Goal 5 Study Guide ~ Industrialization, Immigration ...

Goal 5 Study Guide ~ Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization

1. What industry did the Interstate Commerce Act try to regulate?

Trade between 2 or more states (Railroads)

2. What happened at Promontory Point, Utah?

Golden Spike hammered in connecting the railroads. Created Transcontinental Railroad

3. What were some of the inventions that helped industry?

Light bulb, Typewriter

4. What did Thomas Edison invent?

Light bulb, Phonograph

5. What is Pittsburgh famous for producing?


6. What is the Bessemer process?

Created a cheaper and more efficient way to make steel.

7. What ways did the Bessemer process help our country grow?

Help build skyscrapers and railroads.

8. What is black gold?


9. What were three reasons the United States became a leader in industry?

Natural Resources, Great Source of Labor (Immigrants), Inventive and Creative People

10. What happened at the Haymarket Riot of 1886 and whose downfall did it lead to?

Workers strike turned violent and policemen were killed. Knight of Labor union died out.

11. What were some strategies that unions used to get workers rights?

Strikes, Collective Bargaining, Yellow Dog Contracts.

12. What part of the country did most business take place? North or South?


13. What did the Gospel of Wealth state?

Stated that the wealthy had a duty to give back to society. Help the less fortunate.

14. What is the name of the large company Rockefeller owned?

Standard oil

15. What was the belief outlined in Social Darwinism?

Survival of the Fittest. Only the Strong will survive.

16. What is it called when a business buys out its suppliers and its competition?

Buys out suppliers = Vertical Integration Buys out Competition = Horizontal Integration

17. Which Captain of Industry or philanthropist gave away 90% of his income?

Andrew Carnegie

18. What were some of the problems associated with cities in the early 1900s?

Dirty, Fires, Lack of water, Crime

19. What two countries had the most immigrants in NYC?

Irish & German

20. What does the term nativism mean?

People born in the US think that they are better than new immigrants coming to the country.

21. What is the difference between melting pot theory and salad bowl theory?

Melting Pot = 1 culture in the US (American Culture) Salad Bowl = Many cultures have been brought to the US from other places.

22. What are the differences between Ellis Island and Angel Island?

Ellis Island, European Immigrants, East Coast, Easy conditions

Angel Island, Asian Immigrants, Another Coast (West), Awful conditions

23. What type of immigrant mainly worked on the railroads despite coming here for gold?

Irish and Chinese

24. How did most European immigrants get to the United States?

Ship or boat

25. What were three reasons that immigrants came to the United States?

Jobs, Freedom, Family

26. What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

Women were locked in their place of work and a fire broke out. Women either died in the fire or jumped to their death.

27. What did skyscrapers allow the cities in the United States to accomplish?

Build upwards. Cities could have larger populations.

28. Who was Boss Tweed and what organization did he run?

Political Boss of Tammany Hall that kept the democratic party in charge in NYC.

29. What did the Pendelton Civil Service Act provide for?

Limited the spoils system. More qualified people would be able to work because their abilities would be tested.

Old Stuff

30. What ended the Indian Wars?

Battle at Wounded Knee

31. What did barbed wire bring an end to?

Open Range

32. Who invented the telegraph?

Samuel Morse

33. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Why was it significant?

Harriet Beecher Stowe – Showed the evils of slavery to the North.

34. What were the advantages the North had over the South in the Civil War?

Population, Money, Food, Supplies

35. Where were the first shots fired in the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

36. What was the Dawes Act attempting to do to Native Americans?

Assimilate the Native Americans through land ownership.

37. Who wrote A Century of Dishonor? Why was it significant?

Helen Hunt Jackson – Showed how the US government broke promises and treaties with Native Americans

38. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish?

Created the federal court system with the Supreme Court at the top.

39. Who wanted a strong national government and what party did he start?

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist

40. What was a carpetbagger?

Northerner who traveled to the South to support the Republicanpparty and African Americans

41. What did the Populist Party believe? Who was against them?

William Jennings Bryan and the Populist Believed in Bimetalism (using silver and gold to back currency). Republican Party went against the Populist (William McKinley)


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