Developmental Level

Competency Benchmarks Document

Foundational Competencies

|Professionalism: Professional values and ethics as evidenced in behavior and comportment that reflects the values and ethics of psychology, integrity, and |

|responsibility. |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Integrity - Honesty, personal responsibility and adherence to professional values |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Understanding of professional values; honesty, |Work as psychologist-in-training infused with |Continually monitors and independently resolves |

|personal responsibility |adherence to professional values. Recognizes |situations that challenge professional values and |

| |situations that challenge adherence to |integrity |

| |professional values | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates honesty, even in difficult |Demonstrates knowledge of professional values |Articulates professional values |

|situations |Demonstrates adherence to professional values |Takes independent action to correct situations that are|

|Takes responsibility for own actions |Identifies situations that challenge professional |in conflict with professional values |

|Displays basic understanding of core |values, and seeks faculty/supervisor guidance as | |

|professional values |needed. | |

|Demonstrates ethical behavior & basic knowledge|Demonstrates ability to share, discuss and address| |

|of APA Ethical Principles & Code of Conduct: |failures and lapses in adherence to professional | |

|see below: Foundational Competency: |values with supervisors/faculty as appropriate | |

|Ethical-legal standards-policy | | |

|B. Deportment |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Understands how to conduct oneself in a |Professionally appropriate communication and |Consistently conducts self in a professional manner |

|professional manner |physical conduct, including attire, across |across and settings and situations |

| |different settings | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates appropriate personal hygiene and |Demonstrates awareness of the impact behavior has |Verbal and nonverbal communications are appropriate to |

|attire |on client, public and profession |the professional context including in challenging |

|Distinguishes between appropriate and |Utilizes appropriate language and demeanor in |interactions |

|inappropriate language and demeanor in |professional communications | |

|professional contexts |Demonstrates appropriate physical conduct, | |

| |including attire, consistent with context | |

|C. Accountability |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Accountable and reliable |Consistently reliable; consistently accepts |Independently accepts personal responsibility across |

| |responsibility for own actions |settings and contexts |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Completes required case documentation promptly and|Works to fulfill client-provider contract |

|Turns in assignments in accordance with |accurately |Enhances productivity |

|established deadlines |Accepts responsibility for meeting deadlines |Holds self accountable for and submits to external |

|Demonstrates personal organization skills |Available when “on-call” |review of quality service provision |

|Plans and organizes own workload |Acknowledges errors | |

|Aware of and follows policies and procedures of|Utilizes supervision to strengthen effectiveness | |

|institution |of practice | |

|D. Concern for the welfare of others |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of the need to uphold and protect the|Consistently acts to understand and safeguard the |Independently acts to safeguard the welfare of others |

|welfare of others |welfare of others | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor |

|Displays initiative to help others |Regularly demonstrates compassion |Communications and actions convey sensitivity to |

|Articulates importance of concepts of |Displays respect in interpersonal interactions |individual experience and needs while retaining |

|confidentiality, privacy, informed consent |with others including those from divergent |professional demeanor and deportment |

|Demonstrates compassion |perspectives or backgrounds |Respectful of the beliefs and values of colleagues even|

| |Determines when response to client needs takes |when inconsistent with personal beliefs and values |

| |precedence over personal needs |Acts to benefit the welfare of others, especially those|

| | |in need |

|E. Professional Identity |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Beginning understanding of self as |Emerging professional identity as psychologist; |Consolidation of professional identity as a |

|professional, “thinking like a psychologist” |uses resources (e.g., supervision, literature) for|psychologist; knowledgeable about issues central to the|

| |professional development |field; evidence of integration of science and practice |

| | | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Keeps up with advances in profession |

|Has membership in professional organizations |Attends colloquia, workshops, conferences |Contributes to the development & advancement of the |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the program and |Consults literature relevant to client care |profession and colleagues |

|profession (training model, core competencies) | |Demonstrates integration of science in professional |

|Demonstrates knowledge about practicing within | |practice |

|one’s competence | | |

|Understands that knowledge goes beyond formal | | |

|training | | |

|Reflective Practice/Self-Assessment/Self-Care– Practice conducted with personal and professional self-awareness and reflection; with awareness of |

|competencies; with appropriate self-care |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Reflective Practice |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic mindfulness and self-awareness; basic |Broadened self-awareness; self- monitoring; |Reflectivity in context of professional practice |

|reflectivity regarding professional practice |reflectivity regarding professional practice |(reflection-in-action), reflection acted upon, self |

|(reflection-on-action); |(reflection-on-action); use of resources to |used as a therapeutic tool |

| |enhance reflectivity; elements of | |

| |reflection-in-action; | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Displays: |Articulates attitudes, values, and beliefs toward |Demonstrates frequent congruence between own and |

|problem solving skills, |diverse others |others’ assessment and seeks to resolve incongruities |

|critical thinking |Recognizes impact of self on others |Models self-care |

|organized reasoning |Self-identifies multiple individual and cultural |Monitors and evaluates attitudes, values and beliefs |

|intellectual curiosity and flexibility |identities |towards diverse others |

|Demonstrates openness to: |Describes how others experience him/her and |Systematically and effectively monitors and adjusts |

|considering own personal concerns & issues |identifies roles one might play within a group |professional performance in action as situation |

|recognizing impact of self on others |Responsively utilizes supervision to enhance |requires |

|articulating attitudes, values, and beliefs |reflectivity |Consistently recognizes and addresses own problems, |

|toward diverse others |Systematically and effectively reviews own |minimizing interference with competent professional |

|self-identifying multiple individual and |professional performance via videotape or other |functioning |

|cultural identities |technology with supervisors | |

|systematically reviewing own professional |Initial indicators of monitoring and adjusting | |

|performance with supervisors/teachers |professional performance in action as situation | |

