What did churches do during spanish flu - Weebly


What did churches do during spanish flu

The general rule is that the personal a of Spanish is used before a direct object when that object is a person or an animal or thing that has been personified. However, there are exceptions. The personal a is either optional or not used when the direct object is a nonspecific person, when following the verb

tener, or to avoid awkwardness when two a's would be close to each other in a sentence. Perhaps the best way to state the biggest exception to the rule is to clarify the rule. Rather than saying that the personal a is used before people, it would best to say that the personal a is used only with specific,

known, or identified human beings (or animals or things that have been personified). In other words, if the person is treated as a member of a category rather than as a known person, the personal a isn't needed. Here are some examples of the difference: Busco a mi novio. (I am looking for my boyfriend.

Here, the boyfriend is a specific, known person, even though his name isn't given.) Busco un novio. (I am looking for a boyfriend. Here the boyfriend is merely someone who is a member of a category. We do not know who the person is, or even if he exists.) No conozco a tu bisabuela. (I don't know your

grandmother. We have the person's identify even if her name isn't given.) No conozco una sola bisabuela. (I don't know a single great-grandmother. As in the case of the boyfriend above, the person is talking about a hypothetical person rather than an identified one.) Necesito una secretario. (I need a

secretary. The speaker needs assistance, but not necessarily from a specific person.) Necesito a la secretario. (I need the secretary. The speaker needs a specific person.) As a result, some sentences can have a slightly different meaning, depending on whether the a is used. For example, we might say

"El FBI busca a un hombre de 40 a?os," meaning that the FBI is looking for a specific 40-year old man, perhaps the one who committed a crime. If we say "El FBI busca un hombre de 40 a?os," it suggests the FBI is looking for a 40-year-old man in general, perhaps for a criminal lineup or for some other

purpose where it doesn't particularly matter which 40-year-old man it finds. The main exception to this clarified rule is that certain pronouns, such as alguien (someone) and nadie (no one), always require the personal a when used as direct objects, even when they refer to no specific person. Example: No

conozco a nadie. (I don't know anybody.) When tener is used to indicate "have" in the sense of having a close relationship, the personal a is not used even if the direct object is known. Tenemos tres hijos. (We have three sons.) La compa?ia tiene muchos empleados. (The company has many employees.)

Ya tengo m¨¦dico de atenci¨®n primaria. (I already have a primary-care doctor.) When tener is used to mean have someone in a role, however, the personal a is retained: Tengo a mi hermana como amiga de Facebook. (I have my sister as a Facebook friend.) Sometimes a sentence following the general

rule would have two a's, especially when a verb is followed by direct object and then an indirect object. In such cases, the personal a before the direct object is omitted. The listener will then understand that the object without a preceding a is the direct object. In this way, such sentences often mimic the

word order in English. Mand¨¦ mi hijo a su profesor. (I sent my son to his teacher. Note the lack of a before hijo.) El bombero llev¨® Pablo a mi madre. (The firefighter carried Pablo to my mother.) Although Spanish uses a personal a when a person is a direct object, the personal a is not used unless the

person is a known person rather than someone who merely fits a category. An exception is that the personal a is required with nadie and alguien. The personal a is often not used following the verb tener, even if the object is a known person. The Spanish flu was estimated to have killed somewhere

between 20 and 50 million people worldwide. It occurred from 1918 to 1919, overlapping the end of World War I. The pandemic remains the most deadly in modern history, affecting primarily the young and healthy and progressing rapidly to multisystem organ failure and death. Although it is called the

