Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

People spend most of their lives in social, personal, and professional organizations. Even in the prehistoric age, individuals were structured and groups were formed in various ways to survive. Because an organization plays a vital role in our existence as a social being, it is important to understand the underlying concepts within the term. The endeavor starts primarily on the very basic definition of the word. Fayol (1949) indicated that an organization refers to the body of persons, methods, policies and procedures arranged in a systematic process through the delegation of functions and responsibilities for the accomplishment of purpose. Primarily, an organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve a wide variety of goals, both goals of the various individuals in the organization and goals of the organization as a whole.

One of the interesting aspects in an organization is the behavior of the people within it. How do the characteristics of individuals, groups, work situations, and the organization itself affect how an organization meets its ends? Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge on how people respond to or act in organizations. Basically, the concept encompasses a wide range of topics such as communication, conflicts of interest in the context of diversity.

Whether in large or small organizations, communication is very important. The mode of communication within the group defines the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. Vestal (1995) defines communication as “the exchange of meanings between and among individuals through a shared system of symbols (verbal and non-verbal) that have the same meaning for both the sender and the receiver of the message.” This definition imparts a sense of the complexity involved in communication. The question thus becomes: What makes communication particularly difficult? Jackson (1984) has identified the following characteristics of an organization that makes the term hard to establish:

1. Spatial distance within an organization can be a barrier to communication.

2. Different subgroups or subcultures within the organization have their own value systems and identities.

3. People are structured into different systems of relationships in organizations. A work structure exists in which certain people are expected to complete tasks with other people. An authority structure exists when some workers are in charge of supervising others. A status structure determines which people have rights and privileges. A prestige structure allows some people to expect deferential treatment from others. The friendship structure encourages interpersonal trust. All of these systems influences who should communicate with whom and in what manner.

4. Organizations are in a constant state of flux. Relationships (subgroups or subcultures) and geographical locations constantly change. It is difficult to communicate decisions to all the people who are affected by them because of this constant state of change.

Gender is also a significant factor in organizational communication. The male role was generally recognized as active and vital, whereas the female role was passive and compliant. These perceptions occur partly because women have different ways of speaking and a different relation to language (Sellers, 1991). Feminist studies have argued that girls are socialized to use language and speech and the power they enable differently that men (Bartky, 1990). The combination of difference in use of language and difference in status has resulted in patterns of male dominance and female deference in communication.

In communication within groups, perhaps one of the essential concepts is the assertive behavior as a way of communicating that allows people to express themselves in direct, honest, and appropriate ways that do not infringe on another person’s right. There are many misconceptions about assertive communication. The first is that all communication is either assertive of passive. Actually, at least four possibilities for communication exist: passive, aggressive, indirectly aggressive or passive-aggressive or assertive. Passive communication occurs when a person suffers in silence, though he or she may feel strongly about the issue. Aggressive people express themselves in a direct and often hostile manner that infringes on another person’s rights; this behavior is generally oriented toward “winning at all costs” or demonstrating self excellence. Passive-aggressive communication is an aggressive message presented in a passive way. It generally involves limited verbal exchange (with incongruent non-verbal behavior) by a person who feels strongly about a situation. This person feigns withdrawal in order to manipulate the situation.

The second misconception is that those who communicate or behave assertively get everything they want. This is untrue because being assertive involves rights and responsibilities. The third misconception is that it is unfeminine. Luke (1992) believes that women’s lack of a voice in American society is a social consequence of history. In an organization, assertive communication is not rude or insensitive behavior; rather, it is having an informed voice that insists on being heard. It is an effective communication tool that enhances the organization as a composition of individual differences.

Individual differences entail not only difficulties in communication, but as well as in managing the conflicting interests within the organization. At this point, a certain question is posed: “How do we manage conflicts of interests?”

Conflict is generally defined as the internal or external discord that results from differences in ideas, values, or feelings between two or more people. Because an organization is composed of individuals with different beliefs, backgrounds and goals, is an unexpected outcome. It is as inevitable as change in any organization because of the complexity of relationships (Kritek, 1994).

Conflict is a warning that something is wrong and needs solution through problem solving and clarification of objectives, establishment of group norms, and determination of group boundaries. Moreover, conflict that is managed instead of being ignored or suppressed can be used effectively. It can stimulate competition, identify pertinent differences, and serve as powerful motivator for positive change. On the other hand, unresolved conflict is debilitating and oftentimes frustrating. Productivity declines and the possibility of mistakes often occur. Recognition of sources and types of conflict and how to manage them minimizes stress while maximizes goal achievement.

Human interactions that relate to conflict are characterized by competition, domination and provocation. It arises from differences in knowledge, skills, values, interests; scarcity of resources; intergroup rivalry for rewards; role ambiguity, unworkable organizational structure; and shift in organizational power base and organizational climate; and unacceptable leadership styles. Rowland and Rowland (1997) indicated that the diversity in gender, culture, and age also have the potential to create conflict in an organization.

The management of conflict is an important aspect in an organization. Common approaches to this aspect are avoidance, accommodation, compromise, collaboration, and competition.

Avoidance is the method commonly used by groups who do not want to do something that may interfere with their relationships. Neutrality is maintained at all costs. The participants never acknowledge that a conflict arises. Withdrawal behind walls of insulation relieves the necessity of dealing with situations that would arouse conflict. This method may be appropriate when more information is needed to solve the problem, or when one wishes to reduce tension and gain composure.

