MAR4836 Concept & Product Development (CPD) Syllabus

MAR4836 Concept & Product Development (CPD)


St. Petersburg College College of Business MAR4836, Concept & Product Development

Welcome to the exciting world of concept and product development! In this challenging course (5-10 hours/week) you will develop a real concept, product, or service with an eye towards marketing/bringing it to market in this course.


Priya Dozier, MBA

Office Location: Online


Please use MyCourses;

Office Hours:


Class Days/Time: Online


Admission to International Business BAS, or Management & Organizational Leadership BAS or Sustainability BAS or Business Administration BS.

About your Faculty

I am an Adjunct Faculty in the College of Business and I currently work as Vice President of Product Development at a Fortune 500 company in the St. Pete area. My area of focus is developing software products to solve problems in the Financial Services Industry. I hold an MBA with a focus on Marketing from the University of South Florida.

My mission is to help you translate concepts you learn in this course into everyday business scenarios. I invite each of my students to integrate themselves into the lessons, text and discussions each week. Product development is a concept that each one of you in my class interacts with on a daily basis, I challenge you to use the concepts from this course to evaluate products and services you use or encounter. Specifically, think about what they do well, what can you improve, and the problems they solve for you.

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Course Description

This course focuses on a crucial part of the marketing management function: concept and product development. Specifically, this course will address the myriad issues, problems, methods and strategies associated with the product development stage, including: Idea Generation, Idea Screening, Concept Development and Testing, Marketing Strategy Development, Business Analysis, Product Development, Test Marketing, Commercialization, Branding and Globalization (Kotler, 2007). An introduction to micro/macro-econometric modeling, ethnographic and predictive marketing research models are created and used in consumer and business-to-business markets will be included. Also, students will have the rare opportunity to see a problem form into a solution; a solution into a concept; and a concept into a sellable reality. Given the difficulty of the subject matter discussed in this 4000 level course, it is highly recommended that students have already completed all of their marketing courses before taking this class. 47 contact hours.

Major Learning Objectives

1. The student will evaluate methods for identifying market needs and assessing demand by: a. Researching the use of econometric models associated with predicting market demand. b. Researching the use of marketing research models associated with predicting market demand. c. Researching the use of financial models associated with predicting market demand.

2. The student will examine the process associated with new product development by: a. Researching the theory and application of innovation and market adoption. b. Comparing and contrasting the pros and cons of standardization vs. customization in a tangible good-based and service-based marketplace. c. Conducting consumer and product research to validate a value-added market need.

3. The student will examine how to introduce a product to a market by: a. Researching how to develop a new product from concept to reality. b. Evaluating the process associated with test-marketing, market introduction, commercialization and branding. c. Applying the steps involved in the product development process.

4. The student will examine how to test the success of a new product by: a. Evaluating how to establish financial and market-based metrics. b. Researching and developing a testing methodology for a given market, product or consumer. c. Assessing how to best interpret and articulate the research findings.

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Required Texts/Readings/Resources



2) Use Purdue Owl: or purchase the APA Manual, 6th edition. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

3) New Product Development (NPD), by : And PowerPoints: 8D91ED9&id=A3660EED58D91ED9%21184

4) NPD Chapter 11 (online):

5) Product Development Cases:

6) Ch.1-3 in the Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steve Blank:

7) Online book, Christensen's "The Innovator's Dilemma" August 3, 2014

8) The Innovation Killer Ch.1:

St. Petersburg College Syllabus Addendum and Helpful Links

Addendum: Library and Research Liaison: Alex Bawell, Student Support Services for 1st generation/low income students: Career Mentoring:

Student Assistance Counseling Program:

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Free Learning Center Tutoring:

Course Schedule

The course schedule is subject to change with fair notice You may access the course schedule anytime via one of the following:

a) This link -> course schedule b) Click on each weekly Graded Items Due folder to see the exact items due for each week. c) Click on the "View My Grades" to see all gradebook items d) Calendar Tab to see weekly due dates.


Graded Assignments: This course will consist of 12 Gradebook Assignments as follows:

Assignment Type


Points Each

Total Points

2 Tests

Weeks 4 & 8

25 points each


7 Discussion Posts

Weeks 1 - 8

From 6 to 12 points each


2 Course Project Assignments Weeks 2 & 5

15 points each


1 Final Course Project

Week 7

50 points




All Graded Assignments are due weekly on Sunday at midnight; except for the Week 8, which are due

Tuesday of Week 8. No late assignments will be accepted, no exceptions. Grading is completed once

per week.

If you want to calculate your running average, take the total points you've earned that have been

graded divided by the total possible points that have been graded up to that point. For reference, here

is the grading scale:


90%+ of total points (162 - 180)


80% - 89% of total points (144 - 161)


70% - 79% of total points (126 - 143)


60% - 69% of total points (108 - 125)


less than 60% of total points (0 - 107)

Here is another link to the Course Schedule:

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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