Curricular Requirements

Psychology – 2015

Teacher and room: Mr. Brickley –826

School email: matt.brickley@


Course Description:

Psychology is an introductory psychology. The course will provide you with a broad, general introduction to psychology—its basic subject matter, its approaches to gathering and evaluating evidence about the causes and correlates of behavior, and also the means by which psychological knowledge is (or can be) applied to improve the quality of individual and communal life.

Learning Outcomes: What you will learn to do in this course:

1. Identify the definition of psychological terms.

2. Recognize the examples of psychological concepts.

3. Detect the order of the stages and components of psychological theories and methods.

4. Match psychological theories with their theorists, assumptions and methods.

5. Compare and contrast psychological principles, theories, and methods.

6. Distinguish between correct and incorrect applications of psychological principles and theories.

7. Predict the outcome of behaviors and mental processes from the perspective of particular psychological principles and theories.

8. Know the purposes, components, and explanatory powers of psychological methods.

9. Identify predictions that are in harmony with psychological principles and theories.

10. Evaluate the validity of statements dealing with behavior and mental processes.

11. Compute basic descriptive statistics.

12. Analyze complex behaviors and mental processes into their constituent parts.

13. Comprehend and summarize complex psychological information.

14. Explain how the knowledge you gained in this class can help you to understand yourself or others better, increase the quality of your personal or professional life, and increase the quality of the lives of others.

15. Demonstrate an understanding of the following important themes in contemporary psychology:

a. Humans are extremely competent.

b. Humans differ widely from one another.

c. Human behavior is complex.

16. Identify and deal with contemporary problems and issues.

17. Improve the skills of reasoning, critical thinking, and communication.

18. Investigate the relationships that govern nature and the physical world.

19. Gain insight into the factors that determine individual and social behavior.

Course Outline:

This course will follow the Georgia GPS standards for Psychology. For a detailed

layout of the GPS standards, please see:

Class Expectations:

1) All homework must be turned in when due and kept inside your notebook to use

for studying. I will check to see that all assignments are in the notebook, and if they

are not, I will deduct points.

2) Late assignments will be accepted, but you will lose ten points every class day that

they are late up to three days late. Failure to turn in assignments will result in a zero

3) Be prepared for your tests – your study guides will count as a quiz grade – it’s an

easy 100% if you do it, and helps you prepare for the test. Also, they will be required

to be turned in with your notebook checks.




Cobb County Grading Scale:

0-69: F

70-73: D

73-79: C

80-89: B

90-100 A

How is Your Grade Figured?

Unit Tests 40%

Assignments/Notebook 30%

Projects/Quizzes 15%

Mastery Test 15%

Notebook checks, map quizzes, and quizzes over material assigned in class will be given periodically.


I have read this course syllabus and understand the student is responsible for knowing the

information and following all of the course rules and regulations.

The course syllabus must be signed by the student and parent, then returned to the teacher

by August 7th, 2015.

Student’s Signature __________________________________________

Date _______________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________

Date _______________

|Curricular |Evidence of Curricular Requirement |Objectives | |

|Requirements | | | |

|The course provides |UNIT 1: History and Approaches of Ψ |Trace the historical and philosophical development of |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in history|(2-4%) |psychology as a science. |Prologue, Story of Ψ - pp. 1-17 |

|and approaches. |Essential Questions: |Describe how the different perspectives explore and |Terms/Concepts p. 17 |

| |What ways does psychology approach the study of human and |explain human behavior. |Appendix A: Careers in Ψ |

| |animal behavior? |Identify famous psychologists and describe their |Chapter 3 – Nature, nurture, and human diversity – pp. |

| |How has psychology changed the study of human and animal |contributions to the discipline. |85-137 |

| |behavior? |Explore different career options for people who earn | |

| |How do the different perspectives in psychology compare and |degrees I n psychology. | |

| |contrast? | | |

| |Who were the influential figures in the evolution of | | |

| |psychology as a science? | | |

|The course provides |UNIT 2: Research Methodologies |Discuss the advantage of research over other ways of |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |(8-10%) |knowing. |Chapter 1-Thinking Critically Ψ- pp. 19-51 |

|research methods. |Essential Questions: |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of case study |Terms/Concepts p. 51 |

| |How do psychologists use the scientific method to study |research. |Ethics – pp. 46-48 |

| |behavior and mental processes? |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic|Ethical Guidelines of the APA |

