Assignment Name - Educoach: Football Education Programme

BTEC Level 3 Diploma / Extended Diploma in SportUNIT 22: Rules, Regulations & Officiating in SportStudent:______________________________________Assignment Name1. Rules and Regulations in SportUnit Learning Outcomes AddressedLO1 & LO2Assessment Criteria AddressedP1, P2, P3 & M1Issue Date08/10/2015Submission Date22/10/2015TutorLee ScottIV NameStuart SimpsonIV Signature-76204953000Internal Verification Date28.08.2015466471013398500-45593013525500TERM 1 – ASSIGNMENT 1Rules and Regulations in SportINTERNAL ASSESSMENTBackground InformationIn elite sport today, it can be the smallest margin between ‘winning and losing’ or ‘success and failure’, but the impact can be massive. Given the huge amount of time, dedication, investment and reward that is involved in sport today, sport performers, coaches, and officials need to understand the importance of observation and analysis when trying to enhance performance.It is important that all performances are analysed. If you were good, why were you good, and if you were not good, what was different? If no evaluation takes place after performance then the performers may continue to make the same errors or not be able to take full advantage of opportunities when they arise.Coaches, officials and sports performers must have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of the sport, as well as the physical, psychological, physiological, technical and tactical demands of the sporting activity in order to be successful.Scenario:For this assignment you will undertake the role of a primary school sports coach. Your school has decided to change its PE curriculum. As a result, you now have to deliver lessons in another sport. You will need to use information from the relevant National Governing Body to prepare a presentation about up-to-date rules and regulations so that your pupils can play the sport and so that you have the necessary knowledge to lead the sessions.Task OnePrepare a presentation about the rules, laws & regulations of your chosen sport and the roles and responsibilities of the officialsP1Describe the rules, laws and regulations of a selected sportRequirements:Introduction into the chosen sportDescribe the needs for rules, laws and regulationsDescribe the difference between rules, laws and regulationsState the laws of the game, rules and regulations. Include information about:court/pitch layout, playing surface, fouls and sanctions, number of players, substitutions, time of play, facilities and equipment, health & safety, scoring and methods of victoryP2Describe the roles and responsibilities of officials in a selected sportRequirements:Describe the various officials needed to carry out a competitive matchDescribe the role of all officials involved in the chosen sport (arbiter, judge, communication, presentation, timekeeper, scorekeeper, safety officer)Describe the responsibilities of all officials involved in the chosen sport (application of rules, health and safety, communicating information, establishing and maintaining relationships, scoring)Task TwoAt the end of your presentation, show how the rules / laws of the game can be applied by officials in three different situations. State the situation and which rule, law and regulation needs to be applied in each situation. Explain what the officials’ decision would be in each situation and why the officials would make that decision in each situation. If the game needs to be stopped, explain how and from where the game is restarted. (P3,M1)P3Apply the rules, laws and regulations of a selected sport in three different situationsRequirements:Select 3 situationsA description of each situation State, which rules, laws and regulations need to be applied during each situation. M1Explain the application of the rules, laws and regulations of a selected sport in three different situationsRequirements:Explain what the officials’ decision would be in each situation and why the officials would make that decision in each situation.If the game needs to be stopped, explain how and from where the game is restarted.SOURCES OF INFORMATION- Adams et al. (2010) BTEC Level 3 Sport and Exercise Sciences. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.- Adams et al. (2010) BTEC Level 3 Sport Book 1. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.- - Stafford-Brown & Rea. (2010) BTEC Level 3 – BTEC National Sport Performance and Excellence Second Ed. Oxon: Hodder Education.- Stafford-Brown & Rea. (2010) BTEC Level 3 – BTEC National Sport Development, Coaching and Fitness. Second Ed. Oxon: Hodder Education.- Previous editions of the all books provided.Important note to learners:Grading:You are able to achieve a pass grade at level 3.In order to gain a merit grade you must first achieve the pass criteria,In order to achieve a distinction grade you must complete both the pass and merit criteria.Submission:Assignments must be submitted by the assignment submission date.Extensions must be applied for one week before the submission date, late applications will be considered under mitigating circumstances.Failure to do so will mean compulsory attendance at extra support sessions until work is satisfactorily completed.If you are unsure about any aspect regarding the completion and submission of the assignment please make sure you ask your tutor.Submission Checklist:Assignment Handed In By Assignment Submission DateAssignment Handed In With Assignment Front SheetsAssignment Handed In With A Plastic WalletAssignment Has Attempted All Pass CriteriaPlagiarism:I declare that the attached coursework is all my own work and all references contained within it have been correctly cited. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Signed:_____________________________________________ ................

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