| |requires | |

|B. Self-Assessment |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of core competencies; emerging |Broadly accurate self-assessment of competence; |Accurate self-assessment of competence in all |

|self-assessment re: competencies; |consistent monitoring and evaluation of practice |competency domains; integration of self-assessment in |

| |activities |practice; |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates awareness of clinical competencies|Self-assessment comes close to congruence with |Accurately identifies level of competence across all |

|for professional training |assessment by peers and supervisors |competency domains |

|Develops initial competency goals for early |Identifies areas requiring further professional |Accurately assesses own strengths and weaknesses and |

|training (with input from faculty) |growth |seeks to prevent or ameliorate impact on professional |

| |Writes a personal statement of professional goals |functioning |

| |Identifies learning objectives for overall |Recognizes when new/improved competencies are required |

| |training plan |for effective practice |

| |Systemically and effectively reviews own | |

| |professional performance via videotape or other | |

| |technology | |

|C. Self-Care (attention to personal health and well-being to assure effective professional functioning) |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component |Essential Component |Essential Component |

|Understanding of the importance of self-care in|Monitoring of issues related to self-care with |Self-monitoring of issues related to self-care and |

|effective practice; knowledge of self-care |supervisor; understanding of the central role of |prompt interventions when disruptions occur |

|methods; attention to self-care |self-care to effective practice | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Demonstrates basic awareness and attention to |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|self-care |Works with supervisor to monitor issues related to|Anticipates and self-identifies disruptions in |

| |self-care |functioning and intervenes at an early stage/with |

| |Takes action recommended by supervisor for |minimal support from supervisors |

| |self-care to ensure effective training |Models self-care |

|Scientific Knowledge and Methods - Understanding of research, research methodology, techniques of data collection and analysis, biological bases of |

|behavior, cognitive-affective bases of behavior, and development across the lifespan. Respect for scientifically derived knowledge. |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Scientific Mindedness |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Critical scientific thinking |Values and applies scientific methods to |Independently applies scientific methods to practice |

| |professional practice | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Independently accesses and applies scientific knowledge|

|Aware of need for evidence to support |Articulates, in supervision and case conference, |& skills appropriately and habitually to the solution |

|assertions |support for issues derived from the literature |of problems |

|Questions assumptions of knowledge |Formulates appropriate questions regarding case |Readily presents own work for the scrutiny of others |

|Evaluates study methodology and scientific |conceptualization | |

|basis of findings |Generates hypotheses regarding own contribution to| |

|Presents own work for the scrutiny of others |therapeutic process and outcome | |

| |Performs scientific critique of literature | |

| | | |

|B. Scientific Foundation of Psychology |

| Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Understanding of psychology as a science |Knowledge of core science |Knowledge of core science |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of core scientific |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|conceptualizations of human behavior |Displays intermediate level knowledge of and |Demonstrates advanced level of knowledge of and respect|

|Demonstrates understanding of psychology as a |respect for scientific bases of behavior |for scientific knowledge of the bases for behaviors |

|science, including basic knowledge of the | | |

|breadth of scientific psychology. For example:| | |

|able to cite scientific literature to support | | |

|an argument | | |

|Evaluates scholarly literature on a topic | | |

|C. Scientific Foundation of Professional Practice |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Understanding the scientific foundation of |Knowledge, understanding, and application of the |Knowledge and understanding of scientific foundations |

|professional practice |concept of evidence-based practice |independently applied to practice |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Understands the development of evidence based |Applies EBP concepts in case conceptualization, |Reviews scholarly literature related to clinical work |

|practice in psychology (EBP) as defined by APA |treatment planning, and interventions |and applies knowledge to case conceptualization |

| |Compares and contrasts EBP approaches with other |Applies EBP concepts in practice |

|Displays understanding of the scientific |theoretical perspectives and interventions in the |Compares and contrasts EBP approaches with other |

|foundations of the functional competencies |context of case conceptualization and treatment |theoretical perspectives and interventions in the |

|Cites scientific literature to support an |planning. |context of case conceptualization and treatment |

|argument | |planning |

|Evaluates scholarly literature on a | | |

|practice-related topic | | |

|Relationships - Relate effectively and meaningfully with individuals, groups, and/or communities |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Interpersonal Relationships |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Interpersonal skills |Forms and maintains productive and respectful |Develops and maintains effective relationships with a |

| |relationships with clients, peers/colleagues, |wide range of clients, colleagues, organizations and |

| |supervisors and professionals from other |communities |

| |disciplines | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Forms effective working alliance with clients |Effectively negotiates conflictual, difficult and |

|Listens and is empathic with others |Engages with supervisors to work effectively |complex relationships including those with individuals |

|Respects and shows interest in others’ |Works cooperatively with peers |and groups that differ significantly from oneself |

|cultures, experiences, values, points of view, |Involved in departmental, institutional, or |Maintains satisfactory interpersonal relationships with|

|goals and desires, fears, etc. |professional activities or governance |clients, peers, faculty, allied professionals, and the |

|Demonstrates skills verbally and non-verbally. |Demonstrates respectful and collegial interactions|public. |

| |with those who have different professional models | |

|Receives feedback |or perspectives | |

|B. Affective Skills |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Affective skills |Negotiates differences and handles conflict |Manages difficult communication; possesses advanced |

| |satisfactorily; provides effective feedback to |interpersonal skills |

| |others and receives feedback nondefensively | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Works collaboratively |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Demonstrates active problem-solving |Seeks clarification in challenging interpersonal |

|Demonstrates affect tolerance |Makes appropriate disclosures regarding |communications |

|Tolerates and understands interpersonal |problematic interpersonal situations |Demonstrates understanding of diverse viewpoints in |

|conflict |Acknowledges own role in difficult interactions |challenging interactions |

|Tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty |Provides feedback to supervisor regarding |Accepts, evaluates and implements feedback from others |

