Lutheran Women’s Missionary League - Montana District LWML

Lutheran Women’s Missionary LeagueLWML Montana DistrictMontana ManualBylawsJob DescriptionsFormsGuidelinesApplications20181842135952500-282672157480Montana Manual SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1LWML Montana districtBylaws (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)201800Montana Manual SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1LWML Montana districtBylaws (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)2018Table of ContentsArticle ILutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana DistrictPage 4Article IIObjectPage 4Article IIIMembersPage 4Article IVElected OfficersPage 5Article VPastoral CounselorsPage 5-6Article VIDuties of the Elected OfficersPage 6PresidentPage 6-7Vice PresidentsPage 7Recording SecretaryPage 7TreasurerPage 7Nominating Committee ChairmanPage 8Article VIIBoard of DirectorsPage 8-9Article VIII Executive CommitteePage 9Article IXAppointed Officers and District CommitteesPage 9Archivist-HistorianPage 9Corresponding SecretaryPage 9EditorPage 9Financial SecretaryPage 10ParliamentarianPage 10Scholarship ChairmanPage 10Structure ChairmanPage 10Web CoordinatorPage 10Young Woman ChairmanPage 10-11Christian Life CommitteePage 11Gospel Outreach CommitteePage 11Human Care CommitteePage 11Servant Resources CommitteePage 12Nominating Committee Page 12Scholarship CommitteePage 12Structure CommitteePage 12Young Woman Representative CommitteePage 13Officer and Mission Grants Teller CommitteePage 13Article XConvention Representation Page 13-14District ConventionPage 13LWML ConventionPage 13-14Article XIPublicationsPage 14Article XIIFinancesPage 14-15Article XIIIMission GrantsPage 15Article XIVParliamentary AuthorityPage 15Article XVAmendments of BylawsPage 16Charter Date: 1942Adopted by revision: June 1988Last amended: April 2018Article I – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District 1.The name of this organization shall be Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District (hereinafter referred to as District), a subordinate organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML) is an integrated auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS).2.The District is organized into zones that consist of individual women and women’s societies from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Montana District (hereinafter referred to as LCMS-MT) congregations. The zones shall conform to LCMS-MT circuit lines where possible.Article II – ObjectThe object of this organization shall develop and maintain a strong mission consciousness among Lutheran (LCMS) women of the Montana District through Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, and Human Care; gather funds to support mission grants of the District and mission grants adopted by LWML for which adequate provisions have not been made in the LCMS budget; foster the object of the LWML.Article III – Members 1.The membership of the LWML Montana District shall be composed of women’s organizations within LCMS–MT congregations, on campuses, or in resident homes within the District. These organizations shall:a.consist of women who are communicant members of the LCMS congregation;b.have made application for society membership to the District President for ratification by the Board of Directors;c.have made the object of LWML their own.2.Wherever a congregation has several societies affiliated with LWML, they shall be considered as one (1) unit.3.Women who hold membership in an LCMS–MT congregation may form a society in a setting other than a congregation, campus, or resident home upon approval of the Board of Directors.4.Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS–MT congregation with or without a society affiliated with the District. Individual membership is not considered a society or a unit.ARTICLE IV – Elected Officers1.The elected officers of LWML shall be:PresidentVice President of Christian Life Vice President of Gospel Outreach Vice President of Human CareVice President of Servant ResourcesRecording SecretaryTreasurerNominating Committee Chairman2.These officers shall be elected at the biennial convention to serve a term of four (4) years, with the exception of the Nominating Committee Chairman who shall serve a two-year term, or until their successors are elected and shall not be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office.a.The President, Vice President of Christian Life, and Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall be elected in one biennium.b.The Vice President of Human Care, Vice President of Servant Resources, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected in the next biennium.c.The Nominating Committee Chairman shall be elected each biennium.3.No rotation of officers shall enable anyone to be a member of the Executive Committee for more than eight (8) years in succession.4.Election shall be by secret ballot.5.The candidate receiving a plurality of the votes shall be elected.6.The elected officers shall assume their duties immediately after their installation at the close of the District convention.ARTICLE V – Pastoral Counselors1.Two (2) Pastoral Counselors shall be elected from names of LCMS–MT pastors submitted by societies and approved by the President of the LCMS–MT.2.One Pastoral Counselor shall be elected at each biennial convention for a four-year term and shall not be eligible for immediate re-election. A plurality vote shall elect. 