Vita - History at Illinois


Comprehensive Vita

Address Department of History Telephone 217-355-9550 (home)

University of Illinois, MC-466 217-244-5249 (office)

Urbana, IL 61801 217-333-2297 (FAX)

EMAILs: ruricius@


Current Position

Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Professor of History, Classics, and Medieval Studies

From: August, 2003 To: Present

Director, Biographical Database for Late Antiquity Project


Ph.D. Ancient History Minor: Classics

University of Wisconsin-Madison May, 1979.

Dissertation: The Ecclesiastical Aristocracy of Fifth-Century Gaul: A Regional

Analysis of Family Structure

M.A. Classics

University of Wisconsin-Madison December, 1973

Master's Paper: Merovingian Gold Coinage

M.S.: Mechanical Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute-Hartford June, 1972

B.S.: Astronomy-Physics

University of Wisconsin-Madison June, 1969

Other Academic Positions

Distinguished Guest Professor, Initiative for Excellence Program, Seminar für

Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, University of Heidelberg (Germany): Summer, 2009, 2010, 2011

Professeur invité, University of Metz (France): October, 2010

Department of History, University of South Carolina - Columbia

Louise Fry Scudder Professor of Humanities

From: May, 1996 To: Jan. 2004

Professor Ancient History

From: August, 1991 To: May, 1996

Assistant-Associate Professor Ancient History

From: August, 1980 To: August, 1991

Adjunct Professor, Department of Classics

From: August, 1980 To: Jan., 2004.

Visiting Assistant Professor Roman History

University of Illinois- Chicago Circle

From: January, 1980 To: June, 1980.

Teaching Assistant Ancient History; Latin

University of Wisconsin-Madison Depts. of History, Classics

From: 1974 To: 1979.

Fee Instructor: Introductory Astronomy Univ. of Wis. Extension

May-July, 1969 Madison, Wis.

Technical Positions

Project Assistant and Physical Sciences Research Specialist: Computer Specialist

Space Medicine Laboratory Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

From: 1972 To: 1975. From: 1979 To: 1980.

Systems' Analyst and Computer Programmer

Traveler's Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.

From: July, 1971 To: August, 1972

Computing Analyst

United Aircraft Research Labs East Hartford, Conn.

From: July, 1969 To: June, 1971


Editor, Journal of Late Antiquity (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press) 2007-2012

Editor, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity (OSLA) (Oxford Univ. Press USA) 2007-

Comité scientifique, Dialogues d'histoire ancienne (Univ. de Franche-Comté) 2003-

Editor, Late Antiquity Newsletter 1996-2004

Editorial Board, De imperatoribus Romanis: Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors 1996-

Editorial Board, Medieval Prosopography 1993-

Editorial Board, Polis. Rivista de ideas y formes politicas de la Antigüedad Classica

(Madrid) 1993-



Journal of Late Antiquity won the Association of American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence as Best New Journal in the Social Sciences & Humanities for 2010 () 2010

Journal of Late Antiquity awarded Honorable Mention/Runner Up as Best New Journal in Social Sciences & Humanities for the American Publishers PROSE Awards of the () 2009

Journal of Late Antiquity awarded Honorable Mention/Runner Up for Best New Journal by

the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (;

) Dec. 2009.

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Fall, 2010.

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Fall, 2009.

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (twice), Univ. of Illinois Spring, 2009.

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Fall, 2008.

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Spring, 2008

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Fall, 2007

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Univ. of Illinois Fall, 2004

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (twice), Univ. of Illinois Spring, 2004

“Mortar Board “ Award for Excellence in Teaching, Univ. of South Carolina 2003

Who's Who in Humanities Education 2003

“Two Thumbs Up” Award from USC Office of Disabilities Services 2002

2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th Century (International Biographical Centre): 2000ff

Inducted as Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society: 1997

Named Louise Fry Scudder Professor of Humanities, University of South Carolina: 1997

Elected Fellow, American Numismatic Society (New York) 1996

Named U.S. Delegate to ESF “Transformation of Roman World” Project; 1996

Who's Who In America, Southern Region: 1995ff

Who's Who In American Education: 1995ff

Russell Award for Research in the Humanities, University of South Carolina: 1993

Community Service Award, Community Development Banquet, Columbia, S.C. 1992

First Prize, Competition for Best Article of the Year in the Journal of the

Society for Ancient Numismatics: 1987

Bronze Medal, American Numismatic Association Convention: 1978

National Merit Finalist 1965

Fellowships, Grants, Affiliations

Research Scholars' Travel Fund Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Fall, 2009

Research Scholars' Travel Fund Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 2008

Séjour de Recherche, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Geneva: June/July, 2008

Research Scholars' Travel Fund Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 2007

Séjour de Recherche, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Geneva: June/July, 2007

Center for Advanced Study Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2006-2007

Séjour de Recherche, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Geneva: June/July, 2006

Mellon Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2005-2006

Research Scholars' Travel Fund Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 2005

Séjour de Recherche, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Geneva: June/July, 2005

Séjour de Recherche, Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique, Geneva: June/July, 2004

British Academy Travel Subsidy: 2000

USC College of Liberal Arts Research Grant: 1999

NEH Travel Grant: 1997

European Science Foundation Travel Grants: 1995,1996,1997

American Philosophical Society Research Grant: 1994-1995

USC Research and Productive Scholarship Grant: 1994-1995

NEH Reference Materials, Research Tools Grant: 1992-1995

Short-Term Fellowship (Inaugural Recipient), Princeton Univ. Library: 1994

NEH Reference Materials, Research Tools Grant: 1990-1992

USC Educational Innovation Grant: 1990-1991

George and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Fellowship: 1988-1989

USC Research and Productive Scholarship Grant: 1988-1989

USC Research and Productive Scholarship Grant: 1987-1988

USC Venture Fund Grant: 1984-1987

USC Research and Productive Scholarship Grant: 1982-1983

American Philosophical Society, Research Grant: 1981

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship: 1980-1981

Univ. of Wisconsin Foreign Travel Fellowships: 1977

American Numismatic Society Summer Fellowship: 1976

Vilas Fellowships, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison: 1973-1975

Professional Memberships

American Numismatic Society (Fellow, 1996-)

American Philological Association

Association of Ancient Historians

Association for History and Computing (Founding Member)

Byzantine Studies Conference (Governing Board, 1994-1998, 2006-2010; Program Chair, 1993-1994;

Vice President, 1995-1996, 1996-1997; President, 1997-1998)

Classical Association of the Midwest and South

Illinois Medieval Association

The Medieval Academy

North American Patristics Society

Society for Ancient Numismatics

Society for Late Antiquity (Founding Member; President 1997-1999; Governing Board 1997-2005, President 2004-2005).

South Carolina Historical Association

U.S. National Committee for Byzantine Studies (Executive Committee & Secretary, 1997-2002).


Monographs and Edited Volumes

The Querolus: Law, Society, and Classical Culture in Late Antiquity (under contract, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press).

Desiderius of Cahors and Other Seventh-Century Gallic Epistolographers (with D.R. Shanzer) (under contract, Liverpool Univ. Press)

Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of The Roman World: Cultural Interaction and the Creation of Identity in Late Antiquity (edited, with D.R. Shanzer) (Ashgate Press, 2011)

People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity. Volume I. With Translated Texts from Gaul and Western Europe, and People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity. Volume II. Selected Latin Texts from Gaul and Western Europe (Univ. of Michigan Press, 2003).

Society and Culture in Late Antique Gaul. Revisiting the Sources (Ashgate Press, 2001) (edited with D.R. Shanzer).

Law, Society, and Authority in Late Antiquity (Oxford University Press, 2001) (edited volume)

Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Aquitania (Liverpool University Press, 1999)

Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity (Ashgate Press, 1996) (edited with H. Sivan).

Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul: Strategies for Survival in an Age of Transition (Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1993).

Studies in the History, Literature, and Society of Late Antiquity (Adolf Hakkert, 1991) (volume of author's previously published and unpublished studies).

Ecclesiastical Factionalism and Religious Controversy in Fifth-Century Gaul (Catholic Univ. Press, 1989).

Edited Journal Volumes

Journal of Late Antiquity, vols. 1.1 (Spring, 2008), 1.2 (Fall, 2008), 2.1 (Spring, 2009), 2.2 (Fall, 2009), 3.1 (Spring, 2010), 3.2 (Fall, 2010), 4.1 (Spring, 2011).

Late Antiquity and Byzantium II, special issue of Medieval Prosopography 24 (2004)[2007]

Late Antiquity and Byzantium, special issue of Medieval Prosopography 17 (1996)


Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations: Prehistory to 640 CE (Oxford University Press, 2011) (510 pp.)

F. Kidner, R. Mathisen, et al., Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture (7 of 32 chapters) (Houghton Mifflin, 2008) (227 pp.)

