Did catholic churches closed during the spanish flu pandemic


Did catholic churches closed during the spanish flu pandemic

In 1917 a virulent fever began to be reported in various parts of the world. Similar episodes of influenza had been reported throughout history. However, compared with other diseases such as smallpox, bubonic plague, cholera, or typhus, influenza was not as deadly a killer. That all changed from 1918 when soldiers fighting in World War One contracted it from the horrible conditions of trench warfare - men in mud-filled trenches alongside the rotting corpses of friend and foe. This influenza spread round the world with terrifying swiftness. By the time one Cape Town tram had gone three-quarters of its three-mile journey, it had stopped five times to deposit the bodies of passengers until eventually its driver also died. An infected ship allowed to berth in Auckland led to 6680 deaths in New Zealand. Eventually 21 million people died worldwide, with perhaps fifty times that number affected. In Australia there were 13,220 deaths; but in India a ghastly 12.5 million people died. Governments began to implement public health measures, closing places where people congregated, even public phone booths. Medicated masks became normal. Quarantine stations were hastily built or extended. Governments took control of public life. Clearly, in some cases faith gave individuals courage to face the possibility of death. One woman arrived at a Chicago volunteering station to offer her untrained help to the sick. She was dressed entirely in gold clothing. She told the astonished staff that this was her resurrection outfit. If helping the sick meant her death, she was dressed and ready to go into the glorious new life! But religious responses to the epidemic could also be part of the problem. Samoan ministers taking up a collection spread the flu from one island to another. So in many cities churches closed, or limited congregations to small numbers. The communion cup was commonly dispensed with. Funerals were held at night so as not to alarm people. MENU With COVID-19 causing many churches to close (either voluntarily or involuntarily), it is easy to think of this as unprecedented.However, churches were closed during the 1918 spanish flu pandemic as well.How did churches and Christians respond then?Not all reactions to the church closures were negative.In the District of Columbia, an order was issued requesting that clergy not hold services. Numerous groups of pastors, ministers, and church representatives approved the request and agreed not to hold services. Several churches received permits to meet outdoors in front of their buildings or in public parks to comply with the request. However, the health department quickly banned outdoor gatherings as well.It was not until the number of new cases began to decline that the ministers began to openly resist the closure of the churches.In a letter to the editor, one pastor wrote that "nothing has so contributed to that state of panic which has gripped this community as the fact that the normal religious life of our city has been disorganized."1 Despite the complaints, the church leaders obeyed the order. On the first Sunday after the ban was lifted, Reverend J. Francis Grimke noted in his sermon: "The fact that the churches were places of religious gathering, and the others not, would not affect in the least the health question involved. If avoiding crowds lessens the danger of being infected, it was wise to take the precaution and not needlessly run in danger, and expect God to protect us." Many pastors and congregants respected the importance of protecting the public health. One Baptist pastor in Kentucky, Harvey Boyce Taylor, was arrested in 1919 for violating the state's order closing churches and other places of amusement. The local paper reported "The Rev. Mr. Taylor, in his address to the jury declared that Judge Phillips and all other county officials should be in jail, because they had violated the laws of God and federal constitution by disturbing religious worship."At trial, the jury deliberated for ten minutes before finding Taylor guilty. He was fined $100.Ironically, the sheriff who arrested the pastor was a member of his congregation.3 It is easy to think of church closures for COVID-19 as unprecedented, but churches faced similar restrictions during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. How did they respond? #religiousfreedom #COVID19TweetIn response to the 1918 outbreak, St. Louis banned gatherings of over 20 people and closed churches and other gathering places.A Catholic congregation of over 200 people was turned in to police after parishioners climbed in through the church's side window to worship. No one was prosecuted.4 Christian Scientists in Los Angeles and Pasadena, California challenged their respective city's church closures.The group from Pasadena won a permanent injunction on the ban, but not on free exercise grounds.The judge found that, while the Pasadena Board of Trustees passed a resolution authorizing the health department to implement a ban on church services, the order was never issued. Therefore, there was no ban for the city to enforce.5 In Los Angeles, several Christian scientists were arrested for violating the city's ban in an attempt to challenge its constitutionality.They claimed the ban violated the Fourteenth Amendment and declared they were ready to appeal to the United States Supreme Court. The defendants filed writs of habeas corpus, but an appeal was not necessary.The judge dismissed the charges stating the ban was "arbitrary, special legislation and violative of the constitution."The Los Angeles Times reported that Judge White held that the city had "a legal right to prevent gatherings and to prohibit meetings," but the ordinance "was faulty in that it singled out churches, theaters, and certain amusements, and did not make illegal gatherings in hotel lobbies, street cars, etc." The order "illegally conferred upon the Health Commissioner the right to determine which public gatherings are dangerous to public health and which could be permitted."6 In modern constitutional-law terms, the ban was not neutral or generally applicable nor was it narrowly tailored as it allowed certain gatherings to continue. Much can be learned from history.To read more about religious freedom during a pandemic, check out the guide Coronavirus and Church Closures.This guide covers:Historical examples of church closuresRelevant laws regarding the free exercise of religion and church closuresLegal challenges to COVID-19 church closuresThe proper analysis courts should apply in deciding these casesDownload the guide for FREE and be prepared for the challenges COVID-19 will bring.This article was first published at matthewbrown.blog. You can view the original article here. ____________________Caleb Morell, How DC Churches Responded When the Government Banned Public Gatherings During the Spanish Flu of 1918, 9MARKS, Mar. 12, 2020, citing "The Evening Star," October 4, 1918, p. 1.Id. citing Francis J. Grimke, Some reflections, growing out of the recent epidemic of influenza that afflicted our city: a discourse delivered in the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., November 3, 1918.Jon Hale, One pastor was so outraged by church ban during