The first time you use Vocera, you will need to record your n

-419100-695325Homework Help Center Aide ManualStaff Expectations:Calling in sick page 1Timecard and Pay schedulepages 1-2Requesting time offpage 3E-mailpage 3 Vocerapage 3Branch dress codepage 4Enforcing CML Code of Conductpage 5?HHC specific:HHC opening procedurespage 6HHC closing procedurespage 7Student and Volunteer Sign-inpages 8-9Using Discovery Place (name search)pages 9-10Printing in a permanent HHCpage 10Printing in a mobile HHCpage 11HHC Computer policies (w/branch specific info.)pages 11-12Premium Resourcespages 12-13Telephone Etiquettepages 13-14Guidelines for serving adult studentspages 14-15This was a joint project with two other CML staff members. My contributions are highlighted. In addition, I compiled and formatted the document.Calling in sickAn employee must personally (unless incapacitated) notify his or her supervisor or the Human Resources department as far in advance as possible but no later than 15 minutes before his/her scheduled start time if he/she expects to be late or absent. Whenever possible the employee should speak directly to his/her supervisor or with the staff member in charge. Failure to call in, in a timely manner, may result in corrective counseling and/or disciplinary action. Employees who do not return to work or arrive at the time originally estimated are expected to call in again. Employees who fail to report to work without notifying their supervisor (no call, no show) for three consecutive scheduled days will be discharged due to job abandonment. Each unscheduled absence (1st day of illness including any additional scheduledconsecutive days) will count as one occurrence. Tardiness will count as one quarter of an occurrence for the first 6-15 minutes, one half an occurrence for 16-30 minutes; accruing ? occurrence for every 15 minutes to a maximum of 1 per day. Ten occurrences in a rolling twelve month period will make the employee subject to discharge.Timecard and pay scheduleTimecards are submitted bi-weekly to your supervisor by Thursday of the week before we receive paychecks. To submit a timecard on CMLsi go to “Tools You Need”->”Employee Self Service”Your user name and login for iemployee will be provided to you by your supervisor.In iemployee, click on “Timesheets” first, then “Create or Edit Timesheet” second. Timecards are submitted to your supervisor.The pay schedule for a given year can be found on CMLsi under “Look it Up”->”About CML”Requesting time offIn iemployee, to request time off click on “Time Off,” and then click “Request Time Off” to submit a request to your supervisor. The method of requesting time off may vary by location so check with your supervisor to be sure. 3238500305435 E-mailYou may access your e-mail by clicking on the icon on any workstation. Enter your user name and password (Your user name should be your first initial and last name). You will not have access to your U: drive, but you are able to access your e-mail. VoceraVocera is a device used in some branches, so staff can communicate within the branch. Please log in at the beginning of your shift if your branch uses Vocera.Key Badge Wearing Factors:Place Vocera badge 6” from chin.Do not wear badge in pants pocket.Do not hold badge (this covers up the microphone and antenna).Do not touch badge while speaking.Speak in normal tempo, not too fast and not too slow.Speak in a normal voice; no need to speak loudly.Put on the protective sleeve when you pick up your badge.You must use a headset for ALL customer-related calls.The first time you use Vocera, you will need to record your name.Press the Call button.Say, “Record my name.”When the genie prompts you to record first and last name, say your first name and your location. Instead of recording “Jodi Lee,” record “Jodi in MLK.” When the genie prompts you to record your first name, say your first name.Ready to Log InPress the Call button and follow prompts.State your name.Speak in a steady pace.Basic CallingPress Call button.Issue command “Call” followed by first and last name: “Call Jodi Lee.”Vocera will respond to commands by letting you know it is finding the person.You can also call by first name and department: “Call Tina in Reference.”To receive a call, simply say “Yes” and “Hello” or “This is…” so the callers knows they are connected.If you say “No,” the calling party will be informed that you are unavailable and will be asked if they would like to leave a message.Logging OutPress the Call button.Wait for the prompt.Say “Log out.” & Personal Appearance for Staff and VolunteersCML’s dress code requires all employees to wear “proper attire” to work. This is defined as “neat, clean and business-like as well as safe.” This also extends to hygiene and grooming, which needs to be “consistent with working with the public, or co-workers, in a public setting.”Students will look to you as an example: Make sure clothing is clean and in good shape. No holes in jeans or potentially offensive images or words on any article of clothing.Enforcing CML’s Code of ConductColumbus Metropolitan