Other Edited Works

Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity VI. Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World. Collected Abstracts (co-editor) (Urbana-Champaign, 2005) (64 pp.).

Late Antiquity Newsletter 1.1 (March, 1996); 1.2 (September, 1996); 1.3 (December, 1996); 2.1 (November, 1997); 3.1 (January, 2002)

Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity II. The Transformation of Law and Society in Late Antiquity. Collected Abstracts (Columbia, 1997) (64 pp.).

Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. An Interdisciplinary Conference. The University of Kansas. March 23-26, 1995. Book of Abstracts (co-editor) (Lawrence, 1995) (68 pp.).

Refereed Book Chapters

“Putting the Romans back into Alamannia,” forthcoming in M. Kulikowski, ed., Friends, Enemies, Neighbors: Romans and Alamanni in Late Antique Germany

“Arian Bishops, Clerics, Church Hierarchy, and Church Organization,” in. G. Berndt, T. Brown, R. Steinacher, eds., Arianism in Late Antiquity (forthcoming, Ashgate)

“Patricii, Episcopi, et Sapientes: Le choix des ambassadeurs pendant l’Antiquité tardive

dans l’Empire romain et les royaumes barbares,” forthcoming in A. Becker-Piriou, ed., Aux origines d’une diplomatie méditerranéenne.

“The Date and Historical Context of the Council of Turin,” in C. Harrison, M. Humphries, B. Sandwell, Being Christian in Late Antiquity (forthcoming, Oxford Univ. Press).

“Strategies for Dating the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris,” forthcoming in J. van Waarden, ed., New Approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris.

“Concepts of Citizenship in the Late Roman Empire,” in S. Johnson, ed., Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity (forthcoming, Oxford Univ. Press)

“Roma a Gothis Alarico duce capta est”: The Sack of Rome in 410 CE,” forthcoming in P. von Rummell, C.Machado, eds., 410 - The Sack of Rome

“Le chic barbare: L’adoption des signes d’identité barbares par les Romains pendant l’Antiquité tardive,” C. Delaplace, ed., Romania Gothica (forthcoming, Editions Aquitania)

“Desiderius of Cahors, Last of the Romans,” in S. Diefenbach, G. Müller, eds., Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter (5.-7. Jahrhundert).Kulturgeschichte einer Region (forthcoming, de Gruyter)

“Les mariages entre Romains et Barbares comme stratégie familiale pendant l’Antiquité tardive,” forthcoming in C. Badel, M. Corbier, eds., Parente et strategie familiale

“Becoming Roman, Becoming Barbarian: Roman Citizenship and the Assimilation of Barbarians into the Late Roman World,” forthcoming in Ulbe Bosma, Gijs Kessler, Leo Lucassen, eds., Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective (Brill, 2010).

“ ‘Alamanniam mancipasti’: The Roman ‘Pseudo-Province’ of Alamannia,” forthcoming in C. Witschel, ed., Legionslager in der Spätantike.

“Pelagianism, Predestination, and the Second Council of Orange,” forthcoming in A. Hwang, ed. The Augustinian Controversy: 426-531 (Catholic Univ. Press)

“Catalogues of Barbarians in Late Antiquity,” in Mathisen-Shanzer, Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of The Roman World (2011), 17-32.

“L'adventus consulaire pendant l'antiquité tardive,” in Agnès Bérenger, Eric Perrin-Saminadayar, eds., Les entrées royales et impériales : histoire, représentation et diffusion d'une cérémonie publique, de l'Orient ancien à Byzance (Paris, 2009), 139-156.

“The Use and Misuse of Jerome in Gaul,” in A. Cain, J. Lossl, eds., Jerome of Stridon (Ashgate Press, 2009), 191-208.

“Ricimer's Church in Rome: How an Arian Barbarian Prospered in a Nicene World,” in N. Lenski, A. Cain, eds., The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity (Ashgate Press, 2009), 307-326

“Les pratiques de l’excommunication d’après la législation conciliaire en Gaule (Ve-VIe siècle),” in B. Caseau, et al., eds., Pratiques de l’Eucharistie en Orient et en Occident (Etudes Augustiniennes, 2009), 539-560

“D'Aire-sur-l'Adour à Agde: Les relations entre la loi séculaire et la loi canonique au fin du

royaume de Toulouse,( in M. Rouche, B. Dumézil, eds., Le Bréviare d’Alaric. Aux origines du Code civil (Paris: PUPS, 2008), 41-52.

“Palaeography and Codicology,” in D. Harvey, S. Hunter, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies (Oxford Univ. Press, 2008), 140-168.

“Seething Adolescence, Suspect Relations, and Extraneous Women: Extra-Marital Sex in Late and Post-Roman Gaul,” in S. Heilen, et al., eds., In Pursuit of Wissenschaft Festschrift für William M. Calder III (Olms, 2008), 303-314

“Where are all the PDBs?: The Creation of Prosopographical Databases for the Ancient and Medieval Worlds”, in K. Keats-Rohan, ed., Prosopography Approaches and Applications A Handbook (Oxford Univ. Press, 2007), 95-126.

“Violent Behavior and the Construction of Barbarian Identity in Late Antiquity,” in H. Drake, ed., Violence in Late Antiquity (Ashgate, 2006), 27-35

“Bishops, Barbarians, and the 'Dark Ages': The Fate of Late Roman Educational Institutions in Early Medieval Gaul,” in R. Begley, J. Koterski, eds., Medieval Education, Fordham Series in Medieval Studies 4 (Fordham Univ. Press, 2005), 1-27

“Byzantine Political History (306-602),” in J. Harris ed., Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History (Palgrave, 2005), 5-40.

“Adnotatio and petitio: The Emperor's Favor and Special Exceptions in Early Byzantine Law,” in D. Feissel ed., La pétition à Byzance (Paris, 2004), 23-32

“Les plaisirs de la vie à la campagne chez les écrivains de la fin du Ve du VIe s. ap. J.-C.”, in R. Bedon, ed., Les agréments de la vie à la campagne en Gaule romaine et dans les régions voisines” (Limoges, 2004), 349-364

“Priests, Bishops, and Monks: Military Chaplains in the Roman Empire”, in D. Bergen, ed., The Sword of the Lord. Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century (Notre Dame Press, 2004), 3-28.

“The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” in Av. Cameron ed., Fifty Years of Prosopography. The Later Roman Empire, Byzantium, and Beyond (British Academy/Oxford Univ. Press, 2003), 23-40.

“The Letters of Ruricius of Limoges and the Passage from Roman to Frankish Gaul”, in Mathisen-Shanzer, Society and Culture (2001), 101-115.

“Imperial Honorifics and Senatorial Status in Late Roman Legal Documents”, in Mathisen, Law, Society, and Authority (2001), 179-207.

Two maps in R. Talbert, ed., Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (Princeton, 2000) nos. 14 (“Caesarodunum-Burdigala,” 100%) and 25 (“Hispania Tarraconnensis,” Gallic section), and ibid., Map-by-Map Directory, pp.199-218 (100%), 388-414 (25%) (with H. Sivan, S. Keay).

“Syagrius of Autun, Virgilius of Arles, and Gregory of Rome: Factionalism, Forgery, and Local Authority at the End of the Sixth Century,” in C. de Dreuille ed., L'Eglise et la Mission au VIe siècle. La mission d'Augustin de Cantorbéry et les Eglises de Gaule sous l'impulsion de Grégoire le Grand (Paris, 2000) 260-290.

“Between Arles, Rome, and Toledo: Gallic Collections of Canon Law in Late Antiquity,” in S. Montero ed., Fronteras Religiosas entre Roma, Bizancio, Damasco y Toledo. El Nacimiento de Europa y del Islam (Siglos V-VIII) (Madrid, 1999) = 'Ilu revista de ciencias de las religiones 2 (1999) 33-46

“Forging a New Identity: The Kingdom of Toulouse and the Frontiers of Visigothic Aquitania” (with H. Sivan), in A. Ferreiro ed., The Visigoths. Studies in Culture & Society (Leiden, 1999) 1-62.

“Clovis, Anastase, et Grégoire de Tours: Consul, patrice et roi,” in M. Rouche ed., Clovis, le Romain, le chrétien, l'Européen (Paris, 1998) 395-407.

“Et manu papae: Papal Subscriptions written sua manu in Late Antiquity,” in G. Schmeling ed., Qui Miscuit Utile Dulci. Festschrift Essays for Paul Lachlan MacKendrick (Chicago, 1997) 243-251.

“Crossing the Supernatural Frontier in Western Late Antiquity,” in Mathisen-Sivan eds., Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity (London, 1996) 309-320.

“For Specialists Only: The Reception of Augustine and His Theology in Fifth-Century Gaul,” in J.T. Lienhard et al. eds., Augustine. Presbyter factus sum (Peter Lang, 1994) 29-41.

