Did businesses shut down during the spanish flu


Did businesses shut down during the spanish flu

The 2020 coronavirus and 1918 Spanish influenza pandemics share many similarities, but they also diverge on one key point."A major difference between Spanish flu and COVID-19 is the age distribution of fatalities," according to Deutsche Bank DB, +2.20%. "For COVID-19, the elderly have been overwhelmingly the worst hit. For the Spanish flu of 1918, the young working-age population were severely affected too. In fact, the death rate from pneumonia and influenza that year among 25-34-year-olds in the United States was more than 50% higher than that for 65-74-year-olds. A remarkable difference to Covid-19." Francis Yared, the global head of rates research at Deutsche Bank, said the overall mortality rate measured by weekly new deaths and weekly new cases is around one-third of the level observed in the second half of April. "So we have an interesting situation at the moment, where rapidly rising cases in the U.S. are slowing reopenings (negative) but the death rate is falling (positive). This may eventually give us more faith that we are now better at living with the virus," the bank said. " There wasn't such a big trade-off between economic activity and public health during the 1918 Spanish flu, because you needed to suppress the virus to enable consumers to be more confident and for businesses to operate as normal. " -- Deutsche Bank report During the 1918 flu, cities that implemented non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing and school closures tended to have better economic outcomes over the medium term, Deutsche Bank added. "This offered historical support to the argument that there wasn't such a big trade-off between economic activity and public health, because you needed to suppress the virus to enable consumers to be more confident and for businesses to operate as normal." Some 500 million people, or one-third of the world's population, became infected with the 1918 Spanish flu. An estimated 50 million people died worldwide, with about 675,000 deaths occurring in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin," the agency added. During the 1918 flu pandemic, "mortality was high in people younger than 5 years old, 20-40 years old, and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people, including those in the 20-40 year age group, was a unique feature of this pandemic," the CDC said. "With no vaccine to protect against influenza infection and no antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections that can be associated with influenza infections, control efforts worldwide were limited to non-pharmaceutical interventions." COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, has already proved extremely infectious. It had infected 13.1 million people globally and more than 3.4 million in the U.S. as of Tuesday, according to official figures collated by Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering. The disease had claimed at least 573,664 lives worldwide and 135,615 in the U.S. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Census Bureau, Haver Analytics, Deutsche Bank. Note: COVID-19 data use provisional death counts up to June 27, 2020; 1918 fatalities use Death Registration States. Letter from New York:`When I hear an ambulance, I wonder if there's a coronavirus patient inside. Are there more 911 calls, or do I notice every distant siren?' There are also some similarities between influenza and COVID-19, including their nearly identical symptoms: fever, coughing, night sweats, body aches, tiredness, and nausea and diarrhea in the most severe cases. Like all viruses, neither is treatable with antibiotics. They can both be spread through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing, but they come from two different virus families -- and ongoing research to develop a universal vaccine for influenza shows how tricky both influenza viruses and coronaviruses can be. " `The 1918 Spanish flu's second wave was even more devastating than the first wave.' " -- Ravina Kullar, an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles Historians believe that a more virulent influenza strain hit during a hard three months in 1918 and was spread by troops moving through Europe during the First World War. "The 1918 Spanish flu's second wave was even more devastating than the first wave," Ravina Kullar, an infectious-disease expert with the Infectious Diseases Society of America and adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles, told MarketWatch. A mutated strain would be a worst-case scenario for a second wave of SARS-CoV-2 this fall or winter. Though the 1918 pandemic is forever associated with Spain, this strain of H1N1 was discovered earlier in Germany, France, the U.K. and the U.S. But similar to the Communist Party's response to the first cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, World War I censorship buried or underplayed those reports. "It is essential to consider the deep connections between the Great War and the influenza pandemic not simply as concurrent or consecutive crises, but more deeply intertwined," historian James Harris wrote in an article about the pandemic. Doctors and members of the public, as of now, were spooked by how otherwise strong, healthy people fell victim to the 1918 influenza. Doctors today attribute that to the "cytokine storm," a process where the immune system in healthy people reacts so strongly as to hurt the body. A hallmark of some viruses: A surge of immune cells and their activating compounds (cytokines) effectively turned the body against itself, led to an inflammation of the lungs, severe respiratory distress, leaving the body vulnerable to secondary bacterial pneumonia. The Dow Jones Industrial Index DJIA, +1.06% and the S&P 500 SPX, +1.49% were tepid Tuesday on hopes of progress in coronavirus vaccine research. There's been a surge of coronavirus in states that have loosened restrictions in recent weeks, particularly in Florida, Texas, California, and Arizona. