Invoice: Company Locations User Guide


Table of Contents

Section 1: Permissions 1

Section 2: Overview 1

Required Roles 1

How Company Locations Works With the Purchase Order Import 1

Assign or Select a Default Shipping Address 2

Section 3: Manage Company Locations 2

Access Company Locations 2

Add a Shipping or Billing Address 3

Edit a Shipping or Billing Address 10

Delete a Shipping or Billing Address 12

Import Shipping or Billing Addresses 12

Export Shipping or Billing Addresses 20

Revision History

|Date |Notes/Comments/Changes |

|October 28, 2022 |Minor edits; cover date not updated. |

|January 21, 2022 |Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|March 4, 2021 |Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|April 20, 2020 |Renamed the Authorization Request check box to Request on the guide’s title page; cover date not updated |

|January 7, 2020 |Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|February 14, 2019 |Changed the term "Concur" to "SAP Concur" and performed minor edits. |

|February 1, 2019 |Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|April 14, 2018 |Updated to accommodate the addition of the email address field to the add and modify ship-to and bill-to |

| |windows. |

|April 11, 2018 |Changed the check boxes on the front cover; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|January 26, 2018 |Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated |

|December 13, 2016 |Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes. |

|November 4, 2016 |Added information about populating ship-to and bill-to address with the same company location information.|

|September 9, 2016 |Added information about the following: |

| |VAT ID field in bill-to address |

| |State/Province field now an optional field |

|April 29, 2016 |Added clarification about filling in the Country and State/Province fields in the import template. |

|March 18, 2016 |Updated images to show that the State/Province field has changed to a list when creating a new ship-to or |

| |bill-to address. |

|February 19, 2016 |Added information about import and export company locations. |

|January 16, 2015 |Updated the screen shots to the enhanced UI and made general updates to the content. |

|September 17, 2014 |Added information about the two user interfaces; no other content changes. |

|April 15, 2014 |Change copyright and cover; no other content changes. |

|May 29, 2013 |Add Tip so that user remembers to always type the Name value of the Ship or Bill address when searching |

| |for a location. |

|March 22, 2013 |New guide. |

Company Locations

NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented, home page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.


A company administrator may or may not have the correct permissions to use this feature. The administrator may have limited permissions, for example, they can affect only certain groups and/or use only certain options (view but not create or edit).

If a company administrator needs to use this feature and does not have the proper permissions, they should contact the company's SAP Concur administrator.

In addition, the administrator should be aware that some of the tasks described in this guide can be completed only by SAP Concur staff. In this case, the client must initiate a service request with SAP Concur support.


The Company Locations tool is used to add, edit, delete, import, and export shipping and billing addresses. It is intended as a complement to the Purchase Order import and provides a quick way to edit addresses either imported or manually added to the system.

The shipping addresses may be selected as the default address for any employee using either the Employee Import, or Profile.

Required Roles

To use the Company Locations feature, the user must be assigned either the Invoice Configuration administrator, or the Invoice Configuration (Restricted) administrator roles. Any Invoice User may select their default shipping address using Profile.

How Company Locations Works With the Purchase Order Import

The Purchase Order import can include shipping and billing addresses through the 220 and 210 records respectively. These addresses are available in Company Locations on import and may be worked with just as any manually entered address.

This means that imported address errors can be modified within Company Locations, allowing the administrator to update addresses without need to re-import specific PO records.

Identical records are those that share the same Address Code (in Company Locations) and External ID (within the associated record in the PO import). When an import contains changes to an identical, existing record, the import action will update the address record in Company Locations.

Assign or Select a Default Shipping Address

The capability for a user to assign their preferred shipping address is available using the 360-record set (Invoice Employee Import) of the Employee Import by specifying the Address Code (External ID) of the preferred address.

Manage Company Locations

The procedures below detail how to add, edit, and delete the shipping and billing addresses in Company Locations.

Access Company Locations

• To access Company Locations:

1. Click Administration > Invoice.

2. Click Company Locations (left menu).


The Company Locations page appears.


Add a Shipping or Billing Address

When you add a ship-to or bill-to address, it appears as a row on the Company Locations page.

• To add a ship-to address:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Ship To tab.

3. Click New to open the Add New Ship To Location window.


4. Complete the appropriate fields.

|Field |Description/Comments |

|Name |A unique name that identifies a particular address. |

|(Required) |NOTE: This is the value that displays when choosing a default shipping address|

| |in Profile > Profile Settings > Invoice Preferences, and when creating a |

| |policy and selecting the value for Bill To. |

| |TIP: The system searches for your location by using the Name value. Be sure to|

| |type in the name of the location whenever you are asked for a Bill To or Ship |

| |To address you create by using Company Locations. |

|Address Code |This is the external identifier used by the customer's financial system to |

|(Required) |identify a particular address. |

| |NOTE: This value is identical to the External ID field used in the Bill To and|

| |Ship To record sets of the Purchase Order import. |

|Address 1 |Address 1 of the complete address. |

|(Required) | |

|Address 2 |Address 2 of the complete address. |

|(Optional) | |

|Address 3 |Address 3 of the complete address. |

|(Optional) | |

|City |The city within which the address resides. |

|(Required) | |

|Postal Code |The postal code of the address. |

|(Required) | |

|Country Code |The code of the country associated with the address. |

|(Required) |NOTE: If you are using the import template to import company locations, you |

| |must use two-character ISO code. |

|State/Province |The state or province within which the address resides. |

|(Optional) | |

|Email Address |The email address of the contact at the company location. |

|(Optional) | |

|Add address as a Bill To Location as |Select (enable) this check box if you would like to populate the bill-to |

|well |address with the same address information as the ship-to address. |

|(Optional) | |

5. Click Save to enter the new address into Concur Invoice.


6. The new address appears as a row on the Company Locations page.


• To add a bill-to address:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Bill To tab.

