TED 406

Fall 2005 – Tuesday’s section



PHONE NUMBER - 869-2799

OFFICE HOURS: Mon: 10:00-11:00 Tuesday 12-3

Thursday 7:30-8:00

Department of Education (CEIS) Mission Statement:

“To effectively prepare candidates to teach all K-12 students and understand the contemporary conditions of schooling.”

Course Description: Educational psychology, psycho-social and cognitive development. Behavioral theory and Humanistic psychology. Analysis of learning processes, behavioral objectives and evaluation of cognitive abilities. Linguistic, language (and understanding students with English as a second language) and cultural relevancy in educational psychology.


Educational Psychology- - Woolfolk

Building Classroom Discipline - C. M Charles

Fathers and Sons - Aubrey Fine



|1 |9/27 |Introduction to Educational Psych. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 (10/4) | |10/4 Intro to Boys and Girls Club and Cognition |Chapter 2 |

|3 |10/11 |Outside assignment |Chapter 2 |

| | |Cognitive Development and Language |Fine – Ch 2 |

| | |Social and emotional development | |

| | |Social and emotional development (for the mid-term only Erik Erickson’s theory of | |

| | |psycho-social development will be included as well as other theories of emotional | |

| | |development. Class discussion will also pertain to the various social concerns in | |

| | |childhood | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4 |10/18 |Continuation…Social and emotional development |Chapter 3 |

| | |Social and emotional development (for the mid-term only Erik Erickson’s theory of |Fine pgs. 84 - 86 |

| | |psycho-social development will be included as well as other theories of emotional | |

| | |development. Class discussion will also pertain to the various social concerns in | |

| | |childhood | |

| | |Score Sheets for Fine Due (#2 and #3) | |

|5 |10/25 |MID-TERM EXAM | |

| | |Presentations - Behavioral and Cognitive Views of learning | |

| | |Behavioral and Cognitive Views of Learning |Chapters 6 & 7 |

|6 |11/1 |Presentations Culture And Community and - Learner Differences | |

| | |Impact of Culture |Chapter 5 |

| | |Understanding individual differences |Chapter 4 |

| | |ADHD Part A of Paper is due | |

| | | | |

|7` |11/8 |Presentations - Social Cognition | |

| | |Continuation of ADHD and LD |Chapter 9 |

| | |Disabilities and Social Cognition | |

| | | | |

|8 |11/15 |Presentations – Motivation | |

| | |Score Sheets for Fine Due (#3 and #7) |Fine – Ch 3, |

| | |Motivation and (Self-Concept lecture giving by Dr. Fine) |pages 39-41 Chapter 10 |

|9 |11/22 |PORTFOLIO PAPER DUE | |

| | |Presentations - Creating Learning Environments | |

| | |Creating Learning Environments |Chapter 11 |

|10 |11/29 |SELF EVALUATION and Case Study on Classroom Management. DUE | |

| | |Presentations- Assessing Student Learning | |

| | |Assessments and Wrap-Up |Chapter 14 & 15 |



|Week |Student should be able to: |

|1 |Describe elements of good teaching |

| |Identify the concerns of beginning teachers and describe how these concerns change developmentally. |

| |Define educational psychology and the areas of study that it includes. |

| |Justify the importance of theory in educational practice |

|2 |Describe development and give examples of four kinds of development |

| |Explain how children’s thinking differs at each stage of development |

| |Name each of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development, and give one major accomplishment of children during each stage. |

| |Describe the implications of teachers of Piaget’s theory |

| |Identify and explain criticisms or limitations Piaget’s theory. |

| |Discuss Vygotsky’s theory |

| |Trace the development of language throughout the early school years. |

| |Describe some strategies that teachers can utilize to help students develop their language skills. |

|3 |State the general characteristics of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development |

| |Name Erikson’s eight developmental crises and environmental conditions |

| |Describe Kohlberg’s stages of Moral development |

| |Evaluate alternatives to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development |

| |Explain the factors that encourage cheating and aggression in the classroom. Students should also discuss possible responses to each. |

