Sociology in Our Times (7th Edition)

Sociology in Our Times (7th Edition)

|Category |Chapter 1: Learning Objectives |

|KNOWLEDGE: Remembering previously learned|Define sociology. |

|material |Explain how sociology helps us to better understand our social world and our selves. |

| |Define and give examples of high, middle and low-income countries. |

|COMPREHENSION: |Explain how sociological theory helps us to understand social issues like consumerism. |

|The ability to grasp the meaning of the |Distinguish between commonsense knowledge, myths and sociological knowledge. |

|material |Explain what C. Wright Mills meant by the sociological imagination. |

| |Define race, ethnicity, class, sex, and gender, and explain the importance of these terms|

| |to developing a sociological imagination. |

| |Identify Auguste Comte, Harriet Martineau, and Herbert Spencer, and explain their unique |

| |contributions to the emergence of sociology. |

| |Explain what Durkheim meant by his use of the terms social facts and anomie. |

|APPLICATION: |Relate Max Weber’s concepts of rationalization and Verstehen to C. Wright Mills’ |

|The ability to use material in new and |Sociological Imagination. |

|concrete situations |Relate the global Wal-Mart Effect to other aspects of consumerism. |

|ANALYSIS: |Identify and discuss the key assumptions of the Age of the Enlightenment. |

|The ability to break down material into |Describe the origins of sociology in the United States and discuss the role of women in |

|its component parts so that its |early departments of sociology and social work. |

|organizational structure may be |Distinguish between microlevel and macrolevel analyses and state which level of analysis |

|understood |is utilized by each of the major theoretical perspectives. |

|SYNTHESIS: |Define industrialization and urbanization, and explain the role of each in furthering |

|The ability to put parts together to form|sociological thought. |

|a new whole |State the major assumptions of functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, |

| |postmodernism, and identify the major contributors to each perspective. |

|EVALUATION: |Contrast Karl Marx's perspective on social change with that of Max Weber. |

|The ability to judge the value of |Compare sociology with other sciences and determine areas of overlap and important |

|material for a given purpose |differences. |


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