3.The Board of Directors shall determine the attendance of the Pastoral Counselors at Board of Directors meetings, District events, and District conventions. Pastoral Counselors shall have no vote. At least one Pastoral Counselor shall be present at each Board of Directors meeting, each Executive Committee meeting, and each District convention. 4.Responsibility for advising the officers and committees shall be divided between the Pastoral Counselors.5.The Junior Pastoral Counselor shall attend the LWML convention. If he is unable to attend, the Senior Pastoral Counselor shall attend.Article VI – Duties of the Elected Officers1.The PRESIDENT shall:a.preside at the District convention, Board of Directors meetings, and Executive Committee meetings; an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee;c.supervise the work of all officers, channeling proper business to each; the Corresponding Secretary in handling official correspondence;e.countersign all vouchers for payment;f.attend zone rallies with the approval of the Board of Directors; the District will pay her expenses;, with the approval of the Board, qualified persons to attend LWML institutes, at the expense of the District;h.appoint the Archivist-Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Editor, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Scholarship Chairman, Structure Chairman, Web Coordinator, Young Woman Chairman, and other positions as needed, with the approval of the District Board of Directors;i.provide the Editor with presidential messages and news;j.perform such duties as are incidental to the office.2.The VICE PRESIDENTS may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence or at the request of the President. (See Article VII, Section 3f)a.The Vice President of Christian Life shall serve as Chairman of the Christian Life Committee.b.The Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall:(1)serve as Chairman of the Gospel Outreach Committee and coordinator of mission grants;(2)requisition and disburse mission grant funds and monitor progress of each adopted mission grant until completion;(3)submit reports to the Executive Committee and to the Board of Directors on the progress of each adopted mission grant until completion;(4)send balloting information sheets to the Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman.c.The Vice President of Human Care shall: (1) serve as Chairman of the Human Care Committee;(2) serve as District contact person for the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Drive.d.The Vice President of Servant Resources shall:(1)serve as Chairman of the Servant Resources Committee;(2)serve as President in the event of an emergency or unexpected vacancy in the office of the President. (See Article VII, Section 3f)e.The Vice Presidents shall report to the Board of Directors and the District convention body.3.The RECORDING SECRETARY shall:a. keep minutes of all Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings and send approved copies of said minutes to all members of the Board of Directors, LWML President, and to the President of LCMS–MT; b.keep minutes of the District convention and send approved copies to the members of the Board of Directors, LWML President, and the President of LCMS-MT. 4.The TREASURER shall:a. receive itemized records concerning all funds from the Financial Secretary and keep an itemized record of all receipts and disbursements of the District;b.remit, on a regular basis, twenty-five (25) percent or more of the Mite Box offerings to the LWML;c.make payments authorized by the signature of the President;d.submit a monthly report to the Board of Directors and other reports at such times as requested by the Board of Directors;e.submit her records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the Board of Directors at the close of each biennium or at the request of the Board of Directors;f. be bonded, the amount to be decided by the President, Treasurer, and a Pastoral Counselor, under the guidelines of a bonding agency approved by the Board of Directors.5.The NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN responsible for the preparation of the slate of candidates presented at the District convention;b.send balloting information sheets to the Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman.Article VII - Board of Directors1.The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers, the zone presidents, and the appointed officers as listed in Article IX, Section 1, as voting members. If a person holds more than one office, she has only one vote. The Pastoral Counselors shall be advisory, non-voting members.2.The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice each year to promote the programs of the LWML as described in Article II of these bylaws.3.The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall:a.transact and supervise the business of the District between conventions; mission grants suggested by the Mission Grants Committee and approve mission grants to appear on the convention ballot; authorized to act in session if changes in mission grant plans arise between conventions;d.propose the budget at each convention and supervise the expenditures of money between conventions;e.prepare and arrange the program for the convention and assist the zone officers with programs; f.fill vacancies by appointment, except those of President and Pastoral Counselors. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President of Servant Resources shall assume the duties of the President until an election is held by the Board of Directors at the next regular BOD meeting. The Board of Directors shall elect a President from among the Vice Presidents. A vacancy in the position of Pastoral Counselor shall be filled by appointment by the President of the LCMS–MT;g.In case of emergency (as defined in the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Law), action may be taken by mail, by telephone, or by electronic messaging.4.All officers shall submit reports at each of the Board of Directors meetings as the President directs.5.Each officer and Pastoral Counselor shall carry out their duties as outlined in the bylaws and Montana Manual and as requested by the President.6.Each officer and Pastoral Counselor shall promptly forward to her/his successor a complete job description and a complete file of documents pertaining to the office within sixty (60) days of the change of office or before the next regular BOD meeting. ARTICLE VIII - Executive Committee1.The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer as voting members. The Pastoral Counselors and the Editor shall be advisory members.2.The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed necessary by the President and the Pastoral Counselors.3.This committee shall transact necessary business between the Board of Directors meetings.Article IX – Appointed Officers and District Committees1.Appointed officers shall be the Archivist-Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Editor, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Scholarship Chairman, Structure Chairman, Web Coordinator, and Young Woman Chairman. These officers shall be appointed prior to the first regular Board of Directors meeting following each District convention. Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment. (See Article VI, Section 1h)a.The ARCHIVIST - HISTORIAN shall keep a record of the activities and accomplishments of the organization.b.The CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall:(1) maintain the official roster;(2) handle any official correspondence as may be requested by the President, Board of Directors, or Executive Committee, and send copies of such correspondence to the President.c.The EDITOR shall:(1) attend Board of Directors meetings and regularly contact all District officers and Committee Chairmen for news;(2) be responsible for the publication of the Montana Missive;(3) handle the circulation of the Montana Missive;(4) send the Montana Missive to all LWML officers, LWML district presidents, and others designated by the Board of Directors;(5) serve as an advisory member of the Executive Committee.d. The FINANCIAL SECRETARY shall:(1) receive and regularly deposit all money in the District’s name in a financial institution approved by the Board of Directors;(2) keep an itemized report of all receipts of the District;(3) send to the District Treasurer an itemized report of all deposits;(4) submit a monthly report to the Board of Directors and other reports at such times as requested by the Board of Directors. This may be a joint report with the District Treasurer;(5) furnish societies with Mite Boxes and vouchers upon request;(6) encourage societies to submit all publication subscription payments and annual fees at the appropriate time for the following year and send updated lists to the appropriate entities;(7) submit her records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the Board of Directors at the close of each biennium or at the request of the Board of Directors;(8) be bonded, the amount to be decided by the President, Treasurer, and a Pastoral Counselor, under the guidelines of a bonding agency approved by the Board of Directors.e.The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall serve as advisor on parliamentary procedure to the President, the Board of Directors, committees, and zone officers.f.The SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN shall serve as the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, which is comprised of one (1) representative from each zone appointed by the zone president.g.The STRUCTURE CHAIRMAN shall: (1) serve as the Chairman of the Structure Committee; (2) select two (2) or more committee members.h. The WEB COORDINATOR shall:(1) work with the District President to coordinate the District website; (2) be responsible for coordinating the District website with the District Webmaster.i.The YOUNG WOMAN CHAIRMAN shall:(1) serve as the Chairman of the Young Woman Representative Committee;(2) select two (2) or more committee members.2.District standing committees shall be Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, Human Care, Servant Resources, Nominating, Scholarship, Structure, and Young Woman Representative. a.The CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Christian Life and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall: (1) encourage active participation in spiritual development programs, such as Bible study and private and family devotions, promoting the use of LWML materials;(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested.b.The GOSPEL OUTREACH COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Gospel Outreach and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:(1) write each society requesting mission grant proposals. Societies need not submit scholarship proposals. The money for scholarships will be included in the mission grants proposed budget. The Gospel Outreach Committee will decide the amount, with input