| |Describe the changing view of friendship |

| |List the problems of early and late maturers |

|4 |Give a complete definition of learning |

| |Contrast behavioral and cognitive views of learning |

| |Define terms stimulus and response as well as operant, behavior, antecedents, consequences and cueing |

| |Define various forms of reinforcement and be able to explain continuous and intermittent reinforcement. |

| |Contrast and describe four schedules of reinforcement |

| |Discuss the use of teacher attention as reinforcement |

| |Become aware of how praise can be utilized as a reinforcer. Understand the Premack Principle |

| |Identify the positive and negative sides to punishment |

| |Define Social learning and observational learning |

| |Describe the process of self-regulation and cognitive behavior modification. |

|5 |Discuss the potential problems of categorizing and labeling students |

| |Discuss the implications of ability grouping |

| |Interpret the meaning of an IQ test score |

| |Discuss the implications of handicapism |

| |Discuss how one might identify students who are learning disabled, gifted or have AD/HD |

|6 |Outside Assignment – No Class |

|7 |Summarize the arguments for and against bilingual education |

| |Explain why- the school achievement of low-income students often falls below that of middle and upper class students |

| |Compare the old notion of the melting pot with current views about multicultural education. |

|8 |Give examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation |

| |Define the concept of motivation from behavioral, humanistic, cognitive and social learning points of view. |

| |List Maslow’s seven levels of needs and give a classroom example of each. |

| |Discuss the possible motivational effects of success and failure and how these effects relate to beliefs about ability. |

| |Describe the characteristics of mastery oriented, failure avoiding and failure accepting students. |

| |Discuss how the value of a task affects motivation to learn. |

| |Describe how teachers can promote self-regulated learning in the classroom. |

| |Develop a plan for helping a child who is unmotivated or rather anxious. |

|9 |List Maslow’s seven levels of needs and give a classroom example of each. |

| |Discuss the possible motivational effects of success and failure and how these effects relate to beliefs about ability. |

| |Describe the characteristics of mastery oriented, failure avoiding and failure accepting students. |

| |Discuss how the value of a task affects motivation to learn. |

| |Describe how teachers can promote self-regulated learning in the classroom. |

| |Develop a plan for helping a child who is unmotivated or rather anxious. |

|10 |Differentiate measurement and evaluation, and describe the relationship between them. |

| |Define norm-referenced testing and criterion referenced testing. Give uses and limitations of each type of test. |

| |Explain the concepts of reliability and validity. |

| |Identity what is test bias. Discuss the advantages of assessing learning potential through process assessment. |


A short synopsis of grading:

1. Midterm Exam -20 %. - One competency exam on cognitive, social, and emotional theories of development.

Exam will be on week 5 (10/25/2005)

2. Final Take Home Exam - 30% - Handed out in week 10 and returned during the finals

3. Self-evaluation -Classroom attendance and participation -7%. Each student will be requested to hand in a short paragraph rating his/her performance in this area. You will be responsible to explain what grade out of 7 you deserve for this area. This will be due the last class-Finals week

1 Attendance –3%

a. Participation-2%

b. Preparation –2%—Please note all students need to complete a self-evaluation on their learning style. I will be handing out the Barsch form which each of you will complete and write a 2 paragraph summary

4. Portfolio paper and Presentation: 25-%- (20% for paper and 5% for presentation. The paper will be submitted in two portions. The first portion Section 1 is due on the 6th week (Nov. 1) and the balance of the paper (final three sections) will be due on Nov.22.

Due 11/22 . Please submit 2 copies of the paper. Please make sure you keep an additional copy for yourself. Please note, that there will be no late papers accepted.

□ Explanation of the Paper:

The implications of Educational Psychology has a tremendous relation to classroom issues. This paper represents a practical application of the principles of Educational Psychology and how they can be applied in a classroom.

Develop a Classroom Management Plan. Be specific and explain if this classroom plan would be utilized in a lower grade elementary class, upper elementary school, junior high school class or high school). Please discuss the guidelines of the strategies utilized and explain why. (The Book by Charles Building Classroom Discipline will be very helpful for this paper as well as the classroom management chapter in the book).