7. Click New to open the Add New Bill To Location window.


8. Complete the appropriate fields.

|Field |Description/Comments |

|Name |A unique name that identifies a specific address. |

|(Required) |NOTE: This is the value that displays when choosing a default shipping address|

| |in Profile > Profile Settings > Invoice Preferences, and when creating a |

| |policy and selecting the value for Bill To. |

| |TIP: The system searches for your location by using the Name value. Be sure to|

| |type in the name of the location whenever you are asked for a Bill To or Ship |

| |To address you create by using Company Locations. |

|Address Code |This is the external identifier used by the customer's financial system to |

|(Required) |identify a specific address. |

| |NOTE: This value is identical to the External ID field used in the Bill To and|

| |Ship To record sets of the Purchase Order import. |

|Address 1 |Address 1 of the complete address. |

|(Required) | |

|Address 2 |Address 2 of the complete address. |

|(Optional) | |

|Address 3 |Address 3 of the complete address. |

|(Optional) | |

|City |The city within which the address resides. |

|(Required) | |

|Postal Code |The postal code of the address. |

|(Required) | |

|Country Code |The code of the country associated with the address. |

|(Required) |NOTE: If you are using the import template to import company locations, you |

| |must use 2 character ISO code. |

|State/Province |The state or province within which the address resides. |

|(Optional) | |

|Email Address |The email address of the contact at the company location. |

|(Optional) | |

|VAT ID |The VAT of the buyer. |

|(Optional) |NOTE: This is only applicable on the bill-to address and required by some |

| |European countries. |

|Add address as a Ship To Location as |Select (enable) this check box if you would like to populate the ship-to |

|well |address with the same address information as the bill-to address. |

|(Optional) | |

9. Click Save to enter the new address into Concur Invoice.


10. The new address appears as a row on the Company Locations page.


Edit a Shipping or Billing Address

Use the procedure below to edit an existing address created by using Company Locations or imported using the Purchase Order import.

• To edit a shipping address:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Ship To tab, and then:

□ Select the address and click Modify

□ Double-click the address directly

11. In the Modify Ship To Location window, edit the existing values as needed to update your address (for information about the fields, refer to the table in the Add a Shipping Address procedure.)


12. Click Save.

• To edit a billing address:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Bill To tab, and then:

□ Select the address and click Modify

□ Double-click the address directly

13. In the Modify Bill To Location window, edit the existing values as needed to update your address (for information about the fields, refer to the table in the Add a Billing Address procedure.)


14. Click Save.

Delete a Shipping or Billing Address

Deleting a ship-to or bill-to address only "soft deletes" the record. This means that the address is still available to those requests that are currently using it. You can delete more than one address at a time.

• To delete a shipping or billing address:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Ship To or Bill To tab.

2. Select the address or addresses.

3. Click Remove. The Remove Company Location confirmation message appears.


4. Click Yes to remove the address from the Company Locations page.

The address is still available and can be reactivated by entering the same Address Code, causing the system to create a new record.

Import Shipping or Billing Addresses

If you need to create multiple ship-to or bill-to addresses, you may do so in an Excel spreadsheet and then import this information into Concur Invoice.

• To import shipping addresses:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Ship To tab.


5. Click the Import button. The Import Ship To Locations window appears.


6. (Optional) click Download the import template link if you want to download a template with the field names already filled in.


7. Click Browse and locate the file that you want to import.


8. Select the file and then click Open.

9. Click Import.


The Import Summary page appears.


10. Click Close.

The status of the imported information appears on the Ship To Locations import history section of the Import Ship To Locations page.


• To view ship to import details:

1. In the Ship To Locations import history section of the Import Ship To Locations window, select the desired import.

15. Click Actions > View Import Details.


The Import Details window appears showing information about the imported record. In the Type list, select if you want to see import details containing information, warnings, errors, or if you want to see all import details.


• To import billing addresses:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Bill To tab.


11. Click the Import button.


The Import Bill To Locations window appears.


12. (Optional) click Download the import template link if you want to download a template with the field names already filled in.


13. Click Browse and locate the file that you want to import.


14. Select the file and then click Open.

15. Click Import.


The Import Summary page appears.


16. Click Close.

The imported information appears on the Ship To Locations import history section of the Import Ship To Locations page.


• To view bill to import details:

1. In the Bill To Locations import history section of the Import Bill To Locations window, select the desired import.

16. Click Actions > View Import Details.


The Import Details window appears showing information about the imported record. In the Type list, select if you want to see import details containing information, warnings, errors, or if you want to see all import details.


Export Shipping or Billing Addresses

If you need to export all ship-to or bill-to addresses, you may do so by using the Export All button on the Company Locations page.

• To export ship-to or bill-to addresses:

1. On the Company Locations page, select the Ship To or Bill To tab.

17. Click the Export All button.


An Excel spreadsheet will be created containing all the ship-to or bill-to addresses on the Company Locations page.


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Concur Invoice:

Company Locations

User Guide

Last Revised: April 14, 2018


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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