“Gallic Visitors to Italy: Business or Pleasure?,” in J. Drinkwater, H. Elton eds., Fifth-Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? (Cambridge University Press, 1992) 228-238.

Refereed Journal Articles

“Vouillé, Voulon, and the Location of the Campus Vogladensis,” forthcoming, Illinois Classical Studies.

“Provinciales, Gentiles, and Marriages between Romans and Barbarians in the Late Roman Empire,” Journal of Roman Studies 99 (2009), 140-155.

“The Christianization of the Late Roman Aristocracy bis: A Response to Michele Salzman's 'Rejoinder' to Ralph Mathisen's Review Article,” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 14 (2007), 233-247.

“The Communio peregrina in Late Antiquity: Origin, Purpose, and Implementation,” Studia patristica 40 (2006), 49-54.

“Peregrini, Barbari, and Cives Romani: Concepts of Citizenship and The Legal Identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire,” American Historical Review 111 (2006), 1011-1040

“'Qui genus, unde patres': The Case of Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix,” Medieval Prosopography 24 (2004), 55-71

“The Christianization of the Late Roman Senatorial Order: Circumstances and Scholarship” [review article], International Journal of the Classical Tradition 9 (2002) 257-78.

“Les auteurs gaulois de la période 450-550 et la vie urbaine,” Caesarodunum 35 (2001), 1-9.

“Sigisvult the Patrician, Maximinus the Arian, and Political Strategems in the Western Roman Empire ca.425-440,” Early Medieval Europe 8 (1999) 173-196.

“A New Fragment of Augustine's De nuptiis et concupiscentia from the Codex Sangallensis 190,” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 3 (1999) 165-183.

“The Codex Sangallensis 190 and the Transmission of the Classical Tradition,” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 5 (1998) 163-194

“Les barbares intellectuels dans l'antiquité tardive,” Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne 23.2 (1997) 139-148.

“The 'Second Council of Arles' and the Spirit of Compilation and Codification in Late Roman Gaul,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997) 511-554.

“Barbarian Bishops and the Churches 'in barbaricis gentibus' during Late Antiquity,” Speculum 72 (1997) 664-697.

“The Ideology of Monastic and Aristocratic Community in Late Roman Gaul,” Polis 6 (1995) 1-12.

“Agrestius of Lugo, Eparchius Avitus, and a Curious Fifth-Century Statement of Faith,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 2 (1994) 71-102.

“The Late Roman Legal Distribution System as Attested from Subscriptions to Imperial Documents,” Proceedings of the S.C. Historical Association (1994) 82-87.

“Nature or Nurture - Some Perspectives on the Gallic Famine of Circa A.D. 470”, The Ancient World 24 (1993) 91-105.

“Leo, Anthemius, Zeno, and Extraordinary Senatorial Status in the Late Fifth Century,” Byzantinische Forschungen 17 (1991) 191-222.

“Emperors, Consuls and Patricians: Some Problems of Personal Preference, Precedence and Protocol,” Byzantinische Forschungen 17 (1991) 173-190.

“The Third Regnal Year of Eparchius Avitus: The Interpretation of the Evidence,” in Studies in the History, Literature, and Society of Late Antiquity (1991) 163-6.

“Phoebus, Orpheus and Dionysus: Nicknames and the Literary Circle of Sidonius,” in Idem, Studies in the History, Literature, and Society of Late Antiquity (1991) 29-44.

“The Last Year of Saint Germanus of Auxerre: Some Recent Suggestions,” Patristic and Byzantine Review 9 (1990) 181-189

“Episcopal Hierarchy and Tenure in Office: A Method for Establishing Dates of Ordination,” Francia 17 (1990) 125-140.

“Thirty-Three Missing Patricians,” Byzantinische Forschungen 15 (1990) 87-99.

“Creating and Using a Biographical Database for Late Antiquity,” History Microcomputer Review 5.2 (1989) 7-22.

“Preliminary Considerations on a Prosopographical Database for Late Antiquity,” Computers and the Classics 5 (1989) suppl. 1-5.

“Reconstruction of the List of Subscriptions to the Council of Orange (AD 441),” Annuarium historiae conciliorum 20 (1988) 1-12.

“Medieval Prosopography and Computers: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations,” Medieval Prosopography 9 (1988) 73-128.

“A Prosopographical Database for Late Antiquity,” History and Computing Today 4 (1988) 35-40.

“The Construction of a Prosopographical Database for Late Antiquity,” Humanistike Data 2 (1988) 33-40.

“The Theme of Literary Decline in Late Roman Gaul,” Classical Philology 83 (1988) 45-52.

“Some Hagiographical Addenda to PLRE,” Historia 36 (1987) 448-461

“A Survey of the Significant Addenda to P.L.R.E.,” Medieval Prosopography 8 (1987) 5-30.

“Patricians as Diplomats in Late Antiquity,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 79 (1986) 35-49

“Fifteen Years of P.L.R.E.: Compliments, Complaints, and Caveats,” Medieval Prosopography 7 (1986) 1-37.

“Ten Office-Holders: A Few Addenda and Corrigenda to P.L.R.E.,” Historia 35 (1986) 125-127.

“The Third Regnal Year of Eparchius Avitus,” Classical Philology 80 (1985) 326-335.

“Pan Heads and Poseidon Heads: Two Third-Century Macedonian Tetradrachm types,” Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics 16 (1985) 29-35.

“Emigrants, Exiles and Survivors: Aristocratic Options in Visigothic Aquitania,” Phoenix 38 (1984) 159-170.

“The Family of Georgius Florentius Gregorius and the Bishops of Tours,” Medievalia et Humanistica 12 (1984) 83-95.

“The Variant Issues of the Pan-Head Tetradrachms,” 125th Anniversary of the American Numismatic Society, Coin World (9/7/1983), 112-114.

“The Administrative Organization of the Mint of Amphipolis in Early Antigonid Macedonia,” Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics (SAN) 14 (1983)10ff.

“PLRE II: Suggested Addenda and Corrigenda,” Historia 31 (1982) 364-86.

“Epistolography, Literary Circles and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul,” Transactions of the American Philological Ass. 111 (1981) 95-109.

“Antigonus Gonatas and the Silver Coinages of Macedonia circa 280-270 B.C.” American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 26 (1981) 82-130, pl.17-22.

“Avitus, Italy and the East in AD 455-6,” Byzantion 51 (1981) 232-47.

“The Last Year of Saint Germanus of Auxerre,” Analecta bollandiana 99 (1981) 151-159.

“Late Roman Prosopography in the West (A.D. 260-640): A Survey of Recent Work,” Medieval Prosopography 2 (1981) 1-12.

“Petronius, Hilarius and Valerianus: Prosopographical Notes on the Conversion of the Roman Aristocracy,” Historia 30 (1981) 106-112.

“Resistance and Reconciliation: Majorian and the Gallic Aristocracy after the Fall of Avitus,” Francia 7 (1979) 597-627.

“Sidonius on the Reign of Avitus: A Study in Political Prudence,” Transactions of the American Philological Ass. 109 (1979) 165-171.

“Hilarius, Germanus and Lupus: The Aristocratic Background of the Chelidonius Affair,” Phoenix 33 (1979) 160-169.

“The Shield/Helmet Bronze Coinage of Macedonia,” Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics 7 (1979) 2-6.

“The Activities of Antigonus Gonatas 280-277 B.C. and Memnon of Herakleia, Concerning Herakleia,” Ancient World 1 (1978) 71-74.

“Ancient Sources on the Mining and Refining of Gold and Silver during Roman Times,” Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics 7 (1975) - 9 (1978).

Note also


“Arian Bishops, Clerics, Church Hierarchy, and Church Organization,” Conf. on

Europäische Identitäten der Spätantike und der Kirchen der Arianer, Villa Vigoni, Italy: Nov. 2011.

“The Citizenship Status of Jews in Late Antiquity in Roman and Barbarian Legislation”, Conf.

on “Jews in Ecclesiastical, Roman-Barbarian and Byzantine Law,” Fontevraud, France: Oct. 2011.

“Fines, Penalties, and Confiscations in Late Antiquity,” Leeds International Medieval

Congress, Leeds, England: July 2011.

“The Settlement, Assimilation, and Integration of Barbarians into the Late Roman World,”

Conference on Minderheiten und Migrationsphänome, Heidelberg, Germany: July 2011.

“’Roma a Gothis Alarico duce capta est’: The Sack of Rome in 410 CE”, Conference on

“410 -The Sack of Rome, The Event, its Context and its Impact,” Rome, Italy: Nov. 2010.

“Les mots d’emprunt, les coiffures, et l’échange de vêtements: La transfert des signes

d’identité entre les romains et les barbares dans l’Antiquité tardive,” Conference on

“Les aristocraties provinciales d’Occident et les Barbares”, Univ. of Toulouse, France: Oct. 2010.