Papers should be divided into four major sections:--When typing the papers, please be sure to have this sub-categories listed

□ Sub-categories

1. What is your classroom management philosophy (integrate some theory) 6 points

2. Application- How do you apply this theory -9 points

3. Classroom environment and its relationship to classroom management 4 points

4. Summary and conclusions – need to summarize the paper in a few paragraphs 1 points

Oral Presentation of Classroom management paper (worth 5% of the grade)

□ The oral presentations will be based on the paper. Each student will present the paper in a small group forum. Each presentation should be approximately 12 minutes long with a few minutes for questions and answers. Groups will be diversified to incorporate as many subjects as possible. The grades will be based on a self-evaluation as well as the average of grades given by fellow group members listening to the presentation (in confidence).

5. Group presentation - 10% - on specific topics that relate to one of the Chapters within the main textbook. Each group will prepare approximately at 45 minutes activity that will highlight and concretize some of the major issues presented in the chapter. This activity will compliment the faculty member’s lecture on the subject and will hopefully make the materials more practical to the classroom. The presentations are as follows:

Topics – Presented

Behavioral and Cognitive Views of learning – Chapter 1 and 2 Week 5

Culture And Community - Chapter 5 Week 6

Learner Differences - Chapter 4 Week 6

Social Cognition – Chapter 9 Week 7

Motivation – Chapter 10 Week 8

Creating Learning Environments- Chapter 11 Week 9

Assessing Student Learning - Chapter 14 And 15 Week 10

6. Completing specific worksheets in Fine’ book (will discuss in class) 3pts.

Score sheets 2, and 4 are due the 3rd week. Please note that all score sheets should be filled out as being a teacher not a parent. The letter (Score sheet 4) should be written as a new teacher to his/her students explaining why one wants to be a teacher.

Score sheets 3 and 7 are due on week 8

7. Case Study on Classroom Management—5 points.

Due on 10th week. Will be handed out on the 4th week.. A case study on one student will be given out to all students. Students will develop a plan action on how to support the student in a regular class setting.

Academic Accommodations:

(1) Any student who feels s/he may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs.  You may also want to contact the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), which coordinates the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.   DSS is located in Building 15, Room 126 (adjoining the library), or you can contact them by phone at (909) 869-3333. – Source: Disabled Student Services Office

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

(2) All members of the university faculty and staff have a primary mission of helping students to make progress toward a degree or credential. Nevertheless, each student is individually responsible for meeting all university requirements and deadlines, as presented in the current Cal Poly Pomona University Catalog and any other announcements of the university, center or department in which he/she is enrolled.

The University intends that every member of the campus community be afforded a work and study environment free of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual preference, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability or veteran status. All persons are to be protected from abusive or harassing behavior.

Information regarding student rights and responsibilities and grievance procedures can be found in the “Statement of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Student Grievance Procedures,” copies of which are available in the Office of Judicial Affairs. – Source: Cal Poly Pomona Course Catalog

A good faith effort to settle a dispute must be made before a formal grievance can be filed. Even after filing, efforts to resolve the dispute by informal means should continue.

Please consult with the Department Chair’s Office as a first step in resolving any dispute. The next point of appeal would be the Associate Dean’s Office, followed by the Dean of CEIS. In the event the matter is not resolved at this level, the Office of Judicial Affairs should be contacted.

Please make 7 copies of this form and bring one large envelope to the 9th class


1.Creativity: How was the presentation made more innovative. Did the student utilize AV. or other creative modalities as a method to enhance the presentation.

Rating 1 2 3

2. Identifies major objectives of the presentation and follows a clear format to discuss each element.

Rating 1 2

3. The student has a clear introduction and philosophy on the selected subject. The student also incorporates some theory and explains how it relates to the subject

Rating 1 2 3

4. Has developed and presented a realistic and clear program which has genuine and valuable classroom applications.

Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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