Missaukee County Board of Commissioners

Missaukee County Board of Commissioners

Lake City, Michigan

Commissioners Room

July 11th, 2011 @ 4:00 P.M.

Meeting Called to Order by Vice Chairman Zuiderveen.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance given by Comm. Vanderwal

Roll Call of Districts – All present except Hughston and Rogers.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to add board appointment to personnel section. Carried

Comm. Hughston now present.

Minutes of June 14, 2011 read and approved.

Public Comment:


Barb Hancock, County Treasurer requested the approval of the first right of refusal as follows:

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to approve the county waiving the”First right of refusal” to acquire tax-foreclosed parcels per Public Act 123 of 1999. Carried

Linda Hartshorne-Shafer, Planning Director, reported to the board about the change in the LEPC bylaws. If they bring someone new on or need to remove someone - the LEPC board will make a recommendation to the County Board.

Review of reciprocal Solid Waste Agreement between Missaukee and Wexford was approved. It will be sent to Wexford for their approval.


WHEREAS, Missaukee County, as well as all counties in the State of Michigan, are required by Part 115 of Act 451, P.A. 1994, to have a Solid Waste Plan, and;

WHEREAS, Missaukee County and Wexford County are responsible for the final deposition of all waste generated in their respective counties, and;

WHEREAS, Part 115 of Act 451, P.A. 1994, as amended, require that both the receiving and the sending county’s solid waste management plan include the mechanism for a signed reciprocal agreement between the two counties prior to any shipment of solid waste.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT Missaukee County will agree to accept solid waste from Wexford County in the event that Missaukee County develops and has an approved solid waste disposal site that is open to public use.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT Wexford County will agree to accept solid waste from Missaukee County so long as an approved solid waste disposal site exists in Wexford County that is open for public use.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT Missaukee County and Wexford County agree to follow the waste reduction, recycling and composting efforts as outlined in their respective county solid waste management plan.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT, either county may give one-hundred eighty (180) days written notice of intent to terminate this agreement to allow the other party time to develop another source for solid waste disposal. Each county will save and hold the other county harmless from any and all liability actions arising from waste (as mentioned in the waste diversion program per each county’s respective solid waste management plan) or the disposal of solid waste.



Susan Rogers, Chair Les Housler, Chairman

Missaukee County Wexford County

Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Date Date

Wilbur Yancer, Undersheriff, reported to the board on the 4th of July activities in the Sheriff’s Department.

Charles Kennard, Chair of Wexford-Missaukee Community Corrections Board, requested the annual Community Corrections Grant Application be approved.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Elmquist the following resolution:

Be it resolved that the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners approves the PA 511 Wexford-Missaukee Community Corrections 2012 Grant application on this date July 11th, 2011. Carried.

Finance Committee Report

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to pass the 2011 Budget Amendments as presented. Carried.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Elmquist to pass the following resolution:

At the July 11th, 2011 meeting of the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners gave consent to the following action:

“Be it resolved that the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners have reviewed the Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Implementation Plan of the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan and believe that the plan addresses the needs of the aging population in Region 10.

Be it further resolved that the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners approves the Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Implementation Plan of the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan.”

____________________________________________ _____________________

Hubert Zuiderveen, Date

Missaukee County Board Vice Chairman

Motion by Vanderwal, supported by Elmquist to send a letter to the townships and cities in regards to the Marijuana Moratorium and that the County would not be passing an Ordinance. Carried

Personnel Committee

Motion by Bridson, supported by Hughston to pay for mileage and meals (within the union contract formula) for the Equalization Appraiser for 21 meetings to Lansing for education. Carried.

Vice-Chairman Zuiderveen appointed Susan Rogers to the Community Action Committee effective immediately.

Building and Grounds Committee

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to pay Claims and Accounts and Own Accounts as presented. Carried.

Six PA-116’s from Dick Haven Real Estate LLC were reviewed by the board and will be presented at the August board meeting for a vote.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Vivian to approve the purchase a shed from Mid Michigan Mini Barns LLC from Capitol Outlay in the amount of $3,095. Carried

Commissioner’s reports: Vanderwal was at NW Council of Govt’s meeting, Elmquist reported on the increase of diabetes and teen smoking at the HSLC Board, Zuiderveen attended Health Dept meeting.

Public Comment:

Star Hughston, reported that farm equipment is hard on the county roads and maybe we should consider not paving the country roads.

Don Sears, citizen, wanted to know if the townships and cities have the option to approve dispensaries for marijuana.

Meeting adjourned until August 9th, 2011 at 4:00 PM or Call of the Chair.

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Hubert Zuiderveen, Vice-Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk


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