
Ad Hoc COACHE Analysis Committee Report to the Baruch Faculty Senate Findings of the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) 2015 Survey of Baruch FacultyApril 7, 2016Kapil Bawa, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, Zicklin School of BusinessMicheline Blum, Director, Baruch College Survey Research, Distinguished Lecturer, School of Public AffairsGary Hentzi, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Associate Professor of English, Weissman School of Arts & SciencesRebecca Merkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication Studies,Weissman School of Arts & Sciences Loren Naidoo, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Weissman School of Arts & SciencesThomas Teufel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Weissman School of Arts & Sciences Richard Wilkins, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication Studies,Weissman School of Arts & SciencesThe Ad Hoc COACHE Analysis Committee Report of theCOACHE 2015 Survey of Baruch FacultyContents: PageIntroduction and Background 3Baruch vs. Other CUNY Senior Colleges—Difference in Ratings 4Baruch vs. All Other Institutions—Difference in Ratings 5Baruch vs. All Other Institutions—Percentile Ranking for Governance and Leadership 6Baruch vs. All Other Institutions—Percentile Ranking for Governance Items 7Baruch vs. All Other Institutions—Percentile Ranking for Leadership Items 8Baruch Mean Ratings for COACHE Benchmarks: Highest & Lowest Within Baruch 9Best and Worst Aspects of Working at Baruch 10Summary: Comparisons and Conclusions 11-12Introduction & BackgroundThe Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Survey of CUNY Faculty was conducted in 2015. The Baruch Senate appointed an Ad Hoc COACHE Analysis Committee to analyze the COACHE data and to prepare a report and presentation of the findings to the Faculty Senate. At no point did this committee have access to raw data to compile its own analyses. This brief report, instead, reflects the committee’s reading of the materials which were made available. These materials included the report compiled by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at Harvard that was made generally available to faculty by the Provost in the fall 2015 semester. The COACHE report compared the overall performance of Baruch College to peer institutions (selected by the Provost), and to all other institutions, compared subgroups at our campus to subgroups at other campuses, and describes differences among groups on our campus. The only additional material made available to the Ad Hoc Committee was a single table comparing Baruch faculty ratings of 26 benchmarks with the mean ratings given by the other CUNY Senior Colleges (Hunter, Brooklyn, City, Queens and Lehman). The survey assesses faculty experiences in several areas deemed critical, including these 26 benchmarks---Appreciation and Recognition Collaboration Departmental Collegiality Departmental Engagement Departmental Leadership Departmental Quality Division Leadership Facilities And Work Resources Faculty Leadership Governance Adaptability Governance Productivity Governance Purpose Governance Trust Governance Understanding Health And Retirement Benefits Interdisciplinary Work Mentoring Nature of Work - Research Nature of Work - Service Nature of Work - Teaching Personal And Family Benefits Promotion Promotion Assoc Senior Leadership Tenure Clarity Tenure Policies ?The general goal of the survey is to pinpoint problem areas, whether within a particular policy, practice, or demographic. It is important to place the survey findings in context. The survey was conducted at a time when faculty had no contract and when salaries had not gone up in six years. While the lack of a contract and raises was true for all CUNY faculty, and cannot account for differences between the ratings given by Baruch and the ratings at the other CUNY senior colleges, it may account for some of the differences between CUNY and other institutions. Our report includes a comparison of the Baruch faculty ratings of the benchmarks with the ratings of the other CUNY senior colleges combined. These comparisons were not included in the COACHE report. This comparison is followed by several charts comparing Baruch with “all other institutions.” We did not include comparisons with the “peer” institutions, because we believe the institutions are not similar to Baruch and the comparisons are not useful. While the ratings shown in this report are aggregates of individual items, we have chosen to include one individual