Library’s code of conduct (located at: ) is designed to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all customers. As an employee of the library, you are responsible for enforcing this code of conduct in the Homework Help Center. When confronting a customer about their behavior, use a calm tone of voice and relaxed gestures. Even if the person challenges you, try to keep this demeanor -- it will stop the situation from escalating.If you do not feel comfortable confronting a customer alone, ask another staff member to go with you.Use phrases like “It is the library’s policy,” or “In the Homework Help Center, we…” Explain how the person is violating the policy and what they need to do in order to be in accordance with it. Try to remain positive and avoid “you” statements, which sound accusatory.Follow through on warnings. Excessive warnings without disciplinary action communicate that the behavior is acceptable. Limit warnings to two for non-serious behavior (loud talking). If someone continues the behavior after a warning, calmly explain that they need to leave for the Homework Help Center for the day, but that they are welcome back tomorrow.If someone refuses to cooperate, have the coordinator notify security. Do not try to stop the person if they are leaving.For situations resulting in an eviction, you will need to contribute to an incident report. State what happened chronologically and in detail. If a person was using disrespectful language – swearing, slurs – include examples in the report. Do not exclude details because they are possibly offensive. It is important that the situation be accurately recorded.Homework Help Center Opening ChecklistAsk anyone sitting at the study tables and not working on homework to please find another place to sit. Sample script: “Sir/Ma’am, at 4:30 this area becomes the Homework Help Center and is reserved for students K-12 working on their homework.”Log into staff WAN.Sign into Discovery Place. Pull up Volunteer and Student sign-in websites on the staff computer:homeworkhelp.volunteers homeworkhelp.studentsStart logging computers into HHC.Set out supplies (pencil cups, paper, and pencil sharpener).Each student should sign in when they arrive.Direct students to either a computer or study table depending on their homework assignment. Homework Help Center Closing ChecklistAt 7:15 Remind students to save their work***If they do not have an email account or their own flash drive, use the flash drive on the HHC keychain to save their work. (You may also use this as a back-up). Due to the unreliable nature of floppy disks, please discourage students from using a floppy disk as their only means to save. At 7:25Return pencil sharpener, pencil cups, markers, crayons, etc. to the staff kiosk.Return dictionaries and textbooks to the HHC cabinet.Push in chairs.Clean up any paper or trash in the area.Take library books to cart by the information desk.At 7:30Lock the staff kiosk.Reboot the computers to put them back into the PC reservation system.Shutdown staff PC and display sign “Staff Use Only.”Cancel HHC computer reservations using the reservation manager software.Return HHC key to the top drawer of Jess’s desk.Signing in Students and VolunteersGo to the student sign in page: ). If the student has a library card, they can type it into the box on the student sign-in page. If they do not know their card number, have them fill out a sign-in slip so you can look it up in Discovery Place, and sign them in later. DO NOT give them their library card number without proof of identity!The first time they sign in, students will need to select their grade level and school from the searchable list. If their school is not listed, select “Other.”Select the subject(s) they will be working on that day by checking the box(es).8572599695Students without a library card:If the student does not have a library card, ask if their parent will be coming to the library that day. If they are, sign the student in with one of the branch cards. (You will not be able to select school or grade level). Ask the student to get a library card before they leave. You can also do this if you are too busy to issue a card.If there are problems with the sign-in website, have them fill out a sign-in slip and sign them in when the website is back up.VolunteersGo to the volunteer sign in page: ). Enter the card number into the box on the volunteer sign-in page. If the “OPPS!!!” screen appears, the volunteer has not been entered in the database. Leave a note for the HHC Coordinator with the volunteer’s library card number and the hours worked. PlUsing Discovery Place- name search4600575165100When a student does not have their library card with them, you can look the number up by using Discovery Place. First, click on the Discovery Place icon: Click “Connect”Enter: “Reycirc”ID: Logon 340Password changes monthlyTo search by patron name, the command 'N/' is entered, followed by the patron's name. Any number of the leading characters of the patron's last name followed by any number of leading characters of the patron's first name can be