“City, Province, Gens, Empire: Civic ‘Citizenship’ and Competing Forms of Identity in

Late Antiquity,” Conference on “City-Empire-Christendom,” Berkeley, CA: Oct. 2010.

“La création et utilisation de « dossiers » dans les lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire,” Colloque

« Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire», Clermont-Ferrand, France: Oct. 2010.

“Patricii, Episcopi, et Sapientes: Le choix des ambassadeurs pendant l’Antiquité tardive

dans l’Empire romain et les royaumes barbares,” Conference on « Aux origines d’une

diplomatie méditerranéenne », Metz, France : Oct. 2010.

“Was the Peutinger Table a Guide for Tourists?”, Leeds International Medieval Congress,

Leeds, England: Jul. 2010.

“Desiderius of Cahors and the End of the Ancient World,” International Medieval Studies

Congress, Western Michigan University: May, 2010.

“Concepts of Natio, Civis, and Provincialis in the Later Roman Empire: The Epigraphic

Evidence,” Late Antiquity in Illinois V Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2010.

“La création et utilisation de « dossiers » dans les lettres de Sidoine Apollinaire,” Colloque

« Sidoine Apollinaire et la culture de son temps », Clermont-Ferrand, France: Nov. 2009.

“The Personal and Legal Status of Provincialis in the Late Roman Empire,” Byzantine

Studies Conference, Florida State University, Sarasota: Nov. 2009.

“Desiderius of Cahors, the Last of the Romans,” Conference on Gaul in Late Antiquity and

Early Middle Ages (circa 400-700 A.D.)”, Augsburg, Germany: Sep. 2009.

“The Creed of Rimini and the Place of ‘Arianism’ in a Nicene World,” Leeds International

Medieval Congress, Leeds, England: Jul. 2009.

“Soothing the Savage Breast,” Roundtable on “Rome’s Final Conquest,” International

Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan University: May, 2009

“Lists of Barbarians and Roman Intellectual Idealogies in Late Antiquity,” International

Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan University: May, 2009

“Making Orthodoxies in the West: The Creed of Rimini and the Legitimation of Arianism,”

Integration and Diversity in Late Antiquity Conference, University of Tennessee:: May 2009.

“Loan Words, Hair Styles, and Cross-Dressing: Negotiating the Culture Wars in Late Antiquity,”Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity VIII Conference, Indiana University: Apr. 2009.

« Les mariages entre Romains et Barbares comme stratégie familiale pendant l’Antiquité

tardive », Colloque « Parente et strategies familiales dans l’Antiquité tardive », Paris: Feb. 2009.

“Punitive Loss of Status in the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byzantine Studies Conference,

Rutgers University: Oct. 2008.

“The Integration of Barbarian and Roman Populations during Late Antiquity,” Leeds

International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England: Jul. 2008.

“Provinciales, Gentiles, and Marriages between Romans and Barbarians,” Leeds International

Medieval Congress, Leeds, England: Jul. 2008.

“Reconstructing a Fifth-Century Hoard of Gold Solidi,” International Medieval Studies

Congress, Western Michigan Univ.: May, 2008.

“Belonging in Early Empires: The Roman Empire,” Conference on “Belonging, Membership,

and Mobility in Global History,” University of Minnesota: Apr. 2008.

“The Consular Solidi of Theodosius II and Valentinian III and the Destruction of Philippo-

polis by the Huns in the 440s,” Late Antiquity in Illinois IV Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2008.

“The Churches of Arian Rome,” Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England: Jul. 2007.

“Putting the Romans back into Alamannia,” Conference on Rome and the Alamanni,

Univ. of Tennessee - Knoxville: May, 2007.

“Vouillé, Voulon, or Somewhere Else: The Site of the Campus Vogladensis Reconsidered,” International Medieval Studies Congress, Western Michigan Univ.: May, 2007.

“Vouillé, Voulon, and the Location of the Campus Vogladensis,” Symposium on the 1500th

Anniversary of the Battle of Vouillé, University of Illinois: Apr. 2007.

“The Iconography of Barbarian Arianism,” Seventh Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity

Conference, Boulder, Colo.: Mar. 2007.

“'De infirmandis his quae sub tyrannis gesta sunt': The Fate of the acta of Failed Emperors

during the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Baltimore: Oct. 2006.

« D'Aire-sur-l'Adour à Agde: Les relations entre la loi séculaire et la loi canonique au fin du

royaume de Toulouse », Colloque ( XVe centenaire du Bréviaire d(Alaric: Les fondements de

la culture européenne », Aire-sur-l'Adour, France: Sep. 2006.

“'The Lion in Winter': Constantine's Succession Plans as Manifested in Numismatic

Iconography,” Constantine and the Late Roman World Conference, York, England: July 2006

“Flying False Colors: The Use and Misuse of Jerome in Gaul and Spain during Late

Antiquity,” International Conference on Jerome of Stridon, Cardiff, Wales: July 2006.

“Romans, Alamans, and the Concept of the 'Good Barbarian',” Leeds International Medieval

Congress, Leeds, England: July 2006.

“The Date of the Council of Turin,” International Medieval Studies Congress, Western

Michigan Univ.: May, 2006.

“Consular Ceremony in Late Antiquity,” Late Antiquity in Illinois II Conference:

Univ. of Illinois: Mar. 2006.

« L'adventus consulaire pendant l'Antiquité tardive », Colloque internationale sur les entrées

royales et impériales: histoire et représentations d'une cérémonie publique, Paris, France: Oct. 2005.

“An Ounce of Prevention: The Creation of Prosopographical Databases,” Conference on

Prosopography: Approaches and Applications, Jesus College, Univ. of Oxford, England: July 2005.

“Child Emperors in Late Antiquity”, Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds,

England: July 2005.

“Scribal Additions to the Letters of Desiderius of Cahors,” International Medieval Studies

Congress, Western Michigan Univ.: May, 2005.

“The Theory and Practice of Citizenship in the Later Roman Empire”, Byzantine Studies

Conference, Baltimore Oct. 2004.

“Duelling Languages: A Component of the Clash between Roman and Barbarian Culture in

Late Antiquity”, Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England: Jul. 2004.

“Local Custom and Canon Law in Late Antique Gaul”, Medieval Studies Congress,

Kalamazoo: May, 2004.

“Dating the Letters of Sidonius,” Late Antiquity in Illinois Conference: Univ. of Illinois: Mar., 2004.

“Whatever Will We Do With Glycerius?”, Byzantine Studies Congress, Bates College: Oct., 2003.

“Barbarians who Got Something in Gaul,” Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2003.

“Catalogues of Barbarians in Late Antiquity”, Medieval Academy of America Conference,

Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Apr., 2003.

“Violent Behavior and the Construction of Barbarian Identity in Late Antiquity,” Shifting

Frontiers in Late Antiquity V Conference, Univ. of California -- Santa Barbara: Mar. 2003.

“The Contemporary Entries in the Theodosian Code: AD 429-437”, Byzantine Studies

Conference, Ohio State Univ.: Oct., 2002.

“Late Roman Law in the Querolus,” International Medieval Studies Congress, Western

Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo: May, 2002.

“'Volusianus praefectus urbis edixit': 'Non-Imperial' Edicts in the Early Byzantine Empire,”

Byzantine Studies Conference, Notre Dame: Nov. 2001.

“Adnotatio and petitio: The Emperor's Favor and Special Exceptions in Early Byzantine

Law,” International Byzantine Studies Congress, Paris: Aug. 2001.

“Roman Comedy in Late Antiquity: The Date of the Querolus,” International Medieval

Studies Congress, Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo: May, 2001.

“Romans, Barbarians, and a 'Clash of Civilizations',” Conference on “North and South. Iden-

tity, Imagination & Memory in Medieval & Renaissance Culture”, USC - Columbia, S.C. Mar. 2001.

“Earthquakes, Fires, and Disoriented Wildlife: The Case for Volcanic Activity in Late

Roman Gaul,” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity IV Conference, San Francisco: Mar. 2001.

“The Use and Significance of the Adnotatio in the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byzantine

Studies Conf., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.: Nov. 2000.

“The Contribution of Prosopography: The Later Roman Empire,” Conference on “Prosopo-

graphy in the Twenty-First Century,” British Academy, London: Sep. 2000.

“Some Dirty Laundry from Fifth-Century Gaul,” International Medieval Studies Congress,

Univ. of Western Michigan: May, 2000.

“Bishops, Barbarians, and the 'Dark Ages': The Fate of Late Roman Educational Institutions

in Early Medieval Gaul,” Education in the Middle Ages Conf., Fordham Univ.: Mar. 2000.

“Priests, Bishops, and Monks: Military Chaplains in the Roman Empire”, International

Symposium on Military Chaplains, Univ. of Notre Dame: Mar. 2000.

“Sigisvult the Patrician,” Byzantine Studies Conf., Univ. of Maryland: Nov. 1999.

