City of Glenns Ferry

City of Glenns Ferry Planning & Zoning Meeting December 2, 2020

The Public Hearing Planning & Zoning Commission meeting was opened and called to order at 6:00 pm on Wednesday December 2, 2020.

Planning & Zoning Members Present: Kt Carpenter, Jill Hampton, Denver Price, Jennifer Baker

Staff Present: Lori Freeman



Carpenter: Took roll call.

_X _ Denver Price __X__ Jennifer Baker

_ Jill Hampton X_ KT Carpenter

*Jill Hampton is absent. *

Item 2. MOTION TO: [Action Item] Adopt Agenda:

Baker: I make a motion to adopt the agenda.

Price: Second.

Carpenter: All in favor, all-ayes.

Item 3. MOTION TO: [Action Item] P&Z Minutes of October 15, 2020:

Baker: I move we approve the minutes of the October 15, 2020 meeting.

Price: Second.

Carpenter: All in favor, all-ayes.

Item 4. DISCUSSION: Results of:

●Ament Official Zoning Map by Rezoning Certain Parcels of Property from R-1 Single-Family Residential zone and (A) Agricultural zone to R-4 Recreational zone:


●Duryee Variance:


●Amend the Official Zoning Map of the City by Rezoning Certain Parcels of Property from Heavy Industrial (M-2) To Commercial (C):


●Amend Text of the GF City Code; 11-14-11 Unique Land Use Provisions: I. Earth Moving Activities: By Removing Subsection:


●CUP-ARK Properties, LLC:

No motion made as of date.

Item 5. DISCUSSION: Review Conditional Use Application:

Freeman: Application submittal requirements, must include 1 – 8, page 3 & 4 is required by the applicant to include when submitting their application. Page 4, A through H is the most important information of a CUP application. It is by the applicant’s response to A-H that the commission receives findings in order to make decisions. Read and familiarize yourselves with how the applicant comments on A thru H, are you given enough information to make a decision, if not, commission may refer back to A thru H for clarification. At the public hearing Kt took applicant down through A-H to give applicant a chance to change, add-on, etc., which becomes record.

Price: Who needs a conditional use permit? Someone comes in and wants to do this or that and is told, you need a conditional use permit, what the hell does that mean?

Freeman: We have city codes and within the city codes is zoning, each zone, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, etc. has a Uses Permitted section and a Conditional Uses section. ARK Properties is in Recreational zone R-4 and wants to put a RV campground, which can be done in that zone but only with a conditional use permit. Recreational vehicle park is listed in the Recreational Zone but only under 11-7-9: Conditional Uses.


Price: Just asking again, the city council meeting is December 8th?

Freeman: Yes.

Price: We are allowed to attend, sit in the back of the room and hear how that


Freeman: Yes.

Price: How many City Council members?

Freeman: Four plus Mayor.

Price: Vote, is it three out of the five?

Baker: It could be three to one.

Freeman: It is the same as the Commissioners, but with Mayor as being the tie breaker.

Carpenter: I would like to find out when we are having our next meeting?

Baker: The 6th of January

Carpenter: I suggest we set our next meeting for January 6, 2021, tentatively, that way

if something does come up, or nothing on the agenda, we can just move on to February,


Price: There has to be three people at the meeting to make a quorum, so if I am not

here, then, Jill is still on the commission?

Carpenter: Right.

Item 7. MOTION: [Action Item] Adjourn:

Price: I make motion that we adjourn the meeting.

Baker: Second.

Carpenter: All in favor, all-ayes.

Approved by the P & Z Commission: ________ / _______/___________


Chairperson, Kt Carpenter

Attest: __________________________

Lori V. Freeman, P&Z Admin.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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