The Constitution

The Constitution Review, p. 32

Fill in the chart below. Column I lists enumerated powers. In Column II, list the Article of the Constitution where the power is found. In Column III, list the branch to which the power is granted.

Column I Column II Column III

(Enumerated Powers) (Article) (Branch)

1. Collect Taxes __________________ __________________

2. Command Military __________________ __________________

3. Try Cases Involving the __________________ __________________


4. Coin Money __________________ __________________

5. Regulate Foreign Trade __________________ __________________

6. Try Cases between 2 States __________________ __________________

7. Grant Pardons __________________ __________________

8. Declare War __________________ __________________

9. Make Treaties __________________ __________________

10. Establish Lower Courts __________________ __________________

11. Borrow Money __________________ __________________

12. Set up Post Offices __________________ __________________

13. Appoint Ambassadors __________________ __________________

14. Control Interstate Commerce __________________ __________________

15. Appoint Justices and Judges __________________ __________________

16. Called Commander in Chief __________________ __________________

17. Given “Elastic” Powers __________________ __________________

18. Outlines Appellate Jurisdiction __________________ __________________

19. Serve for a Lifetime Tenure __________________ __________________

20. Elected by the Electoral College __________________ __________________

Constitution Quiz Activity

Using pp. 95-106 in your textbook and p. 31 of your notebook, describe where in the Constitution you would find the following information, using the Article numbers.

1. Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts ________________________________________

2. Rules for admitting new states ___________________________________________

3. Qualifications for Representatives of the House ______________________________

4. Goals of the Constitution ________________________________________________

5. Rules of Extradition ____________________________________________________

6. The Supremacy Clause _________________________________________________

7. Guarantee to protect the states from invasion ________________________________

8. How bills become laws _________________________________________________

9. Powers denied to Congress ______________________________________________

10. Rules for governing the Impeachment of the President ________________________

11. Powers denied to the government _________________________________________

12. Elections for members of Congress _______________________________________

13. Establishment of a Supreme Court ________________________________________

14. Introducing appropriation or tax bills ______________________________________

15. Term of office for the President __________________________________________

16. Process for Ratification of the Constitution _________________________________

17. Oath of office for the President __________________________________________

18. Explanation of the Electoral College _______________________________________

19. Definition of Treason ___________________________________________________

20. The Elastic Clause _____________________________________________________

21. The Full Faith and Credit Clause __________________________________________


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