“Text, Transmission, and Preservation: The Curious Case of the Letters of Faustus of Riez,”

International Medieval Studies Congress, Univ. of Western Michigan: May, 1999.

“Arles, Autun, et la developpement du droit canonique ca.500-600,” Saint Augustin de

Cantorbery et l'évangelisation du monde anglo-saxon Conference, Arles, France: Nov. 1998.

“La Communio peregrina pendant l'Antiquité tardive,” Seminaire pour l'Eucharistie,

Institut Catholique, Paris, France: Nov. 1998.

“Eastern Councils, Papal Decreta, and Local Authority: Latin Libri canonum in the Fifth

and Sixth Centuries,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Lexington, Ky: Oct. 1998.

“Romans, Barbarians, and the Liminality of Civilization,” International Studies Conference,

Vienna, Austria: Sep. 1998.

“The Codex Sangallensis 190 and the Transmission of the Classical Heritage,” International

Society for the Classical Tradition, Tübingen, Germany: Jul. 1998.

“Ruricius of Limoges and the End of Roman Gaul,” International Medieval Studies Congress,

Univ. of Western Michigan: May, 1998.

“Text, Transmission, and Authority: The Development of the Gallic Libri canonum in Late

Antiquity,” Parchment and Politics Conference, Fordham, Univ.: Apr. 1998.

“Internet Discussion Lists and the Future of Byzantine Studies,” Byzantine Studies Con-

ference, Madison, Wis.: Sep. 1997.

“Emperors and Subjects: Consular Ceremony in Late Antiquity,” American Philological

Association, New York: Dec. 1996.

“Romans and Barbarians in the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byzantine Studies Conference,

Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Oct. 1996.

“Clovis, Anastase, et Grégoire de Tours: Consul, patrice et roi,” Conference on Clovis, le

Romain, le chrétien, l'Européen; Reims, France: Sep. 1996.

“Barbarian Intellectuals in the Early Byzantine Empire: A Contradiction in Terms?”

Byzantine Studies Conference, New York: Nov. 1995.

“Et manu papae: Papal Subscriptions written sua manu in Late Antiquity,” International

Patristics Conference, Oxford: Aug. 1995.

“Subscriptions, Postscripts, and Addenda to Late Roman Legal Documents,” Classical

Association of the Midwest and South, Omaha: Apr. 1995.

“Crossing the Supernatural Frontier,” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference, Univ.

of Kansas, Lawrence: Mar. 1995.

“Augustine's Contemplation of the Beginning,” Reinventing the Middle Ages Conference,

Arizona State Univ., Phoenix: Feb. 1995.

“Et manu ipsius: Papal Postscripts Written propria manu,” North American Patristics Society,

Chicago: May, 1994.

“Barbarian Literati: A Cultural Glass Ceiling in the Late Roman West?”, Assoc. of Ancient

Historians, Akron: May, 1994.

“Imperial Honorifics and Senatorial Status in Early Byzantine Documents,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Princeton: Nov. 1993.

“Late Roman Prosopograpy: Barbarians and Romans,” Medieval Academy Meeting, Univ.

of Arizona, Tucson: Apr. 1993.

“The Late Roman Legal Distribution System,” S.C. Historical Association, S.C. State Mu-

seum, Columbia, S.C.: Mar. 1993.

“Et manu divina: The Voice of the Emperor,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Univ. of Illinois,

Champaign-Urbana: Oct. 1992.

“Nature or Nurture - What Caused the Famines of Late Roman Gaul?”, Association of

Ancient Historians, Chicago: May, 1992.

“The Ideology of Monastic and Aristocratic Community in Late Roman Gaul,” Medieval

Studies Conference, Toronto: Mar. 1992.

“A Family Affair: The Purpose of the Patriciate in the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byz. Studies

Conference, Cambridge, Mass.: Nov. 1991.

“Clovis, Anastasius, and Byzantine Honorary Titles circa A.D. 500,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Baltimore: Nov. 1990.

“For Specialists Only: The Reception of Augustine's Theology in Fifth-Century Gaul,”

Marquette University Augustine Conference, Milwaukee: Oct. 1990.

“The Religious and Historical Context of the So-Called De fide of Agrestius,” North Amer-

ican Patristics Society, Chicago: May, 1990.

“Anthemius, Zeno, and Senatorial Status in the Late Fifth Century,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.: Oct. 1989.

“Gallic Visitors to Italy: Business or Pleasure?,” Sheffield Conference on Late Roman Gaul,

A Crisis of Identity?, Univ. of Sheffield, England: Apr. 1989.

“A Prosopographical Database for Late Antiquity,” American Philological Association

Meeting, Baltimore: Jan. 1989.

“Gallo-Roman Collaborators with the Barbarians: What Did They Do and When Did They

Do It?,” American Historical Assoc., Cincinnati: Dec. 1988.

“A Prosopographical Database for Early Byzantine History,” Byzantine Studies Conference,

Houston: Nov. 1988.

“A Prosopographical Data Bank for Late Antiquity,” Medieval Studies Congress,

Kalamazoo: May, 1988

“Literary Circles in Late Roman Gaul: A Unifying Element,” Committee for the Advance-

ment of Early Studies Conference, Ball State Univ., Muncie, Ind.: Oct. 1987.

“A Reconstruction of the List of Subscriptions to the Council of Orange (AD 441),” Illinois

Medieval Assoc., Newberry Library, Chicago: Feb. 1987.

“Episcopal Hierarchy and Tenure in Office: A Method for Establishing Dates of Ordination,”

Byzantine Studies Conference, Bryn Mawr: Oct. 1986.

“A Survey of the Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire,” Medieval

Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 1986.

“Prosopographical Evaluation of a Constantinopolitan Foundation Legend,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Toronto: Oct. 1985.

“The Theme of Literary Decadence and Decline in Late Latin Literature,” Classical Associa-

tion of the Midwest and South, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Apr. 1985.

“The Topos of Literary Decline in Late Roman Gaul,” American Philological Ass. (by title):. Dec. 1984

“Diplomats, Potentates and the Patriciate in the Early Byzantine Empire,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Univ. of Cincinnati: Nov. 1984.

“Notes on the Use of Hagiographical Evidence in P.L.R.E.,” International Medieval Studies

Congress, Kalamazoo, Mich.: May, 1984.

“The Third Regnal Year of Eparchius Avitus,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Duke Uni-

versity, Durham, N.C.: Nov. 1983.

“Classical Culture and Aristocratic Status in Late Roman Gaul,” Association of Ancient

Historians Conference, Madison: May, 1983.

“Phoebus, Orpheus, and Dionysus: Nicknames and Some Difficult Passages in Sidonius,”

American Philological Ass. (by title): Dec. 1982.

“Sapientes, Rhetores and Notarii: Sixth-Century Gallic Embassies to Constantinople,”

Byzantine Studies Conference, Chicago: Oct. 1982.

“Episcopal Hierarchy and Episcopal Careers in Fifth-Century Gaul,” Medieval Studies

Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 1982.

“Late Roman Secular Educational Institutions in the West,” American Philological

Association, San Francisco: Dec. 1981.

“The Family of Georgius Florentius Gregorius and the Bishops of Tours,” Medieval Studies

Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 1981.

“The Aristocratic Depopulation of Aquitania in the Fifth Century A.D.,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Oberlin: Oct. 1980.

“Epistolography, Literary Circles and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul,” American

Philological Assoc. (by title), Boston: Dec. 1979.

“Avitus, Marcian and Diplomacy in A.D. 455-456,” Byz. Studies Conf., Ann Arbor: Nov. 1978.

“Alternative Interpretations of the Coniuratio Marcellana of Sidonius,” Greek, Roman, and

Byzantine Studies Conference, Highland Falls: Apr. 1978.

“Memnon of Herakleia Conc. Herakleia 8(10) and the Activity of Antigonos Gonatas,”

American Philological Assoc. (by title): Dec. 1976.

“Computer Analysis of the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire,” Byzantine Studies

Conference, Cleveland: Oct. 1975.


“Wie de Barbaren die Zivilisation retteten,” Rostocker Altertumswissenschaftliches

Kolloquium, University of Rostock (Germany) : June 2011.

“Les barbares intellectuels dans l'Antiquité tardive"” University of Metz (France) : Oct. 2010.

“The Council of Rimini: A Case Study in the Development of an Argument,” University

of Kentucky: Apr. 2009.

“The Construction of Roman and Barbarian Identity in Late Antiquity: Clash of Cultures

or Meeting of the Minds?,” Late Antiquity Symposium, Duke University: Feb. 2009.

“Huns, Hoards, and Historical Hypotheses: Reconstructing a Hoard of Late Roman Gold

Solidi,” Illinois Wesleyan University: Oct. 2008.

