Descriptive Essay Rubric

|Descriptive Essay Grading Rubric |

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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Sensory Details |Essay includes details |Includes details that |Includes details that |Includes no details that|

| |that appeal to at least |appeal to fewer than |appeal to only one of |appeal to one of the |

| |four of the five senses |three of the five |the five senses. |five senses. |

| |(taste, touch, sound, |senses. | | |

| |sight, smell). | | | |

|Word Choice |Writer uses vivid words |Writer uses vivid words |Writer uses words that |Writer uses a limited |

| |and phrases that linger |and phrases that linger |communicate clearly, but|vocabulary that does not|

| |or draw pictures in the |or draw pictures in the |the writing lacks |communicate strongly or |

| |reader's mind, and the |reader's mind, but |variety, punch, or |capture the reader's |

| |choice and placement of |occasionally the words |flair. |interest. Vague and |

| |the words seems |are used inaccurately or| |abstract words are |

| |accurate, natural and |seem overdone. | |primarily used |

| |not forced. | | |throughout the essay. |

|Figurative Language: |Writer effectively uses |Writer uses one example |Writer may try to use |Writer does not include |

|Simile |simile, metaphor, |of simile, metaphor, or |simile, metaphor, and |simile, metaphor, or |

|Metaphor |personification, and |personification to |personification but does|personification in |

|Personification |allusion to describe the|describe the subject. |so incorrectly. |essay. |

|Allusion |subject. | | | |

|Grammar Brushstrokes: |Writer uses 2 absolutes |Writer attempts to |Writer attempts to |Writer does not include |

| |and effectively adds |incorporate 1-2 |include absolutes, but |absolutes in the essay |

| |extra concrete details |absolutes into their |they make little to no |at all. |

| |to the essay. |writing, but the |sense in context. | |

| | |absolutes are confusing | | |

| | |and unclear. | | |

|Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency & |All sentences are |Most sentences are |Most sentences are |Sentences lack structure|

|Participles) |well-constructed with |well-constructed with |well-constructed but |and appear incomplete or|

| |varied structure. |varied structure. The |many have a similar |multiple run on |

| |Writer includes at least|writer attempts to use |structure. Writer |sentences. No attempt |

| |4 correctly written |2-3 participles, even |includes only 1-2 |at including participles|

| |participles in the |though they are not |participles, but they |was made in the essay. |

| |essay. |entirely correct or |are not well constructed| |

| | |don’t make sense. |and do not really | |

| | | |communicate additional | |

| | | |details clearly. | |

|Grammar & Mechanics: |There are no errors in |There are some errors; |There are errors that |There are serious errors|

|Spelling |grammar, spelling, |however, these errors do|distract the reader. |that interfere with the |

|Capitalization |capitalization, or |not distract the reader.|Essay is completed on |reader's understanding |

|Punctuation |punctuation. Essay is |Essay is completed on |time. |of the essay. Essay is |

|Subject/Verb Agreement |completed on time. |time. | |completed on time. |


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