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has halted business across the country, and small businesses are struggling to make ends meet. It may be challenging to pay your bills and also keep paying your employees, while also figuring out how to provide for yourself. Fortunately, help is available to keep your business afloat, and new programs from the government and other organizations are on the horizon. SBA Loans Congress has added billions of dollars to the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) program to provide low-interest disaster loans to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The loan amount is up to $2 million per business and is available to businesses in the United States. The money may be used for working capital, which includes money needed to pay rent, utilities, and employees. The interest rate on these loans is 3.75% for small businesses and 2.75% for nonprofits payable over up to 30 years. You may apply for the loan on the SBA website. The application requires detailed information about your business, including recent tax returns, all your assets and liabilities, and profit and loss statements. You must also demonstrate how COVID-19 affected your business. You can also add any additional information that demonstrates your economic loss. There is also a loan program authorized by Congress to help businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis called the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). These are two-year loans with a 0.5% interest rate and the loan is forgivable if you use it in the first eight weeks for certain specified business purposes like payroll, mortgage interest, rent, and utility payments. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 provided additional funding for both programs, and you might be eligible for either as a new or second-time borrower. For more information, see SBA Loan Programs Offer COVID-19 Relief: Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Nonprofit Organizations Offering Assistance SCORE, a national nonprofit organization devoted to helping small businesses, offers many resources for entrepreneurs. One of the resources SCORE provides is connecting business owners with mentors. In light of the current situation, SCORE is now offering remote mentoring via video conferencing, phone, and email. A mentor may help you discover additional resources available to your business. Many other nonprofit organizations across the country are stepping up to help small businesses. Check with your local chamber of commerce, Women's Business Centers, and Veteran's Business Centers to see what is available in your area. Support for Export Businesses If your business is involved in exporting goods to other countries, you may find relief from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM). For a number of their offerings, they are waiving program requirements and extending deadlines. This includes their Working Capital Guarantee Program, which allows you to borrow cash to pay for supplies to fulfill export orders. The SBA also has loans for small businesses that export overseas. Both the Export Express program and the International Trade Loan program provide loans for capital. The Export Working Capital Program provides a revolving line of credit to allow you to fulfill export orders. State Programs States across the country are offering programs that provide lines of credit and low-interest loans to business owners. Other areas, like New York City, are awarding one-time grants to select businesses. Unlike a loan, a grant does not have to be paid back. Check with your local state and county business agencies to see what relief is available to you. Assistance from Insurance Your business insurance may be able to help out as well, assuming you had the policy in place before the outbreak. If you have commercial property insurance, it may compensate for losses incurred due to COVID-19. Reach out to your insurance adjuster to determine what your policy covers and what information you need to provide. You may have some form of business interruption insurance, which is often included in a business indemnity insurance policy. This insurance provides compensation in case there is a disruption in business operations. Depending on the policy, the Coronavirus may or may not be a qualifying event for coverage. For instance, many business interruption policies require that there was direct and physical damage to your insured property. If you had a fire at your office, this would clearly apply. However, it is more difficult to demonstrate how the Coronavirus caused physical damage to property. If instead your policy specifically lists an epidemic or a pandemic as a triggering event, it is more clear this would apply. Another triggering event may be actions from a civil authority or interruption to your supply chain. If you have such a policy and the government required your business to close to the public, or you cannot get the supplies you need for operation, you may have coverage. Document Your Losses If you want assistance, many programs offering help will ask you to document what losses you incurred as a result of the outbreak. Take time to calculate your business losses for your own records and so you will be able to demonstrate how much financial assistance you need. Your records should include: the length of time your business is closed your loss in profit, demonstrated by sales trends before and after the outbreak how many customers you have lost additional expenses, such as extra inventory on hand additional legal and accounting expenses incurred, and any expenses saved, such as payroll or decreased inventory needs. To learn about how you can deduct business losses as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES act), see Nolo's article, Deducting Business Losses Related to the Coronavirus Outbreak.

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