“How the Barbarians Saved Classical Civilization,” Inaugural Visiting Scholar’s Lecture,

Oxford Center for Late Antiquity, Univ. of Oxford (England): Feb. 2008.

“Ricimer’s Church in Rome: An Arian Barbarian in a Nicene World,” Univ. of Oxford: Feb. 2008.

“Alamannia Romana,” Univ. of Heidelberg (Germany): Jun. 2007.

“Florence in Late Antiquity,” Florence Cathedral Symposium, Univ. of Pittsburgh: Feb. 2005.

“Roman, Goths, and the ‘Fall’ of the Roman Empire,” “Barbarians at the Gates” Symposi-

um, John Carroll University, Cleveland: Feb. 2005.

“Les plaisirs de la vie à la campagne chez les épistolographes du Ve et du VIe siècle,”

Symposium on “La vie à la campagne en Gaule romaine”, Limoges (France): June, 2002.

“Antioch and the Frontiers of the Roman Empire,” Antioch in Antiquity Exhibition

Syposium, Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore Art Museum: Oct. 2001.

“A Clash of Civilizations in Late Antiquity,” International Studies Colloquium, Walker

Institute, Univ. of S. Carolina: Apr. 2001.

“Laboring in the Vineyard: Working with the WEB, Past, Present, and Future,” Keynote

Address, Ancient Studies - New Technology Conference, Salve Regina Univ.: Dec. 2000.

“'To be or not to be': Early Christianity, the Millenium, and the End of Time,” Keynote

Address, Classics Day, Univ. of S. Carolina: Oct. 2000.

“L'amoenitas urbium dans la Gaule ca.450-550,” Symposium on L'amoenitas urbium,

Limoges, (France): May, 2000.

“The Letters of Ruricius of Limoges”, University of Manchester (England): Dec. 1999.

“What's In a Name? Barbarians as Intellectuals in Late Antiquity,” Denys Hay

Seminar, University of Edinburgh (Scotland): Oct. 1999.

“Late Antiquity as a Period of Transition,” Opening Address, International Society for the

Classical Tradition, Tübingen (Germany): Jul. 1998.

“Between Arles, Rome, and Toledo: Gallic Collections of Canon Law in Late Antiquity,”

Seminario Internacional Complutense, Madrid (Spain): Mar. 1998.

“Academic Motivation,” Keynote Address, Golden Key National Honor Society Induction

Ceremony, Univ. of South Carolina: Nov. 1997.

“Greeks, Romans, and Barbarians,” Humanities Lecture, Georgia State Univ.: Oct. 1997.

“Barbarian Intellectuals in Late Antiquity,” Late Antiquity Seminar, Princeton

University: Apr. 1997.

“Barbarian Bishops in Late Antiquity,” Transformation of the Roman World Meeting,

Univ. of California-Los Angeles: Jan. 1997.

“Barbarian Intellectuals and the Transmission of the Classical Heritage during Late Antiquity,”

Transformation of the Roman World, Spanish School at Rome (Italy): Sep. 1996.

“Les barbares intellectuels dans l'antiquité tardive,” Annual Ancient History Colloquium,

Centre des études anciennes, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon (France): Apr. 1996.

“Une base de données biographiques pour l'antiquité tardive,” Colloquium at L'année

épigraphique, Paris (France): Mar. 1996.

“Greeks, Romans and Barbarians,” Columbia College, Columbia, S.C.: Jan. 1994.

“A Biographical Database for the Early Middle Ages,” Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence: Dec. 1993.

“Greeks, Romans and Barbarians: Cultural Diversity in the Ancient World”: Russell

Award Lecture, Univ. of South Carolina: Nov. 1993.

“Barbarians and Romans: A Biographical Database for Late Antiquity,” Catholic Univ.: Apr. 1993.

“Biographical Database for Late Antiquity: A Hands-On Demonstration,” Emory Univ: Feb. 1992.

“Computers in the Classroom: Database Creation and Access,” Emory University: Feb. 1992.

“Greeks, Romans, and Barbarians: What Did They Do and When Did They Do It?”, Columbia

Art Museum: Mar. 1990.

“The Historical, Cultural and Social Background of the Elektra,” USC Theater and

Speech Dept. Elektra Symposium: Feb. 1989.

“Decline of Ancient Empires,” Empires Mini-Conference, Univ. of S. Carolina: Nov. 1988.

“Pan Heads and Poseidon Heads: Two Third-Century Macedonian Coin Types,” American

Numismatic Soc., New York: Aug. 1976.


Extensive on-air role in the History Channel documentary on “The Goths,” initially aired January, 2004, available on DVD as “The Barbarians” DVD Set (History Channel, 2004).


“The ‘Patria’ of Solidi in the Querolus,” Univ. of Heidelberg: July 2009.

“Count Ricimer, Barbarian Authority, and an Arian Church in Rome,” Dept. of History

Workshop, UIUC, Sep. 2007.

“The Use of the 'Empires' Theme in Middle School History Teaching,” Champaign School

District 4 In-Service, Apr. 2005.

“Professionalism,” Dept. of History Pro-Seminar, Univ. of Illinois: Apr. 2005.

“King Arthur in the Movies,” Ancient and Medieval History in the Cinema Symposium,

Univ. of Illinois: Oct. 2004.

“The Good Barbarian,” Early Europe Reading Group, UIUC Dept of History, Mar. 2004.

“The Eastern Background to the Crusades,” Medieval Studies Seminar, UIUC Jan, 2004.

“Rome for Travelers,” USC Alumni Association Tour Group Jan. 2000.

“Project 2000: The Date of the Millenium,” WIS TV 7:00 News Jan. 1999.

“St. Valentine's Day,” WIS TV news, Sunrise Report: Feb. 1997.

“Rome and the Barbarians,” Classics Day, Univ. of South Carolina: Oct. 1997.

“Hallowe'en,” Sunrise Show, WIS TV news: Oct. 1997.

“The Reginensis latinus 1048 Copy of the Breviarium,” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity II

Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Mar. 1997.

“Barbarians in the Ancient World,” Classics Day, Univ. of S.C. Oct. 1996.

“The History of Hallowe'en,” Talkback Segment, WIS TV news: Oct. 1996.

“Community Organizing,” 2nd Annual S.C. Neighborhood Summit, Charleston, S.C.: Apr. 1993.

“Late Roman Law,” the Graduate History Association Lunch: Oct. 1992.

“The Neighborhood Movement in South Carolina,” Neighborhoods in Action Symposium,

Greenville Tech. College: Oct. 1992.

“The State of Our Neighborhoods,” keynote speech, S.C. Neighborhood Summit: Apr. 1992.

“Community Development Week,” City of Columbia Media Event: Apr. 1992.

“The Neighborhood Movement in South Carolina,” Association of Neighborhood Organizations

Annual Meeting, Spartanburg Technical College: Mar. 1992.

“Neighborhoods and the Environment”, S.C. State Capitol: Mar. 1992.

“The Neighborhood Movement in Richland County,” Richland County Summit, Midlands

Technical Collage: Jan. 1992.

“Pompeii,” for Thomas Sumter Academy, Odyssey of the Mind Program: Jan. 1991.

“Roman Coinage,” S.C. Junior Classical League, Columbia College: Nov. 1990.

“The Integration of Computers into the Classroom,” USC Courseware Users Group: Sep. 1990.

“Ancient Coinage: A Survey,” Graduate History Association: Apr. 1989.

“Ancient Coinage,” South Carolina Junior Classical League: Nov. 1986.

“Ancient History in the Cinema,” Palmetto Fencing Society Banquet: Apr. 1982.

“Literary Circles in Late Roman France,” Medieval Luncheon, Univ. of Wisconsin: Nov. 1979.


Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2011.

Co-Organized (with Danuta Shanzer, Classics), Graduate Student Late Antiquity

Symposium, UIUC: April, 2011.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2010.

Co-organizer and Session Chair, Late Antiquity in Illinois V Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2010.

Session Chair, International Medieval Studies Congress, Univ. of Leeds (England): Jul. 2009.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2009.

Session Chair, International Medieval Studies Congress, Univ. of Leeds (England): Jul. 2008.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2008.

Co-organizer and Session Chair, Late Antiquity in Illinois IV Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2008.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2007.

Co-organizer, Symposium on 1500th Anniversary of the Battle of Vouillé, Univ. of Illinois,

Urbana-Champaign: Apr. 2007.

Organized session for Illinois Medieval Studies Conference, Eastern Illinois Univ.: Mar. 2006.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Proso-

pography, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2006.

Co-organizer and Session Chair, Late Antiquity in Illinois II Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2006.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Prosopo-

graphy, and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2005.

Co-organizer, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity VI: Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World Mar. 2005.

Co-Guest Curator, “Digging Barbarians” Exhibit, Spurlock Museum. UIUC Feb. 2005.

Program Organizer, “Ancient Studies - New Technology III”, James Madison University: Dec. 2004.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Proso-

pography and Session Chair, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2004.

