

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Greetings from YWAM Windhoek, Namibia.

Thank you for your interest in the Discipleship Training School (DTS). Many have testified to the life changing experience the DTS has been for them – a time of coming to know God in a whole new dimension. We are confident that, should the Lord lead you to attend, yours would be the same experience.

The duration of the school is 5 and a half months (five and a half) and is divided into three phases: The first phase is 12 weeks long and consists of lectures that follow a prepared curriculum. Lectures are given by international and local speakers of outstanding men and women of God.

The second phase consists of 8 (eight) weeks being spent on field assignment and the third phase is back in the classroom and debrief for 2 (two) weeks.

Please contact the office to confirm the dates of the specific DTS that you are applying for . We strongly advise that you arrive 1 or 2 days earlier so you can adjust and get over your jet-lag. Send us your arrival date and time (with your flight number where applicable) in order to arrange pickup if needed. The cost for airports pick up N$300 and bus station or taxi rank is N$100. All pick up cost are payable on the day of arrival on the Base.

During the DTS a normal day will start with quite time and early breakfast to make sure that there is enough time for beginning the day with the Lord. After a time of worship, lectures will begin and opportunities for small group interaction and intercession will also be provided. Every second weekend is usually free. There are also two long weekends worked into the school schedule (Thursday evening ‘till Sunday evening).

YWAM Windhoek and its staff are daily involved in the Katutura Community and during the DTS all the students will also partake in outreaches to the poor and needy in the Community.

We at YWAM are committed to a simple lifestyle. Single students are normally housed in dormitories & families are made provision for per their needs. The food, although nourishing, may not have the same variety to which you are accustomed to.

For centre facilities to be maintained, each student will be required to work during designated work times. We attempt to assign jobs to cater for one’s age and physical ability. We would also take mothers with small children into consideration.

Our financial policy paper, which will give an overview of costs involved for the upcoming DTS and terms of payment, is included in the DTS Application Package. Please feel free to contact our office: e-mail:

ywamwindhoek@ , office WhatsApp Nr.: +264 81561799

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely in Him,

Gabriel Nghuuyepa

Base Director

Cell: +264 8171 39200


office Cell: +264 81561799

The Registrar


P.O. Box 97392



Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

This DTS Application Package includes the following:

|1. |Information letter on the DTS |Page 2 |

|2. |Financial Policy |Page 4 |

|3. |Application Form |Page 5 |

|4. |Life Questions |Page 6 - 7 |

|5. |Medical Questionnaire |Page 8 - 9 |

|6. |Confidential Reference Pastor / Minister |Page 10 - 11 |

|7. |Confidential Reference Leader/Church Elder |Page 12 - 13 |

|8. |Confidential Reference Christian Friend |Page 14 - 15 |

|9. |Release Of Liability And Consent Form |Page 16 - 17 |

| | | |

Please note:

• Forms 3, 4 & 5 must be completed by the applicant and send to YWAM Windhoek by the applicant, together with a recent passport picture.

• Form 9 to be completed and signed personally or, in case of a minor, by parents or guardians.

• Forms 6, 7 & 8 must be send to YWAM Namibia by the References themselves.

• Forms can be hand delivered, emailed posted to:

Application Procedure for Non-Namibians:

1. Send the forms back to the Registrar as soon as possible.

2. The Registrar will inform you whether you are accepted or not. If you are he / she will send you application forms for a study visa by internet or mail.

3. Apply for your police clearance asap.

(Note for South Africans: a) go to your nearest police station for fingerprints etc.

b) ask the police to send it to the Police Clearance Department, Pretoria

(takes about 2 months)

4. Please e-mail or post complete application forms for your study visa to the Registrar (see address above) not directly to the Ministry of Home Affairs in Namibia.

5. YWAM Namibia will inform you as soon as your study visa has been approved.

Discipleship Training School

Application Package

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Financial Policy

Discipleship Training School in Windhoek, Namibia

1. Application Fee:

A non-refundable application fee is payable upon each application. The fee is to be forwarded with the application form. Your application can not be processed without it.

Namibian Citizens: Outside Africa

Singles: N$200.00 Singles: N$300.00

Couples: N$400.00 Couples: N$600.00

2. School Fees:

2.1 Categories:

Category A: First World Nations, e.g. the North American, European Union, and Australasian (including Japan)

Category B: Second World nations, e.g. the G 22 group (including South Africa, Russia, Malaysia, Brazil, Korea etc.)