Spanish flu that he went to jail, COURIER JOURNAL, Mar. 20, 2020.Elizabeth A. Eisele, Aggressive actions during 1918 Spanish flu pandemic made St. Louis a city ahead of its time, KMOV4, Mar. 10, 2020.Scientists of Pasadena Win, LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dec. 12, 1918, archived in University of Michigan, THE AMERICAN INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC ENCYCLOPEDIA; In View of Victory, LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dec. 12, 1918 archived in University of Michigan, THE AMERICAN INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC ENCYCLOPEDIA.No Relaxation in Flu Fight, LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dec. 22, 1918 archived in University of Michigan, THE AMERICAN INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC ENCYCLOPEDIA. Photo Courtesy: [Brothers91/E+/Getty Images] "The flu" is a term commonly used to describe seasonal influenza, an illness caused by one of numerous influenza viruses. This highly contagious infection affects your respiratory system, causing symptoms that can range from mild to life-threatening. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 3?11% of the population within the United States becomes infected with the flu each year. Among infected individuals, hundreds of thousands may require hospitalization and more than 36,000 individuals typically die each year from the flu. Infections are most common in the fall and winter, so this period of each year is referred to as "flu season." If you're concerned about the flu, learn more about the symptoms to look out for, along with some important tips for stopping the spread of this serious illness. There are several types of influenza viruses that can cause infection. Each of these viruses is spread from person to person via droplets that are naturally expelled when we talk, cough, sing or sneeze. Other people can then inhale the droplets or transfer them into their bodies by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Once the virus enters your body, it quickly replicates and causes symptoms of the flu. A person who's infected with an influenza virus is typically contagious one day before their symptoms begin appearing and up to seven days after their symptoms first start. During this period, the virus is actively replicating and can easily be passed on to other people who are in close contact. Symptoms of Influenza Symptoms of the flu usually begin within one to four days of exposure to the virus. Many common flu symptoms are very similar to cold symptoms, though they typically come on more suddenly than they do when you have a cold. When you've been infected with an influenza virus, you'll likely experience some or all of the following: FeverCoughingSore throatRunny noseCongestionHeadachesBody or muscle achesChillsFatigue or weaknessLoss of appetiteNausea, vomiting or diarrhea (these occur more often in children) Generally speaking, flu symptoms are more severe and more debilitating than symptoms of the common cold. Flu symptoms typically last for one to two weeks and most often resolve on their own. However, in certain cases, influenza infections can lead to more serious complications and require intervention from a medical professional. Certain populations are at a higher risk of developing health complications related to the seasonal flu. These individuals include: Children under 5 years old (children under 6 months have an even greater risk)Adults 65 years of age or older (especially in long-term care environments)Pregnant people or those who have recently given birth People living with the following health conditions also may be at a higher risk for developing complications from the flu: Chronic lung disease or asthmaHeart diseaseBlood, kidney or liver disordersMetabolic disordersNeurological and neurodevelopmental conditionsObesityIndividuals under the age of 19 who are taking long-term aspirin therapy Anyone with a compromised immune system, like people living with cancer, HIV or AIDS If you experience flu-related complications, you may need to be hospitalized to receive effective care. Flu-related complications include: PneumoniaBronchitis or severe asthmaHeart problemsEar infectionsDeath Diagnosing Influenza Often, when influenza symptoms are mild and occur during flu season, your healthcare provider may make a diagnosis based on your medical history and symptom report alone. It's also possible to directly test for the presence of the influenza virus via a respiratory swab. Your doctor may collect a sample of fluid from your nasal passage, and this sample will be tested to determine whether you have the virus. The physician may order blood tests or X-rays if the severity of the infection indicates you may experience possible complications. If you fit into any of the above categories that have a higher risk for developing dangerous complications from influenza, it's important to contact a healthcare provider right away when you develop symptoms. If you experience any difficulty breathing, dizziness or chest pain, contact emergency services by dialing 911 immediately. Treatment for Influenza Unless you're at risk of developing flu-related complications, you can likely treat seasonal influenza at home under your doctor's guidance. Recommendations include: Drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining a healthy nutritional intakeGetting adequate restUsing over-the-counter pain and fever relief medicationsAvoiding close contact with others as much as possible until your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without medication If you're at a higher risk of developing complications or if your symptoms increase in severity, your doctor may be able to give you certain antiviral medications to treat the flu. These medications are meant to shorten the duration of an infection. Because of the highly contagious nature of influenza, and its annual prevalence, it's very important to take precautions to help prevent the spread of this illness. Keep the following tips in mind, especially during flu season each year: Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching high-contact surfacesAvoid touching your eyes, nose and mouthKeep surfaces around your home and workspace clean and disinfectedBe mindful of crowds and avoid them whenever possibleMaintain distance from anyone who's ill or known to be infectedGet a flu shot every year Vaccinations, or flu shots, are available every year and are specifically developed to target the strains of influenza that are most likely to be dominant that year. The CDC recommends that every person over the age of 6 months receive a flu shot each year to effectively protect against influenza infection and its possible serious consequences. Vaccinations can take the form of an intramuscular injection or a nasal spray, and they work by causing your body to develop antibodies that can then recognize and fight off the influenza virus if you come into contact with it in the future. Flu vaccinations do not cause illness, and they're an effective tool for preventing the effects of influenza in individuals and communities. Talk with your healthcare provider about the appropriate type and timing of vaccination for you. Resource Links: MORE FROM

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