|Demonstrates awareness of inner emotional |supervisory process | |

|experience |Provides feedback to peers regarding peers’ | |

|Demonstrates emotional maturity |clinical work in context of group supervision or | |

|Listens to and acknowledges feedback from |case conference | |

|others |Accepts and implements supervisory feedback | |

| |nondefensively | |

| | | |

|C. Expressive Skills |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Expressive skills |Clear and articulate expression |Effective command of language and ideas |

| | | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Demonstrates descriptive, understandable command of |

|Communicates ideas, feelings and information |Communicates clearly using verbal, nonverbal, and |language, both written and verbal |

|verbally and non-verbally |written skills |Communicates clearly and effectively with clients |

| |Demonstrates understanding of professional language | |

|Individual and Cultural Diversity- Awareness, sensitivity and skills in working professionally with diverse individuals, groups and communities who |

|represent various cultural and personal background and characteristics defined broadly and consistent with APA policy. |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Self as shaped by individual and cultural diversity (e.g., cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender |

|identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status ) and context |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge, awareness, and understanding of |Monitors and applies knowledge of self as a |Independently monitors and applies knowledge of self as|

|one’s own dimensions of diversity and |cultural being in assessment, treatment, and |a cultural being in assessment, treatment, and |

|attitudes towards divers others |consultation |consultation |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Independently articulates, understands, and monitors |

|Demonstrates this self knowledge, awareness, |Understands and monitors own cultural identities |own cultural identity in relation to work with others |

|and understanding. For example: articulates |in relation to work with others |Regularly uses knowledge of self to monitor and improve|

|how ethnic group values influence who one is |Uses knowledge of self to monitor effectiveness as|effectiveness as a professional |

|and how one relates to other people. |a professional |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |

| |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |consultation or supervision when uncertain about |

| |supervision regularly about diversity issues |diversity issues |

|B. Others as shaped by individual and cultural diversity (e.g., cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, gender, gender |

|identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status ) and context |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge, awareness, and understanding of |Applies knowledge of others as cultural beings in |Independently monitors and applies knowledge of others |

|others individuals as cultural beings |assessment, treatment, and consultation of others |as cultural beings in assessment, treatment, and |

| | |consultation |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Understands multiple cultural identities in work |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates knowledge, awareness and |with others |Independently articulates, understands, and monitors |

|understanding of the way culture and context |Uses knowledge of others’ cultural identity in |cultural identity in work with others |

|shape the behavior of other individuals. |work as a professional |Regularly uses knowledge of others to monitor and |

| |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |improve effectiveness as a professional |

| |supervision regularly about diversity issues with |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |

| |others |consultation or supervision when uncertain about |

| | |diversity issues with others |

| | | |

|C. Interaction of self and others as shaped by individual and cultural diversity (e.g., cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based |

|on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status ) |

|and context |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge, awareness, and understanding of |Applies knowledge of the role of culture in |Independently monitors and applies knowledge of |

|interactions between self and diverse others |interactions in assessment, treatment, and |diversity in others as cultural beings in assessment, |

| |consultation of diverse others |treatment, and consultation |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge, awareness and |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|understanding of the way culture and context |Understands the role of multiple cultural |Independently articulates, understands, and monitors |

|shape interactions between and among |identities in interactions among individuals |multiple cultural identities in interactions with |

|individuals. |Uses knowledge of the role of culture in |others |

| |interactions in work as a professional |Regularly uses knowledge the role of culture in |

| |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |interactions to monitor and improve effectiveness as a |

| |supervision regularly about diversity issues with |professional |

| |others |Critically evaluates feedback and initiates |

| | |consultation or supervision when uncertain about |

| | |diversity issues with others |

|D. Applications based on individual and cultural context |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of and sensitivity to the |Applies knowledge, sensitivity, and understanding |Applies knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding |

|scientific, theoretical, and contextual issues |regarding ICD issues to work effectively with |intersecting and complex dimensions of diversity for |

|related to ICD (as defined by APA policy) as |diverse others in assessment, treatment, and |example, the relationship between one’s own dimensions |

|they apply to professional psychology. |consultation |of diversity and one’s own attitudes towards diverse |

|Understanding of the need to consider ICD | |others to professional work |

|issues in all aspects of professional | | |

|psychology work (e.g., assessment, treatment, | | |

|research, relationships with colleagues) | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Demonstrates basic knowledge of literatures on | | |

|individual and cultural differences and engages| | |

|in respectful interactions that reflects this | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|knowledge |Behavioral Anchor: |Articulates an integrative conceptualization of |

|Demonstrates understanding of the need to |Demonstrates knowledge of ICD literature and APA |diversity as it impacts clients, self and others |

|consider ICD issues in all aspects of |policies including guidelines for practice with |(e.g., organizations, colleagues, systems of care) |

|professional psychology work through respectful|diverse individuals, groups and communities |Habitually adapts one’s professional behavior in a |

|interactions |Demonstrates ability to address ICD issues across |culturally sensitive manner, as appropriate to the |

| |professional settings and activities |needs of the client, that improves client outcomes and |

| |Works effectively with diverse others in |avoids harm |

| |professional activities |Articulates and uses alternative and culturally |

| |Demonstrates awareness of effects of oppression |appropriate repertoire of skills and techniques and |

| |and privilege on self and others |behaviors |

| | |Seeks consultation regarding addressing individual and |

| | |cultural diversity as needed |

| | |Uses culturally relevant best practices |

|Ethical Legal Standards and Policy - Application of ethical concepts and awareness of legal issues regarding professional activities with individuals, |

|groups, and organizations. |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Knowledge of ethical, legal and professional standards and guidelines |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of the principles of the APA |Intermediate level knowledge and understanding of |Routine command and application of the APA Ethical |

|Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct |the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct and|Principles and Code of Conduct and other relevant and |

|[ethical practice and basic skills in ethical |other relevant ethical/ professional codes, |other ethical, legal and professional standards and |

|decision making]; beginning knowledge of legal |standards and guidelines; laws, statutes, rules, |guidelines of the profession |

|and regulatory issues in the practice of |regulations | |

|psychology that apply to practice while placed | | |

|at practicum setting. | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Displays a basic understanding of this |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|knowledge (e.g., APA, Ethics Code and |Identifies ethical dilemmas effectively |Spontaneously and reliably identifies complex ethical &|

|principles, Ethical Decision Making Models) |actively consults with supervisor to act upon |legal issues, analyzes them accurately and proactively |

|Demonstrates knowledge of typical legal issues |ethical and legal aspects of practice |addresses them |

|(e.g., child and elder abuse reporting, HIPAA, |Addresses ethical and legal aspects within the |Aware of potential conflicts in complex ethical and |

|Confidentiality, Informed Consent) |case conceptualization |legal issues and seeks to prevent problems and |

| |Discusses ethical implications of professional |unprofessional conduct |

| |work |Aware of the obligation to confront peers and or |

| |Recognizes and discusses limits of own ethical and|organizations regarding ethical problems or issues and |

| |legal knowledge |to deal proactively with conflict when addressing |

| | |professional behavior with others |

|B. Awareness and Application of Ethical Decision Making |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Demonstrates the importance of an ethical |Knows and applies an ethical decision-making model|Commitment to integration of ethics knowledge into |

|decision model applied to practice |and is able to apply relevant elements of ethical|professional work |

| |decision making to a dilemma | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Uses an ethical decision-making model when | |

|Recognizes the importance of basic ethical |discussing cases in supervision. |Behavioral Anchor: |

|concepts applicable in initial practice (e.g. |Readily identifies ethical implications in cases |Applies applicable ethical principles and standards in |

|child abuse reporting, Informed consent, |and to understand the ethical elements in any |professional writings and presentations |

|confidentiality, multiple relationships, and |present ethical dilemma or question |Applies applicable ethics concepts in research design |

|competence) |Discusses ethical dilemmas and decision making in |and subject treatment |

|Identifies potential conflicts between personal|supervision, staffings, presentations, practicum |Applied ethics and professional concepts in teaching |

|belief systems, APA ethics code and legal |settings |and training activities |

|issues in practice | |Develops strategies to seek consultation regarding |

| | |complex ethical and legal dilemmas |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|C. Ethical Conduct |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Ethical attitudes and values evident in conduct|Knowledge of own moral principles/ethical values |independently and consistently integrates ethical and |

| |integrated in professional conduct |legal standards with all foundational and functional |

| | |competencies |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Articulates knowledge of own moral principles and |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Evidences desire to help others |ethical values in discussions with supervisors and|Integrates an understanding of ethical-legal standards |

|Demonstrates openness to new ideas |peers about ethical issues |policy when performing all functional competencies |

|Shows honesty/integrity/values ethical behavior|Spontaneously discusses intersection of personal |Demonstrates awareness that ethical-legal-standards |

|Demonstrates personal courage consistent with |and professional ethical and moral issues. |policy competence informs and is informed by all |

|ethical values of psychologists | |foundational competencies |

|Displays a capacity for appropriate boundary | |Takes responsibility for continuing professional |

|management | |development |

|Implements ethical concepts into professional | | |

|behavior | | |

|Interdisciplinary systems –Knowledge of key issues and concepts in related disciplines. Identify and interact with professionals in multiple disciplines|

|Developmental Level |

|A. Knowledge of the shared and distinctive contributions of other professions. |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Beginning, basic knowledge of the viewpoints |Awareness of multiple and differing worldviews, |Working knowledge of multiple and differing worldviews,|

|and contributions of other professions/ |roles, professional standards, and contributions |professional standards, and contributions across |

|professionals |across contexts and systems, intermediate level |contexts and systems, intermediate level knowledge of |

| |knowledge of common and distinctive roles of other|common and distinctive roles of other professionals |

| |professionals | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |Reports observations of commonality and |Demonstrates ability to articulate the role that others|

|Behavioral Anchor: |differences among professional roles, values, and |provide in service to clients |

|Demonstrates knowledge, respect, and valuing of|standards |Displays ability to work successfully on |

|roles, functions and service delivery systems | |interdisciplinary team |

|of other professions | | |

|B. Functioning in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Cooperation |Beginning, knowledge of strategies that promote |Beginning, basic knowledge of and ability to display |

| |interdisciplinary collaboration vs. |the skills that support effective interdisciplinary |

| |multidisciplinary functioning |team functioning, such as communicating without |

| | |jargon, dealing effectively with disagreements about |

| | |diagnosis or treatment goals, supporting and utilizing |

| | |the perspectives of other team members |

| | | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

| | |Demonstrates skill in interdisciplinary clinical |

| | |settings in working with other professionals to |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |incorporate psychological information into overall team|

|Behavioral Anchor: |Demonstrates knowledge of the nature of |planning and implementation |

|Demonstrates ability to cooperate with others |interdisciplinary vs. multidisciplinary function | |

|in task completion |and the skills that support interdisciplinary | |

| |process. | |

|C. Understands how participation in interdisciplinary collaboration/ consultation enhances outcomes |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component:: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of how participating in |Participates in and initiates interdisciplinary |Recognizes and engages in opportunities for effective |

|interdisciplinary collaboration/ consultation |collaboration/ consultation directed toward shared|collaboration with other professionals toward shared |

|can be directed toward shared goals |goals |goals at an intermediate level of ability |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates understanding of concept |Behavioral Anchor: |Systematically collaborates successfully with other |