| |Which methods of research are appropriate for the study of |observations. | |

| |different behaviors? |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of survey | |

| |How do psychologists draw appropriate conclusions about |research. | |

| |behavior from research? |Evaluate why correlational research does not yield | |

| |How do psychologists make ethical decisions about researching |causal conclusions. | |

| |behavior with human and animal subjects? |Identify the elements of an experiment. | |

| | |Apply elements of an experiment to different situations.| |

| | |Evaluate the importance of ethics in research. | |

| | |Evaluate the importance of statistics in research. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 3: Neuroscience and Biological Processes (8-10%) |Explain the process of neural communication. |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Questions: |Explain how neurotransmitters work. |Chapter 2 – Neuroscience & Behavior – |

|biological bases of |How do biological processes relate to behavior? |Delineate the different steps of the neural chain. |pp. 53 – 93 |

|behavior. |How do the biological processes work to create and sustain |Analyze the difference between the neural and hormonal |Terms and Concepts – p. 93 |

| |behavior? |systems. | |

| |How does damage to a biological process or part affect |Identify the parts of the brain and the functions of | |

| |behavior? |each. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 4: Sensation & Perception (6-8%) |Determine the significance of signal detection theory in|Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Questions |modern psychology. |Chapter 5: Sensation – 197-235 |

|sensation and |How do the 5 senses receive and translate signals to the brain|Identify the major components of the visual system and |Terms/Concepts p. 235 |

|perception. |for processing? |the function of each. |Chapter 6: Perception – 236-269 |

| |How does each of the senses affect behavior? |Identify the major components of the auditory system and|Terms/Concepts – p. 269 |

| |What are the limitations of each sense and how do those |the function of each. | |

| |limitations affect behavior? |Identify the four basic tastes. | |

| |How do sensation and perception differ? |Discuss the differences among the senses of taste, | |

| |How does the brain process sensory signals accurately? |smell, and flavor. | |

| |Inaccurately? |Identify the two body senses and contrast one with the | |

| | |other. | |

| | |Identify the views of the Gestalt psychologists related | |

| | |to perceptual phenomena. | |

| | |Understand how depth perception influences behavior. | |

| | |Appreciate the effect of constancy and context on daily | |

| | |life. | |

| | |Analyze the effect of perceptual set on everyday sensory| |

| | |experience. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 5: States of Consciousness (2-4%) |Define consciousness. |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in states |Essential Questions: |Describe the different stages of sleep. |Chapter 7: States of Consciousness – 271- 311 |

|of consciousness. |How do psychologists define consciousness? |Analyze the different theories of dreaming. |Terms/Concepts - 311 |

| |What happens during the sleep cycle? |Determine the common sleep disorders and their | |

| |What roles do REM and NREM sleep play in behavior? |consequences. | |

| |How does lack of sleep affect behavior? |Differentiate between the different theories of | |

| |How do psychoactive drugs affect behavior? |hypnosis. | |

| |How do we know whether hypnosis is a real psychological |Analyze why psychologists are suspicious of hypnotically| |

| |phenomenon? |enhanced memories. | |

| | |Describe psychoactive drugs and their effects. | |

| | |Differentiate among the different types of psychoactive | |

| | |drugs and their effects. | |

| | |Analyze the consequences of addiction, tolerance, and | |

| | |withdrawal. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 6: LEARNING (7-9%) |Describe the elements of classical conditioning. |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Questions: |Apply classical conditioning to different situations. |Chapter 8: Learning – pp. 313 – 347 |

|learning. |How do psychologists define learning? |Describe the elements of operant conditioning. |Terms/Concepts – p. 347 |

| |How do principles of classical conditioning work in human |Differentiate among the various forms of reinforcement | |

| |contexts? |and punishment. | |

| |How do principles of operant conditioning work to create |Apply elements of operant conditioning to different | |

| |learning? |situations. | |

| |In what ways does operant conditioning work in human contexts?|Describe observational learning. | |

| |How do principles of observational learning work to create |Describe how biology influences learning. | |

| |learning? |Describe how cognition influence learning. | |

| |In what ways does observational learning work in human | | |

| |contexts? | | |

| |How are the various principles discussed different and | | |

| |similar? | | |

|The course provides |UNIT 7: COGNITION (8-10%) |Analyze how humans encode, store, and retrieve |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Question: |information in memory. |Chapter 9 – Memory- pp 349-393 |

