Classroom Guidelines and Overview

7th Grade American Literature 2015-2016

Instructor: Mrs. Kari Mueller;


Office Hours: Tuesdays 8:30-9:00 or 4:00-4:30 and by appointment


Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to 7th Grade American Literature! This course will be aligned with our U.S. History course to give you a unified humanities background going into 8th grade. In fact, many of your reading/writing assessments will come from a collaborative initiative among your humanities teachers. You will be first to witness connections from classroom to classroom. This is one of the unique aspects of the Disney II mission, and one I think you will come to see a necessity of any positive educational experience.

This class is rigorous. The middle school years are the turning point—a point of transition for you over the next two years. I will help you though this challenging time, but you need to trust my guidance. I will have you more than ready to take on your high school years if you do.

In order to ensure the most successful year, please review the following:

➢ I will need you to arrange access to a computer and a printer. You will be required to type formal essays and some other homework assignments. I will have computers available for you to use during my office hours if you need them to complete an assignment. Please arrange your schedule accordingly.

Classroom Rules: The following are basic expectations that must be upheld to succeed in 7th grade American Literature.

1. Absences: Daily attendance is critical. If absent, it is your responsibility to see me the day you return to school, (not the next class period,) for homework or any other information you missed so that we can get you caught up. All missed handouts will be placed in your portfolios—feel free to get what you need before or after school. I will accept assignments that were due while you were absent the day you return if your absence was officially excused. No make-up work is given for unexcused absences. If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive a zero on all assignments that were assigned or due on that day.

2. Tardiness: Students are expected to be seated and ready to work at the beginning of each class period. As per Disney II protocol, I will close the door at the beginning of class. You are required to get a pass from room 315 to enter. Excessive tardiness will negatively affect your grade and will be handled by Dean Murphy.

3. Hall Passes: You will receive 10 hall passes each semester to use to go to the bathroom, your locker, the water fountain, etc. You will receive extra credit towards your in-class collaboration category for any unused hall passes. Hall passes are often the only form of extra credit that I offer to students each semester, so use your hall passes wisely!

4. Assignments: It is imperative that you complete all assignments for class on time. Homework will be accepted at the beginning of the period on the day that it is due.

a. You are responsible for keeping track of your homework assignments and due dates. I will not accept “I didn’t know” as a reason for not completing an assignment. All homework assignments will be posted on the Disney II website and they will be posted in my room on the north wall. Please note: You can “add a class” on the Disney II website which allows you to receive email notification of an assignment when I post it. Please, please, please use this to your advantage.

b. Late Work Policy: Students may submit late work for major writing assignments and homework assignments except in instances where the teacher has made it clear late work will not be accepted (such as an assignment that is to be used during the next class period). For all courses, the teacher may determine how many points to deduct from a late assignment, however, students will not lose more than 10% per week on late assignments.  The latest a student can turn an assignment in is two weeks after the due date.

c. Revision Policy:  Students may only revise major writing assignments. If a student earned a grade on a major writing assignment that the student is dissatisfied with, he/she is permitted to resubmit the assignment for a new grade within 2 weeks of receiving the graded assignment. To take advantage of this policy, students must show they have completed the preparation work or that major assignment and the student must meet with me for a writing conference as well.

d. Revised work will not be accepted:

▪ if the student does not schedule a conference with his/her teacher.

▪ after two weeks of receiving the graded assignment.

5. Plagiarism: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you think it may be considered cheating, it probably is. Don’t assume anything; we will discuss this further in class. Any infraction of this policy will be an official referral to Dean Murphy and handled according to the CPS Code of Conduct.

6. Ridiculing and Bullying are strictly prohibited. In order to truly gain the most from this course, from me, and from each other, it is essential that we work together to create a safe, inviting environment to promote learning in the classroom.

7. Food and Electronics: Please do not bring food or drinks (except for water) into the classroom. Cell phones and music devices should be turned off and out of sight during all class periods, or they will be confiscated!

Assessment: You will receive two semester grades for this class. The grade breakdown is as follows:

A= 100-90% 45%: Essays/major projects B = 89-80 30%: Quizzes: (vocabulary, grammar, reading = 10% each C = 79-70 15%: In-class work/collaborative work/homework.

D = 69-60 10%: Semester final exam

F = 59 and below

A Word of Encouragement and Offer of Help: The beginning of the school year always seems a bit overwhelming. Please be assured that I want to help you grow in your English language skills in a positive and supportive atmosphere. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to teach the talented students at Disney II Magnet. If a problem arises, or if there is anything in particular you would like to talk to me about, please feel free to drop in to see me during a free period or to email me at any time. I look forward to working with you this year!


Mrs. Mueller

After going over the syllabus on the previous page with a parent or guardian, please sign below:

Student Acknowledgement

I have carefully read the above objectives and guidelines and fully understand what is expected of me in this course.

Student’s name:_____________________________________________ Class period:____________

Student’s signature:_________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Student’s email: ______________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement

I have carefully read the above objectives and guidelines and fully understand what is expected of my child in this course.

Parent’s/Guardian’s name:_____________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature:______________________________ Date:_____________________

Parent/Guardian phone number (s) :______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian email(s):______________________________________________________________

**Please detach this sheet of paper and return it with all necessary signatures and information by

Thursday, September 17/Friday, September 18th. Please put the syllabus in your English binder and keep it there for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year. **


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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