The Sieve and the Sand Pg. 73-94

Quarter 3 class novel: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray BradburyStudy guide questions and answers Laurcen Simo; 1B “The Hearth and the Salamander” 7-281. To what does Montag compare his hands?He compares his hands to a music conductors’.2. What is significant of Montag’s premonitions?He winks to himself in the mirror and smile.3. Write down a quote that you think best characterizes Montag and give the page number.“He was not happy. He said the words to himself.” Pg. 94. Name two different ways that Clarisse and Montag are different. ~Clarisse questions the world. ~Montag does not question the world. He just follows the rules.5. Give five descriptive words that describes Montag’s homecoming.Tum-likeColdDarkMausoleum Dull6. What happened to Mildred?Tried to commit suicide and kill herself by taking pills.7. What is the significance of the following quote, “As I said, you take out the old and put in the new and you’re okay”?It means that you take out the things that doesn’t work and you put the new things that will make you function better.8. How did Mildred act in the morning? What does that say about her character? Oblivious, doesn't remember. She is pretentious. 9. During their second meeting, what does Clarisse do that bothers Montag?Clarisse rubs a dandelion under his chin, and she says that he is not in love. He gets upset because he says that he is in love, but in Clarisse’s mind he is not.10. Describe why Clarisse is considered “different”, and why she is seeing a psychiatrist.Clarisse is considered “different” because she is not like everyone else. She questions things, and likes to learn about new things, have real experiences and enjoy what life really is. She also, sees a psychiatrist because people considered her crazy. “The Hearth and the Salamander” 28-521. How does the mechanical dog react to Montag?It growls at him and almost stabs him with a lethal injection.2. What does the existence of the mechanical dog say about Montag’s society?It says the society is very strict with rules and regulations.3. What is one significant thing that Clarisse’s uncle says?Her uncle says that people used to be more responsible and that's missing in their society.4. What kind of things does Clarisse do that others would consider “strange”?She dances in the rain, she walks bare footed, she stops to look up at the stars, she questions everything. 5. Is Clarisse social or antisocial? Explain your answer.Clarisse is anti-social because of the way she acts. She is unique in her own way. She doesn’t get along very well with the other kids because of the way she thinks. Others find her strange.6. What happened to the man whose library was “fixed”?The man was taken away screaming to the asylum.7. Define insanity according to Beatty.Insanity to Beatty is anyone who thinks he can fool the government and the firemen's. 8. When do most fires occur and why?Most of the fires occur at night because the fire is more prettier by night than day. 9. How does Mildred refer to the people in the walls? What does that say about her character?Mildred refers to them us family, and that says she is delusional. She is trying to find people who care about her, besides her husband (Guy Montag) 10. What happened when Montag had to go to the old woman’s house, and how was this call different?The old woman wanted to be burned with the books, because she thought they were more important than anything else. There Montag decided to take a book with him.11. What question does Montag ask that neither he nor Mildred know the answer to?Montag asks Mildred when they met.12. What happened to Clarisse?Clarisse died and the whole family moved. “The Hearth and the Salamander” 52-721. Who is “the bunch”?The “bunch” was a program that came on the parlor.2. Write a couple of sentences discussing the differences between Montag’s reaction to burning the old woman and Mildred’s.Montag was worried about the woman they had burned in the fire, and he questioned on how he had the power to do that. Mildred was not worried about what had happened to the old woman. 3. Who shows up when Montag starts to question his job and motives? Beatty shows up when Montag starts to question his job and motives.4. Discuss the ironic undertones in Beatty’s lecture. How is it ironic?Beatty’s undertone is trying to convince Montag to not question his job, and to do what is “right”. It’s ironic because Beatty thinks that what he does is the right thing, and he thinks he knows what’s best for Montag.5. What does Mildred uncover when she is cleaning up? How do the three people each react to the discovery?Mildred- She was shocked, and she didn’t know what to do. Montag- He tries to cover the book, and does not notice when Mildred took the bookBeatty- He too does not notice when Mildred finds the book. He just thinks she is acting different. 6. What does Beatty say was Clarisse’s problem? What does this say about the society that Montag lives in?Beatty said that Clarisse's problem was that she didn’t want to know how a thing was done but why. This suggest that the society didn’t care or wonder why something was done but how something was done. 7. How did Mildred respond when Montag revealed all of the books to her? What does this say about her character?Mildred acted like the books were bombs about to explode. She acted frighten, scared and terrified. This suggest that Mildred is the same type of person as everyone else. She thinks as everyone else does and not the way Montag thinks. 