Go for the Gold (Reduced)

Go for the Gold

in 2022


Solid Retirement Solutions

"You have to be smart. The easy days are over." -- Robert Kiyosaki (American businessman and author)

Remember the days of business on a handshake? The work we did was honest and so was the money we made. We pledged allegiance. We prayed to God. And we had real talk, where nothing was watered down, sent to a safe space, or cancelled. As much as we would love to go back to the days when a dollar was earned--not printed, you can't control time. However, what you can control is how you invest your hard-earned money so you can beat a system that's set up to fail.

After all, retirement is on the horizon. And it's important to look at your accounts and consider the opportunities that exist to maximize their value. Owning physical precious metals inside an IRA can be an excellent option to preserve and potentially even grow your retirement wealth. There are many ways to build your portfolio, and the dividends not only will help you maintain your lifestyle, but you can create a financial legacy to pass on after you pass on.

You didn't get this far by allowing anyone to tread on you. And you aren't about to start now. Precious metals can be a wise--and profitable--way to exercise your freedom. Best of all, because you can determine what kinds of metals you want to invest in, you will have complete control and can create the outcome--and future--you've envisioned.


Know Your Metals

Pro-tip: Never invest more than 30% of your portfolio in precious metals

Learn more about the different types of metals and how they add up-- and how they can maximize your portfolio.

"If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed." -- Edmund Burke (Irish statesman, economist, and philosopher)


When it comes to precious metal investing, gold is almost a no-brainer. It's the best-known precious metal and has a storied history of holding significant value. Gold not only tends to be a good hedge against economic downturns, but it also holds its value well even during bull markets. While gold can rise and fall, as history has shown, it's proven to be quite stable. As mentioned, gold's all time high of $1,913 was in 2011, and even now, it's hovering close to $1,650.


Like gold, silver has been used as currency throughout history. Although it's widely used in the jewelry industry, silver is present in many other industries. Silver is used extensively in electronics and is a key component in producing solar energy, which is a rapidly growing industry today. This means, then, that unlike gold for the most part, silver is a consumable metal in addition to being an investment metal.


Platinum is a beautiful metal, widely used in jewelry and in the automotive industry in the manufacturing of catalytic converters. While platinum has been historically more expensive than gold, it hasn't quite out-performed gold in recent years, making it more affordable to buy into these days. Platinum isn't quite as popular as an investment metal as gold or silver, which has an interesting benefit in that platinum's prices tend to be more stable under any economic conditions. It still fluctuates and it can be a great way to grow a portfolio, yet it can also be a great way to preserve wealth in avery stable and long-term asset.


Very similar to platinum, palladium is used in the automotive industry as well as in jewelry. The demand for Palladium is growing beyond the market's ability to keep up. In 2017, the total Palladium supply was calculated to be about 9.2 million ounces. The demand last year was estimated to be 9.4 million ounces. This is a great place to be in as an investor. Many precious metals investors buy this metal as a way to further diversify their metals portfolio.


Smart Money for A Smart Generation

How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case." -- Robert G. Allen (Investment advisor)

Looking back, it's easy to say, "I should have invested more over the years." However, it's never too late to invest in precious metals! Whatever your financial situation or current work and life issues, there is never a bad time to begin more actively investing, for your financial future.

Consider the following scenarios*:

#1: At 55, after a successful career as a policeman, Paul has reached peak earning potential. Roughly 5% of his income is going into a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). He is contributing $5,000 plus a full match from his employer adding up to about $10,000 a year.

Today, he is putting $4,000 per year into his G fund and $6,000 in the C Fund, which is a stock index fund. That gives him an annual return of roughly 9.8% annualized over three years. Not bad, but if he put 100% in the C Fund over that same time frame, he would be up 14% annualized.

Now, let's sweeten the deal, even transitioning 20% to a Gold IRA. Over the same time frame his portfolio could grow by 15% annualized over three years. And because gold has appreciated at nearly 20% annually over three years, there is potential to take his $500,000 retirement portfolio at age 55 to well over $4 million by age 70.

#2: Mike and Madeline are 50. They have a self-directed IRA (SDIRA) worth $125,000 and 20 years left to let it grow before the required minimum distributions begin. They will continue to add $1,200 every year, but they also need something that can make large leaps in value over a short time frame, but also provide them with some security.

One solution is for them to buy $5,000 in metals.The best outcome would exceed more than $1 million assuming there is a positive stock market gain each year. If gold or silver prices continue to appreciate 20% per year, that alone would contribute $192,000 ? far exceeding that initial amount they began with in the IRA twenty years earlier.

A self-directed IRA (SDIRA) is a retirement account that can hold a variety of individual investments normally prohibited by regular IRAs.

*All of these scenarios are hypothetical and based on market fluctuations. They are not guarantees of wealth creation.


Stay Golden During Market Changes

"Show me the money." -- Rod Tidwell (in the movie "Jerry Maguire")

Remember the Chicago Bulls in their heyday between 1989 and 1999? They were unstoppable for an entire decade. But when they fell, they fell hard. If there's one thing we learned from Being Like Mike, it's that what's hot today may not be hot tomorrow. The same goes with markets. Whether it's the Bulls--or the bull market--the longer it lasts, the bigger the correction.

