TAKS Study Guide

STAAR Review Packet

Scientific Processes

Laboratory Safety

1. When doing an experiment involving acids, what is the first thing you must do before you begin the lab? ____________________________________________________________________

2. Name 3 pieces of safety equipment you should use. _________________________________

3. What should you do if you spill the acid? __________________________________________

Scientific Methods

Read the following scenario.

A fire destroyed a large forest. The forest rangers want to test how different types of grasses affect soil erosion in the forest. They chose five plots of ground that are the same size. These plots receive the same amount of sun. They also have the same type of soil. The rangers plant each plot with a different type of grass. Measurements of soil erosion in centimeters are made every week for the entire summer.

4. What is the problem that the forest rangers are testing? ________________________________

5. What is the independent variable (the variable being manipulated by the rangers)? ___________

6. What is the dependent variable (the variable that the rangers expect will respond to the conditions of the experiment)? ____________________________________________________________

7. Name at least 3 variables are the rangers controlling in this experiment.



8. Below is a partial table of the data collected by the rangers. What type of graph would you use? _____________________________

|Plot # |Amount of erosion each week measured in centimeters |

| |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |

|A |6 |4 |5 |7 |

|B |3 |2 |3 |3 |

|C |4 |5 |4 |5 |

9. Sketch the graph below. Make sure to label the axes with the appropriate units. .


10. Which hypothesis would be correct for this study by the rangers?

A. Some types of grasses reduce soil erosion more than others.

B. Soil erosion is affected by the slope of the land.

C. Burned over areas have greater soil erosion than forested areas.

D. Planting grasses will reduce the amount of erosion.

11. Write a conclusion based on the data above for the rangers.





16.This is a model to show how water flows in nature. List all of the limitations of this model.


17. List all of the equipment that would be needed to measure the boiling point of a liquid.


18. A microscope would be the best tool for gathering what type of data?


19. What is a barometer used for? ___________________ an anemometer? _____________________

20. What equipment would be needed if you were testing water samples at the creek?



Read each piece of equipment and record the measurement. Don’t forget to include the units.


[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

26. For a class presentation, Reggie dropped a rubber ball from different heights and recorded the number of bounces made by the ball before it came to rest. The data is displayed in the scatterplot below.

27. The table above shows the densities of dried samples of common types of wood. A 750 ml sample of dry live oak wood has a mass of 660 g. How does the density of the live oak sample compare to the densities of the other woods in the table?

A. Live oak is less dense than cypress, ash, and maple.

B. Live oak is more dense than cypress but less dense than ash or maple.

C. Live oak is more dense than ash and cypress but less dense than maple.

D. Live oak is more dense than cypress, ash, and maple.


1. Define Matter: _____________________________________________________________________

2. List 3 physical properties of matter: a. b. c.

3. What is the main indicator of a chemical change? _______________________________________

4. List 3 indicators of a chemical reaction: a. b. c.

5. Chemical or physical?

a. silver tarnishing b. water boiling c. mixing Koolaid

d. tea dissolving e. condensation f. evaporation

g. oxidation h. baking a cake

6. List the states of matter. Is changing states of matter a chemical or physical change? How do you know?

7. List 3 examples of a physical change: a. b. c.

8. Are mixtures and solutions chemical changes?

9. What happens to the particles of matter when ice melts and then evaporates?

10. What happens to the particles of matter when water vapor condenses and then freezes?

11. Which takes longer to heat up- land or water? Why?

12. How are elements arranged on the Periodic Table (be specific-metals, nonmetals, metalloids):

13. Which elements on the Periodic Table have similar chemical properties?

14. List 2 elements that share chemical properties:

15. Explain A=P=E M-A=N

16. What is the charge of: Protons? Neutrons? Electrons?

17. Label the parts of this Fluorine element. 18. Draw a Bohr Model for Fluorine.

19. How many valence electrons does Fluorine have?

20. What is the compound formula for water?

21. Using the formula for hydrogen peroxide answer the following questions: 3H2O2

a. How many elements are there? b. How many atoms of Hydrogen?

c. How many atoms of Oxygen? d. How many molecules?

