Worksheet B1

Distance-time graphs ME time task 2

Each of the graphs above shows a distance-time graph for a journey. For each graph:

1. Describe a journey or event that would produce the graph shown.

Graph A


Graph B


Graph C


2. Draw a line on each graph to show what the graph would look like if the object travelled at the average speed for the whole journey.

3. Label ‘f’ all the places where the speed is faster than the average speed.

4. Label ‘s’ all the places where the speed is slower than the average speed.

Answers to Worksheet

1 Graph A – For example, a jogger setting off at a sprint, stopping for a break then continuing more slowly.

Graph B – For example, a car beginning stationary on the driveway, then driving slowly through a housing estate, then faster on the main road.

Graph C – For example, a train stationary in a station some distance from ‘home’ then travelling to another station even further away, stopping at that station.


3. For all the graphs, any part of the graph with a gradient steeper than the line showing average speed should be labelled ‘f’.

4. Any part of the graphs with a gradient shallower than the line showing average speed should be labelled ‘s’.



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