item, namely, faculty satisfaction with salary (shown in the chart on page 5), given its relevance in understanding the context of the report and its perceived importance to Baruch faculty. We have also included comparisons of faculty groups within Baruch showing the most and least satisfaction, plus a list of the best and worst aspects of working at Baruch. These results are then briefly summarized. Baruch vs. other CUNY Senior Colleges – Difference in ratings(Positive = Baruch perceived as better, Negative = Baruch perceived as worse)Compared to other CUNY senior colleges, positives include:Facilities and work resourcesInterdisciplinary workResearchServiceCollaborationDivision leadershipNegatives include:Tenure claritySenior leadershipFaculty leadershipAppreciation and recognitionGovernance adaptabilityGovernance productivityBaruch vs. all other institutions – Difference in Ratings(Positive = Baruch perceived as better, Negative = Baruch perceived as worse)* Benchmark includes satisfaction rating for salary, shown as a separate item on the pared to other institutions, means for departmental quality and service are marginally higher.Almost every other aspect is rated lower. Strong negatives include:SalarySenior leadershipTenure clarityPersonal and family policiesAppreciation and recognitionTeachingHealth and retirement benefitsBaruch vs. all other institutions – Percentile ranking for Governance and Leadership BenchmarksCompared to other institutions, Divisional Leadership and Departmental Leadership are the only benchmarks on which Baruch’s ratings are in the top half of the population. Almost every other benchmark is in the bottom 20 percent of all institutions. Baruch vs. all other institutions – Percentile ranking for Governance itemsCompared to other institutions, the following dimensions of Governance are in the bottom 20% of all institutions:Overall effectiveness of shared governanceI understand how to voice opinions about policiesClear rules about the roles of faculty and administrationImportant decisions are not made until there is consensusFaculty and admin have a shared sense of responsibilityFaculty governance structures offer opportunities for inputAdmin communicate rationale for important decisionsFaculty and admin have equal say in decisionsInstitution regularly reviews effectiveness of governanceInstitution cultivates new faculty leadersOn the item “Institution regularly reviews effectiveness of governance”, the rating is in the bottom 10% of all institutions.Baruch vs. all other institutions – Percentile ranking for Leadership itemsCompared to other institutions, on the leadership items most ratings for Deans and some ratings for Heads/Chairs are in the top half of the population. However, many dimensions of Leadership are in the bottom 20% of all institutions:President: pace of decision makingstated prioritiescommunication of prioritiesChief Academic Officer:pace of decision makingstated prioritiescommunication of prioritiesFaculty leadership:pace of decision makingstated prioritiesensuring faculty voices in decision making Baruch Mean Ratings for COACHE Benchmarks: Highest & Lowest WITHIN Baruch **Means based on less than 5 faculty responses are not reported.???HIGHEST WITHIN Baruch facultyLOWEST WITHIN Baruch faculty?????? BenchmarkOverall Pre- TenureAssociate ProfWomen Faculty of Color?MeanMeanMeanMeanMeanAppreciation And Recognition3.073.292.783.073.01Collaboration3.443.553.243.403.22Departmental Collegiality3.833.923.653.793.77Departmental Engagement3.523.523.533.463.40Departmental Leadership3.663.633.483.383.37Departmental Quality3.643.693.463.693.39Division Leadership3.223.593.013.083.29Facilities And Work Resources3.363.733.293.373.18Health And Retirement Benefits3.423.603.473.473.32Interdisciplinary Work2.683.002.522.672.70Mentoring2.933.032.692.912.79Nature of Work - Research3.113.282.892.992.97Nature of Work - Service3.343.363.163.253.16Nature of Work - Teaching3.523.483.393.393.46Personal And Family Benefits2.802.942.802.752.82Promotion3.50 --2.983.403.07Senior Leadership2.602.862.412.542.66Tenure Clarity3.003.00 --3.103.09Tenure Policies3.383.38 --3.423.65????15 Highest1 Highest3 Highest1 Highest2 Lowest10 Lowest2 Lowest7 LowestCompared to Overall Faculty ratings:- Pre-Tenure faculty gave highest ratings (15 highest)- Associate Professors gave lowest ratings (10 lowest) - Faculty of Color gave second lowest ratings (7 lowest) 3 Best Aspects of Working at Baruch (% Mentions):Geographic location (46%)Quality of colleagues (25%)Academic freedom (17%)3 Worst Aspects of