1. Call to Order ? This meeting is being recorded 2. Location of "Open Meetings Law" literature 3. Roll Call 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Special order of business & place Agenda on file 6. Announcement of conflicts of interest 7. Approval of minutes from May 1, 2023. 8 Communications and Appearance request 9. Approval of Claims 10. Old Business ? 11. New Business ? Case # 23-06.1 ? McMahon Subdivision in the NW ? Section 16-T5N-R9W. 12. Committee Reports ?

a/ Chairman's Report? Committee Report on Data Collection Centers (Crypto Currency, Bit Coin) b/ Staff Report ? 14. Next regular meeting date ? July 3, 2023


The Area Planning Commission met in meeting format on Monday, June 5, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. the Adams County South Wallace Annex Building, 2975 S. Baltimore Avenue, Hastings, Nebraska.

1. Chairperson Rolls, called the meeting to order, and announced that the meeting was being recorded.

2. Chairperson Rolls, announced where the Open Meetings Literature was posted.

3. Roll Call:

Mr. Henrie (P)

Mr. Lukasiewicz (A)

Mr. Sidlo


Mr. Wilson (P)

Mr. Allen


Mr. Rolls


Mr. Hansen (P)

Ms. Junker (P)

Ms. Struss (P)


Michael Stromer (P)

Legal Representative:

David Bergin (P)


Judy Mignery


A quorum was present. Also present, Craig McMahon, Jeff Foster, Clint Rhodes, Anthony Levesque, Matthew Carson, Travis Augustin and Will Vraspir.

4. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Rolls.

A Notice of this Meeting was advertised in the Hastings Daily Tribune legal notices and mailed to each Planning Commission member; Commissioner's representative: Legal Representative; and the Tribune.

5. Special Order of Business ? None

6. Announcement of conflict of Interest ? None

7. Junker made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2023 meeting, Hansen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Henrie, yes, Lukasiewicz, absent, Junker, yes, Allen, abstain, Rolls, yes, Wilson, yes, Hansen, yes, Sidlo, yes, Struss, yes

8. Communications and appearance requests ? None 1

9. Allen made a motion to approve the claims, Sidlo seconded Roll Call Vote: Henrie, yes, Lukasiewicz, absent, Junker, yes, Allen, yes, Rolls, yes, Wilson, yes, Hansen, yes, Sidlo, yes, Struss, yes 10. Old Business ? None 11. New Business ?

Case # 23-06.1 ? McMahon Subdivision in the NW ? Section 16-T5N-R9W Mignery read the Administrator comments into the record. Craig McMahon, 14840 S Showboat was present to represent the plat. He stated that he bought a house in Nelson and would like to sell this house and buildings to nephew to keep in the family. Craig will be keeping farm ground and pasture. Hansen asked about the number of entrances on the property. McMahon stated no new entrances. Allen made a motion to recommend approval of Case # 23-06.1 ? McMahon Subdivision in the NW ? Section 16-T5N-R9W to the Board of Commissioners, Sidlo seconded. Roll Call Vote: Henrie, yes, Lukasiewicz, absent, Junker, yes, Allen, yes, Rolls, yes, Wilson, yes, Hansen, yes, Sidlo, yes, Struss, yes

12. Committee Reports Chairman's Report ? Allen presented Committee report on Data Center discussion and development of

regulations and definitions and what zoning district they could be located in. Allen stated that Committee contacted Marty Stange with Hastings Utilities and he recommended a few people to contact. Allen contacted Pat Pope, retired from NPPD, Pope gave some information but recommended we contact Stan Clouse with City of Kearney. Clouse gave the Committee a lot of information on the Data Center near Kearney and the amount of electricity it uses as well as the income the City of Kearney is able to generate off of the company. The Kearney experience with center very positive. The facility started with a request of 35 mw and now is requesting 100 mw and would take more. Allen stated that it is an Industrial Use and would only fit in the Industrial district. Michael Morgan with City of Kearney also contacted committee and stated noise was a concern. Clint Rhodes, Engineer with SPPD state they have the capacity to serve the data center and irrigators. Hansen asked about interruptible use and how the data center is shut down and brought back on line. It is preferably gradual according to Matthew Carson from Texas and Anthony Levesque, from Missouri and Texas, representing AAIM. Allen stated we have to protect the existing constituents and there uses. Hansen stated we need to protect agriculture.

Staff Report ? Mignery presented permits for the month of May. 13. Next meeting date Monday, July 3, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Henrie to adjourn, second by Allen, all ayes.



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