Category C: Third World nations, e.g. India, South Africans coming from a third world environment (previously disadvantaged communities), Indian Ocean Islands, and all African countries including Namibia

2.2 Lecture Phase Costs:

A = N$ 18 000-00

B = N$ 15 000-00

C = N$ 12 000-00

The school fees are for the three months’ period and include accommodation, meals and tuition. Spending money for toiletries and treats is not included.

2.3 Outreach Phase Cost:

The outreach fee of between N$15 000 and N$30 000 is excluded and will depend on the location, the team feel led to go, either locally or international.

3. Payment:

• The application fee must be send together with the application forms to YWAM Windhoek.

• The school fees are to be paid as follows:

A = Two thirds on the day of registration of school, the balance by end of first phase.

B = Two thirds on the day of registration of school, the balance by end of first phase.

C = At least N$ 2000-00 (Namibia dollars) at registration of school, the balance as agreed.


A limited number of bursaries are available on request.

Any refunds of fees and decisions regarding the allocation of bursaries will be left to the discretion of the DTS committee.

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Application Form

Please write the starting date of the DTS that you are applying for: Month: _______________ Year:______________

Personal Information

|Mr / Mrs / Miss | | | | |(full name) |

|Postal Address: | | | | | |

|Residential Address: | | | | | |

|Telephone Home: | | | Fax: | | |

|Telephone Work: | | | Email: | | |

|Date of birth: |(dd / mm / yy) | / / | | | |

|Identity Number: | | | Occupation: | | |

|Marital Status (single, married| | |Spouses Name: | | |

|or divorced): | | | | | |

|Child’s Name(s): | |Sex: | |Date of Birth: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Your Parents: | | | | | |

|Names: | | | | | |

|Postal Address: | | | | | |

|Residential Address: | | | | | |

|Telephone Home: | | | Work: | | |

|Your Next Of Kin: | | | | | |

|Names: | | | | | |

|Postal Address: | | | | | |

|Residential Address: | | | | | |

|Telephone Home: | | | Work: | | |

|Are your parents divorced? | | | | | |

|What languages do you speak (in order of fluency)? | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Your Passport Details: | | | | | |

|Nationality: | | | | | |

|Date/Place of Issue: | | | | | |

|Expiry Date: | | | | | |

|Passport No.: | | | | | |



Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Life Questions

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper and type or print neatly.

1. Describe your conversion experience. How long have you been a Christian & any spiritual highlights?

2. Describe your present spiritual relationship with the Lord. What principles is God teaching you now?

3. Describe your long-term goals. Has God spoken to you about your life’s calling? Specify.

4. How did you first hear about YWAM?

5. What is your purpose in attending the DTS?

6. What is your family’s religious background?

7. How would you describe your relationship with your family? Include how they feel about your plans to attend this YWAM program. Please relate pertinent details of any past marriages or present marital separation.

8. Is there anything about your family relationships that you would like us to be aware of?

9. What kind of church work experience do you have? Where, when, with whom?

10. Describe any leadership training & experience you had.

11. Does your pastor / minister approve of you doing a YWAM school?

12. What religious books or Christian magazines have influenced you most?

13. What talents do you have? (Dance, sing, drama etc)

14. What skills do you have that you are particularly good in? (Cooking, administration etc)

15. Please give details if you have been reared by anyone other than your parents.

16. Describe your present relationship with your parents and the rest of your family.

17. Have you ever been involved in felonious crime, drug or alcohol abuse, occult activities, or homosexual practices? Explain.

18. Do you smoke?

19. Describe any physical disabilities you have.

20. Have you ever had any psychiatric treatment? If so, give details of depth of involvement, dates and any present difficulties.


21. Will you be able and committed to concur with the financial policy?

22. List any outstanding debt or financial obligations you have and how you expect to fulfil them.

23. List your education qualifications:

a) High School (place and date)

b) College or University

c) Technical Training

24. Circle any of the following words which describe you as you are currently:

|Active |Ambitious |Calm |Competitive |Confused |

|Courageous |Depressed |Diplomatic |Easy-Going |Excitable |

|Extrovert |Fearful |Flexible |Good-Natured |Guilty |

|Hard-Working |Humorous |Hurting |Imaginative |Impatient |

|Impulsive |Insecure |Introvert |Likeable |Loyal |

|Lonely |Moody |Negative |Nervous |Optimistic |

|Organised |People-Lover |Perfectionist |Persistent |Practical |

|Quiet |Self-Sacrificing |Self-Confident |Self-Conscious |Sensitive |

|Serious |Sincere |Stubborn |Submissive |Warm |

25. Do you believe you could live under pioneer situations such like: eating different food, living together with people from different cultures in dormitory housing or small quarters for families, etc.?

