persons. In contrast, intrapersonal means existing within one's mind or self. Have students form small groups and discuss the difference.

Answer Self-esteem

allows you to successfully interact with others, believe in yourself, and improve your attitude at work.

R Reading Strategy

Understand Ask students how a positive attitude can lead to success.

U Universal Access

Verbal Learning Have students go to your local library and obtain recordings that encourage positive thinking on CD, MP3, or cassette. Have them choose a portion to share with the class.

C Critical Thinking

Drawing Conclusions

Analyze Ask students: How can a person develop creativity? Answers might include trying new activities and surrounding oneself with creative people.


Jeff Greenberg/PhotoEdit



R Reading Strategy

Guided Practice

Explain Preview the following words by reading them in context. Ask students to explain what each word means and use it in a sentence. ? anxiety

the state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may happen ? mechanism the working parts of a larger system ? hormone an organic or synthetic substance that triggers a speci c effect in the body

D Develop Concepts

Guided Practice

Stress Management Inform students that many companies offer employees massage therapy, yoga, and other forms of stress relief. Such activities can cost considerable time and money. Ask students to give reasons why a company might be willing to accept the cost. Healthy and happy workers are more productive, and these stress-relieving incentives may increase company loyalty.

Demonstrate Lead students through a relaxation technique such as deep breathing or visualizing. Explain Point out to the class that pressure is not always bad. Tell students that pressure situations should be looked at as challenges, and that they can be occasions to succeed and learn. Ask them to share examples of how pressure contributed to success from their own lives.

?CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Creativity enables you to

find new ways of doing things. It is a valuable trait to have in many different kinds of work.

What applications does creativity have in marketing?

Stress Management

Stress is a reaction to outside pressure. It can be mental or physical. An example of mental stress might be your reaction if your boss asked you to produce a ten-page research report on competing products by 9:00 A.M. the next day--when you had tickets to a game. Stress can energize, motivate, and excite us. The negative aspects of stress, though, are

R often harmful. Stress-related anxiety triggers

the fight-or-flight mechanism in our bodies. Although this reaction may keep us alive in an emergency, it becomes dangerous when it occurs too often.

New research suggests that a hormone released by bodies under stress suppresses the immune system. Highly stressed people catch colds and flu more often than those who can handle or relieve their stress. Learning to manage stress is a valuable workplace skill.

Stress Relief Researchers who have studied stress agree

that three main elements help prevent stress: regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep. They also suggest engaging in recreation, making reasonable compromises, and accept-

ing what you cannot change. When you are D

dealing with stress away from work, try getting a massage or watching a television program or movie. Getting involved in activities you enjoy, such as sports, reading, or listening to music, is a good way to relieve stress. Helping someone in need can help relieve stress by putting things in perspective.


Assertiveness is standing up for what you believe. People will respect you if you can be assertive without being pushy or aggressive. Show confidence and speak with authority.



Discussion Lead a discussion about creativity on the job. Ask students if they think creativity is

something that employers can look for when they hire people or if it is a skill that can be acquired. Have students explain their answers. Caption Answer Creativity can be used to develop approaches, ideas, and slogans that are new, clever, and catchy. It can also help in problem solving.

Ask students why individuals might be reluctant to be creative at work. Answers might include that they might be afraid to fail or be criticized. Ask students what they think about this type of working environment.



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