The Symmetry of Logos - Central Dauphin School District

The Symmetry of Logos

A logo is a visual representation that establishes an identity. Companies and organizations use logos as a means to help people remember them. Most people only have to see two golden arches to think of McDonald’s.

Symmetry can make a picture more appealing and memorable, many logos use symmetry to make an impression. They may use symmetry in the following ways:

❖ Reflection: when the figure can be divided into two parts that are mirror images of each other.

❖ Rotation: when a figure coincides with its original position when turned about a point.

❖ Translation: when a figure coincides with its original position when it is moved to the right, left, up, down, or any combination of these directions.

❖ Any combination of the above three.

For this activity you will create a poster about logos. Follow the instructions below.

1. Compile several logos from old magazine and newspapers. If you recall any logos from memory, you may draw them or print them off the internet. You must find a minimum of two logos that use each of the 4 types of symmetry. This means you must find a total of 8 logos.

2. Cut out the logos and attach them to the large piece of construction paper provided, be sure identify the company the logo belongs to, label the types of symmetry, and provide a brief explanation of the symmetry used in each logo.

3. Create your own logo. You may use your initials, create your own company to design a logo for, or create a logo for this Geometry class. The options here are unlimited. Make sure your logo contains at least two types of symmetry, the more types of symmetry used the more appealing your logo will be. You may hand draw your logo using a ruler or you may create it on the computer. Your logo MUST be completed on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and must take up at least ¾ of the page.

The Symmetry of Logos Rubric

Poster Rubric

|Tasks |6 points |3 points |0 points |

|1. Logos using reflection |Student found 2 logos using |Student found 1 logo using |Student found 0 logos using |

|symmetry |reflection symmetry |reflection symmetry |reflection symmetry |

|2. Logos using rotation symmetry|Student found 2 logos using |Student found 1 logos using |Student found 0 logos using |

| |rotation symmetry |rotation symmetry |rotation symmetry |

|3. Logos using translation |Student found 2 logos using |Student found 1 logos using |Student found 0 logos using |

|symmetry |translation symmetry |translation symmetry |translation symmetry |

|4. Logos using a combination of |Student found 2 logos using a |Student found 1 logos using a |Student found 0 logos using a |

|2 or more types of symmetry |combination of the types of |combination of the types of |combination of the types of |

| |symmetry |symmetry |symmetry |

|5. Logo label and description |ALL of the logos are labeled and|More than half of the logos are |Less than half of the logos are |

| |the types of symmetry used are |labeled and the types of |labeled and the types of |

| |described and this is typed |symmetry used are described OR |symmetry used are described |

| | |not typed | |

|6. Poster completion |ALL logos and descriptions of |More than half of the logos and |Logos and descriptions are not |

| |each are neatly attached to the |descriptions are neatly attached|attached to the construction |

| |construction paper provided |to the construction paper |paper provided |

| | |provided | |

|Create Your Own Logo Rubric |

|Tasks |6 points |3 points |0 points |

|1. Logo Created |Student created a logo using a |Student created a logo but did |Student did not create a logo |

| |ruler or on the computer |not use a ruler or the computer| |

|2. Symmetry Used |Student used a minimum of two |Student used only one kind of |Students logo does not use any |

| |kinds of symmetry |symmetry |symmetry |

|3. Logo Size & Color |Student logo takes up the |Students logo does not take up |Students logo does not meet |

| |required ¾ of a page and is |the required ¾ of a page & it is|either the size or coloring |

| |colored |colored OR logo takes up ¾ of a |requirements |

| | |page and is not colored | |

Name:________________________ Due Date:____________ Period: _____



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