8. What is trailing the Montag’s? What does this mean? Of what literary device is this an example?The government is trailing the Montag’s, which means that Beatty is suspicious of them having books or not. This is an example of a plot. 9. What kind of person is Beatty, and how do you know?Beatty is the kind of person who follows the rules and does everything according to the established rules. I know this because of the way he acts towards Montag.10. What do you think is going to happen next?In my opinion I believe Montag somehow will change the way he thinks and will try to stop the burning of books.11. Write a prediction about the text.I believe Montag will work with Faber and try to stop the burning of the books. 12. What strikes you most about the novel so far? (Images, themes, ideas, characters…)What strikes me the most about the novel is the way people think and act towards the books.13. With which character do you feel the most connection with? Explain.So far I feel the most connection to Clarisse because in my perspective she is the normal one. I also feel a connection to Montag because he is changing the way he thinks. 14. What do you notice about time so far in the novel? The time is in the future, and it has become a time where reading is prohibited. Owning books is also prohibited. This is a time where they don’t want you to think, they just want you to obey. The Sieve and the Sand Pg. 73-941. Discuss the striking difference between Mildred and Clarisse at the beginning of this part.Mildred in a low key tone says that her favorite subject is herself. Unlike Mildred Clarisse cares about other people and just not herself. 2. Why do you think Mildred is having such a hard time reading? Write a quote that supports your statement.Mildred doesn’t understand what the books are trying to say. She says that books are just books and that she can’t feel family from the books but from the “people.” “Mildred kicked at a book. ‘Books aren’t people. You read and I look all around , but there isn’t anybody.”- Pg 693. What does Montag think the books will answer? What does this say about society?He hopes he finds the answers to his question and about how the world was before. This means that the society Montag is in doesn’t know how the world was before them, or how things worked. They only know about the “present” they live in. 4. Who is Faber, and how does Montag know him?Faber is a retired English professor. Him and Montag met at a park.5. What is the significance of Montag’s question about the “family?” Why does Mildred’s answer make him want to cry?The significance about his question of the family is that Montag question himself on how Mildred could call the parlor “family” when it didn’t even show emotion towards her. Her answer makes him want to cry because deep down he knows Mildred doesn’t know the significance of love and he knows that he is changing the way he thinks.6. What is the significance of “the sieve and the sand”? What does this represent for Montag?The significance of “the sieve and the sand” is that when Montag was little he tried to fill a sieve with sand, so he could get a dime but he wasn’t successful.7. How do the patrons react to Montag’s behavior on the train? What is spooky about how the - - people respond to the commercial on the radio?The patrons were shocked to see Montag act like that, that they were slowly backing away from the “delusional” man. What is spooky is that all of them go with the rhythm of the commercial radio. They stomp their feet with the rhythm and move their heads with the rhythm.8. Where is Montag’s final destination?Montag’s final destination was to Faber’s house.9. What is the significance of the following quote, “No,” said Montag. “My wife’s dying. A friend of mine is already dead. Someone who may have been a friend was burnt less than twenty-four hours ago.”The significance of the quote is that in reality everybody is getting sucked in into Montag’s problem. The people who want to make a change and go against the government to protect the books or question why something was done get burned or they somehow disappear.10. Why does Faber call Montag a “hopeless romantic?”Faber knows that deep down what he is looking for is love and also because he has hope that what he is looking for he will find it in the books.11. How does Faber feel about television and the media? How does this make him different from everybody else?He feels as though the television and the media suck you into thinking what you have to think, not what you want to think. Faber feels as though they program you without you realizing it.12. Who are Montag and Faber going to frame to bring books back into the open? Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?They want to frame the firemen’s. I somewhat believe it’s a good idea so they can see how it feels to lose everything and to just leave everything they believe in the past and start a new life.13. According to Faber, what will bring the world back to books?Faber believes that using an unemployed printer to make a copies of books and wait on the work to break the pattern, it will give them the push they need. 14. To what does Faber compare himself and Montag?Firemen15. What do Montag and Faber do to prevent Montag from turning back into a “drone”? Montag wears an earpiece on which Faber talks to Montag so he is not persuaded by Beatty or any other person to continue burning houses and books. “The Sieve and the Sand” Pg. 94-1131.What did Montag do that really annoyed Mildred and her friends? How do the women react?He starts to talk to them about their life and children. 