Marianne Stowell Bracke - Purdue University Libraries


Marianne Stowell Bracke



Degrees Awarded:

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. M.S. in Library and Information Science, 1997

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. B.A. in History (with distinction), Minor in Women's Studies, 1993


Agricultural Sciences Information Specialist and Professor of Library Science, Purdue University Libraries

September 2006 – present; Tenure granted in 2009; Promoted to Full Professor in 2016


• Build and maintain relationships with the departments of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Sciences, Botany & Plant Pathology, Entomology, Forestry & Natural Resources, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Youth Development & Agricultural Education and Agricultural Extension through communication, needs assessment, and participation in College activities; also includes membership on the College of Agriculture’s Library Committee

• Participate in interdisciplinary research initiatives, such as digital data curation and metadata projects

• For-credit courses taught:

o AGR10100, Introduction to the College of Agriculture

o AGR 29400, Readings in Agriculture, Environment, and Society

o AGRY 59800, Introduction to Data Management

• Co-creator of a pilot project in applied Data Literacy funded by the College of Agriculture Associate Dean for Research ($15,000) to create a semester long cohort of 10 graduate students to incorporate data literacy into their research

• Co-creator of a new for-credit course in data for the Department of Biochemistry

• Participate in collection development and management of resources in the areas of agricultural sciences, including managing fund lines, deselecting, and recommending/evaluating electronic resources; coordinate these collection responsibilities with the Biomedical Sciences Information Specialist

• Provide reference assistance (on-site, by phone, via email, or through virtual reference) to individuals or groups at all levels within the university, specifically within agricultural sciences and generally within the life sciences

• Develop and provide course-related instruction, peer training workshops, and staff training as needed

• Provide weekly office hours in the Agricultural Administration’s Office of Academic Programs

• Collaborate with other Libraries’ faculty with liaison responsibilities in the Colleges of Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, and Science

• Participate in library-wide planning and management through consultative committee and team structure

Associate Librarian, Science-Engineering Team, University of Arizona Library

November 2000 – August 2006


▪ Connection Development with the departments of Agricultural Education, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Family & Consumer Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, and Speech & Hearing Sciences through establishing and maintaining ongoing connections with students, faculty, researchers, and staff

▪ Collection Development through the identification, evaluation, selection, and management of information resources for purchase or access in the following LC subject classes: R (medicine), QH (botany), TT (handicrafts), and TX 1-340 (home economics and dietetics)

▪ Develop and provide library education, course-related instruction, and other specialized educational sessions

▪ Develop and maintain in-depth subject knowledge of information resources and provide in-depth reference and consultations

▪ Participate in reference desk service at the Information Commons (IC) Desk, Science-Engineering Desk and in chat and email reference

▪ Participate in the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) activities, including the UA AgNIC Steering Committee and managing metadata issues for the Rangelands West website

Life Sciences Librarian, University of Houston Libraries

July 1998 – November 2000


▪ Departmental and Collection Responsibilities: Biology, Biophysical Sciences, General Science, Communication Disorders, and Women’s Studies

▪ Established and maintained relationships with faculty, students, researchers, and staff in assigned departments

▪ Identified, evaluated, and selected information resources for purchase or access in assigned departments

▪ Creator and sole administrator of a funded pilot project to facilitate speedier document delivery for Biology and Biochemistry faculty

▪ Instructed both undergraduates and graduates in the use of the science resources

▪ Trained library staff on general and life science resources

▪ Participated in reference desk service at the general reference desk

▪ Co-moderated PACS-L (Public-Access Computer Systems Forum Listserv)

Information Skills Program Librarian, University of Houston Libraries

September 1999 – November 2000 (these job duties were taken on in addition to the job duties mentioned in the Life Sciences Librarian position above)


▪ Assisted the Coordinator of Library Instruction with all aspects of the Information Skills Program, including content development, outreach on- and off-campus, marketing, internal training, website content, and class instruction