| |Consults with and cooperates with other |relevant partners |

| |disciplines in service of clients | |

|D. Respectful and productive relationships with individuals from other professions. |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of the benefits of forming |Develops and maintains collaborative relationships|Develops and maintains collaborative relationships |

|collaborative relationships with other |and respect for other professionals |over time despite differences |

|professionals | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Expresses interest in developing collaborative |Communicates effectively with individuals from |Communicates effectively with individuals from other |

|relationships and respect for other |other profession |professions |

|professionals | |Appreciates and integrates perspectives from multiple |

| | |professions |

Functional Competencies

|Assessment - Assessment and diagnosis of problems, capabilities and issues associated with individuals, groups, and/or organizations |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Measurement and Psychometrics |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of the scientific, theoretical,|Selects assessment measures with attention to |Independently selects and implements multiple methods |

|and contextual basis of test construction and |issues of reliability and validity |and means of evaluation in ways that are responsive to |

|interviewing | |and respectful of diverse individuals, couples, |

| | |families and groups and context |

| | | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Demonstrates awareness and competent use of culturally |

|Demonstrates awareness of the benefits of |Identifies appropriate assessment measures for |sensitive instruments, norms |

|standardized assessment |cases seen at practice site |Seeks consultation as needed to guide assessment |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the construct(s) |Routinely consults with supervisor regarding |Demonstrates limitations of assessment data clearly |

|being assessed |selection of assessment measures |reflected in assessment reports |

|Evidences understanding of basic psychometric | | |

|constructs such as validity, reliability, and | | |

|test construction | | |

|B. Evaluation Methods |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of administration and scoring |Awareness of the strengths and limitations of |Independently understands the strengths and limitations|

|of traditional assessment measures, models and|administration, scoring and interpretation of |of diagnostic approaches and interpretation of results |

|techniques, including clinical interviewing |traditional assessment measures as well as related|from multiple measures for diagnosis and treatment |

|and mental status exam |technological advances |planning |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Accurately and consistently administers and |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|scores various assessment tools in non-clinical|Demonstrates intermediate level ability to |Accurately and consistently selects, administers, and |

|(e.g. course) contexts |accurately and consistently select, administer, |scores and interprets assessment tools with clinical |

|Demonstrates knowledge of initial interviewing |score and interpret assessment tools with client |populations |

|(both structured and semi-structured |populations |Selection of assessment tools reflects a flexible |

|interviews, mini-mental status exam) |Collects accurate and relevant data from |approach to answering the diagnostic questions |

| |structured and semi-structured interviews and |Comprehensive reports include discussion of strengths |

| |mini-mental status exams |and limitations of assessment measures as appropriate |

| | |Interview and report leads to formulation of a |

| | |diagnosis and the development of appropriate treatment |

| | |plan |

|C. Application of Methods |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of measurement across domains of |Selects appropriate assessment measures to answer |Independently selects and administers a variety of |

|functioning and practice settings |diagnostic question |assessment tools and integrates results to accurately |

| | |evaluate presenting question appropriate to the |

| | |practice site and broad area of practice |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates awareness of need to base |Selects assessment tools that reflect awareness of|Independently selects assessment tools that reflect |

|diagnosis and assessment on multiple sources of|patient population served at a given practice site|awareness of client population served at practice site |

|information |Regularly selects and uses appropriate methods of |Interprets assessment results accurately taking into |

|Demonstrates awareness of need for selection of|evaluation |account limitations of the evaluation method |

|assessment measures appropriate to |Demonstrates ability to adapt environment and |Provides meaningful, understandable and useful feedback|

|population/problem |materials according to client needs (e.g., |that is responsive to client need |

| |lighting, privacy, ambient noise) | |

|D. Diagnosis |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge regarding the range of normal |Applies concepts of normal/abnormal behavior to |Utilizes case formulation and diagnosis for |

|and abnormal behavior in the context of stages |case formulation and diagnosis in the context of |intervention planning in the context of stages of human|

|of human development and diversity |stages of human development and diversity |development and diversity |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Identifies DSM criteria |Articulates relevant developmental features and |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Describes normal development consistent with |clinical symptoms as applied to presenting |Treatment plans incorporate relevant developmental |

|broad area of training |question |features and clinical symptoms as applied to presenting|

| |Demonstrates ability to identify problem areas and|problem |

| |to use concepts of differential diagnosis |Demonstrates awareness DSM and relation to ICD codes |

| | |Regularly and independently identifies problem areas |

| | |and makes a diagnosis |

|E. Conceptualization and Recommendations |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of formulating diagnosis and |Utilizes systematic approaches of gathering data |Independently and accurately conceptualizes the |

|case conceptualization |to inform clinical decision-making |multiple dimensions of the case based on the results of|

| | |assessment |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates the ability to discuss diagnostic |Presents cases and reports demonstrating how |Independently prepares reports based on |

|formulation and case conceptualization |diagnosis is based on case material |Administers, scores and interprets test results |

|Prepares basic reports which articulate | |Formulates case conceptualizations incorporating theory|

|theoretical material | |and case material |

|F. Communication of Findings |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of models of report writing and |Writes assessment reports and progress notes |Communication of results in written and verbal form |

|progress notes | |clearly, constructively, and accurately in a |

| | |conceptually appropriate manner |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Writes a basic psychological report |Writes an effective comprehensive report |

|Demonstrates this knowledge including content |Demonstrates ability to communicate basic findings|Effectively communicates results verbally |

|and organization of test reports, mental status|verbally |Reports reflect data that has been collected via |

|examinations, interviews |Reports reflect data that has been collected via |interview and its limitations |

| |interview | |

|Intervention- Interventions designed to alleviate suffering and to promote health and well-being of individuals, groups, and/or organizations |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Knowledge of Interventions |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of scientific, theoretical, and|Knowledge of scientific, theoretical, empirical |Applies knowledge of evidence-based practice, including|

