Unit Theme: Días inolvidables

|Context for the Integrated Performance Assessment: Your Spanish class is going to host a group of students from Chile who will |

|spend a few weeks in your community. The students would like information about the outdoor activities, including sports and |

|sporting events, that are popular in your community. |

| |

|Interpretive Task: Watch the Videodocumentario: Los deportes en el mundo hispano from Realidades 3, DVD 1, Capítulo 1. Make a list |

|of the outdoor activities and sporting events mentioned in the video. Note the relationship between the weather and the activities.|

| |

| |

|Interpersonal Task: Discuss the list of outdoor activities and sporting events with a friend in Spanish class. Are any of them |

|popular in your community? What other outdoor activities are popular in your community? What is the relationship between the |

|weather and the outdoor activities? Describe places in your community where people go to enjoy outdoor activities. |

| |

|Presentational Task: Write an e-mail to one of the students from Chile with a detailed description of the weather, sports, and |

|outdoor activities, and places where people go in your community to participate in the activities. |

Assessment Rubrics

Interpersonal Task Rubric

| |Score: 1 |Score: 3 |Score: 5 |

| |Does not meet expectations |Meets expectations |Exceeds expectations |

|Language Use |Student uses little or no target|Student uses the target language|Student uses the target language|

| |language and relies heavily on |consistently, but may mix native|exclusively and integrates |

| |native language word order. |and target language word order. |target language word order into |

| | | |conversation. |

|Vocabulary Use |Student uses limited and |Student uses only recently |Student uses both recently and |

| |repetitive language. |acquired vocabulary. |previously acquired vocabulary. |

Presentational Task Rubric

| |Score: 1 |Score: 3 |Score: 5 |

| |Does not meet expectations |Meets expectations |Exceeds expectations |

|Amount of Communication |Student gives limited or no |Student gives adequate details |Student gives consistent |

| |details or examples. |or examples. |details or examples. |

|Accuracy |Student’s accuracy with |Student’s accuracy with |Student’s accuracy with |

| |vocabulary and structures is |vocabulary and structures is |vocabulary and structures is |

| |limited. |adequate. |exemplary. |

|Comprehensibility |Student’s ideas lack clarity |Student’s ideas are adequately |Student’s ideas are precise and|

| |and are difficult to |clear and fairly well |easily understood. |

| |understand. |understood. | |

|Vocabulary Use |Student uses limited and |Student uses only recently |Student uses both recently and |

| |repetitive vocabulary. |acquired vocabulary. |previously acquired vocabulary.|


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