▪ Taught walk-in workshops, such as introduction to research, basic and advanced web searching, and catalog searching, as well as course-integrated instruction in English, psychology, education, political science, and social work

▪ Provided in-depth, one-on-one instruction to undergraduate students during “drop-in” research help sessions held during peak times of the semester

▪ Maintained two library classrooms, ensuring all computer equipment and projectors were functioning

Reference Librarian, Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Library (ACES), University of Illinois Libraries

August 1997 – June 1998


▪ Departmental and Collection Responsibilities: Food Science & Human Nutrition and Human & Community Development

▪ Coordinated all reference activities, including scheduling 3 librarians and 4 graduate assistants

▪ Developed instructional materials for ACES 100, a required course for all students in the ACES College

▪ Supervised and trained 4 graduate assistants

▪ Updated and maintained the library’s website

▪ Migrated and maintained 3 local databases from Inmagic software to MS Access

▪ Cataloged College of ACES graduate theses


Purdue’s Office of the Vice Provost Faculty Fellowship for Study in a Second Discipline

(Youth Development & Agricultural Education), 2012 – 2013 Academic Year

Purdue Libraries Dean’s Team Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Libraries, Press

and Copyright Office, Orientation Committee (2011)

Purdue Libraries Dean’s Team Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Libraries, Press

and Copyright Office, Data Management Plan Workshop Consulting Group (2011)

Purdue Libraries John H. Moriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service (2010)

Outstanding Paper in 2005 for the journal Collection Building, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (Emerald Publishing), Bracke & Martin article.

Nominated and selected for excellence in teaching to participate as one of twenty University of Arizona faculty members in the Wakonse Conference on College Teaching, May 17 – 20, 2001.


Refereed Publications

Bracke, Marianne Stowell (invited, forthcoming 2017). “New Roles for Agricultural Librarians based on the Infomationist Model.” Library Tends (special issue on agriculture).

Pouchard, Line, and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2016). “An Analysis of selected data practices: a case study of the Purdue College of Agriculture.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 85.

Raridon, Andrew, Preethi Krishnan, Leigh Raymond, and Marianne Stowell Bracke. (2016, August). Gender and Social Impacts of Institutional Arrangements for Improved Seed Technologies. Paper presented at the 111th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Carlson, Jake and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2015). “Planting the Seeds for Data Literacy: Lessons Learned from a Student-Centered Education Program.” International Journal of Digital Curation, 10(1), 95-110. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v10i1.348

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and John Graveel (2014). “Using Calibrated Peer Review to Teach Basic Research Skills.” Natural Sciences Education, 43, 1-5.

Carlson, Jake and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2013). “Data Management and Sharing from the Perspective of Graduate Students: An Examination of the Culture and Practice at the Water Quality Field Station.” portal: Libraries and the Academy, 13(4), 343-361.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Sharon A. Weiner, Judith M. Nixon, and Scott Deatherage (2012). “Criteria for Evaluating Journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and the Life Sciences.” International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(2).

Mitzman, Stephanie, Lori Snyder, Darrell Schulze, Philip Owens, and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2011). “The Pilot Study of Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (Isee) in an Undergraduate Crop Production Course.” Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 40, 91-101.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell (2011). “Emerging Data Curation Roles for Librarians: A Case Study of Agricultural Data.” Journal of Food & Agricultural Information, 12 (1), 65-74.

Newton, Mark P., Christopher C. Miller, and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2011). “Librarian Roles in Institutional Repository Data Collection-Building.” Collection Management, 36 (1), 53-67.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell (2010). “Science and Technology Books on Demand: A Case Study.” Collection Management, 35(3), 142-150.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Jean Pierre V.M. Herubel, and Suzanne M. Ward (2010). “New Roles for Old: Opportunities for Collection Development Librarians, A Position Statement.” Collection Management, 35(3), 255-259.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Sainath Chinnaswamy, and Elizabeth Kline (2008). “Evolution of Reference: A New Service Model for Science and Engineering Libraries.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 53.