from the Scholarship Chairman, at their meeting before the District convention. The amount will be presented to the convention body for approval;(2) investigate and recommend appropriate mission grant opportunities to the Board of Directors. Appropriate mission grants will be those that have been approved by the LCMS–MT and will not require permanent subsidy from the LWML Montana District;(3) prepare printed ballots for the selection of mission grants at the convention.c.The HUMAN CARE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Human Care and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall: (1) encourage active participation in Human Care activities by providing information about the opportunities and challenges available;(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested;(3) assist the Vice President of Human Care to contact churches and to gather items for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).d.The SERVANT RESOURCES COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Servant Resources and one (1) member of each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:(1) encourage active participation in leadership roles by providing materials and training which promote increased leadership skills;(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested;(3) encourage societies in increasing and maintaining membership.e.The NOMINATING COMMITTEE, consisting of the Chairman, who shall be elected at the convention for a two-year term of office, and the zone vice presidents, shall: (1) receive nominations from individuals, societies, zone officers, and members of the Board of Directors and report at the regular Board of Directors meeting prior to the convention;(2) consider women who are qualified for the respective offices and offer a slate of candidates. Each candidate shall submit in writing her willingness to serve and obtain written approval from her pastor;(3) ensure that candidates for the office of the District President have served as members of an LWML district board of directors; (4) prepare printed ballots for the election of officers at the convention. f.The SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE, consisting of the Scholarship Chairman and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall be responsible for determining recipients of all District scholarships.g.The STRUCTURE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Structure Chairman and at least two (2) other members selected by the Chairman, shall:(1) consider all amendments to the bylaws and report its findings to the Board of Directors;(2) send the requested number of copies of the proposed amendments to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman for approval before presenting them at the District convention;(3) advise all societies of amendments adopted at the convention;(4) send requested number of copies of amended bylaws to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman after adoption;(5) serve all zones and societies in an advisory capacity.h.The YOUNG WOMAN REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Young Woman Chairman and at least two (2) other members selected by the Chairman, shall:(1) select the Young Woman Representative(s) to the LWML convention;(2) encourage recruitment of young women in societies and zones. 3. The OFFICER and MISSION GRANTS TELLER COMMITTEE, consisting of one teller from each zone and a chairman, appointed by the District President prior to the convention, shall:a.tally the ballots for officer elections and mission grant selections; the results of the tallies to the President. The Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman shall not be a Teller Committee member, the Nominating Committee Chairman, or the Vice President of Gospel Outreach.ARTICLE X - Convention Representation 1.The LWML Montana District convention shall be held at the location selected by the Board of Directors and ratified at the previous convention.a.The voting body of the convention shall be elected delegates, the voting members of the Board of Directors, and past LWML Montana District Presidents who are members of an LWML Montana District society or are individual members of the LWML Montana District.b.Representation shall be by congregational societies, each society having the privilege of sending two (2) delegates for every ten (10) members or major fraction (6 or more) thereof.c.Each delegate’s credentials, signed by her pastor, shall be in the hands of the Convention Registration Chairman at least two (2) weeks prior to the convention.2.Representation at the LWML convention shall be as the convention year following her election, the zone president will be the delegate to the LWML convention. In the event she is unable to attend, the vice president will serve as the delegate; b.the delegates for the next LWML convention will be determined by a rotation of societies within the zones;(1) There shall be one (1) accredited delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units. One (1) additional delegate will be elected in zones having an additional ten (10) units or major fraction (6 or more) thereof.(2) Each zone shall have an elected first and second alternate to the convention.(3) The Board of Directors shall designate the units in the zone from which the delegate and alternates shall be elected, and shall select the units in a sequential rotation.(4) The units so designated shall elect the delegate and alternates. The zone shall ratify this election at the Fall Rally prior to the LWML convention.