22. Circle the products and put a square around the reactants in the following chemical equation:

2NaCl + F2 ( 2NaF +2Cl

23. How many valence electrons do each of the Groups contain?

a. Group 1 b. Group 2 c. Group 16 d. Group 18

24. Which Group is most reactive? ________ Which group is least reactive? ________

25. Which of the following groups of elements from the periodic table contains only metals?

A. Group 12 B. Group 14 C. Group 16 D. Group 18

26. Based on the periodic table, which of the following elements has properties most like neon’s?

A. Hydrogen (H) B. Fluorine (F) C. Krypton (Kr) D. Sodium (Na)


27. During cell respiration, sugar (C6H12O6) reacts to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Which of the following best explains what happens during cell respiration?

A. Single atoms are formed into different elements.

B. Atoms are rearranged into different compounds.

C. A molecule is broken down into its pure elements.

D. Two elements are formed into one compound.


28. Plants use the sun’s energy to make food through photosynthesis. This chemical process is written as the chemical equation shown above. Which of the following lists the three elements that make up the compounds in this equation?

A. Chlorophyll, carbon, hydrogen C. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen

B. Carbon, sunlight, oxygen D. Water, oxygen, hydrogen

29. Which of the following equations show the law of conservation of mass and represent a balanced chemical equation? (SHOW YOUR WORK)

a. N2 + 2 H2 ( 2 NH3 yes or no

b. 2 KClO3 ( 2 KCl + 3 O2 yes or no

c. 2Na + 2H2O ( 2NaOH + H2 yes or no

d. 2HCl + CaCO3 ( CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 yes or no


1. What is a force?

2. What is the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?

3. Where can you find the formula for force? _______________ What is it? __________

4. What is the unit for force?

5. Jenny has a mass of 800 grams. Jenny was given a push on roller skates by Tara. The rate of acceleration for Tara’s push was 50 m/s2. What was the force required to push Jenny? Show your work.

6. Define work:

7. What is the unit for work? What is the formula?

8. A box needs to be lifted to the top of a building which is 50 meters high. It requires 100 N of force to lift the box. How much work does this take?

9. Define energy:

10. What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

11. Draw a picture of a rollercoaster and label where there is the most potential energy and also where there is the most kinetic energy.

12. Explain what MR. SCENT stands for and give a brief description for each type of energy:

13. What energy transformation takes place during photosynthesis?

14. What energy transformation takes place from a wind farm to an electrical plant?

15. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

16. List 2 examples of renewable energy sources.

17. What are non-renewable energy sources? Give an example and explain the problem with them.

18. Explain the direction each box will move:

19. Where can you find the formula for speed? What is it?

20. What is the unit for speed?

21. List the 3 types of acceleration- a. b. c.


26. On a road trip to Nashville the tour bus traveled a total of 2500 km in 5 hours. What was the average speed for the road trip? Show your work!



31. What are Newton’s Three Laws. Give an example of each.




Earth Science- Space

1. Define Universe:

2. What is the main piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory for the Origin of the Universe?

3. List the components of the Universe from smallest to largest starting with stars and ending with universe.

4. How do scientists classify stars?

5. What temperature is a red star? A blue star?


8. Why do we have seasons?

9. Illustrate the summer and winter seasons (using the Sun in the middle) for the Northern Hemisphere.

10. How is day length determined?

11. What is a light year? What does it measure?

12. Draw and label the 3 types of galaxies.

13. What type of galaxy is our Milky Way Galaxy?

14. How long does it take to go through the lunar cycle?

15. The Sun is always closest to which moon phase?

16. Use the “T-method” to draw and label each phase of the moon.

• [pic]

17. How long does it take to go from a new moon to a full moon?

18. How long is it between a 1st quarter moon and a Full Moon?


Earth Science

1. What are renewable resources? Give 2 examples.

2. What are nonrenewable resources? Give 2 examples.

3. List and describe 5 renewable energy sources:






4. What is the difference between surface water and groundwater?

5. What is a watershed?

6. What is an aquifer? What happens if we pump too much water out?

7. Draw a picture of the water cycle including the following terms: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, groundwater.

8. Explain one way that humans negatively affect the water cycle:

9. What processes does it take to form an igneous rock?

10. What processes does it take to form a sedimentary rock?

11. What processes does it take to form a metamorphic rock?

12. Give 2 examples for how catastrophic events can change the Earth’s surface.



13. What is the theory for how dinosaurs became extinct?

14. What are the 2 main factors that affect climate?

15. How do oceans affect the temperature of nearby land? What does this do to the overall climate of the area?

16. The land located next to cold ocean currents will be _________ and the land located next to warm currents flow will be ___________.