Miller, Christopher C., Marianne Stowell Bracke and Jae Kim (2008). “Adding Value to Digitization with GIS.” Library Hi-Tech, 26(2), 201-212.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell (2007). “Agronomy: Selected Resources.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 50.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Michael Brewer, Robyn Huff-Eibl, Dan Lee, Robert Mitchell, and Michael Ray (2007). “Finding Information in a New Landscape: Developing new service and Staffing Models for Mediated Information Services.” College & Research Libraries, 68(3), 248 – 267.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Jim Martin (2005). “Developing Criteria for the Withdrawal of Print Content Available Online.” Collection Building, 24 (2), 61 – 64.

Hook, Sheril J., Marianne Stowell Bracke, Louise Greenfield, and Vicki Mills (2002). “In-House Training for Instruction Librarians.” Research Strategies, 19(2), 99 – 127.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Diane Gwamanda (2002). “Document Delivery by Individual Selectors.” The Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply, 12(4), 5 – 13.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Lori Critz (2001). “Re-envisioning Instruction for the Electronic Environment of a 21st Century Science-Engineering Library.” Science & Technology Libraries, 20(2/3), 97 – 106.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Paul Bracke (1999). “Selected Web Resources in the History of Science.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 21.

Book Chapters

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. (2016). Agricultural Information and the National Agricultural Library. In Miriam A. Drake and Donald T. Hawkins (Eds.), Public Knowledge: Access and Benefits. Medford, NJ: Information Today.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Michael Fosmire. (2015). Teaching Data Information Literacy Skills in a Library Workshop Setting: A Case Study in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. In Jake Carlson and Lisa R. Johnston (Eds.), Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers (pp. 129-148). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Wright, Sarah J., Jake Carlson, Jon Jeffryes, Camille Andrews, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Lisa J. Johnston, Megan Sapp Nelson, Dean Walton, and Brian Westra. (2015). Developing Data Information Literacy Programs: A Guide for Academic Librarians. In Jake Carlson and Lisa R. Johnston (Eds.), Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers (pp. 205-230). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Other Publications

Pfander, Jeanne L., Yan Han, Lindsay Wyatt, and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2006). “Full-Text Online Access to Society for Range Management Journals.” Rangelands, 28(1), 46-48.

Han, Yan, Jeanne Pfander, and Marianne Stowell Bracke (2005). “Digitizing Rangelands: Providing Open Access to the Archives of Society for Range Management Journals.” Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, 50(3-4): 105-110.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell (1997). "The Dirt Under Your Feet: A Brief History and Future of Soil Surveys." Bulletin of the SLA Map and Geography Division, 186, 36-40.


Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Leslie Sult, and Paula Wolfe (June 2005). “Citations: A Researcher’s Best Buddy.” Streaming video tutorial. ()

Invited Presentations

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Mohan Ramaswamy, and Debbie Currie. Research Data Management Planning: What Faculty Need to Know. Invited workshop presented at the AgNIC Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL. April 28, 2016.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Creating Opportunities in Data Management: Directors of the North Central Agricultural Experiment Stations.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2016 Conference. Gainesville, FL. April 2016.

Barton, Amy, Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Bracke, Paul, Brandt, D. Scott, Johnson, Nastasha, Kong, Nicole N., Pouchard, Line, and Sapp Nelson, Megan. Research Data Management Workshop. Invited workshop presented at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. June 18, 2015.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Purdue Data Story: The Successes and Challenges.” Presented at the Agricultural Data Collective Inaugural Meeting, Beltsville, MD. May 30, 2015.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Data: Where Are We Now?” Presented at the North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX. March 31, 2015.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “The Role of Library Science in Developing Data Standards.” Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 Annual Meeting, Data Standards Committee, Long Beach, CA. November 2, 2014.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Front, Center and Back Stage: Contemporary Solutions for User Engagement and Discovery at Purdue University Libraries.” Presented at the Tenth Annual Association for Research Libraries Leadership Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. January 24, 2014.