Spanish flu, modern virologists and epidemiologists from around the world agree that this influenza pandemic did not start in Spain. Because Spain was neutral in World War I, which overlapped the pandemic, people believe that other countries would not have been as forthright about the outbreak in their

countries. Spain reported outbreaks to news organizations in the spring of 1918 when many countries involved in the war would likely be unwilling to broadcast the toll the flu was taking on their own troops and supplies. Spanish flu struck in waves. The first hit the United States in the spring of 1918, but

was mild and went almost unnoticed. A second wave hit in the summer, starting in late August in Boston. This strain was so infectious that, by the end of October, it had spread from coast to coast and had a morbidity rate of about 28 percent. Some people escaped with mild effects, but others

experienced much more severe symptoms, including high fever, fluid in the lungs, and head and body aches. Some people seemed to have a standard flu infection but developed pneumonia, which often led to death. Many experienced severe complications that lasted for weeks, like unconsciousness

and delirium due to poor oxygenation, and bloody drainage from the nose. Of those that survived, some faced life-long health issues as a result of the flu's complications. The Spanish flu and the experience of the American troops in World War I were intertwined. The War Department estimated that 26

percent of the Army caught the Spanish flu, and it killed roughly 30,000 in 1918. The war was the perfect environment for viral spread, with soldiers living in military camps for training on U.S. soil and in the trenches in Europe. So many soldiers were affected that it interfered with training and diverted

necessary supplies and equipment from combat to caring for the sick. Johncairns / Getty Images It is still unclear what made the Spanish flu so deadly. Because there are no viral samples from that time, it is impossible to tell if each wave of the pandemic involved the same virus. Data suggests that those

who got sick and survived the second wave may have had protection against the third. In 1995, scientists sequenced the RNA of one virus from the Spanish flu pandemic; they believe it is tied to H1N1, but this still does not tell us why it was so infectious or fatal. Prior to the Spanish flu, most influenza

deaths had a u-shaped curve, meaning that the death toll was highest among the very young and very old. In contrast, the death toll for the 1918 flu was shaped like a W, affecting the healthy young adults in the middle of the curve more than the young and elderly. Nearly half of the deaths from the

Spanish flu were in people between the ages of 20 and 40. The risk of dying from the Spanish flu was greater for people younger than 65 than those older. Treatment for the Spanish flu included quinine and codeine to treat coughing, but often there was nothing curative to be done. The resulting

pneumonia had few treatment options, and those that were common at the time, like silver colloids and bleeding, were ineffective. Because the mortality rate was so high, churches and funeral homes were overrun. Some cities in Spain ran out of coffins, and the Spanish army was called in to help

transport and remove the dead. Newspapers at the time were devoting as many as five pages a day to obituaries. If the Spanish flu did not originate in Spain, where did it start? Influenza pandemics before and after 1918 usually developed in Asia and spread to the rest of the world. What makes the 1918

flu unique is that it simultaneously spread in three waves within one year, affecting three distinct regions: Asia, Europe, and North America. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to determine the geographical point of origin. The United States was no better off than Spain when it came to treating the

Spanish flu and caring for the sick. The country was already strained due to the demands of the war, with a large number of the country's nurses and doctors performing military service. For example, in Philadelphia, 26 percent of the city's doctors were in the military. Rural areas were hit particularly hard

with limited supplies and nursing shortages. The Spanish flu slightly impacted the war beyond the toll it took on the number of available troops. It may have altered the course of the war slightly. Planned attacks had to be postponed, and the strength of the troops as a whole was drastically diminished.

That said, historians agree it is unlikely to have changed the outcome. The Spanish flu had a greater impact on the individual soldiers than it did on the military as a whole. The 2020 coronavirus and 1918 Spanish influenza pandemics share many similarities, but they also diverge on one key point.¡°A

major difference between Spanish flu and COVID-19 is the age distribution of fatalities,¡± according to Deutsche Bank DB, -1.92%. ¡°For COVID-19, the elderly have been overwhelmingly the worst hit. For the Spanish flu of 1918, the young working-age population were severely affected too. In fact, the

death rate from pneumonia and influenza that year among 25-34-year-olds in the United States was more than 50% higher than that for 65-74-year-olds. A remarkable difference to Covid-19.¡± Francis Yared, the global head of rates research at Deutsche Bank, said the overall mortality rate measured by

weekly new deaths and weekly new cases is around one-third of the level observed in the second half of April. ¡°So we have an interesting situation at the moment, where rapidly rising cases in the U.S. are slowing reopenings (negative) but the death rate is falling (positive). This may eventually give us

