Worksheet B1 - Dearne Academy


ME time task 1 - Distance-time graphs

This graphing question shows a car travelling along a straight road.

The results table shown below


• Now graph your results on a distance :time graph

• Describe how the speed of the car changes throughout its journey






1. On separate pieces of paper, draw a distance-time graph for each of the situations below. Label each section (+), (-) or (0) to show whether the velocity is positive, negative or zero.

← An object travels away from the origin quickly for five minutes, then slower in the same direction for five minutes, then stops for five minutes before travelling very quickly back to the origin.

← An object begins some distance from the origin, travels towards the origin at high speed, then back to its starting position at a much slower speed.

← A ball is thrown upwards into the air. Velocity is measured upwards from the ground.

Answers to challenge Worksheet


You already know that the gradient of a distance-time graph tells us the speed of an object.

← Large gradient shows high speed.

← Small gradient shows low speed.

← Horizontal shows zero speed – that is stationary.

Distance-time graphs can also be used to show velocity as well as speed. Then they are sometimes called ‘displacement-time graphs’. Look at this example:

At A, the object is travelling away from the origin. If velocity is measured in the direction away from the origin, the object has a positive velocity. The gradient of the graph shows us that the speed is quite low.

At B, the object is stationary. Both its speed and its velocity are zero.

At C, the object is getting closer to the origin. So it must be travelling in the opposite direction from before. It has a negative velocity. The gradient is steeper than it was, showing us that the object is travelling at a higher speed than it was.

The graphs students draw should be as follows:

P2a: 2

Technician’s Notes

Resources required for the lesson:

← Keywords and definitions, separately

← Prepared distance-time graph, with numbered axes

← Scrap paper

← Whiteboard and pens

← Video clips/pictures of situations involving acceleration

← Names of quantities, such as force, speed, weight and so on, written on the board, or on individual cards


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