Trybula, Elizabeth, Leslie Delserone, Sarah Wright, and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Educating Tomorrow’s Scientist for Critical Data Literacy.” Presented at the Smarter Agriculture Data Symposium™: Dialogue on Critical Data for Agriculture, Potomac, MD. October 10, 2013.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Data Information Literacy from the Perspective of an Academic Librarian.” Presented at the Data Information Literacy Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. September 23, 2013.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Librarians as Partners in Collaborative Research Data Management.” Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2012 Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. October 23, 2012.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “E-Science at Purdue University Libraries.” Presented at Eighth Annual Association for Research Libraries Leadership Symposium, Dallas, TX. January 20, 2012.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Development and Use of Data Repositories for “omics” Technologies.” Presented at DowPurdue Utilizing “Omic” Technologies to Accelerate Crop Improvement Workshop, West Lafayette, IN. September 15, 2011.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Beth Whittaker, Jim Hahn, and Jim Mullins. “Getting on Track with Tenure.” Presented at the ALA ACRL Research Committee Program, New Orleans, LA. June 26, 2011.

Steinhart, Gail, and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Data Management Colloquium.” Presented at the University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ. April 27, 2011.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Jan Cheetham, and Leslie M. Delserone. “Extending the Data Curation Curriculum to Practicing LIS Professionals.” Presented at the DigCCurr Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. April 3, 2009.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Nancy Deegan, Martin Kesselman, and Sarah Watstein. “Embedded Librarians: New Role or New Title?” Presented at the ALA ACRL Science & Technology Section Hot Topics Discussion, ALA Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. June 29, 2008.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Bruce Fouke, Lura Joseph, Michelle Wander, Scott Wilson, and Michael C. Witt. “Librarians and Scientists Working Together for Data Curation.” Presented at the Summer Institute on Data Curation, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL. June 3, 2008.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Sylvie Brouder, and Michael C. Witt. “Purdue Scientist/Librarian Collaborations.” Presented at Librarians & e-Science: Focusing Towards 2020, Center for Library Initiatives, Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. May 12, 2008.

Mullins, Jim, Marianne Stowell Bracke, and Michael Witt. “Purdue and e-Science Challenges.” University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Mortenson Center Program for South African Librarians, Champaign, IL. March 24, 2008.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Christopher C. Miller. “Resurrecting Soil Survey with GIS: An Interdisciplinary Research Project.” Annual ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce Visit to Purdue, West Lafayette, IN. April 26, 2007.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Culture of Assessment in the Information Commons:

Listening to Customers.” USC Symposium Information Commons: Learning Space Beyond the Classroom, Los Angeles, CA. September 16, 2004.

Accepted Presentations

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Sarah Williams, and Noel Kopriva. “Collaborating to Facilitate Data Literacy in Agricultural Experiment Stations.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2016 Conference. Gainesville, FL. April 2016.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Leslie Delserone, and Sarah Wright. “Sustainable Agricultural Research: Data Information Literacy throughout the Scientist’s “Lifecycle”. United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2014 Conference. Burlington, VT. May 2014.

Carlson, Jake, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Michael Fosmire, Lisa Johnston, Brian Westra, and Sarah Wright. “Growing E-Scientists: Developing Discipline-Specific Data Literacy Curricula.” Association for College & Research Libraries (ACRL) 2013 Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 2013.

Carlson, Jacob, Megan Sapp Nelson, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Brian Westra, and Sarah Wright. "Creating the New Normal: Fostering a Culture of Data Sharing with Researchers." Presented 2013 Digital Libraries Federation Forum. Austin, TX, November, 2013.

Wright, Sarah, Michael Fosmire, Jon Jeffryes, Marianne Stowell Bracke, and Brian Westra. “A Multi-institutional Project to Develop Discipline-specific Data Literacy Instruction for Graduate Students.” Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2012.

Carlson, Jake and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Data Under Construction: Data Profiling for a Water Quality Lab.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2012 Conference. Minneapolis, MN. April 2012.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Creating Meaningful Information Literacy Assignments for an Introductory Agriculture Course.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2012 Conference. Minneapolis, MN. April 2012.