Working at Baruch (% Mentions):Compensation (42%)Teaching load (31%)Cost of living (20%) 2015 COACHE Survey of Baruch Faculty Summary: Comparisons and ConclusionsBaruch compared with other CUNY senior colleges and with all other institutions Major concerns/weaknesses: Negative comparisons with other CUNY senior colleges and with all other institutions Senior LeadershipBaruch’s ratings of its Senior Leadership is consistently lower than ratings of senior leadership at other institutions, both inside CUNY and outside. Specific areas of Senior Leadership which score in the bottom 20% of all other institutions, for both the President/Chancellor and the Chief Academic Officer are Pace of Decision Making, Stated Priorities, and Communication of Priorities.While some of this negative evaluation of Baruch Senior Leadership compared to all other institutions may reflect negative views of CUNY Senior Leadership, the fact that Baruch’s ratings are lower than those at other CUNY Senior Colleges indicates a particular problem at ernanceBaruch ranks in the bottom half of all institutions on most of the dimensions of Governance. Baruch ranks in the bottom 10% in “Institute regularly reviews effectiveness of governance” and in the bottom 20% in 10 other pared to other CUNY colleges, Baruch faculty ratings are lower in Governance Adaptability and Governance Productivity.Tenure ClarityRatings of tenure clarity at Baruch were lower than those at other CUNY Senior colleges and at all other institutions. In fact, the Tenure Clarity ratings produced the most negative comparison to the combined ratings of the other CUNY colleges. Appreciation and recognitionAppreciation and Recognition of faculty is an area of weakness compared both to other CUNY colleges and to all other institutions. Faculty LeadershipBaruch’s ratings are lower than those at the other CUNY colleges only in Faculty Leadership. . SalaryThis is a rating of a single item, not an aggregate of other items. It is included because of its relevance to Baruch and all CUNY colleges in the context of six years without a contract and without raises. When Baruch faculty ratings are compared to faculty ratings at all other institutions, Baruch’s rating of “Salary” is lower than its ratings of any of the aggregate items.Personal and family policiesTeachingHealth and retirement benefits Baruch’s ratings are also lower than those at all other institutions in Personal and Family Policies, Teaching and Health and Retirement Benefits (which includes salary)Major strengths: Positive comparisons with other CUNY senior colleges and with all other institutions Divisional Leadership Divisional Leadership compares favorably with other CUNY senior colleges and with all other institutions, where its percentile ranking is above 70%.Compared to all other institutions, ratings for the Deans are mostly above the 50th percentile, with particular strength in Communication of Priorities, Pace of Decision Making, and Stated Priorities, the same areas which showed weakness for the President/Chancellor and the Chief Academic Officer. Departmental LeadershipDepartmental Leadership is in the top half of all other institutions, but is not above the mean for the other CUNY senior colleges. Ratings for Heads/Chairs are strong in Fairness in Evaluating Work, Pace of Decision Making, and Support in Adapting to Change. Departmental Quality ServiceBoth Departmental Quality and Service are areas of strength compared to other CUNY senior colleges and compared to all other institutions:Facilities and Work ResourcesInterdisciplinary WorkCollaborationFacilities and Work Resources, Interdisciplinary Work and Collaboration are areas of strength compared to other CUNY senior colleges only:Comparisons within Baruch itself:Ratings of benchmarks by different categories of faculty compared to overall faculty ratings: Highest: Pre-Tenure faculty. Gave 15 highest ratings. Lowest: Associate Professors. Gave 10 lowest ratings. 2nd Lowest: Faculty of Color. Gave 7 lowest ratings. 3 Best Aspects of Working at BaruchGeographic location (46%mentions)Quality of colleagues (25% mentions)Academic freedom (17% mentions)3 Worst Aspects of Working at Baruch Compensation (42% mentions)Teaching Load (31% mentions)Cost of living (20% mentions) The relative satisfaction of Pre-Tenure Faculty and dissatisfaction of Associate Professors, and the highlighting of “compensation” as the “worst aspect” of working at Baruch again point to the lack of a contract and raises. ................

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