Accomodation means self-sacrifice. The person neglects his own needs to meet the goals of the other party. It is appropriate when the person is wrong, when the opponent is more powerful, or when the issue is more important to someone else. It is used to preserve harmony and gain social credits that can be used later. It focuses on points of agreement and on minor problems although the real problem still exists and has to be attended.

Collaboration inspires mutual attention to the problem and utilized the talents of all parties. It focuses on problem-solving to find mutually satisfying solutions. It is useful in situations where the goals are too important to be compromised. Problems are identified, alternatives are explored, and threats are considered until disagreements are resolved. Generally, this is the most effective method of conflict resolution.

In a compromise, both parties seek expedient, acceptable answers for short periods when the goals are only moderately important and the parties have equivalent power. In this method, accommodation and adjustment lead to workable situations rather than to the best solutions. Because both parties feel that they sacrifice something, they are only partially satisfied and a “lose-lose” atmosphere results.

In competition, the leader exerts power at the subordinate’s expense. It is expressed through suppression of conflict through authority-obedience approach. This enforces the rule of discipline. It is an assertive position that fosters conflict resolution on the part of the subordinate.

Other methods include smoothing where disagreements are ignored so that surface harmony is maintained in a state of peaceful co-existence. This is accomplished by complimenting one’s opponent, downplaying differences, and focusing on minor areas of agreement, as if little disagreement exists. This method may be appropriate in solving minor problems but issues also remain unsolved and may later resurface.

Withdrawing from the conflict simply means that one party is removed thereby making it possible to resolve the issue. It produces the same results as smoothing.

Forcing is a method that yields an immediate end to the conflict but leaves the cause of the conflict unresolved. A superior can issue orders but the subordinate will lack commitment to the demanded action. Forcing may be appropriate in life or death situations but is otherwise inappropriate.

Managing conflict effectively requires an understanding of its origin. Some of the basic rules on mediating a conflict in an organization according to Umiker (1996; 1997) are:

1. Establish clear guidelines and make them known to all.

2. Do not postpone indefinitely. Select a time that is best for all parties.

3. Create an environment that makes people comfortable to make suggestions. Energize them and promote creative thinking leading to better solutions and strengthening of relationships.

4. Keep a two-way communication. Encourage full expression of positive and negative feelings with an accepting atmosphere. Allow open and complete discussion of the problem from each of the participants. Maintain equity in the duration of each party’s presentation.

5. Stress a peaceful resolution rather than confrontation. Build a bridge of understanding. Focus on issues and not on personalities. Protect each other’s self-respect.

6. Emphasize shared interests. Examine all solutions and select the most acceptable to both parties. Include the development of plans for successful resolution of the problem.

7. Follow up on the progress of the plan. Give feedback to participants regarding their cooperation in resolving the conflict.

Conflict management keeps conflict from escalating. Moreover, it makes work productive, and helps translate conflict into a positive of constructive force. Openly acknowledging that conflict is a naturally occurring and expected phenomenon in organizations reflects a tremendous shift from how sociologists viewed conflict 100 years ago. The current sociological view is that organizational conflict should be neither avoided nor encouraged, but managed. To become an effective organization, conflict must be used for growth, innovation and productivity.

In some cases, individual values are in conflict with those of the organization. Because the philosophy of an organization determines its priorities in goal selection and distribution of resources, individuals within the group should understand the organization’s philosophy. People who frequently make decisions that conflict with their personal values often experience confusion and anxiety, leading to stress and dissatisfaction. Thus, being a part of a group requires a comparable philosophy that is consistent with the organization. It is important to understand the organization’s philosophy in order to have a clear expectation on its purposes and goals. Through this, members of the group will have a better understanding of how they will fit in the organization.

It can be concluded that knowledge on effective communication, conflict management, and diversity of values lead to the development of the organization as a team. Organizations progress through developmental stages, just as people do – birth, youth, maturity, and aging. As organizations age, structure increases to provide greater control and coordination, creating the need to further build it up. Most organizations today find themselves undertaking a number to projects and trainings as part of change efforts that directs organizational restructuring, quality improvement and empowerment. It is clear that organizations must find a critical balance between stagnation and chaos, between birth and death. Gardner (1990) argues that organizations must be “ever-renewing” because it is the only way to conserve it; to avoid stagnation and death. Thus, team training is important in order to provide an organizational environment that fosters individuality. Team training also promotes effective programs for the discovery and development of young talents that is essential for its future.


Bartky, S. L. (1990). Femininity and domination: Studies in the phenomenology of oppression. New York: Routledge.

Berry, F. S. (1994). Innovation in public management: The adoption of strategic planning. Public Administration Revie, 54(4), 322-329.

Fayol, H. (1949). General and industrial managemet (C. Storrs, Trans.). London: Isaac Pittman and Sons.

Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: The Free Press.

Kritek, P. B. (1994). Negotiating at an uneven table: Developing moral courage in resolving our conflicts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Luke, C. (1992). Feminist politics in radical pedagogy. In C. Luke & J. Gore (Eds.), Feminisms and critical pedagogy. New York: Routledge.

Sellers, S. (1991). Language and sexual difference. London: Macmillan.

Umiker, W. (1997). Collaborative conflict resolution. Health Care Supervisor, 15(3), 70-75.

Vestal, K. W. (1995). Management concepts (2nd ed., p. 34). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.


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