The Daily Roman - University of Phoenix

Associate Level Material

Appendix D

Classroom Management

The Classroom Management assignment contains multiple assignment options: Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3. Select one of the three options and complete the assignment according to the directions provided. Submit the completed assignment as directed.

Option 1: Paper

Do you have a personal philosophy about classroom management? This is your chance to share your opinions with an audience of new teachers. This assignment provides an opportunity to explore your persuasive side while demonstrating your mastery of this week’s objectives.

• View the “Classroom Management” video clip from Ch. 11 on the textbook companion Web site: johnson13e

o Navigate to: johnson13e

o From the Select Chapter menu, click 11.

o From the menu on the left, select Video.

o Click on the “Classroom Management” video clip.

• Choose either the constructivist or behaviorist theory of education.

• Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you dased upon the theory you chosegnative loadescribe your ideals for effective classroom management based upon the theory you chose. In separate paragraphs, describe your particular approach to classroom organization, motivation, discipline, and teaching styles. From your perspective, contrast each element of your paper with the opposite approach. Although your views might change as you learn more about the field of education, consider this paper as an initial entry for your professional portfolio.

• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

• Post your assignment as an attachment.

Option 2: Interview

Do you have the ability to influence others to try new things? If so, this assignment is perfect for you. You have been selected as Teacher of the Year and will be a guest on a local talk show. You have been invited to share your personal philosophy about classroom management. This assignment provides an opportunity to explore your persuasive side while demonstrating your mastery of this week’s objectives.

• Resources: Audio Ace

• View the “Classroom Management” video clip from Ch. 11 on the textbook companion

website: johnson13e

o Navigate to: johnson13e

o From the Select Chapter menu, choose click 11.

o From the menu on the left, select Video.

o Click on the “Classroom Management” video clip.

• Create a 5- to 7-minute interview focusing on effective classroom management.

o Introduce yourself and identify your approach to classroom organization, motivation, discipline, and teaching styles, based on your current perspective.

o Select the theory which is opposite to your personal approach, behaviorist or constructivist, and share alternative approaches to classroom management from this different perspective. Be sure to emphasize the differences in organization, motivation, discipline, and teaching style.

o Use the Interview Template provided below to help organize your information for the interview. You may alter the template if desired, but you must play the role of guest expert in the interview.

• Use Audio Ace and a computer microphone to record your interview.

o You will need to use your student id to login to complete the following steps.

o Click on the Audio Ace web site, Audio Ace.

o Click on the Video Tutorial for instructions.

o You may play more than one part by changing your voice, or invite a friend or family member to participate.

o Speak clearly and loudly enough to be easily understood.

o Listen to your audio recording to make sure it is well done and that there are no technical problems.

• Post your recorded interview as an AudioAce link by copying and pasting the link into the main body of your post. The link is provided to you by Audio Ace.


Option 3: Brochure

Do you have the ability to influence others to try new things? If so, this assignment is perfect for you. You have been selected to prepare a brochure to promote a workshop for teachers about effective classroom management. In this assignment, produce a brochure introducing your personal approach to classroom management and the top ten strategies for effective classroom management. The brochure will also include information on how the workshop will provide another perspective of classroom management to help new teachers create their own approach.

• View the “Classroom Management” video clip from Ch. 11 on the textbook companion website: johnson13e

o Navigate to: johnson13e

o From the Select Chapter menu, choose click 11.

o From the menu on the left, select Video.

o Click on the “Classroom Management” video clip.

• Create a brochure to promote the workshop by describing your approach to effective classroom management. Specific directions for what to include in the brochure are contained in the brochure template below.

• Use the brochure template provided below or create your own.

o You may customize the layout of the template. If you change the pictures or text boxes the layout of the template will be affected. Changes to anything written in red text, including the title of the brochure and the section titles, should not affect the layout. Be sure that your final brochure looks professional.

• Post your brochure as either a Microsoft® Word document or scan your brochure into your computer and post it as a .JPG file.

Title of Workshop

Workshop Presenter: Your Name



Insert Section Title here


Insert text emphasizing aspects of your organization, motivation, discipline, and teaching style which have been effective in managing your classroom. This information must be between 100 and 150 words and should fit entirely in this box.

Insert Section Title here

Insert text describing the importance of developing an effective classroom management plan. Promote the workshop by describing your personal approach to effective classroom management. This information must be between 100 and 150 words and must fit entirely in this box.


Insert Headline here

Insert text explaining the top ten strategies for effective classroom management. This section must be between 100 and 150 words and fit entirely in this box.

Insert Headline here

Highlight the theory that is opposite your personal approach—Behaviorist or Constructivist—as an alternative for those trying to develop their own effective classroom management style. This information must be between 100 and 150 words and fit entirely in this box.

Interview Template

Host: Today on the show we will be discussing effective classroom management. Today’s guest, [insert your name here], has been named teacher of the year. Welcome, we are glad to have you on the show.

Guest(Student): [Insert response]

Host: Based on your expertise, please share your personal philosophy regarding your approach to effective classroom management?

Guest(Student): [Insert response. In your response, cover the following areas regarding your approach to effective classroom management:

o classroom organization and motivation

o discipline

o teaching style ]

Host: For new teachers that need to create their own philosophy regarding classroom management, can you please identify which theory your approach most directly aligns with. Is it Behaviorist or the Constructivist?

Guest(Student): My approach most aligns with the ______________ approach.

Host: Can you please tell us a little about this alternative approach? This will provide the audience with an opportunity to learn about another approach to effective classroom management.

Guest(Student): [Insert response. Be sure to highlight differences in organization, motivation, discipline and teaching style.]

Host: Thank you for sharing your insight and expertise. Congratulations again on being selected as Teacher of the Year.


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