Developmental Profile Summary of Findings - Child …

Desired Results Developmental Profile Summary of Findings

Agency/Center: __ABC Preschool________________ Planners: _____Ms. Roberts, Director____________________

Classroom/Family (Name and Position)

Child Care Home: ___Classroom #10_(3 - 4 yr olds)__

Contract Type: ___CPRE 555-555_____________ _ ______Ms. Gonzalez, Lead Teacher_____________

Planning Date: ____11/15/2006______________ ___ (Name and Position)

Follow-up Date: ____04/18/2007_______________ __

Use as many sheets as necessary to list all of the key findings.

|Key Findings from Developmental Profile |Action Steps |Expected Completion Date and |Follow-Up |

| |(Including materials and training needed, schedule, space and supervision |Persons Responsible |(Changes made, |

| |changes) | |date completed, |

| | | |time extended) |

| |Materials/Space: |Materials/Space: | |

|18 out of 24 children had an average rating of Not |-Purchase additional materials and supplies to support curriculum: books, |December 2006 | |

|Yet at First Level and Exploring in Social |furniture, games, music |Ms. Gonzalez | |

|Interpersonal Skills. | | | |

| |Training/Schedule: |Training/Schedule: | |

| |-“Kids from the Inside Out” Training; “ |April 2007 | |

| |-Purchase and plan workshops with “Loving Guidance” Training Resource |Mr. Roberts | |

| |Materials |Ms. McBride | |

| |Materials/Space: |Materials/Space: | |

|14 out of 24 children had an rating of Not Yet at |-Rearrange space for increasing areas for art, clothing and work for |April 2007 | |

|First Level and Exploring in Self Regulation. |small groups and individual. | | |

| |ensure |Training Schedule: | |

| | |April 2007 | |

| |Training/Schedule |Ms. Wu | |

| |-Provide Social-Emotional Development Training for all staff |Mr. Badijan | |

| |Materials/Space: |Materials/Space: | |

|12 out of 24 children had a rating of Not Yet at |-Integrate books, posters, signs, print and writing tools in all interest |January 2007 | |

|First Level and Exploring in Literacy. |centers in the classroom. |Ms. Gonzalez | |

| |- Purchase Early Literacy curriculum |Ms. Wu | |

| |Training/Schedule | | |

| |-Provide training in early literacy through CPIN resources, trainings, and|Training Schedule: | |

| |website: |June 2007 | |

| |- Establish mentors for early literacy. |Mr. Badijan | |

Directions for Completing the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) Summary of Findings

At the Classroom/Family Child Care Home Level

• Fill out the information at the top of the page.

Key Findings from Developmental Profile

• Review the DRDP Group Data Summary document.

• Identify developmental and/or curricular trends (key findings) based on the group or individual profile information.

• Write all of the key findings in this column. Use as many sheets as necessary to list all of the key findings for the children in the classroom or family child care home.

Action Steps

• Develop action steps around the key findings.

• Include needed training, materials, schedules, space, and supervision changes.

• Write the action steps in this column.

Expected Completion Date and Persons Responsible

• Determine when you expect to complete the action steps and insert the appropriate dates in this column.

• Identify the person(s) who will take leadership.


• List any modifications that need to be made as a result of what you found as you monitored the action steps through the year.

• Record any recommended or needed follow up in order to complete the action steps.

( List any changes and expected completion dates.

At the Program Level

• Examine all of your individual classroom or family child care home DRDP Summaries of Findings. Look for trends or patterns that identify strengths and weaknesses. Complete an agency-level DRDP Summary of Findings by contract. The agency-level DRDP Summary of Findings is used to complete the annual Program Action Plan.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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