We're living in the third-longest bull market in history, and we are overdue for a correction. A great way to protect yourself from this natural swing is to invest in precious metals. Let's look back at the biggest corrections in U.S. history--comparing the S&P 500 index to gold prices.

Market Correction

The Great Depression (1929-1941)

1970s Recession (1973-1974)

Fed "Stagflation" Overstep (1980-1982)

Black Monday (1987)

Dot-Com Bubble Burst (2000-2002)

Subprime Mortgage Crisis (2007-2009)

S&P Prices

Started with a 67-day decline of 44%, followed by a 783-day losing streak of 83% 48% decline

27% decline

33% decline

50% decline

56% decline

Gold Prices

69% increase

135% increase

Price set a new all-time record of $850 an ounce 4% increase

26% increase

18% increase from 2007 to 2009 with a 111% increase from 2009-2011


Protect Yourself From Inflation

"Getting rich is easy. Staying rich is harder." Donald Trump (American businessman, ex U.S. President)

There once was a time when a dollar meant something. Think of how much you spent on your first car. Your college education. Even your first house. You worked. You spent within your means. And you saved. You didn't have to rely on stimulus checks and economic recovery packages. The nation's work ethic has gone from working hard, to hardly working, and as the money supply grows, a dollar tomorrow is worth less than a dollar today. Official inflation rates in the United States are currently around 3%. But those of us who live in the real world know that this figure is, well, less than accurate.

Inflation has a way of eating away at your wealth. If you have cash sitting in a bank account, it is slowly losing value every day, every week, every month. This isn't just a highbrow economic theory or some abstract academic argument. It's very real for retirees living on fixed incomes. Is there something you can do to protect yourself? Yes. You can invest your hard-earned money in gold and silver. Both metals tend to go up in value as inflation increases. Historically, the faster inflation happens, the faster the prices of gold and silver rise.

Average Cost

Median home prices

Out of pocket healthcare costs

College tuition (room & board for one year)

Mid-sized sedan

Gallon of milk

Closing price of gold

Closing price of silver


$120,000 $500


$13,000 $1.00 $362.34 $4.06


$175,000 $725


$18,000 $2.90 $271.19 $4.37


$225,000 $1,000


$25,000 $3.15 $1,573 $20.19


$408,000 $1,200


$32,000 $4.07 $1,785 $26.14


Tax Loopholes

Penalty-free asset transfer

You've heard it all before. The second you touch your retirement account before it's time, you will be penalized with fees and taxes. However, it's perfectly legal to transfer any of your retirement assets currently invested in Wall Street straight into precious metals without any kind of tax or early withdrawal penalties. Regardless of the type of retirement account you currently hold, the process is quick and painless, and you won't feel the pain during tax time.

Offset exist costs on distributions

For tax purposes, all metals are assessed at melt value when you take a distribution. So if the melt value on your metals is lower than the spot price whenever you take a distribution--which it very often is--then you can pocket the difference. This gives you the chance to greatly reduce exit costs. Think of it like this: Your home's property taxes could be based on an assessed value that's significantly lower than market value. The market can keep going up, but the assessment stays the same. Whenever you decide to sell, you gain the benefits.


Freedom & privacy for storing your metals

If you want your precious metals quickly accessible, a unique kind of IRA allows you to receive them at home and store them close by, in an IRS-approved facility of your choice (for example, a safety deposit box at your bank). In an emergency, your metals will always be within reach. And with this method, your IRA-held precious metals receive tax-deferred status, so they can appreciate in value without any immediate tax liability. Plus, your investment stays private, so the IRS does not know what you are holding in your self-directed IRA.


Additional Benefits of Metals

There are many good reasons to own gold, silver, and other precious metals, but those reasons are not talked about in the mainstream financial media. This is because they are too invested in stocks, bonds, annuities, and other Wall Street investments and have no incentive to educate you about the value of gold and silver.

That's where we come in. We aren't in anybody's pocket, and we believe everyone should have access to information about precious metals and why they can be an essential part of any diversified portfolio.

Gold is timeless

In all cultures around the world, both gold and silver have been recognized as a form of money for thousands of years. In times gone by, you could use it to buy almost anything you wanted. Even though many Americans don't understand why gold is so valuable, you can still buy things with gold today. In fact, when Donald Trump leased 40 Wall Street in 2011, he did not accept payment in dollars. Instead, he accepted three 32-oz bars of gold.

Precious metals will always be worth something

Remember Blockbuster? Their investors sure do. If a company goes bankrupt and ceases to exist, its stock can go to zero. Gold and silver will always be worth something because they are tangible assets with value as both investments and resources. Both metals are used in many industrial applications, including electronics, medical applications, and more. This means that they will NEVER go to zero. And neither will your investment.

Gold & silver are scarce resources

If there's one thing the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 taught us, it's that the more scarce something is, the more valuable it is. This is the law of supply and demand. The same goes for currency.

Gold and silver are limited in supply. However, unlike the shelves of the supermarket in a pandemic, supply can not be quickly expanded because of the cost to mine the metals. So the supply grows slowly over time.


The demand for gold & silver is global

Gold and silver are coveted by people around the world. In fact, there is strong demand for precious metals in China, India, Russia, and the Middle East. Increased demand for gold in India can cause prices to rise in the United States. Even if demand softens in one country, the prices of gold and silver could still rise due to strong demand from other countries.



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