17. What is El Niño and what effects can it have?

18. How does global warming affect the ocean temperatures and our weather?

19. What factors affect weather?

20. Pressure flows from _________ to ___________.

21. How do convection currents form? Illustrate also.

22. List 5 types of evidence supporting the theory of continental drift.

a. b. c. d. e.

23. How does the age of rocks prove that sea-floor spreading is occurring?

24. Illustrate subduction.

25. With arrows show how the plates move and label the following plate boundaries: Transform, Divergent and Convergent.

26. List 2 things formed at Transform Boundaries

27. List 3 things formed at Divergent Boundaries.

28. List 3 things formed at Convergent Boundaries.

29. Explain how humans can change Earth’s features:

30. How do gradual processes like rivers flowing change the surface of the land?

31. How do weathering, erosion, and deposition affect the Earth?

|Hardness |Mineral |

|1 |Talc |

|2 |Gypsum |

|3 |Calcite |

|4 |Fluorite |

|5 |Apatite |

|6 |Orthoclase |

|7 |Quartz |

|8 |Topaz |

|9 |Corundum |

|10 |Diamond |


33. Which of the following processes is occurring when rainwater dissolves volcanic rock?

A. Folding C. Erosion

B. Deposition D. Faulting

34. Evidence suggests that dinosaurs became extinct when a large meteorite struck in the area of the Yucatán Peninsula. Scientists hypothesize that this enormous impact killed all the dinosaurs, even those on the other side of Earth, because the —

A. debris thrown into the atmosphere blocked sunlight

B. heat flash from the impact immediately vaporized all life-forms

C. impact blasted the atmosphere surrounding Earth into space

D. intense heat completely boiled away the oceans

35. Nitrogen fertilizer is often added to soil to increase the growth of crops. Which of these nearby ecosystems would most likely be harmed by the use of nitrogen fertilizer?

A Forest

B Pond

C Park

D Meadow







Life Science

1. Label the parts of the animal cell below. 2. Label the parts of the plant cell below.


3. What are the main differences between plant and animal cells?

4. List the level of organization for life from smallest to largest:

5. Fill out the Key words and Function for each body system below.

|System |Structures (Key Words) |Function |

| | | |

|Digestive | | |

| | | |

|Circulatory | | |

| | | |

|Respiratory | | |

| | | |

|Excretory | | |

| | | |

|Immune | | |

| | | |

|Skeletal | | |

| | | |

|Muscular | | |

| | | |

|Nervous | | |

| | | |

|Integumentary | | |

| | | |

|Endocrine | | |

6. Give an example for how the circulatory and respiratory systems work together.

7. Give an example for how the digestive and muscular systems work together.

8. Give an example for how the immune and circulatory systems work together.

9. Give an example for how the endocrine and circulatory systems work together.

10. Define homeostasis:

11. Give 5 examples for how the body tries to maintain homeostasis:

a. b. c. d. e.

12. Define and illustrate the difference between high and low turgor pressure.

13. How does composting work?

14. What is an ecosystem? What is a niche?

15. List 3 ways organisms adapt to help themselves survive.

a. b. c.

16. Humans contribute to the extinction of species through habitat destruction. List 6 ways human contribute to species extinction.

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

17. What do the arrows in food webs and food chains represent?

18. Explain how you know which organism is eating which.

19. Define producers and give examples:

20. Define consumers and give examples:

21. Define decomposers and give examples:

22. Explain the process of primary ecological succession.

23. What is the difference between primary and secondary ecological succession?


25. What part of the cell contains the genetic material?

26. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?

27. How do organisms depend on abiotic and biotic factors to survive?

28. What happens when two species in the same environment occupy the same niche?

29. How are habitat resources affected by competition?

30. How does energy flow in a food chain and food web?

31. Within a given food web, what are the primary producers and the primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers?

