RSIAPPL – This is a view of SAAADMS


|RBAABUD |Student Budget Form |

| |Estimated Cost of Attendance |

|RJASEAR |Work-Study amounts earned and balance |

|RHACOMM |Financial Aid and Bursar staff comments |

|RNANAxx |Demographic information from the FAFSA |

| |Type of aid requested (loans and/or work study) |

| |Dependency Status |

| |Income and Assets reported on FAFSA |

| |Housing Plans for School Year |

|RNARSxx |Pell EFC |

| |Enrollment period EFC |

|RNASLxx |Student Loan Aggregate Information |

|RNAVRxx – Need Analysis Document Verification |Used for verifying FAFSA data vs. hard documents (i.e. taxes, |

| |w2s, etc.) |

|RNIMSxx |FAFSA Comment Codes from Dept. of Ed (3rd block) |

|ROAENRL |Verify Student Enrollment. We use the ‘Adjusted Hours’ |

|ROAHOLD |Financial Aid Holds |

|ROAMESG |Financial aid messages to students |

|ROARMAN - Financial Aid Record Maintenance |General Financial Aid Inquiry form. This is a good form as a |

| |starting place |

|ROASTAT |Applicant Processing Status and Academic Progress Status |

|ROIDISB |Disbursement errors (why didn’t financial aid disburse?) |

|RPAAWRD |Financial Aid Awards |

|RPAELAP |Student Loan Application Status and Amounts |

|RPALDSB |Used to verify the receipt of loan funds |

|RPIATRM – Applicant Award by Term |Financial Aid Awards by Term |

|RRAAREQ |Application Status |

| |Forms needed to complete File |


|RSIAREV |View of TSAAREV. Student billing information |


|RUAMAIL - Applicant Mail |Verify type of letter mailed and date of mailing. |


|Budget Form |RBAABUD |

|Cost of Attendance | |

|Work-Study amounts earned and balance |RJASEAR |

|Financial Aid and Bursar staff comments |RHACOMM |

|Demographic information from the FAFSA |RNANAxx |

|Type of aid requested (loans and/or work study) | |

|Dependency Status | |

|Income and Assets reported on FAFSA | |

|Housing Plans for School Year | |

|Pell EFC |RNARSxx |

|Enrollment period EFC | |

|Student Loan Aggregate Information |RNASLxx |

|Used for verifying FAFSA data vs. hard documents (i.e. taxes, |RNAVRxx |

|w2s, etc.) | |

|Rejected FAFSA |RNIMSxx |

|FAFSA Comment Codes from Dept. of Ed (3rd block) | |

|Verify Student Enrollment. We use the ‘Adjusted Hours’ |ROAENRL |

|Holds |ROAHOLD |

|Messages to students |ROAMESG |

|General Financial Aid Inquiry form. This is a good form as a |ROARMAN |

|starting place | |

|Applicant Processing Status and Academic Progress Status |ROASTAT |

|Disbursement errors (why didn’t financial aid disburse?) |ROIDISB |

|Financial Aid Awards |RPAAWRD |

|Student Loan Application Status and Amounts |RPAELAP |

|Used to verify the receipt of loan funds |RPALDSB |

|Financial Aid Awards by Term |RPIATRM |

|Application Status |RRAAREQ |

|Forms needed to complete File | |


|TSAAREV Student billing information |RSIAREV |


|Applicant Mail |RUAMAIL |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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