entered. The patron's first name and last name must be separated by a comma. For example, the name "John Q. Public" can be searched in a number of ways, including:'N/PUBLIC''N/PUBLIC, J''N/PUBLIC, JOHN'The first search is the most general and will retrieve the most patron names. The second search is more specific. The last example will retrieve the fewest patron names. Homework Help Center Printing GuidelinesStudents may print up to (insert number) of black and white pages and (insert number) color pages. These are recommendations; however, exceptions can be made for more pages. Printing must be for a homework assignment. Color prints should be for a project (poster presentation, etc.).Printing in a permanent HHC:Students will need to select file and print. The printer defaults to black and white, so if a student needs color, he or she will need to select the color printer.Have students type HHC as the library card number and 1234 as the pin number. (They must indicate they are a guest user, and then follow the prompts). If the document is black and white, you can simply type “HHC” and “1234” at the HHC print pick-up station. Click on “staff override.” The password is “cmlfree.” If the document is in color, you can release it from the staff computer. Simply highlight the desired document and click “print.” Once again, you will need to enter the password “cmlfree.” It will be released to print pick-up station ONE (aka the color printer).Printing in a mobile HHCTo print in a mobile PC, the staff computer must be logged on and connected to the LPT Printing software. On the student laptops after logging in, there is an icon on the desktop labeled “Start Printing Service” that must be clicked on to connect the laptop to the printer. When a student prints, a prompt will come up asking for a library card number and PIN number. It can be easier for the student to put their name in instead of a card number and easier for staff members to find the print job in the printing software. If the student enters their name instead of a card number a prompt will come up stating that this is a nonexistent or inactive user, click “yes” to continue to print confirmation. From the staff computer, open Print Manager, find the document, click on it and then click Print. The PIN is “cmlfree”.Putting the Computers Back Into the Reservation System Click on the Reservation Manager software. Highlight the Homework Help Center reservations by clicking on the first reservation and holding the “shift” key and clicking the last reservation. Click “Cancel Reservation.”Computer PoliciesComputers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Unlike other computers in the library, there is no reservation system or time limit. The exact policy will differ depending on whether the location uses laptops or desktop computers.Main HHC: Laptops are kept in a locked cabinet. Computers remain in the cabinet until a student requests them. This minimizes the chances of a student without homework or an adult asking to use an available computer. Locations using laptops:Locations using desktops: From the log-in screen hold down the "ctrl" key on the keyboard and left mouse click the Envisionware logo on the first screen.? The password is rey21. Reboot the computer if the log-in screen is not available. ***If you log-in any other way, the reservation will be lost if the computer accidentally gets restarted! In an effort to avoid children or adults using the computers without permission, only log in computers as needed and restart computers when students are finished.While using computersComputers in the Homework Help Center are to be used for homework only.Students must use headphones when listening to audio.Allow only one student per computer. Two students may work together if they are quiet.All students must save or print their work before the HHC closes. The computers will either be locked up (locations using laptops) or rebooted (locations using desktops) and students will lose their work if it is not saved. If the student does not have a flash drive, they can e-mail the document to themselves as an attachment or save it using Google Docs. Premium ResourcesPremium Resources are subscription databases on a variety of subjects. These should be your first stop for electronic research.Accessing Premium ResourcesFrom the library’s homepage () click on Premium Resources under Find It on the left-hand side. The resources are listed in alphabetical order. Click the hyperlinked name to access the resource. They are also categorized by topic. To view the resources in each category, click on the desired category under More Information. Not all of the resources will be useful for homework. Below are some of the more useful sources.Biography Reference BankOver 72,000 biographical entries. Not the easiest site to use, so students may require help finding information. The layout is not very colorful but the summaries are usually informative.CultureGramsGreat for country reports or students who need to find information about a specific U.S. state, Canadian province or world