Chapter 3 Social Studies Study Guide - Quia

Chapter 3 Social Studies Study Guide

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Know the following concepts:

1. Know the difference between a political, physical, cultural, and economic region.

2. How many regions does our textbook group all the states?

3. What are the three levels of government in the United States?

4. In to what kind of political regions is Mexico divided?

5. Know the location of all five regions of North America.

6. All regions are interdependent. What does this mean?

7. Why do people divide places into political regions?

8. What kinds of features can be used to define a physical region?

9. How can forms of communication connect regions?

10. What are some ways that people modify their environment to meet their needs?

11. Be able to read a land use and resources map.

12. Which two political regions share the world’s longest unprotected border?

13. What does the word commonwealth mean?


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