26. Please list any special circumstances or situations we should know about.

27. List the name and postal address of a mature Christian whom you know well. Give him and your pastor/minister as well as one of the elders of your church the relevant confidential form attached and ask them to complete it and mail it directly to YWAM Windhoek.

I certify that all information in this application is complete and accurate. If accepted by Youth With A Mission, I will abide by the spirit, rules, and schedule of the program. I understand that any and all Confidential Evaluations in my file are YWAM property, and I relinquish the right to view them or obtain information from them in any way. In accordance with Biblical principles, I agree to resolve any and all disputes with Youth With A Mission, YWAM Directors or staff by means of reconciliation or mediation, and waive any right to pursue action by way litigation. I understand that I am responsible for payment of the required school tuition fee and that payment must be made upon or before the deadline set by the School Director. I also confirm that I am fully aware of this financial obligation, both to the Lord and to the students and staff at the school. I therefore commit myself to paying all personal expenses incurred during my involvement with Youth With A Mission Namibia.

Signature Date

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Medical Questionnaire

|Your Full Name: | |

1. Your Family Doctor:

| |Name: | | | | |

| |Postal Address: | | | | |

| |Telephone |Home: | | Work: | |

2. Personal History:

a) Have you ever had, or do you have, any of the following?

| |Yes |No | | |Yes |No |

| | | | | | | |

|Skin Condition | | | |Back Problems | | |

|Eye Trouble | | | |Dislocation Of Joints | | |

|Ear Trouble | | | |Broken Bones | | |

|Head Injury | | | |Stomach /Duodenal Ulcer | | |

|Recurrent Headache | | | |Gall Bladder Problems | | |

|Epilepsy | | | |Jaundice | | |

|Fainting Spells | | | |Hepatitis | | |

|Nervous Disorder | | | |Intestinal Troubles | | |

|Weakness | | | |Recurrent Diarrhoea | | |

|Paralysis | | | |Diabetes | | |

|Insomnia | | | |Kidney Disease | | |

|Shortness of Breath | | | |Anaemia | | |

|Hay Fever | | | |Venereal Disease | | |

|Asthma | | | |Tumour / Cancer | | |

|HIV Pos. | | | |ALLERGIES : | | |

|High Blood Pressure | | | |Antibiotic (please specify) | | |

|Low Blood Pressure | | | |Serum | | |

|Heart Trouble | | | |Food (please specify) | | |

|Rheumatism / Arthritis | | | |Other | | |

Please comment on all positive answers:

c) Other health problems we should be aware of:



d) Please answer the following:

1. Weight __________________kg Height _______________________cm

e) Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Yes ____ No ____

Please specify ________________________________________________________

f) Do you have any physical, emotional, or mental disability? Yes ____ No ____

g) Do you ever have consulted a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, and/or a Counsellor? Yes ____ No ____. If yes, please explain on a separate sheet of paper.

h) Do you use Sedatives, Tonics, Thyroid Medicine, or other drugs? ________________


i) Do you use or have you used habitually or occasionally Tobacco _____, Alcoholic Beverages _____, Narcotic Drugs _____, Marijuana (Dagga) _____, LSD _____?

Indicate how recently and in what quantity? _________________________________

j) Compared to others, do you seem to have difficulties in concentration / becoming tired easily / becoming depressed? _______________________________________

3. Surgeries Performed:

|Date |Type of Surgery |Outcome and Long-term Effects |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

4. Are you at present under a doctor’s care for any condition? Yes _____ No _____. Please specify: __________________________________________________________________

5. Family History:

Has any of your relatives had any of the following? (Please tick ( and explain relationship)

| |Yes |No |Who? (Relationship) |

| | | | |

|Tuberculosis | | | |

|Diabetes | | | |

|Kidney Disease | | | |

|Heart Disease | | | |

|Arthritis | | | |

|Stomach Disease | | | |

|Asthma, Hay Fever | | | |

|Epilepsy, Convulsions | | | |

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Confidential Reference


|Full Name Of Applicant | |

Details Of Pastor Completing This Form:

|Name: | |

|Postal Address: | |

|Telephone Home: | | Fax: | |

|Telephone Work: | | Email: | |

The above student is applying for the Discipleship Training School in Windhoek, Namibia, which is conducted by Youth with A Mission.

To make an evaluation of the applicant’s fitness for service, the screening committee would appreciate if you could supply the information requested on this form.