country. Includes statistical information and fun facts like famous people and recipes. The complete country report is available in four PDF pages.Discovering Collection – Student Research ToolsResearch database that provides reference, primary and multimedia sources on popular research topics. A large list of available topics makes searching very easy.Facts on File Science OnlineContains a wide variety of information on scientific topics including chemistry, biology and mathematics. Go to Explore Subjects to search by topic. Also includes a dictionary of science terms, conversion calculator, diagrams and images.Opposing Viewpoints Research CenterProvides information about both sides of a “controversial” issue (abortion, cloning, etc.). A large list of available topics makes searching very easy.World Book EncyclopediaDivided into age-specific editions (Kids, Student, Advanced). A great place to look up images for projects. Telephone Operation & EtiquetteAnsweringWhen answering the telephone, be sure to give your first name, where you are, and a polite greeting. For example “Hello, this is Kevin in the Homework Help Center, how may I help you?”Dialing a CML #All divisions and branches of CML can be reached by dialing a four-digit number. You can look up phone numbers by going to CMLsi→Look It Up→Staff Directory and then searching by either Staff Name or Work Location. Your locations extension is listed in the top, right-hand corner of the phone screen, proceeded by an x (x7780, Main HHC).Dialing an Outside #To dial an outside number, first select a line by pressing Call 1, Call 2, or Call 3. Then dial the number as usual.Place a call on HoldTo place a call on hold, either press the red button on the right hand side, or press the top triangular button next to HOLD on the display. This is the first step to transfer a call.Transfer a callTo transfer a call from the phone you have answered to another phone (reference desk, manager’s office, etc.), first put the call on hold. Be sure to let the caller know you are doing this. Press the Transfer button on the right hand side and dial the four-digit extension. When someone answers, explain that you are transferring a call, who it is, and why they have called. Hang up the phone to end your conversation and transfer the holding call.Pick up a callIt is possible to pick up a holding call from another telephone. To do this, press the Pickup button on the right-hand side and dial the extension of the phone used to put the call on hold. Answer like you would for an incoming call. Conversely, if you put a caller on hold who wishes to speak with another staff member, tell the staff member what extension to pickup. For example: “Kevin, you have a call on 7780.”Serving Adult Students in the Homework Help CenterWhile adult students may use the HHC if space permits, please do not offer this as an option. Adult students will be granted exceptions when they specifically ask to use the space.Situation: An adult or child asks, “What is the Homework Help Center?”Response: “The Homework Help Center is a space reserved 4:30-7:30 Monday-Thursdayfor students K-12 working on Homework.”Situation: An adult asks, “Can adults use the Homework Help Center?”Response: “We can make exceptions for adult students when space is available, but priority is given to students K-12.”Situation: An adult or child enters the HHC.Response: “Hi, do you have homework you are working on today?”Situation: An adult or child enters the HHC and does not have homework.Response: “The Homework Help Center is reserved 4:30-7:30 Monday through Thursday for students K-12 working on Homework.”Situation: An adult enters the HHC and would like to use a computer/table for homework.Response: “The Homework Help Center is intended for students K-12.? We can make an exception; however, you will be asked to leave if a student K-12 needs to use this computer/table. Do I have your understanding and cooperation regarding this?”Situation: An adult is on a computer, and a K-12 student is waiting.Response: “A student needs to use this computer, please save or print the document you are working on.” Situation: An adult would like to use the HHC to complete a test for a class.Response: “While we have computers available right now, we cannot guarantee they will be available for the duration of your exam. I recommend you make a reservation for a 60-minute computer, so your test will not be interrupted.” *You will have to use your best judgment if a child needs the computer and adult is taking a test.Other things to keep in mind:Adult students do not receive homework help from staff or volunteers.Adult students do not get free printing.Exceptions are made for adult students only; any other use (including job searching) is not permitted. Adults must follow the same guidelines as students (no Facebook, no excessive talking, no loud music, etc.)Adult students should not interact with the students. They have not had a background check and cannot assist children other than their own. ................

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