32. What are examples of predator/prey relationships and parasite/host relationships found within a food web?

33. What are examples of primary producers and primary and secondary consumers within a marine and freshwater food web?

34. What are examples of primary producers and primary and secondary consumers within a terrestrial food web?

35. What is a mutation?

36. Define natural selection and give an example:

37. Give an example of an adaptation:

38. Explain and give examples for the differences between learned behaviors and inherited traits:




41. During primary ecological succession, the initial formation of soil helps establish —

A. grasses

B. mushrooms

C. shrubs

D. trees



12. Look at the topographic map to the left. What is the contour interval? ____________

13. What is the length of the river? _______

14. What is the elevation of the peak? (give both the min. and max. possible values of the peak? ______________________________


15. How do you know this is a mountain and not a lake? __________________________




1cm = 1 km








Based on the data in this scatterplot, predict the number of bounces that the ball will make if Reggie drops it from a height of 10 feet.

A. Between 27 and 30

B. Between 30 and 34

C. Between 34 and 39

D. Between 39 and 45





24. Explain the motion AND calculate the speed for each of the following segments:

a. A-B

b. C-D

c. H-I

d. What is the Average Speed from A-C?

22. What will be the distance traveled after 60 minutes?

23. What is the average speed of the car?

25. What is the difference between Object A and Object B?


27. At which point along the baseball’s flight path is its potential energy greatest?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

28. In the diagram shown above, which of the following does the pulley system change?

A. The amount of work done

B. The direction of force used

C. The amount of force used

30. Javelinas need strong leg muscles to help provide enough force for them to accelerate to high speeds. This fast movement can help javelinas escape from predators and reach the safety of the pack. If a javelina runs 42 m in 6 s, what is its average speed?

A. 6 m/s

B. 7 m/s

C. 48 m/s

D. 252 m/s

29. Which of the following is the best example of an object with only potential energy?


6. Classify the Sun according to its temperature, magnitude, color and type.

7. Which type of stars are the most common?

What is the pattern between their brightness and temperature?

19. At which latitude can the sun be visible for 24 hours straight in June?

A. Arctic Circle

B. Tropic of Cancer

C. Equator

D. Tropic of Capricorn

Both gypsum and limestone are minerals. Limestone has about the same hardness as calcite. A mineral’s hardness can be determined from how easily it is scratched by another mineral. In a hardness test, what result will show the difference between gypsum and limestone?

A. Fluorite scratches limestone and gypsum.

B. Gypsum scratches talc.

C. Limestone scratches talc.

D. Calcite scratches gypsum.

36. The diagram to the right models decomposition. In nature dead material is broken down by decomposers, enriching the soil. A gardener can speed up this decomposition process by creating a compost pile. As the material in the compost pile decomposes —

A. the amount of gases decreases

B. the materials are kept dry

C. heat is produced

D. compounds produce light

37. In the diagram to the right, what are two main factors that affect where groundwater becomes surface water?

A. The number of wells and the temperature of the water

B. The height of the water table and the height of the ground surface

C. The force of the water and pressure from the atmosphere

D. The direction of the wind and the direction of the stream’s flow

38. In the diagram to the right, which human activity most likely contributed to the rapid increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) after 1930?

A. The burning of fossil fuels

B. The extinction of animal species

C. The destruction of natural wetlands

D. The planting of additional farm crops

39. Which of these activities could most likely lead to the extinction of this species of duck?

A. Planting long-stemmed grasses along banks of rivers

B. Building dams across low areas to catch rainwater

C. Removing trees from shallow lake areas

D. Draining ponds to develop land for other uses

40. Prairie grass may be better at preventing erosion than wheat is because the prairie grass roots are able to —

A. use more mineral nutrients

B. hold more soil in place

C. absorb more water

D. grow more slowly

41. Which of these air masses would probably contain the most moisture?

A. Q

B. R

C. S

D. T


24. If all of the mice are killed what will happen to the:

• Snakes

• Owls

• Plants and Seeds

39. The coastal live oak and the gray oak are related species that grow in the areas shown on the map to the right. The two species grow in different regions of Texas probably because they —

A. have different leaf shapes

B. are eaten by different consumers

C. are adapted to different environments

D. grow to different heights

40. The fungi shown in the picture to the right are decomposers. Decomposers are an important part of an ecosystem because they —

A. produce oxygen

B. provide food for carnivores

C. break down dead organisms

D. convert sunlight to food energy

42. Which activity supplies the force that maintains blood pressure in the human circulatory system?

A. Blood passing through the lungs

B. Blood flowing out to the capillaries

C. The kidneys filtering waste from blood

D. The heart pumping blood through vessels


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