Level, Allison, Marianne Stowell Bracke, and Elizabeth Berman. “Information Literacy, The Canopy View: How to See the Forest and the Trees.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2012 Conference. Minneapolis, MN. April 2012.

Graveel, John and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Using Calibrated Peer Review to Teach Basic Research Skills.” ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2011 Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. October 2011.

Schulze, Darrell, Stephanie Mitzman, Phillip Owens, Lori Unruh Snyder, George E. Van Scoyoc, John G. Graveel, Gary C. Steinhardt, Christopher C. Miller, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Ronald J. Glotzbach, and Bedrich Benes. “Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (Isee) Into Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Curricula.” ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2009 Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. November 2009.

Dugan, Mary and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Transcending Traditional Research Assistance: Embedded Librarians in an Ag Econ Class.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2008 Conference. Wooster, OH. April 2008.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Christopher C. Miller. “Using GIS to Breathe New Life In to an Historic Soil Survey.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2008 Conference. Wooster, OH. April 2008.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Christopher C. Miller. “Adding Value to Digitization with GIS.” Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring Task Force Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. April 2007.

Han, Yan, Jeanne Pfander, and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Digitizing Rangelands: Providing Open Access to the Archives of Society for Range Management Journals.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) Biennial Conference 2005. Lexington, KY. May 2005.

Neal, Cheryl, Marianne Stowell Bracke, and Jeanne Voyles. "Revolutionizing Electronic Document Delivery: Transforming and Integrating Electronic Reserves, Interlibrary Loan, and Document Delivery." Arizona Library Association (AzLA) Annual Conference 2004. Tucson, AZ. December, 2004.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Michael Brewer, and Robert Mitchell. "Accentuate the Positive: Using Process Improvement Techniques to Study Reference Services." Arizona Library Association (AzLA) Annual Conference 2004. Tucson, AZ. December, 2004.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Jim Martin. “Strategically Thinking About Journal Collections.” Living the Future 5: Strategically Striving and Surviving, Tucson, AZ. April, 2004.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Michael Brewer, Robyn Huff-Eibl, Dan Lee, Robert Mitchell, and Michael Ray. “Informed Importance: Customers Tell Us What Is Important in Reference.” Living the Future 5: Strategically Striving and Surviving, Tucson, AZ. April, 2004.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Dynamic Marketing to Targeted Markets.” The Virtual Reference Desk Conference. San Antonio, TX. November, 2003.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Louise Greenfield. “From Big Ideas to Concrete Steps to Big Ideas.” LOEX-of-the-West. Eugene, OR. June, 2002.

Berman, Elena, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Louise Greenfield, Vicki Mills, and Pat Morris. “Librarians as Partners: Services to Help Faculty and Departments Develop and Assess Information Literacy Skills.” Living the Future 4: Collaboratively Speaking, A Library Conference on Organizational Renewal, Tucson, AZ. April 2002.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Louise Greenfield, Sheril Hook, Vicki Mills, and Pat Morris. “Information Literacy: Librarians and Faculty Working Together.” Measuring Success: Taking Responsibility for Learning at the University of Arizona, Assessment Symposium sponsored by the UA Office of the Provost, March 2002.

Poster Sessions

Danielle Cooper, Florian Diekmann, Scott Hanscom, Erin E. Kerby, Adam Kriesberg, Emily Marsh, Cynthia Parr, Marianne Stowell Bracke, Sarah C. Williama, and Jane Yatcilla, “Research Practices and Information Seeking in the Agricultural Sciences: A Collaborative Approach for Developing Research Support Services.” American Society of Agronomy, Crop Sciences Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America 2016 Annual Meeting (November 2016). Phoenix, AZ.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Cynthia Parr, Barbara Pralle, and Amy Barton. “Comparing Metadata Across Disciplinary and Institutional Data Repositories: Lessons for Good Data Publishing Solutions.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2016 Conference. Gainesville, FL. April 2016.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Learning as We Go: A Pilot Program to Teach Data Literacy Skills to Graduate Students.” Association of College & Research Libraries 2015 Conference. Portland, OR.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Jake Carlson. “Agriculture Data Literacy Pilot Program: A Cohort Approach to Teaching Data Skills to Graduate Students.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2014 Conference. Burlington, VT.

