Lectures notes On Production and Operation Management

Lectures notes On

Production and Operation Management

Prepared by Dr. Sarojrani Pattnaik Dr. Swagatika Mishra

Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering

VSSUT Burla .


1. Productivity : Importance, productivity ratio, productivity measurement, productivity index, awareness -- improvement -- maintenance (A.I.M) proceSs.

2. Production System Models of production system, Product Vs. Services, Process-focused & product focused systems, product strategies, product life cycle, production function.

3. Forecasting : Methods -- moving average, exponential smoothing, Regression analysis, coefficient of co-relation, Delphi, Market survey.

4. Facilities Planning : Site location, facilities layout and various types, planning using CRAFT work place design, working conditions -- noise illumination etc.

5. Motion study -- principles of motion -- economy, Time study-standard time. 6. Production Planning & Control : Aggregate planning. Sequencing, Line

balancing, Flow control, Dispatching, expediting, Gantt chart, line of balance, learing curve. 7. Project Management -- Network scheduling, PERT. Critical path, Most likely time estimate , Resource leveling. 8. 38.Modern Trends in Manufacturing :Basic concepts of CAD,CAM,FMS, CIM,

ISO 9000, Quality circle, Kaizen, Kanbans, Poke Yoke' supply chain management. Text Books 1. Production Systems : Planning, Analysis & Control : By -- Riggs, J.L.(4th Edn.) John Wiley & Sons

2. Modern Production/Operation management : By -- Buffa, E.S. & Sarin, =,.K.(8`" Edn.) John Wiley & Sons.

3. Production & Operations Management : By Panneer saivem, R.(2'1 Edn.) PHI

4. Production & Operations Management : By Chary, S.N.(TMH)


LESSON PLAN FOR Production and Operation Management SUBJECT CODE: 8th Semester

Lecture Topics to be covered


Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3

Productivity: Importance, productivity ratio, productivity measurement, productivity index Awareness ? improvement ? maintenance (A.I.M) process, Production System, Models of production system Product Vs. Services, Process-focused & product- focused systems

Lecture 4 Product strategies, product life cycle, production function

Lecture 5 Forecasting: Methods

Lecture 6 Moving average, Exponential smoothing

Lecture 7 Regression analysis, coefficient of co-relation

Lecture 8 Delphi, Market survey

Lecture 9 Facilities planning: Site location, facilities layout

Lecture 10 Types of facility layout, Planning using CRAFT work place design

Lecture 11 Working conditions ? noise illumination etc.

Lecture 12 Problems on single facility location using median method

Lecture 13 Problems on single facility location using minimax method and gravity method

Lecture 14 Problems on single facility location using Euclidean-distance location

Lecture 15 Motion study, Principles of motion- economy, method study

Lecture 16 Rules concerning human body, workplace layout and materials handling,

Lecture 17 Rules concerning tools and equipments design, time conservation

Lecture 18 Time study and work measurement techniques

Lecture 19 Performance rating and different types of allowances Lecture 20 Production planning and control- Aggregate planning Lecture 21 Sequencing and line balancing Lecture 22 Flow control Lecture 23 Dispatching, centralized and decentralized dispatching Lecture 24 Expediting and Gantt chart Lecture 25 Line of balance and learning curve Lecture 26 Project management, network scheduling Lecture 27 PERT with problems Lecture 28 Problems Lecture 29 Critical path method with problems Lecture 30 Problems Lecture 31 Resource levelling Lecture 32 Basic concepts of CAD, CAM, FMS Lecture 33 CIM, JIT, ISO 9000 Lecture 34 Quality circle, Kaizen, Kanbans Lecture 35 Poke Yoke, Supply chain management Lecture 36 Revision of problems Lecture 37 Revision of problems Lecture 38 Revision of problems Lecture 39 Revision of problems Lecture 40 Revision of problems


1.1 Introduction Production/Operation management is the process which combines and transforms various resources used in the production/operation subsystem of the organization into value added

products/services in a controlled manner as per the policies of the organization.

Resources used in production/ operation subsystem

Value added products/services Transform

(In controlled manner as

per the policies of the organization)

Production/Operation function: Range of inputs

Required output (product/service) (Having the requisite quality level)

The set of interrelated management activities which are involved in manufacturing certain products is called production management and for service management, then corresponding set of management activities is called as operation management.

Examples: (Products/goods) Boiler with a specific capacity, Constructing flats, Car, bus, radio, television.

Examples: (Services) Medical facilities, Travel booking services.

In the process of managing various subsystems of the organization executives at different levels of the organization need to track several management decisions. The management decisions are Strategic, tactical and operational.

Strategic (Top level)

Defining goals Making policies

Tactical (Middle level)

Operational (Bottom level)

Plant location

effective and

new product establishment

efficient utilization

Monitoring of budgets

of resources


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