|cognition. |How do humans encode, store, and retrieve information from |Apply memory enhancement techniques to everyday life. |Terms/Concepts p. 393 |

| |memory? |Describe the characteristics of language and evaluate |Chapter 10 – Thinking & Language – |

| |How can humans enhance memory encoding, storage, and |the importance of language. |pp. 395 – 429 |

| |retrieval? |Define a concept explaining why it is useful to problem |Terms/Concepts – p. 429 |

| |3. How do humans think? |solving. | |

| |In what ways is thinking flawed or constrained? How can |Differentiate between algorithms and heuristics. | |

| |people avoid falling for these errors in thinking? |Analyze how fixation, confirmation bias, heuristics, | |

| |How do humans acquire language? |overconfidence, framing, and belief perseverance | |

| |How do humans use language to communicate ideas? |influence the ability to solve problems. | |

| |How is language flawed or constrained? How can people avoid | | |

| |falling for these errors in using language? | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|The course provides |UNIT 8: MOTIVATION and EMOTION |Discuss the similarities of instinct and drive theories.|Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |(6-8%) |Discuss the difference between drive theory and |Chapter 12: Motivation – pp. 469-511 |

|motivation and |Essential Question: |homeostasis. |Terms/Concepts – p. 511 |

|emotion. |In what ways are humans motivated to behave? |Explain the reasons why intrinsic motivation is more |Chapter 13: Emotion – pp. 512 – 547 |

| |What methods of motivation are more effective than others? |beneficial than extrinsic motivation. |Terms/Concepts – p. 547 |

| |How can one increase their motivation to behave in various |Determine how psychologists measure achievement |Chapter 14: Stress and Health – pp. 549- 593 |

| |ways? |motivation. |Terms/Concepts – p. 593 |

| |What is the role of hunger in motivating behavior? |Identify ways we can motivate others to give their best | |

| |How do maladaptive eating patterns affect behavior? |efforts. |Positive Psychology – TOPSS Unit |

| |What role do emotions play in behavior? |Analyze how the body regulates weight so effectively. | |

| |How do cognitions affect emotions? |Differentiate between historical and modern cognitive | |

| | |theories of emotion. | |

| | |Identify the physiological changes that occur when | |

| | |people experience different emotions. | |

| | |Determine the criteria for assessing gender differences | |

| | |in emotional expression. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 9: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (7-9%) |Describe the physical development of infants and |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Question: |children from conception to puberty. |Chapter 4 – Developing Through the Life Span – pp. |

|developmental |How do people grow and develop physically throughout the |Analyze the cognitive development of infants and |139-195 |

|psychology. |lifespan? |children. |Terms/Concepts p. 195 |

| |How do people grow and develop intellectually throughout the |Evaluate the importance of social development in infants| |

| |lifespan? |and children. | |

| |How do people grow and develop socially throughout the |Define adolescence and evaluate how adolescence has | |

| |lifespan? |changed over the last century. | |

| |How do people grow and develop morally throughout the |Summarize the physical changes that occur during | |

| |lifespan? |adolescence. | |

| |How do people grow and develop personality throughout the |Analyze how the reasoning ability of adolescents differs| |

| |lifespan? |from that of children. | |

| | |Describe and analyze Kohlberg’s theory of moral | |

| | |reasoning. | |

| | |Describe how nature and nurture affect behavior. | |

| | |Describe how developmental psychologists research | |

| | |development over the lifespan. | |

| | |Analyze how sex roles influence individual and social | |

| | |behavior throughout the lifespan. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 10: PERSONALITY (5-7%) |Explain how the different perspectives—psychodynamic, |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |Essential Question: |humanistic, trait, and social-cultural approach the |Chapter 15: Personality – pp. 595 – 637 |

|personality. |How do psychologists define and study personality? |study of personality. |Terms/Concepts p. 637 |

| |What advantages and limitations exist for each theory’s |Evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of each theory of | |

| |description of personality? |personality. | |

| |How do psychologists reliably measure personality and |Determine how psychologists assess personality according| |

| |interpret personality’s role in behavior? |to the various perspectives. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 11: TESTING and INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES (5-7%) |Compare and contrast Gardner’s and Sternberg’s theories |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in testing|Essential Question: |of intelligence. |Chapter 11: Intelligence – pp. 431-467 |