Brouder, Sylvie, Amy Barton, Marianne Stowell Bracke, D. Scott Brandt, Ann Christine Catlin, Sudheera Fernando, Courtney Matthews, Jerry Schmierer, Jeff Volenec, and Michael Witt. “The Water Quality Field Station and the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR): Managing, Disseminating, and Preserving Big Agriculture Data at Purdue.” Big Data in Agriculture Symposium (March 2014). West Lafayette, IN.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Michael Fosmire. “Purdue Team Two: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Data.” Data Information Literacy Symposium (September 2013). West Lafayette, IN.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Marcos Fernandez. “Scoring Students’ Information Evaluation Abilities in an Agricultural Readings Seminar Class: A Three Pronged Approach.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2013. Chicago, IL.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and John Graveel. “Using Calibrated Peer Review to Teach Information Literacy Skills in AGR 101.” American Libraries Association (Science & Technology Section). American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2011. New Orleans, LA.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Charlotte Cushman, Yan Han, Doug Jones, Gene Liptak, and Jim Martin. “Digitization of Arizona Rural and Agricultural History Documents, 1820-1945.” Living the Future 7 2008 Conference. Tucson, AZ.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell. “Partnering for Success: Faculty Partnerships in the Purdue University Libraries.” Living the Future 7 2008 Conference. Tucson, AZ.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Michael Witt. “Partnering with Agronomy Faculty to Create a Framework for Data Sharing.” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2008 Conference. Wooster, OH.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Michael Witt. “A Watershed Moment: Preserving and Improving Access to Water Quality Data.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2007. Washington, DC.

Miller, Christopher C. and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “Preserving Soil Survey Data with GIS.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2007. Washington, DC.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Michael Brewer, and Dan Lee. “More Chat, Less Staff: A Model for 24/5 Chat Service.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2005. Chicago, IL.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Elizabeth Kline, and Sainath Chinnaswamy. “Changing Directions: the Future of Reference at the University of Arizona Science and Engineering Library.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2005. Chicago, IL.

Martin, Jim and Marianne Stowell Bracke. “The Point of No Return: Swapping Electronic for Print.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2004. Orlando, FL.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Paul Bracke. “Search Engine as Science Reference Tool.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2002. Atlanta, GA.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Diane Gwamanda. “Document Delivery as a Cottage Industry.” American Library Association. Annual Meeting 2001. San Francisco, CA.

Grants Awarded

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Principal Investigator. 4R [Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place] Fund Research Repository, $134,697, from the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) (2015).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Principal Investigator. Digitizing Historically and Scientifically Significant Collections in the Purdue Herbaria, $17,075, from the LSTA Indiana Memory Digitization Grant (2014).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Principal Investigator. Gender and Social Impacts of Institutional Arrangements for Improved Seed Technologies, $60,214, from the Mellon Grant Challenge Exploratory Awards (2014).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Project Director. Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (ISEE) – Mapping a New Approach to Teaching and Learning Soil Science, $629,619, from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge (HEC) Grants Program of the United States Department of Agriculture (2013).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Principal Investigator. Educating the New Generation of E-Scientists through Developing a Data Information Literacy Curriculum, $249,391, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (2011).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Project Team Member. Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (ISEE) into Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Curricula, $132,227 from the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) of the United States Department of Agriculture (2008).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Project Team Member. Ingest, Preserve, and Access for Water Quality Datasets in an Institutional Repository, $19,635 from Purdue’s Department of Agronomy (2007).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Principal Investigator. Preserving the History of United States Agriculture and Rural Life: State and Local Literature, 1820-1945 Phase VI 2006-2008, $125,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for the Arizona materials (2006).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Project Team Member. Digitizing Back Issues of the Journal Rangelands for $3500 from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) (2004).