Co-organizer and Session Chair, Late Antiquity in Illinois Conference, UIUC: Mar. 2004.

Discussant, conference on “The Burgundians”, San Marino: Sep., 2003.

Organized three sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Prosopography, Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2003.

Session Chair, International Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2003.

Program Committee, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity V, UC-Santa Barbara: Mar. 2003.

Program Organizer, “Ancient Studies - New Technology II”, Rutgers University: Dec. 2002.

Organized two sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Prosopography, International Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May 2002.

Session Chair, International Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2002.

Organized two sessions for Society for Late Antiquity and one session for Medieval Prosopography, International Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May 2001.

Session Chair, International Medieval Studies Congress, Kalamazoo: May, 2001.

Organizing Committee and Program Committee, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity IV Conference,

S.F. State Univ., San Francisco: Mar. 2001.

Co-Organizer and Program Chair, “Ancient Studies - New Technology: The World Wide Web

and Scholarly Research, Communication, and Publication in Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval

Studies”, Salve Regina University, Newport, R.I. Dec. 2000.

Session Organizer and Chair, “Romans, Barbarians, and Transition during Late Antiquity,” S.C.

Historical Association Conference, Columbia, S.C.: Mar. 1999.

Program Committee, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity III, Emory University: Mar. 1999.

Organizing Consultant, Saint Augustin de Cantorbery et l'évangelisation du monde anglo-saxon,

Arles, France: Nov. 1998.

Session Organizer, “Emperors, Generals, Counts, and Bishops in Late Antiquity,” S.C. Historical

Association Conference, Charleston, S.C.: Mar. 1998.

Session Organizer and Chair, “Computer Applications and the Future of Byzantine Studies,”

Byzantine Studies Conference, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.: Sep. 1997.

Organizer, “The Transformation of Law and Society in Late Antiquity” conference, University of

South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.: Mar. 1997.

Session Organizer, “New Interpretations of Barbarian Europe,” S.C. Historical Association

Conference, S.C. State Museum, Columbia, S.C.: Mar. 1997.

Organized session, “Prosopography and History,” Byzantine Studies Conference, Univ. of North

Carolina, Chapel Hill: Oct. 1996.

U.S. delegate to “Transformation of the Roman World Project” plenary meeting,

Strasbourg: Apr. 1996.

Co-Organizer, “Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity” Conference, Univ. of Kansas: Mar. 1995.

Chair, Program Committee, and Session Chair, Byzantine Studies Conference, Univ.of Michigan: Oct, 1994.

Organized session, “Beyond the Margins of the Texts,” North American Patristics Society,

Chicago: May, 1994.

Chair and Commentator, session on “Barbarians,” Association of Ancient Historians Meeting,

Calgary: May, 1993.

Organized session, “Society and Economy in Late Antiquity,” S.C. Historical Association, S.C.

State Museum, Columbia: Mar. 1993.

Guest Curator, Ancient Coin Exhibit, Columbia Art Museum Spr. 1990.

Session Chair, Summing-Up Commentator, and Organizing Consultant, Sheffield Conference on

Late Roman Gaul, Sheffield, England: May, 1989.

Organized session, “Late Latin Literature,” Illinois Medieval Studies Conference, Newberry Library, Chicago: Feb. 1987.

Organized sessions on “Late Roman Prosopography,” International Medieval Studies Congress,

Kalamazoo: 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988.

Session Chair: 1984, 1986.

Organized session, “The Theme of Decadence and Decline in Late Latin Literature,” Classical

Association of the Midwest and South, Univ. of Minnesota: Apr. 1985.

Session Chair and Commentator for Ancient History session, South Carolina Historical Association

meeting, Lander College: Feb. 1982.


Referee for articles submitted to American Journal of Archaeology, Classical Journal, Classical Philology, Church History, Early Medieval Europe, Haskins Society Journal, The Historian, Illinois Classical Studies, Journal of the Classical Tradition, Journal of Early Christian Studies, Journal of Late Antiquity, Medieval Prosopography, Phoenix, Speculum, Traditio.

Referee for Ashgate Press, Blackwell Press, Catholic Univ. of America Press, Dorsey Press, Hackett Publishing, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, A.E. Knopf, Univ. of Michigan Press, Univ. of California Press, Oxford Univ. Press, Princeton Univ. Press, Routledge Press, Mellen Biblical Press, and S.C. Educational Television.

Referee for grant proposals to ACLS, American School of Rome, Austrian Science Foundation, British Academy Research Board, Dumbarton Oaks Research Center, Fulbright Awards, Guggenheim Foundation, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Israel Science Foundation; Loeb Classical Library Foundation, NEH, Stanford Humanities Center; member of NEH Research Materials Selection Panel, Washington, D.C.


Creator and Administrator of PROSOP-L, an internet discussion list dealing with ancient/medieval prosopography, 2000- (300 members); LT-ANTIQ, an internet discussion list dealing with Late Antiquity, 1994- (1300 members); NUMISM-L, an internet discussion list dealing with ancient/medieval numismatics, 1995- (800 members); and LTANTSOC, a LISTSERV facility for distributing the Late Antiquity Newsletter, 1996- (800 subscribers).

Demonstration of Biographical Database at Annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians,

Chapel Hill: May, 1991.

Workshop on Digitized Images, American Numismatic Soc. May, 1990.


Scientific and Technical Articles

“Recapitulation, Digression, and Getting to the Point: A Discussion of the Murder of Hypatia and Other Matters,” Late Antiquity Newsletter 1.1 (1996)

“Computer Discussion Lists on Medieval Topics,” Medieval Prosopography 15 (1994) 107-115.

“Interactive Multimedia and Education: Specifications, Standards, and Applications,” Collegiate Microcomputer Review 9.2 (1991) 93-102.

“CP/M to DOS: Running CP/M in a DOS Environment,” Morrow Owners Review 4.4 (1987) 31-34

“Inside the CP/M Directory,” Q Bits 3 (1986) 5-6.

“dBASE II Hints for Morrow Users,” Morrow Owners Rev 2 (1985) 12-3.

“Lack of Unusual Life Expectancy in Vilcabamba, Ecuador,” (with R.B. Mazess), Human Biology 54 (1982) 517-524.

“Revised Method for Calculation of Life Expectency Tables from Individual Death Records,” (with R.B. Mazess) Human Biology 53 (1981) 35-45.

Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles

Ten entries, R.Benedetto, ed., The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History. Volume One: The Early, Medieval, and Reformation Eras (Westminster Press, 2008): Alaric, Attila, Barbarian Invasions, Constantine, Decius, Marcian, Edict of Milan, Roman Empire, Theoderic.

Five entries, Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (Salem Press, 2001): Eparchius Avitus, pp.233-2; Battle of Catalaunian Fields, pp.400-1; Dio Cassius, p.474; Odovacar, pp.849-50; Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, pp.865-6.

Sixteen entries, C. Kleinhenz ed., Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia (Routledge, 2003): “Aetius”, p.5, “Alaric”, p.8, “Eudocia”, p.321; “Eudoxia”, p.322; “Galla Placidia”, pp.396-7; “Honoria, p.511; “Honorius”, pp.511-2; “Huns”, p.520; “Jordanes”, p.589; “Odovacar”, p.794; “Orestes”, p.800, “Ricimer”, pp.964-5; “Stilicho”, pp.1060-1; “Valentinian III”; p.1117; “Valerius Maximus”, pp.1117-8, “Vandals”, p.1118.

Two entries, Magill's Guide to Military History (Salem Press, 2001): Attila the Hun (pp.144-5), Châlons (pp.307-8)

One entry, Magill's Guide to Natural Disasters (Salem Press, 2001): Tidal Wave, Alexandria, Egypt (p.365).

One entry, W. Briggs ed., Dictionary of Literary Biography. Ancient Roman Authors: Ammianus Marcellinus (pp.7-16)

Seven entries, A. Fitzgerald ed., Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia (Cambridge, 1999): Aquitania (pp.53-4), Arles (pp.61-2), Councils of Orange (pp.250-1), Hilary of Poitiers (p.431), Last Judgment (pp.476-8), Roman Legal System (pp.733-5), Society, Social Thought (pp.803-6).

Six entries, P. Brown, G. Bowersock, O. Grabar eds., Late Antiquity. A Guide to the Postclassical World (Harvard University Press, 1999): Alaric (pp.283-4), Genovefa (p.465), Isidore of Seville (pp.516-7), Jordanes (pp.527-8), Leo I (pp.541-2), Refugees (pp.665-6), Senate (pp.689-90), Refugees.

Three entries, Chronology of European History (Salem Press, 1998): “The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains” (pp.191-4); “The Breviarium of Alaric is Drafted” (pp.199-201); “Constantinople is Founded” (pp.168-71).