|contextual bases of intervention and basic |and contextual bases of intervention, including |empirical bases of intervention strategies, clinical |

|knowledge of the value of evidence-based |theory, research, and practice |expertise, and client preferences |

|practice and its role in scientific psychology | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Articulates the relationship of EBP to the |Demonstrates knowledge of interventions and |Writes a case summary incorporating elements of |

|science of psychology |explanations for their use based on EBP |evidence-based practice |

|Identifies basic strengths and weaknesses of |Demonstrates the ability to select interventions |Presents rationale for intervention strategy that |

|intervention approaches for different problems |for different problems and populations related to |includes empirical support |

|and populations |the practice setting | |

| |Investigates existing literature related to | |

| |problems and client issues | |

| |Writes a statement of one’s own theoretical | |

| |perspective regarding intervention strategies | |

|B. Intervention planning |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic understanding of the relationship between|Formulates and conceptualizes cases and plan |Independent intervention planning, including |

|assessment and intervention |interventions utilizing at least one consistent |conceptualization and intervention planning specific to|

| |theoretical orientation |case and context |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Articulates a basic understanding of how |Articulates a theory of change and identifies |Accurately assesses presenting issues taking in to |

|intervention choices are informed by assessment|interventions to implement change; as consistent |account the larger life context, including diversity |

| |with the AAPI |issues |

| |Writes understandable case conceptualization |Conceptualizes case independently and accurately |

| |reports and collaborative treatment plans |Independently selects an intervention or range of |

| |incorporating evidence-based practices |interventions appropriate for the presenting issue(s) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|C. Skills |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic helping skills |Clinical skills |Clinical skills and judgment |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates helping skills, such as empathic |Develops rapport with most clients |Develops rapport and relationships with wide variety of|

|listening, framing problems |Develops therapeutic relationships |clients |

| |Demonstrates appropriate judgment about when to |Uses good judgment about unexpected issues, such as |

| |consult supervisor |crises, use of supervision, confrontation |

| | |Effectively delivers intervention |

|D. Intervention Implementation |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component : |

|Basic knowledge of intervention strategies |Implements evidence-based interventions that take |Implements interventions with fidelity to empirical |

| |into account empirical support, clinical judgment,|models and flexibility to adapt where appropriate |

| |and client diversity (e.g., client | |

| |characteristics, values, and context) | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Applies specific evidence-based interventions | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Presents case that documents application of |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Articulates awareness of theoretical basis of |evidence-based practice |Independently and effectively implements a typical |

|intervention and some general strategies | |range of intervention strategies appropriate to |

| | |practice setting |

| | |Independently recognizes and manages special |

| | |circumstances |

| | |Terminates treatment successfully |

| | |Collaborates effectively with other providers or |

| | |systems of care |

|E. Progress evaluation |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of the assessment of |Evaluate treatment progress and modify treatment |Evaluate treatment progress and modify planning as |

|intervention progress and outcome |planning as indicated, utilizing established |indicated, even in the absence of established outcome |

| |outcome measures |measures |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates basic knowledge of methods to |Assesses and documents treatment progress and |Independently assesses treatment effectiveness & |

|examine intervention outcomes |outcomes |efficiency |

| |Alters treatment plan accordingly |Critically evaluates own performance in the treatment |

| |Describes instances of lack progress and actions |role |

| |taken in response. |Seeks consultation when necessary |

|Consultation- The ability to provide expert guidance or professional assistance in response to a client’s needs or goals. |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Role of Consultant |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|No expectation for pre-practicum level |Knowledge of the consultant’s role and its unique |Determines situations that require different role |

| |features as distinguished from other professional |functions and shift roles accordingly |

| |roles (such as therapist, supervisor, teacher). | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Articulates common and distinctive roles of |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |consultant |Recognizes situations in which consultation is |

| |Compares and contrast consultation, clinical and |appropriate |

| |supervision roles |Demonstrates capability to shift functions and behavior|

| | |to meet referral needs |

|B. Addressing Referral Question |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|No expectation for pre-practicum level |Knowledge of and ability to select appropriate |Knowledge of and ability to select appropriate and |

| |means of assessment to answer referral questions |contextually sensitive means of assessment/data |

| | |gathering that answers consultation referral question |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |Implements systematic approach to data collection |Demonstrates ability to gather information necessary to|

| |in a consultative role |answer referral question |

| |Identifies sources and types of assessment tools |Clarifies and refines referral question based on |

| | |analysis/assessment of question |

|C. Communication of Findings |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential component: |Essential Component: |

|No expectation for pre-practicum level |Identifies literature and knowledge about process |Applies knowledge to provide effective assessment |

| |of informing consultee of assessment findings |feedback and to articulate appropriate recommendations |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Identifies appropriate approaches and processes |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |for providing written and verbal feedback and |Prepares clear, useful consultation reports and |

| |recommendation to consultee |recommendations to all appropriate parties |

| | |Provides verbal feedback to consultee of results and |

| | |offers appropriate recommendations |

|D. Application of Methods |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|No expectation for pre-practicum level |Identifies and acquires literature relevant to |Applies literature to provide effective consultative |

| |unique consultation methods (assessment & |services (assessment & intervention) in most routine |

| |Intervention) within systems, clients or settings |and some complex cases |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Identifies appropriate interventions based on |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |consultation assessment findings |Identifies and implements consultation interventions |

| | |based on assessment findings |

| | |Identifies and implements consultation interventions |

| | |that meet consultee goals |

|Research/evaluation - Generating research that contributes to the professional knowledge base and/or evaluates the effectiveness of various professional |

|activities |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Scientific Approach to Knowledge Generation |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic scientific mindedness, critical |Development of skills and habits in seeking, |Generation of knowledge |

