Identify the Bias

Group Exercise - Identify the Bias

Attribution theory and the just-world hypothesis provide insight into the nature of the relationship between social factors and individual explanatory processes.

Assume that when students were asked to explain the source of a person’s grades, they provided the explanations below. First, define the types of bias listed below. Second, examine each explanation and identify the explanatory device it relies upon. Two of the items reflect two types of bias.

The choices are:

Dispositional attribution

Situational attribution

Fundamental Attribution Bias

Self-serving bias

Just-world hypothesis

1. Grades result from a person’s intelligence and self-discipline. When these are high, grades are good and vice versa.

2. Grades depend on doing the right things. A person earns good grades for following the rules and bad grades for slipping up.

3. Grades depend on quality teaching and educational materials. A person does well when quality is high and vice versa.

4. I got a bad grade because the teacher wrote tricky questions that had nothing to do with what we talked about in class.

5. I got a good grade because I am smart and I tend to do well on exams.

6. John got a bad grade on the exam because he is lazy and dumb.


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