‘A Picture of Zoe’ - Liam Stewart

‘A Picture of Zoe’ - Liam Stewart


1. Write a brief summary of what happens in the story in no more than 10 lines. Focus on the important facts.

2. Identify the main theme(s) of the story.

3. Where is the story set? Explain how you know this.


4. Why do you think the author has chosen Glasgow as the setting for the story? Does this affect your enjoyment of the story?

5. Can you identify any dialect words in the story? What is the effect of their use?


6. Which aspects of the story are typical of modern day life/dating?

7. Do you feel the storyline is realistic? Why/why not?

8. Did you find the characters in the story believable?

Characterisation: Zoe

9. What does Gerry’s description of Zoe as “a very nice little package” say about his view of her?

10. How do the quotes “flashing the old teeth” and “the mauve high heels (not too high), the matching shoulder-bag and the black skirt” add to this image?

11. Quote 3 examples from separate incidents in the story which show that Gerry is making assumptions about Zoe.

12. Quote 3 examples of Zoe showing that she is, in fact, kind and caring.

13. How does Zoe react to Gerry’s tirade? Write down two quotations which support your answer.

14. Why has Zoe kept the picture the artist drew of her?

Narrative Voice

15. Who narrates the story?

16. How does this relate to the theme of the story?

17. How does this affect our view of Zoe?

18. How does this affect our sympathy for Gerry at the end?

‘A Picture of Zoe’ by Liam Stewart

The Characterisation of Gerry and the Theme of Prejudice in the story

1. How does Gerry view his relationship with Zoe at first? Quote to support your answer.

2. What do his friends think of her?

3. How does Gerry describe his mum? Quote.

4. How does Gerry’s reaction to the scene in the Happy Moon compare to that of Zoe? Quote.

5. Similarly, how does his reaction to the Artist in the South Pacific compare to that of Zoe? Quote.

6. Quote the line which shows that Zoe’s reaction is not what Gerry believes it is.

7. What do both of these incidents show about Gerry’s character?

8. Why did Gerry continue to go out with Zoe, despite the fact that he believed that she was looking down on him? What does this show about him?

9. What does Gerry’s dream about Zoe suggest about his view of himself?

10. How does it affect his behaviour from this point onwards?

11. Explain the irony of the song playing on the juke box in Lauder’s bar: “You’re the only good thing”.

12. How does Gerry react to the advertisement he reads in the Situations Vacant? How does this add to what we already know of his character?

13. How does Gerry’s treatment of Dr Kichecky compare to that of Zoe’s? What picture is being built up of Gerry’s character?

14. “The grey rain drizzling down all day”...”I step out of the warm, boozy atmosphere into the grey, pissing rain. It’s coming down heavy now”...”The rain’s torrential now”. How does the weather reflect the build up to the climax/turning point of the story?

15. Explain the irony of Gerry lying in the gutter in the rain as Zoe’s bus drives away.

16. What does Gerry realise in the days after he splits up with Zoe? How does this relate to the theme of prejudice in the story?

17. What is the significance of Gerry, a year later, ending up “back in the South Pacific hoping for what, I don’t know”? What is Liam Stewart trying to say to the reader?

18. What contrast is Liam Stewart trying to highlight as Gerry watches the clerk’s treatment of the Artist?

19. Do you feel sympathy for Gerry? Explain why/why not.

20. Do you think Liam Stewart has successfully conveyed his message to the reader about prejudice?

‘A Picture of Zoe’

The following questions will help you to write a critical essay based on the short story ‘A Picture of Zoe’ by Liam Stewart. You should answer each question as fully as you can.


* Identify the main theme of the story and say whether you feel it has been effectively conveyed by the author. You should fully explain your answer.


* What is the effect on you, as a reader, of setting the story in Glasgow?

* Why do you think the author has chosen this setting?

* Can you identify any dialect words used in the story? What is the effect of their use?


* Do you think the action of the story is typical of modern day life/dating?

* What is the effect of this on the reader?

* Did you feel the story was realistic? How did this affect your interpretation of the themes?

Narrative viewpoint

* Who is the narrator of the story?

* How does this style of narration influence the reader?

* What do Gerry’s descriptions of Zoe’s clothing and facial expressions add to the reader’s perception of her?

* What do these descriptions suggest about Gerry’s own character and feelings towards Zoe?


* Identify any patterns of events you can see in the story. Does anything unusual take place with regard to structure?

* Are there any flashbacks in the story?

* Does the novel build up to a climax or turning point? If so, identify this point and explain how it develops the theme of the story.


* Write a paragraph explaining how the theme is conveyed through the ending of the story and say how effective you found this.

Personal response

* Has Liam Stewart succeeded in making you think about something which you have never considered before? Explain your answer fully.

* How did you feel about the characters of Gerry and Zoe?

* Did you, at any point feel anger, sympathy or any other emotion? Explain you answer.


‘A Picture of Zoe’ by Liam Stewart - Essay Questions

Choose ONE of the following essay questions:

1) Choose a story which deals with the theme of prejudice.

Show how this theme is conveyed through the characterisation of one of the central characters.

2) Choose a novel or a short story in which you feel there is an incident of great importance to the story as a whole.

Describe the incident and go on to show its importance to the development of the characters and the central concerns of the text.

3) Choose a novel or short story which has a turning point or moment of realisation for at least one of the characters.

Briefly describe what has led up to the turning point or moment. Go on to show what impact this has on the character(s) and how it affects the outcome of the novel or story.

In your essay you should refer to the text and to such relevant features as: characterisation, setting, language, key incident(s), climax, turning point, plot, structure, narrative technique, theme, ideas, description…


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