|and individual |How do psychologists define and study intelligence? |Evaluate Alfred Binet’s contribution to intelligence |Terms/Concepts - p. 467 |

|differences. |How did the use of intelligence tests evolve throughout the |testing. | |

| |last two centuries? |Evaluate Lewis Terman’s role in the development of | |

| |How do testing scores differ between group administrations and|intelligence testing. | |

| |individual administrations of intelligence tests? Between |Describe David Weschler’s contribution to intelligence | |

| |genders? Races? Socioeconomic groups? |testing. | |

| |How do psychologists know whether a test is reliable and/or |Explain how group tests of intelligence differ from | |

| |valid? Why are these qualities of tests important? |individual tests. | |

| | |Differentiate between an aptitude test and an | |

| | |achievement tests. | |

| | |Explain the difference between reliability and validity.| |

| | |Analyze the reasons for the difference in test scores | |

| | |among people of different genders, races, and ethnic | |

| | |groups. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 12: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY |Identify the criteria psychologists use to diagnose |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in |(7-9%) |psychological disorders. |Chapter 16: Psychological Disorders – pp. 639 – 683 |

|abnormal psychology. |Essential Question: |Differentiate among the different perspectives |Terms/Concepts p. 683 |

| |How do psychologists measure and define abnormal behavior? |psychologists take to understand psychological | |

| |How are the various psychological disorders identified and |disorders. | |

| |studied? |Describe the characteristics of mood disorders. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of anxiety disorders. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of somatoform disorders. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of dissociative disorders. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of schizophrenia. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of personality disorders. | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of brain-based disorders. | |

|The course provides |UNIT 13: TREATMENT of DISORDERS |Identify the criteria psychologists use to diagnose |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in the |(5-7%) |psychological disorders. |Chapter 17: Therapy – pp. 685 – 721 |

|treatment of |Essential Question: |Describe the different treatment options for the various|Terms/Concepts p. 721 |

|psychological |How are the various psychological disorders identified and |types of psychological disorders. | |

|disorders. |studied? | | |

| |What impact do these psychological disorders have on | | |

| |individuals, families, communities, and society? | | |

|The course provides |UNIT 14: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY |Differentiate between situational and dispositional |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in social |(8-10%) |attribution. |Chapter 18: Social Psychology – pp. 723- 772 |

|psychology. |Essential Question: |Identify the conditions in which people are more likely |Terms/Concepts p. 772 |

| |How do people explain (or attribute) the behavior of others? |to conform and obey. | |

| |What impact do these attributions have on individual and |Determine how the presence of others influences actions.| |

| |society as a whole? |Evaluate why people are attracted to each other. | |

| |How are individuals affected by groups? |Describe the conditions under which people are more | |

| |Under what conditions do people obey, conform, make |likely to help others. | |

| |friendships, find love, and help others? |Differentiate among the terms prejudice, stereotype, and| |

| |How do attitudes and actions influence individual and group |discrimination. | |

| |behavior? |Determine the biological and social contributions to | |

| |How do psychologists define culture? What influence does |aggressive behavior. | |

| |culture have on individuals and groups? |Define culture and how it develops. | |

|The course provides |VARIOUS UNITS throughout the course. |Describe and analyze Kohlberg’s theory of moral |Myers, Psychology |

|instruction in | |reasoning. | |

|empirically-supported | |Identify the views of the Gestalt psychologists to | |

|psychological facts, | |perceptual phenomena. | |

|research findings, | |Explain the process of neural communication. | |

|terminology, | |Explain how neurotransmitters work. | |

|associated phenomena, | |Delineate the different steps of the neural chain. | |

|major figures, | |Analyze the difference between the neural and hormonal | |

|perspectives, and | |systems. | |

|psychological | |Identify the parts of the brain and the functions of | |

|experiments. | |each. | |

| | |Compare and contrast Gardner’s and Sternberg’s theories | |

| | |of intelligence | |

| | |Evaluate Alfred Binet’s contribution to intelligence | |

| | |testing. | |

| | |Evaluate Lewis Terman’s role in the development of | |

| | |intelligence testing. | |

| | |Differentiate between algorithms and heuristics. | |

| | |Analyze how fixation, confirmation bias, heuristics, | |

| | |overconfidence, framing, and belief perseverance | |

| | |influence the ability to solve problems. | |

| | | | |


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