2. What is so weird about Mrs. Phelps?She believes that having children is not right, and that they are too much work.3. What is ironic about what Mrs. Phelps says?What is ironic is that she says that children are ruinous.4. What is the significance of the following quote, “You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and turn the switch? It’s like washing clothes: stuff the laundry in and slam the lid.”It means that by having the children in the parlor watching tv, they won’t bother you, it will be like they are not even there because they will be too busy watching tv. 5. How did the women choose the next president, and how does Montag react?They compared the president’s appearances and their names in order to figure out who had the best chance of winning. 6. What is significant about the poem that Montag reads to the ladies?What is significant about the poem is that it relates to Mrs.Phelps husband being departed to the war, and she is moved by the poem that she burst into tears.7. To what does Montag compare his relationship with Faber? How is this significant?He compares it to fire and water and to wine, which means that at first they are completely different but at the end they will become one and forever be one.8. What is ironic about Beatty’s debate with Montag in the firehouse?9. Where did the salamander stop? 10. Who do you think turned Montag in?11. Describe how Montag is changing. How do you, as a reader, feel about this change? Burning Bright Pg. 115-1411. What warning did Beatty send to Montag?2. Discuss the difference between Montag’s opinion of Clarisse and Beatty’s.3. Give an example from the novel that shows how Beatty feels about himself and his position. 4. Who turned Montag in? How does Montag now feel about the house?Beatty turned in Montag and ordered him to torch his books one at a time, but Montag stopped and realised that he didn’t care for his house at all, that it meant nothing to him and if he couldn’t have the books what was the point of having the house?5. What does Montag do to Beatty once he discovers the earpiece from Faber?He torches him, because he didn’t want Beatty to get in trouble and Beatty was also beating up on Montag as he taunted him.6. Who attacked Montag? What happened as a result?Beatty taunted and slapped him around, once he got torched the two other Firemen were knocked out by Montag. Eventually the mechanical dog attacked and hurt Montag but he killed it, and began running for Faber’s house.7. How does Montag feel about killing Beatty? Please give a quote to support your answer.8. We have seen examples of Montag stating that his hands perform the actions, not him. How is this evident in this chapter?Montag said that for the first time in a while he really felt the joy of burning when he burned down his own house, also when he torched Beatty he said that it was automatic, his hands just took over started doing what it knew best.9. Who came after Montag in a car? How is that both shocking and realistic?A group of teengers in a car tried to hit Montag as they came barreling down the road. This is shocking for the fact that they aimed to run over a pedestrian, but it’s the society he lived in.10. Where does Montag go for sanctuary (safety)?He traverses across an 11-lane road with cars trying to hit him, all to get the Faber’s house.11. How does Faber react to what Montag has done?He had felt alive, more alive than he had felt in a long time. 12. Where does Faber tell Montag to go?He tells Montag to leave the city, and to follow the railroad tracks. 13. What is the significance of the police chase?To broadcast it to the parlor walls, a show for the citizens.14. What is interesting about Faber having a T.V. monitor in his study?That is was very small, and the complete opposite of the parlor walls yet he has one and knows what is going on.15. Name some things Montag tells Faber to do to avoid being discovered.Burn the chair, wipe down surfaces with alcohol, open all the windows, and turn on the sprinklers full blast.16. What is so weird about what happened on page 138? Can you think of any examples of something like that happening in real life?He feels that Clarisse had passed this way before him, even though he knew she was dead. Burning Bright Pg. 141-1671. Montag comes to the realization that everything burns. What is the significance of this?2. What did Montag realize once he got to the old railroad tracks?He realises that he is not important, but the load he is carrying someday might help someone.3. How does the government end the chase scene? Do you think this ending was inevitable? Why or why not?They just kill a random person walking down the street and say it was Montag.4. How does the image of fire change for Montag?Fire around the camp brings warmth and light.5. What happens to the city?It’s leveled by bombers in the war.6. What does Montag suddenly remember?That he met Clarisse in Chicago.7. How does the image of the phoenix represent mankind?It destroys itself and can be rebuilt from the ashes.8. Name two things you thought were interesting about the afterward.The book’s plot was interesting The chase for Montag was also interesting. ................

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