|thinking |applying, and evaluating theoretical and research | |

| |knowledge relevant to the practice of psychology. | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Demonstrates understanding of research methods and | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |techniques of data analysis |Behavioral Anchor |

|Demonstrates understanding that psychologists|Demonstrates research and scholarly activity, which |Engages in systematic efforts to increase the knowledge|

|evaluate the effectiveness of their |may include presentations at conferences; |base of psychology through implementing and reviewing |

|professional activities |participation in research teams; submission of |research |

|Open to scrutiny of one’s work by peers and |manuscripts for publication |Uses methods appropriate to the research question, |

|faculty. |Demonstrates being a critical consumer of research |setting and/or community |

| | |Consults and partners with community stakeholders when |

| | |conducting research in diverse communities |

|B. Application of Scientific Method to Practice |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|No expectation at this level |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

| |Apply scientific methods to evaluating own practice |Evaluation of outcomes |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

| |Discusses evidence based practices |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |Compiles and analyzes data on own clients (outcome |Evaluates the progress of own activities and uses this |

| |measurement) |information to improve own effectiveness |

| |Participates in program evaluation |Describes how outcomes are measured in each practice |

| | |activity |

|Supervision- Supervision and training in the professional knowledge base and of evaluation of the effectiveness of various professional activities |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Expectations and Roles |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Basic knowledge of expectations for supervision|Knowledge of purpose for and roles in supervision.|Understands complexity of the supervisor role including|

| | |ethical, legal, and contextual issues |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Identifies roles and responsibilities of the |Articulates a philosophy or model of supervision and |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the process of |supervisor and supervisee in the supervision |reflects on how this model is applied in practice, |

|supervision |process |including integrated contextual, legal, and ethical |

| | |perspectives |

|B. Processes and Procedures |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of the |Knowledge of procedures and processes of |Knowledge of procedures and practices of supervision |

| |supervision | |

| | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Prepares supervision contract |

|Demonstrates basic knowledge of supervision |Identifies goals and tasks of supervision related |Demonstrates knowledge of limits of competency to |

|models and practice |to developmental progression |supervise (assesses metacompetency) |

| |Tracks progress achieving goals and setting new |Constructs plans to deal with areas of limited |

| |goals |competency |

|C. Skills Development |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Components |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Interpersonal skills of communication and |Knowledge of the supervision literature and how |Engages in professional reflection about one’s clinical|

|openness to feedback |clinicians develop to be skilled professionals |relationships with supervisees, as well as supervisees’|

| | |relationships with their clients |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Behavioral Anchor |Successfully completes coursework on supervision |Clearly articulates how to use supervisory |

|Completes self-assessment (e.g., Hatcher & |Demonstrates formation of supervisory relationship|relationships to leverage development of supervisees |

|Lassiter, 2006) |integrating theory and skills including knowledge |and their clients |

|Integrates faculty/supervisor feedback into |of development, educational praxis | |

|self-assessment | | |

|D. Awareness of factors affecting quality |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential component: |

|Basic knowledge of and sensitivity to issues |Knowledge about the impact of diversity on all |Understanding of other individuals and groups and |

|related to individual and cultural differences |professional settings and supervision participants|intersection dimensions of diversity in the context of |

|(i.e., the APA definition) as they apply to the|including self as defined by APA policy; beginning|supervision practice, able to engage in reflection on |

|supervision process and relationships |knowledge of personal contribution to therapy and |the role of one’s self on therapy and in supervision |

| |to supervision | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates basic knowledge of literature on |Demonstrates knowledge of ICD literature and APA |Demonstrates integration of diversity and multiple |

|individual and cultural differences and engages|guidelines in supervision practice |identity aspects in conceptualization of supervision |

|in respectful interactions that reflect that |Demonstrates awareness of role of oppression and |process with all participants (client(s), supervisee, |

|knowledge |privilege on supervision process |supervisor) |

| | |Demonstrates adaptation of own professional behavior in|

| | |a culturally sensitive manner as appropriate to the |

| | |needs of the supervision context and all parties in it |

| | |Articulates and uses diversity appropriate repertoire |

| | |of skills and techniques in supervisory process |

| | |Identifies impact of aspects of self in therapy and |

| | |supervision |

|E. Participation in Supervision Process |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of need for straightforward, |Observation of and participation in supervisory |Provides supervision independently to others in routine|

|truthful, and respectful communication in |process (e.g., peer supervision) |cases |

|supervisory relationship | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Demonstrates willingness to admit errors, |Reflects on supervision process, areas of strength|Behavioral Anchor: |

|accept feedback |and those needing improvement |Provides supervision to less advanced students, peers |

| |Seeks supervision to improve performance, |or other service providers in typical cases appropriate|

| |presenting work for feedback, and integrating |to the service setting. |

| |feedback into performance | |

|F. Ethical and Legal Issues |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of principles of ethical practice and|Knowledge of and compliance with |Command of and application of relevant ethical, legal, |

|basic skills in supervisory ethical decision |ethical/professional codes, standards and |and professional standards and guidelines |

|making, knowledge of legal and regulatory |guidelines; institutional policies; laws, | |

|issues in supervision |statutes, rules, regulations, and case law | |

| |relevant to the practice of psychology and its | |

| |supervision | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates understanding of this knowledge |Behaves ethically |Spontaneously and reliably identifies complex ethical |

|(e.g., APA 2002 ethical principles) |Recognizes ethical and legal issues in clinical |and legal issues in supervision, and analyzes and |

| |practice and supervision |proactively addresses them |

| | |Demonstrates awareness of potential conflicts in |

| | |complex ethical and legal issues in supervision |

| Teaching: Providing instruction, disseminating knowledge, and evaluating acquisition of knowledge and skill in professional psychology |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Knowledge |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of theories of learning and how they |Knowledge of didactic learning strategies and how |Knowledge of outcome assessment of teaching |