Bracke, Marianne Stowell, Co-Principal Investigator. "Developing Advanced Web Delivery of Rangelands and Natural Resources Information: An AgNIC Project" for $49,711 from the American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC) (2002).


Intramural Service


▪ College of Agriculture Library Committee. Ex-officio. September 2006 – present

▪ Purdue Equine Assisted Programs (PEAP) Club. Faculty Advisor. September 2011 –present

▪ Faculty Committees (elected)

• Libraries Steering Committee. Member. July 2016 – June 2018

• University Grievance Committee. Member. July 2015 – June 2018

• Libraries Curriculum Committee. Member. July 2010 – 2012; Chair. July 2011 -- 2012

• Libraries Faculty Affairs Committee. Member. July 2009 – June 2011

• Libraries Seminar Committee. Member. July 2007 – June 2009

▪ Library Committees

• Honors College Task Force. Member. February 2014 – April 2014

• Learning Council. Member. July 2011 – June 2012

• Data Education Working Group. Member. August 2011 – present

• Purdue University Libraries Student Employee (PULSE) Award Committee. Member. 2011 –2012

• Discovery Layer Task Force. Member. December 2010 – May 2011

• Orientation Committee. Member. July 2010 – June 2012

• Electronic Reference Statistics Task Force. Chair. January 2009 – July 2009

• Research Council. Member. July 2008 – June 2011

• E-Data Task Force. Member. July 2008 – August 2009

• Purdue Libraries LibQUAL+ Task Force. Chair. March 2008 – March 2010

• USAIN 2010 Conference Planning Committee (Purdue Host Site). Chair. December 2007 – 2010

• Reference Services Steering Committee. Chair. July 2007 – June 2009

▪ Search Committees

• Digital Data Repository Specialist. Chair. February 2014 – March 2015

• GIS Librarian. Chair. June 2012 – August 2013

• Business Librarian. Member. March 2008 – June 2008

• Booker Chair for Information Literacy. Member. January 2008 – March 2009



▪ Search Committee for the Information Systems Librarian. Member. May 2003 – August 2003

▪ AgNIC Western Regional Rangelands Steering Committee. September 2001 – August 2006

▪ Committee on Committees. Member. Library Faculty Assembly. Fall 2001 – Fall 2003


▪ Wildcat Welcome. ASK ME Volunteer. Fall 2001 – 2003, 2005

▪ Daughters on Campus Day. Instructor of a Web Searching Class. Spring 2001


▪ Cougar First Impressions. Volunteer. Fall 1998, 1999, 2000

▪ Travel Committee. Chair. August 1999 – November 2000

▪ Collection Management Committee. Member. August 1999 – May 2000

▪ Materials Budget Allocation Taskforce. Member. July 1999 – May 2000

▪ Committee on Committees and Elections. Member. August 1999 – November 2000

▪ Search Committee for Digital Services Coordinator. Member. October 1999 – September 2000

▪ Student Publications Committee. Member. September 1999 – November 2000


▪ Collection Development Committee. Intern. September 1997 – June 1998

Extramural Service:

▪ United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN). Member. 2002 – present

• Executive Council. Board Member. 2009 – 2013

• 2010 Conference Planning. Co-Chair and Host. 2007 – 2010

▪ Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC). Purdue Representative. 2011 – present

• Data Capacity-Building Committee. Co-chair. 2015 – present

• Collection Management Committee. Co-chair. 2010 – 2014

▪ American Library Association. Member. 1996 – present

• Association of College and Research Libraries. Member. 1998 – present

Science & Technology Section (STS)


▪ Membership & Recruitment Committee, 2003 – 2007

▪ Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences, 1999 – 2003, chair 2007 – 2010

▪ Secretary, elected, 2011-2013

▪ STS Section Incoming Chair, elected, 2013 – 2014

▪ STS Section Chair, elected, 2014 – 2015

▪ STS Section Past-Chair, elected, 2015 -- 2016

Instruction Section (IS) Committees:

