A note card is a fl at or folded card with no pre-printed ...



Note cards

Ida Woldemichael

A note card is a flat or folded card with no pre-printed greeting. You can make your own note cards with simple materials and techniques. Use personal imagery such as digital photographs, or invent your own decorative patterns. After all, you know your subject better than Hallmark. Note cards are worth keeping, they never get dated, and they can fit almost any occasion. The inspiration for a great design may be right in your home.

a set of note cards makes a great gift. The cards in a set can have the same design and colors, or they can include a variety of designs in coordinating or contrasting colors. Individual cards can be cut out of a larger pattern. Design your own pattern or use vintage wallpaper, wrapping paper, or fabric. To package a set of note cards, make a belly band from paper to hold the set together, or put them in a box or clear cellophane envelope.

photo cards 1. Print a background design and message for your card. The card above is screenprinted.

2. Create a clipping path of your favorite digital or scanned photo. 3. Print the photo on sticker paper, trim, and adhere to the card. Design: Ida Woldemichael

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object inspired cards

patterned cards

typographic cards

Even food has an interesting design. The pattern on this card is inspired by ramen noodles. Be inspired by foods with interesting shapes like macaroni, rice, or cheese.

A simple almond shape was used to create this pattern. The shape is repeated vertically and arranged in a staggered pattern. You can try this with many different shapes.

A game can make a fun design. This card uses a hidden word game to say "happy birthday." Use a bold color to make your message stand out. You can also circle or strike through your message. Design: Ida Woldemichael

colored paper cards Materials: colored paper, printed paper, decorative brads or other hardware (optional), adhesive or double-sided tape 1. Trim a sheet of colored paper to desired size. Fold in half to create a card. 2. Cut a narrow strip of printed paper to the same length or width as the folded card, or a square, or any other shape. 3. Attach the printed paper strip onto front cover of your card with adhesive or double-sided tape, or print your own design on adhesivebacked label paper. You can use decorative brads or other hardware to emphasize the constructed quality of the card. Design: Jessica Rodr?guez Photography: Dan Meyers Cartoon detail: Chris Ware

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These cards use interesting combinations of colored and decorative paper. You can purchase paper at a craft store, find materials around your house or office, or paint or print your own patterns.


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