|impact teaching |to accommodate developmental and individual |effectiveness |

| |differences | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Observes differences in teaching styles and |Demonstrates knowledge of one learning strategy |Demonstrates knowledge of one technique of outcome |

|need for response to different learning skills |Demonstrates clear communication skills |assessment |

| | |Demonstrates knowledge of methodological considerations|

| | |in assessment of teaching effectiveness |

| | | |


|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Knowledge of application of teaching methods |Application of teaching methods in multiple |Evaluation of effectiveness of learning/teaching |

| |settings |strategies addressing key skill sets |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | |Behavioral Anchor: |

|Demonstrates example of application of teaching|Behavioral Anchor: |Demonstrates strategy to evaluate teaching |

|method |Identifies and differentiates factors for |effectiveness of targeted skill sets |

|Demonstrates ability to organize and present |implementing particular teaching methods |Articulates concepts to be taught and |

|information related to a topic |Demonstrates accommodation to diverse others |research/empirical support |

| |(e.g., cultural, individual, and role differences,|Utilizes evaluation strategy to assess learning |

| |including those based on age, gender, gender |objectives met |

| |identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national |Integrates feedback to modify future teaching |

| |origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, |strategies |

| |language, and socioeconomic status) and context | |

| |Introduces innovation/creativity into application | |

| |of teaching method | |

|Management-administration - Manage the direct delivery of services (DDS) and/or the administration of organizations, programs, or agencies (OPA). |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Management |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential component: |Essential component: |Essential component: |

|Awareness of roles of management in |Participates in management of direct delivery of |Manages direct delivery of professional services; |

|organizations |professional services; responds appropriately in |awareness of basic principles of resource allocation |

| |management hierarchy |and oversight |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Responds appropriately to managers and |Independently and regularly manages and evaluates own |

|Articulates understanding of management role in|subordinates |DDS, identifying opportunities for improvement. |

|own organization(s) |Manages DDS under supervision, e.g., scheduling, |Recognizes role of and need for clerical and other |

| |billing, maintenance of records |staff, role of human resources |

| |identifies responsibilities, challenges, and | |

| |processes of management | |

|B. Administration |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of the functions of policies and |Knowledge of and ability to effectively function |Awareness of principles of policy and procedures manual|

|procedures, ability to comply with regulations.|within professional settings and organizations, |for OPA, awareness of basic business, financial and |

| |including compliance with policies and procedures.|fiscal management issues; |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Articulates approved organizational policies and |Responds promptly to organizational demands |

|Completes assignments by due dates |procedures |Participates in the development of policies |

|Complies with relevant regulations |Completes reports and other assignments promptly |Functions within budget |

|Responds appropriately to direction provided by|Complies with record-keeping guidelines |Negotiates and collects fees, pays bills. |

|managers |Demonstrates understanding of quality improvement |Uses technological resources for information |

| |(QI) procedures in direct delivery of services |management. |

| |basic management of direct services, QI procedures|Identifies resources needed to develop a basic business|

| | |plan |

|C. Leadership |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|No pre-practicum expectation. |Recognition of own role in creating policy, |Development of mission, goal-setting, implementing |

| |participation in system change, and management |systems to accomplish goals and objectives; |

| |structure |team-building and motivational skills |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

| |Articulates agency mission and purpose and its |Develops mission or purpose of DDS and/or OPA |

| |connection to goals & objectives |Provides others with face to face and written direction|

| |Implements procedures to accomplish goals and |Demonstrates capacity to develop system for evaluating |

| |objectives |supervisees/staff/employees. |

| | |Communicates appropriately to parties at all levels in |

| | |the system |

|D. Evaluation of Management and Leadership |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Autonomous judgment of organization’s |Able to develop and prepared to offer constructive|Develops own plans for how best to manage and lead an |

|management and leadership |criticism and suggestions regarding management and|organization |

| |leadership of organization. | |

| | | |

| |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Identifies strengths and weaknesses of management | |

|Applies theories of effective management and |and leadership or organization |Behavioral Anchor: |

|leadership to form an evaluation of |Provides input appropriately, participates in |Articulates steps and actions to be effective manager |

|organization |organizational assessment |or leader appropriate to the specifics of the |

| | |organization |

| Advocacy – Actions targeting the impact of social, political, economic or cultural factors to promote change at the individual (client), institutional, |

|and/or systems level |

|Developmental Level |

|A. Empowerment |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Awareness of social, political, economic and |Uses awareness of the social, political, economic |Intervenes with client to promote action on factors |

|cultural factors that impact individuals, |or cultural factors that may impact human |impacting development and functioning |

|institutions and systems, in addition to other |development in the context of service provision | |

|factors that may lead them to seek intervention| | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: | |

|Articulates social, political, economic or |Identifies specific barriers to client |Behavioral Anchor: |

|cultural factors that may impact on human |improvement, e.g., lack of access to resources |Promotes client self-advocacy |

|development and functioning. |Assists client in development of self-advocacy |Assesses implementation and outcome of client’s |

| |plans |self-advocacy plans |

|B. Systems Change |

|Readiness for Practicum |Readiness for Internship |Readiness for Entry to Practice |

|Essential Component: |Essential Component: |Essential Component: |

|Understanding the differences between |Promotes change to enhance the functioning of |Promotes change at the level of institutions, |

|individual and institutional level |individuals |community, or society |

|interventions and system’s level change | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Anchor: | | |

|Articulates role of therapist as change agent |Behavioral Anchor: |Behavioral Anchor: |

|outside of direct patient contact |Identifies target issues/agencies most relevant to|Develops alliances with relevant individuals and groups|

| |specific issue |Engages with groups with differing viewpoints around |

| |Formulates and engages in plan for action |issue to promote change |

| |Demonstrates understanding of appropriate | |

| |boundaries and times to advocate on behalf of | |

| |client | |


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