▪ Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee, 2000 – 2002

• Reference and User Services Association (RUSA). Member. 2001 – present

Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS)


▪ Education, Training, and Support Committee. Member. 2002 – 2006;

Chair. 2003 – 2006

▪ E-STREAMS (Electronic Reviews of Science & Technology References covering Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine and Science). Reviewer. 1998 – 2000

▪ Library Journal. Reviewer. 1998 – 2016

▪ Best Books for Academic Libraries. Subject Advisor. 2002 – 2006

▪ Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies. Digital Libraries Advisory Board. 2011 – present

Coverage in Popular Publications:

Chant, Ian. (2013, October 25). Purdue Librarians Work to Update Agricultural Data Sharing Techniques. Library Journal Academic Newswire. Accessed at

Wheeler, Ann. (2008, February). Teaching Old Dirt New Tricks: Job of a Lifetime. College & Research Library News. 69 (2), 80-81.



▪ Smarter Ag Data ™, October 2013 (Potomac, MD)

▪ Data Information Literacy Symposium, September 2013 (West Lafayette, IN)

▪ USAIN Annual Meeting, May 2010 (West Lafayette, IN)


▪ American Library Association (ALA) Annual Meeting, 1998 – 2016

▪ American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, 1999 – 2016

▪ United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) Conference, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010 (Host), 2012, 2014, 2016

▪ ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting 2011 – 2014, 2016

▪ Arizona Libraries Association (AzLA) Annual Meeting, 2004

▪ LOEX-of-the-West (Library Orientation Exchange), 2002

▪ Living the Future Conference, 2002, 2004, 2006 & 2008

▪ Virtual Reference Desk Conference, 2001 & 2003

▪ Wakonse Conference on College Teaching, 2001

▪ LOEX (Library Orientation Exchange), 1999

Continuing Education and Staff Development Workshops:

▪ “Great Lakes Science Librarians Bootcamp”, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, July 13 – 15, 2016.

▪ “LibQUAL+® Service Quality Evaluation Academy”, ARL, New Orleans, LA, March 16 – 20, 2009.

▪ “Summer Institute on Data Curation”, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Champaign, IL, June 2-5, 2008.

▪ “Using LibQUAL+® Effectively”, ARL, Washington, DC, October 27, 2008.

▪ “Introduction to Molecular Biology Information Resources,” National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Nashville, TN, April 4 – 6, 2005.

▪ “Emotional Intelligence: Principles for Personal and Organizational Success,” Association of Research Libraries (ARL)/Living the Future Preconference, Tucson, AZ, April 14, 2004.

▪ “Roles and Essential Skills for the Expert Searcher,” Medical Library Association (MLA) Teleconference, Tucson, AZ, March 10, 2004.

▪ “Library Leadership for New Managers Program: Leadership Institute,” Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C., September 22 – 25, 2003.

▪ “Advanced Facilitation Skills Lab,” ARL/Living the Future Preconference, Tucson, AZ, April 24, 2002.

▪ “Innovation in Planning for Student Services: Models that Blend High Touch with High Tech,” Society for College and University Planning, Tucson, AZ (via satellite), April 18, 2002.

▪ “Building a Real-Time Reference Service,” Virtual Reference Desk Conference, Orlando, FL, November 14, 2001.

▪ “Facilitating Constructive Dialogue,” Tucson, AZ, August 6 & 8, 2001.

▪ “Reaching Students and Faculty: Putting the Information Literacy Competency Standards to Work,” ALA / ACRL Preconference, San Francisco, CA, June 15, 2001.

▪ “Copyright in Cyberspace,” featuring Georgia Harper, Tucson, AZ, March 23, 2001.

▪ “A World of Difference,” presented by the Anti-Defamation League, Tucson, AZ, February 28, 2001.

▪ “Facilitation Skills Institute,” presented by ARL, Houston, TX, May 18 & 19, 1999.


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