A. I have known this applicant for ________________years, _____________________months.

B. Please comment on the applicant’s family background (if known).


C. Has the applicant proven on any occasion to be unreliable, dishonest or of questionable character?


D. Please tick Yes / No

| |Yes |No |

| | | |

|Does the applicant display high moral standards? | | |

|Is he / she prejudiced against groups, races or nationalities? | | |

|Active in church service | | |

E. In your consideration, which of the following would best describe the applicant’s Christian experience?

| |Mature | |Genuine & Growing | |Over Emotional | |Superficial |

Comment: ____________________________________________________________

F. How do you see the applicant’s Christian life? Please tick the appropriate box.

| |Above Average | |Average | |Below Average |

Or how would you describe it? _______________________________________________________________________


G. Please describe the applicant by ticking the best response for each item below:

|Area |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor |No |

| | | | | |Observation |

| | | | | | |

|Adaptability & Flexibility | | | | | |

|Initiative | | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | | |

|Personal Appearance | | | | | |

|Christian Character | | | | | |

|Punctuality | | | | | |

|Judgment / Decision making | | | | | |

|Teach ability / Attitude | | | | | |

|Leadership | | | | | |

|Financial Responsibility | | | | | |

|Work / Servanthood | | | | | |

|Cooperation / Reliability | | | | | |

|Mental Ability | | | | | |

|Health | | | | | |

|Respect for Authority / Submission | | | | | |

H. Please add any other relevant remarks concerning medical, psychological, drug/alcohol use or other areas of the applicant’s life we should know more about for us to be of service to the applicant.


I. Do you fully support the applicant in his desire to do a DTS? Yes _____ No _____. If not, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________




Signature (Pastor) Date

Please e-mail or send this form to: info@


office Cell: +264 81561799

The Registrar, YWAM, P.O. Box 97392, Windhoek, Namibia

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Confidential Reference

Leader / Church Elder

|Full Name Of Applicant | |

Details Of Leader or Church Elder Completing This Form:

|Name: | |

|Postal Address: | |

|Telephone Home: | | Fax: | |

|Telephone Work: | | Email: | |

The above student is applying for the Discipleship Training School in Windhoek, Namibia, which is conducted by Youth With A Mission.

To make an evaluation of the applicant’s fitness for service, the screening committee would appreciate if you could supply the information requested on this form.

A. I have known this applicant for ________________years, _____________________months.

B. Please comment on the applicant’s family background (if known).


C. Has the applicant proven on any occasion to be unreliable, dishonest or of questionable character?


D. Please tick Yes / No

| |Yes |No |

| | | |

|Does the applicant display high moral standards? | | |

|Is he / she prejudiced against groups, races or nationalities? | | |

|Active in church service | | |

E. In your consideration, which of the following would best describe the applicant’s Christian experience?

| |Mature | |Genuine & Growing | |Over Emotional | |Superficial |

Comment: ____________________________________________________________


F. How do you see the applicant’s Christian life? Please tick the appropriate box.

| |Above Average | |Average | |Below Average |

Or how would you describe it? _______________________________________________________________________


G. lease describe the applicant by ticking the best response for each item below:

|Area |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor |No |

| | | | | |Observation |

| | | | | | |

|Adaptability & Flexibility | | | | | |

|Initiative | | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | | |

|Personal Appearance | | | | | |

|Christian Character | | | | | |

|Punctuality | | | | | |

|Judgment / Decision making | | | | | |

|Teach ability / Attitude | | | | | |

|Leadership | | | | | |

|Financial Responsibility | | | | | |

|Work / Servanthood | | | | | |

|Cooperation / Reliability | | | | | |

|Mental Ability | | | | | |

|Health | | | | | |

|Respect for Authority / Submission | | | | | |

H. lease add any other relevant remarks concerning medical, psychological, drug/alcohol use or other areas of the applicant’s life we should know more about for us to be of service to the applicant.


I. Do you fully support the applicant in his desire to do a DTS? Yes _____ No _____. If not, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________



Signature (Leader / Church Elder) Date

Please e-mail or send this form to: info@

The Registrar, YWAM, P.O. Box 97392, Windhoek, Namibia

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known

Discipleship Training School

Confidential Reference


|Full Name Of Applicant | |

Details Of Friend Completing This Form:

|Name: | |

|Postal Address: | |

|Telephone Home: | | Fax: | |

|Telephone Work: | | Email: | |

The above student is applying for the Discipleship Training School in Windhoek, Namibia, which is conducted by Youth With A Mission.

To make an evaluation of the applicant’s fitness for service, the screening committee would appreciate if you could supply the information requested on this form.