more faith that we are now better at living with the virus,¡± the bank said. ¡° There wasn¡¯t such a big trade-off between economic activity and public health during the 1918 Spanish flu, because you needed to suppress the virus to enable consumers to be more confident and for businesses to operate as

normal. ¡± ¡ª Deutsche Bank report During the 1918 flu, cities that implemented non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing and school closures tended to have better economic outcomes over the medium term, Deutsche Bank added. ¡°This offered historical support to the argument that

there wasn¡¯t such a big trade-off between economic activity and public health, because you needed to suppress the virus to enable consumers to be more confident and for businesses to operate as normal.¡± Some 500 million people, or one-third of the world¡¯s population, became infected with the 1918

Spanish flu. An estimated 50 million people died worldwide, with about 675,000 deaths occurring in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ¡°It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin,¡± the agency added. During the 1918 flu pandemic, ¡°mortality was high in

people younger than 5 years old, 20-40 years old, and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people, including those in the 20-40 year age group, was a unique feature of this pandemic,¡± the CDC said. ¡°With no vaccine to protect against influenza infection and no antibiotics to treat secondary

bacterial infections that can be associated with influenza infections, control efforts worldwide were limited to non-pharmaceutical interventions.¡± COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, has already proved extremely infectious. It had infected 13.1 million people globally and more than 3.4

million in the U.S. as of Tuesday, according to official figures collated by Johns Hopkins University¡¯s Center for Systems Science and Engineering. The disease had claimed at least 573,664 lives worldwide and 135,615 in the U.S. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Census Bureau,

Haver Analytics, Deutsche Bank. Note: COVID-19 data use provisional death counts up to June 27, 2020; 1918 fatalities use Death Registration States. Letter from New York:¡®When I hear an ambulance, I wonder if there¡¯s a coronavirus patient inside. Are there more 911 calls, or do I notice every distant

siren?¡¯ There are also some similarities between influenza and COVID-19, including their nearly identical symptoms: fever, coughing, night sweats, body aches, tiredness, and nausea and diarrhea in the most severe cases. Like all viruses, neither is treatable with antibiotics. They can both be spread

through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing, but they come from two different virus families ¡ª and ongoing research to develop a universal vaccine for influenza shows how tricky both influenza viruses and coronaviruses can be. ¡° ¡®The 1918 Spanish flu¡¯s second wave was even more

devastating than the first wave.¡¯ ¡± ¡ª Ravina Kullar, an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles Historians believe that a more virulent influenza strain hit during a hard three months in 1918 and was spread by troops moving through Europe during the First World War. ¡°The 1918

Spanish flu¡¯s second wave was even more devastating than the first wave,¡± Ravina Kullar, an infectious-disease expert with the Infectious Diseases Society of America and adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles, told MarketWatch. A mutated strain would be a worst-case

scenario for a second wave of SARS-CoV-2 this fall or winter. Though the 1918 pandemic is forever associated with Spain, this strain of H1N1 was discovered earlier in Germany, France, the U.K. and the U.S. But similar to the Communist Party¡¯s response to the first cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China,

World War I censorship buried or underplayed those reports. ¡°It is essential to consider the deep connections between the Great War and the influenza pandemic not simply as concurrent or consecutive crises, but more deeply intertwined,¡± historian James Harris wrote in an article about the pandemic.

Doctors and members of the public, as of now, were spooked by how otherwise strong, healthy people fell victim to the 1918 influenza. Doctors today attribute that to the ¡°cytokine storm,¡± a process where the immune system in healthy people reacts so strongly as to hurt the body. A hallmark of some

viruses: A surge of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines) effectively turned the body against itself, led to an inflammation of the lungs, severe respiratory distress, leaving the body vulnerable to secondary bacterial pneumonia. The Dow Jones Industrial Index DJIA, +0.06% and the S&P

500 SPX, +0.47% were tepid Tuesday on hopes of progress in coronavirus vaccine research. There¡¯s been a surge of coronavirus in states that have loosened restrictions in recent weeks, particularly in Florida, Texas, California, and Arizona.

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