Madison Gauvin

Madison Gauvin

September 2, 2005

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. Although he invented many things, most people remember him for inventing the lightbulb. Many people had tried to invent a light bulb, but Edison was the first person who invented one that could be used in regular people's houses. He made a lightbulb that did not have oxygen on the inside. He knew that he was successful when his lightbulb burned for more than 13 hours.

His invention was important because people could do things inside of their houses after the sun went down. They didn't have to rely on fire, candles and oil lamps, and the new light was better. These are the same reasons that lightbulbs are important today. We really miss them when the electricity go out!

A few days after Edison's death's on October 18, 1931, electric lights in the United States were dimmed for one minute.


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