A. I have known this applicant for ________________years, _____________________months.

B. Please comment on the applicant’s family background (if known).


C. Has the applicant proven on any occasion to be unreliable, dishonest or of questionable character?


D. Please tick Yes / No

| |Yes |No |

| | | |

|Does the applicant display high moral standards? | | |

|Is he / she prejudiced against groups, races or nationalities? | | |

|Active in church service | | |

E. In your consideration, which of the following would best describe the applicant’s Christian experience?

| |Mature | |Genuine & Growing | |Over Emotional | |Superficial |

Comment: ____________________________________________________________


F. How do you see the applicant’s Christian life? Please tick the appropriate box.

| |Above Average | |Average | |Below Average |

Or how would you describe it? _______________________________________________________________________


G. Please describe the applicant by ticking the best response for each item below:

|Area |Excellent |Good |Fair |Poor |No |

| | | | | |Observation |

| | | | | | |

|Adaptability & Flexibility | | | | | |

|Initiative | | | | | |

|Perseverance | | | | | |

|Personal Appearance | | | | | |

|Christian Character | | | | | |

|Punctuality | | | | | |

|Judgment / Decision making | | | | | |

|Teach ability / Attitude | | | | | |

|Leadership | | | | | |

|Financial Responsibility | | | | | |

|Work / Servanthood | | | | | |

|Cooperation / Reliability | | | | | |

|Mental Ability | | | | | |

|Health | | | | | |

|Respect for Authority / Submission | | | | | |

H. Please add any other relevant remarks concerning medical, psychological, drug/alcohol use or other areas of the applicant’s life we should know more about for us to be of service to the applicant.


I. Do you fully support the applicant in his desire to do a DTS? Yes _____ No _____. If not, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________



Signature (Christian Friend) Date


Signature Date

Please e-mail or send this form to: info@

The Registrar, YWAM, P.O. Box 97392, Windhoek, Namibia

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia

To know God and to make Him known


I (the student), or I/we (as parents/guardian in case of a minor) release Youth With A Mission, its staff, agents and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever arising out of any injury, damage or loss which may be sustained during the attendance and participation of the Discipleship Training School, be it during the course of the lecture phase or the field assignment.


Students or Parents/Guardians Signature(s) Date


For the time attending and participating in the Discipleship Training School I (the student), or I/we (as parents/guardian in case of a minor) agree to the performance of any treatment, anaesthesia or operation deemed necessary by attending physicians on ________________________ (myself/students name).

I (the student), or I/we (as parents/guardian in case of a minor) also authorise the leaders of Youth With A Mission to retain such medical care and treatment as they deem necessary on _________________________ (myself/students name).

If possible at all the leaders of YWAM will get in contact with the family of the student prior to any necessary medical treatment.


Students or Parents/Guardians Signature(s) Date


We would encourage prospective students to seriously consider some possible consequences of missions training. Although death is something that many people do not plan for, we need to consider the possibility of a student dying on the mission field – and we need to prepare for it.

In extensive travel in less developed countries, where diseases are more prevalent, fatal accidents and sickness can occur, in these countries burial is often a real problem. We would strongly encourage burial on the “field” as decay can start very quickly. Also, some countries require by law an expensive coffin and an accompanying person in case the body should be returned to the home country. Consequently, shipping a body home will cost several thousand Namibian Dollars.

We at YWAM endeavour to maintain a Christian view of death: It is not the final step but just a passage; the person is not in that coffin, just his earthly shell; and the priority for limited resources must therefore be for the living.

Discipleship Training School

Release Of Liability

And Consent Form

YWAM does everything possible to protect staff and students in the field. In case of death YWAM cannot commit to cover the costs of shipping the body to another country for purposes of burial or to ultimately cover the burial costs in the country of death. If the family desires to see a body transported back home, the family must pay the entire cost.

Note: It is the responsibility of every individual or family to have field burial, or death related remains transport insurance, not YWAM’s responsibility.

Please sign below as your agreement to this principle.

I (the student), or I/we (as parents/guardian in case of a minor) agree that in case of death of ________________________ (students name) while in Youth With A Mission, YWAM may carry out the burial in the location of decease. If my family desires to see the body shipped home, my family will pay for it. I (the student), or I/we (as parents/guardian in case of a minor) hereby absolve YWAM and all its staff, agents and volunteer assistants from any responsibility for burial costs.


Students or Parents / Guardians Signature(s) Date

To know God and to make Him known

Youth With A Mission

Windhoek, Namibia


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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