LESSON PLAN Mastery Model Aligned with Rubric

Lesson Description/Learner Characteristics

|Title: Word Choice |

|Duration: 11:00-11:40 Tuesday-Friday |

|Subject: Writing |

|Grade Level/Setting- Grouping: 4th Grade (whole group, small groups, individual |

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Objectives, Essential Question, & Standards.

|Objective(s): |

|Using a variety of words and the text, My Mama Had a Dancing Heart, students will choose common words and replace them with new |

|descriptive words in their writing. |

|Using new descriptive words, students will create a poem about a person or animal. |

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|Essential Question(s): Often start “What…Why….How…?) |

|How do I liven up my writing using words? |

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|Standard(s): |

|R4.A.1.1.2: Identify and/or interpret a synonym or antonym of a word used in text. |

|R4.A.2.1.1: Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text. |

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Materials and Resources

|Materials/Resources: |

|Packet: Key Qualities of the Word Choice Trait—class set |

|Word Choice Transparency |

|Book: My Mama Had A Dancing Heart, written by Libba Moore Gray |

|Pencils |

|Dry Erase Marker & Permanente Marker |

|Large chart paper hung on chalkboard |

|Tribute Chart—class set & Transparency |

|Jefferson Poem with transparency |

|Thesaurus |

|Clip board |

|Plain paper |


Instructional Delivery

|Warm-up/Engagement: |

|“Today we will be starting a new writing trait. Today’s writing trait is word choice” |

|Show word choice trait transparency |

|Discuss quickly what is word choice? Class opinions?? |

|Instructional Delivery: |

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|DAY 1 |

|Hand each student a word choice packet and a thesaurus. Have them look at the first page of the packet. Do not open thesaurus |

|Why word choice? What is word choice? We do NOT want our writing to sound boring. We WANT our writing to be livened up by the |

|descriptive words we choose. |

|Introduction to the trait word choice. Say “Word choice is how a writer uses words and phrases to bring the writing to life. When |

|you write, try to choose the “just right” words to help the reader understand and picture what you are writing about. This is a |

|very important trait because words are the most valuable tool in a writer’s toolbox. |

|Read transparency Word Choice IS: |

|*The words paint pictures in the reader’s mind. |

|*The “just right” words make the message crystal clear |

|*The words are accurate, specific, and powerful. |

|*The active verbs add energy and punch |

|What is a verb? “A verb is a part of speech which describes an action, state, or occurrence.” Example: walk, play, run |

|*The words and phrases have a marvelous sound. |

|5. “We have 5 large pieces of chart paper hanging on the board. We will be finding words in our thesaurus which fit under the |

|various categories. The categories are: 1. Funny & Silly 2. Happy & Kind 3. Dark & Sad 4. Exciting Words 5.Scholarly” |

|* Does anyone know what a scholarly word is? What does the word scholarly mean? |

|Scholarly means highly educated words which get your attention when you hear them. They are a higher level of words such as |

|established, consistent |

|Why do some words sound interesting as you read them and others do not? (I will write on the board)----The words stuff, good, nice,|

|cool. Which category do you think these words would fit in?? what would our writing sound like if we used these words? BORING, |


|6. Describe what a thesaurus is. A thesaurus contains words with synonyms for each word. This will help us find better words to use|

|during writing. We do not want to keep using the same words such as happy or sad. We may want to say something like (CALL ON |

|STUDENT) Possible answers include: exciting, thrilled, depressed… |

|7. We will now take time to look in the thesaurus to find some of our favorite words. We will then share these words to make one |

|master list of words to use during our writing. |

|8. Give about 5 minutes for students to find words in the thesaurus. |

|9. Allow time for students to share their new words to add onto the chart paper |

|10. Closure: “Today we have seen a variety of new words which we could potentially use in our writing in the future. I want a |

|couple people to raise their hand to tell me a new favorite word they found today to spice up their writing. ALLOW FOR EXAMPLES! We|

|will continue with word choice tomorrow. |

|11. At any time you find a new, descriptive word you may add it to our chart |

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|DAY 2: |

|Review what is word choice? Name a few new words they have learned |

|Today I will be reading the book My Mama Had a Dancing Heart. Everyone needs to get a clipboard, a piece of paper, and a pencil. |

|Meet me on the rug. |

|As I read the book I want you to write down new words from the book to add onto our chart. Listen for words which paint a picture |

|in your mind or captured your imagination. We want a large variety of words which we could start using in our writing. |

|Read book aloud with students on rug “I want you to actively listen to the words as I read the text” |

|Have students go back to their seat after book is finished. Ask students if they heard some new interesting words within the text.|

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|Have students come to board one at a time to add new words onto the chart. |

|Discuss the words and where they belong on the chart (agree thumbs up thumbs down as a whole class) |

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|DAY 3: |

|Review word choice…What is it... adds interest to our writing. Grabs the reader’s attention. Allows for our writing to be spiced up|

|and not boring! |

|Have students turn to the tribute chart page in their packet. |

|Tell students we will be writing a poem. Each student will pick their own topic to write about... such as a friend or pet. Each |

|student must write about their chosen person or pet. They must fill in the tribute chart answering the following sections: physical|

|description, activity words, personality words, feeling words. In these poems you MUST use alliteration |

|Someone tell me what alliteration is?? |

|Write on transparency for example tribute chart. This tribute chart will be written about a person or pet you admire or respect. |

|Who might you write about? EXAMPLES: call on students—parent, president, teacher, dog… You may want to write about your mom because|

|she writes an I love you note in your lunch box. Your dad because he coaches your soccer team, or about your dog who runs to you as|

|soon as you come in the door. |

|Allow students to fill in own tribute chart using a thesaurus |

|** Tribute chart may include physical desscribtion such as smooth paws, big ears, blue eyes, furry, blonde, grey nose. WRITE ON |


|Show example of Jefferson Poem |

|DAY 4 |

|Review tribute chart and have students get out their tribute poem planner |

|Review Jefferson example on transparency. Leave up for students to see example as they write |

|Review what each stanza in the poem will contain: |

|**first stanza subject (1line), second stanza physical description (3lines), third stanza personality description (3lines), fourth |

|stanza activities you do together (3-5 lines), fifth stanza how you feel when you are together (3 lines) |

|Have students begin their draft on the tribute poem planner. |

|Students must get draft edited by self then myself. Remind students to use chart paper and thesaurus for their word choices. Do not|

|want the poem to be boring |

|Allow all class for drafting and editing |

|DAY 5 |

|Finish drafting/Editing/Start final copy |

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Instructional Adaptations

|Follow student IEP plan –extended time and small groups |


|Observation on chart paper—observe new word choices found |

|Summative—student will demonstrate word choice through poem created |


|(Did students learn what you intended? How do you know? Which students did well? Had difficulty? Why? + And – of the lesson. |

|What would you do differently? Time use? Transitions?) |

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