One entry, W. Briggs ed., Dictionary of Literary Biography. Ancient Greek Authors (Detroit, 1996) Cassius Dio, pp.101-109.

Sixteen entries, De imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors: Anthemius, Arvandus, Eparchius Avitus, Galla Placidia, Glycerius, Justa Grata Honoria, Honorius, Majorian, Petronius Maximus, Julius Nepos, Olybrius, Palladius, Romanus, Romulus Augustulus, Libius Severus, Valentinian III.

Eighteen entries, Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity c.1500 B.C. - c.A.D. 500 (Amsterdam: Adolf Hakkert). fasc. 1 (1992): Abate, Abrincatum, Ad Centenarium, Ad Decem Pagos, Ad Duodecimum; fasc. 2 (1993): Ad Octavum, Ad Horrea, Ad Huserbas, Ad Julia, Ad Lacum Lausonium, Ad Legionum XXX, Ad Pyrenaeum, Ad Silanum, Ad Stabulum, Ad Turrem, Ad Varum, Aegitna, Aeria.

Six entries, Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland Press, 1990): Rome, Diocletian, Franks, Germany, Goths, Vandals.

Thirty-two entries in the Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, twelve vols., 1982-1989): Desiderius of Monte Cassino, Donatus of Fiesole, Eigel, Endelechius, Engelmodus, Ennodius, Ermoldus Nigellus, Eugenius III of Toledo, Eugenius Vulgarius, Eugippius, Eupolemius (4:1983); Firmicus, Germanus of Auxerre, Germanus of Paris (5:1984); Hadrian, Hilary of Poitiers (6:1985); Jordanes (7:1986); Merobaudes (8:1987); Orientius, Orosius, Patrician, Paulinus of Aquileia, Paulinus of Beziers, Paulinus of Nola, Paulinus of Pella, Paulinus of Perigueux (9:1987); Polemius Silvius, Prosper of Aquitaine and Prosper Tiro, Salvian of Marseilles (10:1988); Sidonius Apollinaris (11:1988), Venantius Fortunatus, Marius Victorinus (12:1989).

Four entries, Magill's Great Lives from History: Ancient and Medieval Series (Salem Press, 1988): Diocletian, Priscillian, Siricius, Vincent of Lerins.

One entry, Magill's Great Lives From History: British and Commonwealth Series (Salem Press, 1988): St. Bede the Venerable.

Book Reviews

M. Neri, Ruricio di Limoges: Lettere (ETS, 2009): Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews (2011)

Review article, “Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Late Roman Cappadocia”: R. Van Dam, Families and Friends in Late Roman Cappadocia and Kingdoms of Snow (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2003): New England Classical Journal 32 (2005), 231-240.

A. Harris, Byzantium, Britain & the West. The Archaeology of Cultural Identity AD 400-650 (Tempus, 2003): Speculum (2005)

T. Honore, Ulpian: Journal of Roman Studies 94 (2004) 279-80.

J. Matthews, Laying Down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code (Yale, 2000): The Historian 65 (2003), 1045-6.

M. Salzman, The Making of a Christian Aristocracy: American Historical Review (2003) 235-6.

“Review Article: Recent Modern Greek Scholarship,” Medieval Prosopography 23 (2002)

J.K. Knight, The End of Antiquity (Tempus, 1999): Peritia (2002)

Review Article, “The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (641-867)”: R.-J. Lilie, T. Pratsch, et al., Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (5 vols.) (de Gruyter, 1998-2001): Medieval Prosopography 22(2001)

F.-M. Kaufmann, Studien zu Sidonius Apollinaris (Lang, 1995): International Journal of Classical Tradition (2001) 443-6.

W. Pohl ed., Kingdoms of the Empire: The Integration of Barbarians in Late Antiquity (Leiden, 1997): Medieval Reviews (8/6/2001).

Comprehensive Review of W. Pohl ed., Strategies of Distinction. The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300-800 (Leiden, 1998) 22 pp. (with D. Deliyannis): Medieval Reviews (2000)

Brief notices, 5 volumes by A.G.K. Savvides: Medieval Prosopography 21(2000).

W. Lütkenhaus, Constantius III: Studien zu seiner Tätigkeit und Stellung im Westreich 411-421 (Bonn, 1998): Classical Review (2000).

Comprehensive Review of P. Brown, G. Bowersock, O. Grabar eds., Late Antiquity. A Guide to the Postclassical World (Harvard University Press, 1999) (17 pp.): Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews (2000)

Y. Hen, Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul, A.D. 481-751 (Brill, 1995): American Historical Review Oct. (1999) 1361-2.

J. Kent, Roman Imperial Coins, vol.11: American Journal of Numismatics (1996)

W. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles. The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul (long version): Medieval Prosopography 17.2 (1996).

W. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles. The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul (short version): American Historical Review (1996)

J. Harries, Sidonius Apollinaris and the End of the Roman Empire: Journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition (1996)

C.R. Whittaker, Frontiers of the Roman Empire. A Social and Economic Study: Journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition (1995)

C. Alzati, Ambrosiana ecclesia. Studi su la chiesa milanese e l'ecumene cristiana fra tarda antichità e medioevo: Speculum (1995)

James Bromwich, The Roman Remains of Southern France. A Guidebook: Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews (1993)

F. Prinz, Herrschaft und Kirche: Speculum 67 (1992).

T. Smith, De Gratia. Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace: Cath. Hist. Rev. 77 (1991) 495-6.

M. Borgolte, Die Grafen Alemanniens in merowingischer und karolingischer Zeit: Speculum 63 (1988) 371-2.

P.J. Casey, Understanding Ancient Coins: An Introduction for Archaeologists and Historians: Vergilius 33 (1988) 142-4.

M. Borgolte, Gesch. der Grafschaften Alemanniens in fränkischer Zeit: Speculum 62 (1987) 386-7.

R. Van Dam, Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul: Class. Philology 82 (1988) 371-7.

Ancient Coins of the Greco-Roman World. The Nickle Numismatic Papers: American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986) 241-2.

Studien zu Fundmünzen der Antike vol.2: American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986) 242-5.

E.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians. The Decline of the Western Empire: Classical Philology 80 (1985) 192-6.

A. Houghton, The Coins of the Seleucid Empire (New York, 1983): American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985) 185-6.

H. Troxell, Coinage of the Lycian League (New York, 1983): American Journal of Archaeology 88 (1984).

Other Articles

“Prosopography in the 21st Century,” Centre for Hellenic Studies, Newsletter 12(2001), p.3.

“Western Usurpers and Their Coinage,” Coins 27.2 (1980) 100-104.

“Senators' Use of Rome's Armies,” World Coin News 4/20/79 6ff.

“Imperial Coinage: Evidence of Ongoing Tradition,” Coin World 20.987(3/24/2979) 68ff.

“Antigonus: Battle for Empire,” World Coin News 4/28/2978 26.

“Art and History on Imp. Roman Coinage,” Coins 25.5 (1978) 48-51.

“For Love and Empire,” Coins 24.11 (1977) 82-85.

“Lombard Coinage Reflects Agrarian Society,” Coin World 17.839 (5/22/2976) 82ff.

“Ancient Coins: Combine Collecting with Investing,” World Coins 12.2 (1975) 172-175.

“The Development of Coinage Propaganda during the Roman Republic,” The Numismatist 88.2 (1975) 259-269.

“The Early Development of Aeginetan Coinage,” SAN 6 (1974) 3-5.

“Factors Influencing the Development of Merovingian Gold Coinage,” SAN 5 (1973-1974) 12-16, 32-34.

“Buying an Antique Clock,”Antiques Journal 28.5 (1973)10-12, 46

“Gold Coins of the Late Emperors,” Coins 20.6 (1973) 66-68.

“Those Old-Time Wind Up Clocks” Antiques Trader 9/25/73 1, 43.

“Tips on Making Clocks Tic,” Collector's Weekly 10/9/73 1-11.

“The Foundations of Roman Coinage,” SAN 4 (1972-3) 8-10.

“The Periodic Vota of the Late Roman Empire,” SAN 4 (1972-3) 43-44.

“The Bronze Coinage of Magnentius and Decentius,” The Numismatist 85.11 (1972) 1715-1724.

“Collecting Coins of the Late Roman Empire,” Collector's World 3.5 (1972) 6-10.

“How to Sell Antique Clocks,”Antiques Dealer 24.11 (1972) 38-55

“The Coinage, The Economy and Reform in the Third Century A.D.” SAN 3 (1971-72) 47-48.

“Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices,” SAN 3 (1971-72) 58ff.

“The Roman Imperial Mint System from the Time of Diocletian,” SAN 3 (1971-72) 23-26.

“Caveat Emptor: An Introduction to Buying Clocks at Auction,” Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors 15 (1971) 16-18

“Fourth-Century Roman Imperial Types,” SAN 3 (1971-72) 12-15.


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