SEPTEMBER 22, 2016


Application D-271-A Ali Murad would like to get a 40’ front setback variance to build an addition on 1132 County Highway 36 in Denver. Tax map # 264-2-8.


1. Approve/amend the minutes of the August 2016 meeting.

2. Action on application D-271-A Ali Murad.

3. Preliminary discussion on application D-272-A Lilly Piacquadio would like to get a 35’ front setback variance from both State Highway 28 and Morse Hill Road on her property at 44155 State Highway 28 in Arkville. Tax map # 285-2-42.2.

4. Preliminary discussion on application D-273-A Faith American Brewing Company (Fossil Trust) would like to get a 56.3’ front setback variance and a 4’ accessory building height variance to rebuild a garage on Ruff Road in Margaretville. Tax map # 261-3-19.

5. Anything else to come before the meeting.


The Town of Middletown Zoning Board of Appeals held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall, Route 28, Margaretville.

Board Members:

Chairman……………………………………………………….……Jason Wadler

Board Members……………………………. ……………...............Warren Slavin and Hiram Davis

Others Present: Charles Bush, Rex Sanford, Patrick Davis, Chris Plante and Beth Bush

Chairman Wadler called the public hearing to order at 7:27 p.m.

Application D-271-A Ali Murad would like to get a 40’ front setback variance to build an addition on 1132 County Highway 36 in Denver. Patrick Davis explained the application, he is putting two additions on, one on the rear which meets the setbacks and one on the side of the house that does not meet the front setback. There was no public comment on this application.

Chairman Wadler closed the public hearing and called the regular meeting to order.

Warren Slavin made a motion to approve the minutes of August 2016 meeting as presented. Hiram Davis seconded motion. Motion carried.

Action on application D-271-A Ali Murad. The County Board did not meet so therefore the application was automatically approved. The board completed a worksheet for this application. Warren Slavin made a motion to approve this application as present. Kurt Holcherr seconded motion. Motion carried.

Warren Slavin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Kurt Holcherr seconded motion. Motion carried.


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