Expository Essay Grading - Ms. Porter's Class

Social Studies Seven

Chapter One Projects ~ Due Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

Create a presentation on one of the First Nations groups in this chapter, the Mi’kmaq, Haudenosaunee, or the Anishinabe. Describe how their culture viewed the world, how they gathered and distributed food, the roles of women and about their government, and how they made decisions.


Create an 8 ½” by 11” (standard sheet of paper) picture representing the birth of the earth based on the Mi’kmaq teaching at the top of page 9.

Refer to the painting on page eight by Arnold Jacobs for an ideas on how to represent your ideas. Write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) on the back describing the symbols in your picture.

Social Studies Seven- First Nations Projects – Chapter One

Creation Picture

|Clearly does not meet the |Approaches the acceptable |Meets the acceptable standard |Approaches or meets the standard|

|acceptable |standard | |of excellence (4) |

|Picture of event | | | |

|- picture off topic |- picture not coloured or too |-picture depicts event |-picture sheds clever insight |

| |small |-coloured |- artistic |

| | |- covers most of a 8 1/2” X 11” |-coloured |

| | |paper | |

|Supporting Paragraph | | | |

|-sentences incomplete or missing| | | |

| |-sentences brief |- good sentences describe |-longer, more complex sentences |

| |- conventions start to impede |picture |-no convention errors |

| |understanding |- see conventions below | |

Picture ______ Total _______/ 8

Supporting Sentences ______

First Nation Group Description

|Content and Pictures | | | |

|-incomplete or off topic |-idea short |-All aspects of the assignment |-longer paragraphs |

| |-general ideas |are covered |-text and images sheds clever |

| | |-specific |insight |

| | | |-extra effort apparent |

|Conventions (spelling, | | | |

|punctuation, etc.) |-many mistakes, starts to impede|-occasional minor mistakes |-very few errors |

|-errors impede meaning |understanding | | |

Content ______ X 2 Total _______/ 12

Conventions ______

Name: ______________________________ Total: /20


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