(5) If an alternate delegate serves as the delegate at the convention, the rotation advances, and her society does not select a delegate for the following convention.c.the delegates shall give detailed reports of the convention proceedings at their zone rallies. A report of delegates’ expenses is submitted to the District President for approval for payment.ARTICLE XI – Publications1.The official publication of the District shall be called Montana Missive. The purpose of the Montana Missive is to inform the members of the District about LWML and LWML Montana District activities and mission grants progress.2.The official magazine of the LWML is called the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. Its purpose is to promote the object of the LWML and to provide topics for study and discussion.3.The societies shall order Montana Missive and Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly through the Financial Secretary, at the appropriate time, for the following year.4.The District shall remit payment for the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly subscriptions to the LWML office. The societies are encouraged to make a special contribution to the Financial Secretary to defray the cost of both the Montana Missive and Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. In the event of a deficit the District will pay the balance.ARTICLE XII – Finances1.All societies shall contribute to the District. Money gathered by Mite Boxes and donations designated for the District shall be forwarded with properly executed vouchers to the District Financial Secretary on a monthly or quarterly basis.2.The District Treasurer shall distribute Mite Box money, apportioned according to the budget adopted at the convention, as follows: send twenty-five (25) percent or more to LWML; use forty (40) percent or more for District mission grants; and use thirty-five (35) percent or less for District inreach and administrative expenses.3.Expenses for LWML conventions will be collected and apportioned as follows:a.The District Board of Directors will determine all legitimate convention expenses; these would include the registration fee, travel expenses, meals, and lodging;b. All societies shall collect funds annually for delegates’ expenses and remit same to the District Financial Secretary, at the appropriate time, for the following year, marked “Delegate Fund;”c.Only the expenses of the official zone delegates and the District President (with the exception of her travel expenses) shall be paid from the Delegate Fund;d.The expenses for the Pastoral Counselor and the Young Woman Representatives shall be paid from accounts other than the Delegate Fund;e.The Board of Directors may allocate funds, if available and as deemed necessary, for sending an Executive Committee (EC) member of the Board of Directors, other than the President. The member of the EC will be chosen under the following rotation: Vice Presidents in alphabetical order by title, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. No member of the EC will be sent more than once under this section;f.The Board of Directors may allocate funds, if available and as deemed necessary, for sending members of the LWML Montana District running for a national office.4.The fiscal year of the District is from April 1 through March 31.ARTICLE XIII - Mission GrantsMission grant proposals may be submitted by individual members, societies, zones, the District Board of Directors, and LCMS boards. (See Article IX, Section 2 b (2))2.Voting for mission grants shall be by secret ballot at the District convention.3.Mission grants adopted by convention delegates shall be funded as money becomes available in the Mission Grants Account. These funds shall be distributed when the supervising agency of the mission grant makes the request to the District President. Responsibility of the District ceases when payments have been made.4.Funds voted for mission grants must be disbursed or put into use within the biennium in which they were adopted or be transferred to the Mission Grants Account for the next biennium. The Board of Directors may extend the time for one (1) biennium in case of extenuating circumstances.5.Reports and pictures of the progress of the work made possible by the mission grants shall be reported at rallies and conventions and may be published in the Montana Missive, the LCMS-MT publication, and other publications, including the District website.ARTICLE XIV – Parliamentary AuthorityThe rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the District in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.ARTICLE XV – Amendment of BylawsThese bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the convention body. Proposed amendments must be approved by the District Board of Directors and the LWML Structure Committee prior to presentation at the District convention. Copies of proposed bylaw amendments shall be sent to each society sixty (60) days prior to the convention for their study.left-19485000Montana ManualTable of ContentsDistrict District OfficersTransition of OfficeFilling VacanciesDistrict Expense VoucherZones Zone OfficersRalliesZone Expense VoucherSocietiesSocieties and MembersSociety and Officer Reports New Society ApplicationIndividual MembershipAdditional FormsLutheran World Relief (LWR)Tellers ReportForms and Reports TimelineGuidelinesFinancial PoliciesRetreatsEndowment FundApplicationsMission GrantsScholarshipsYoung Woman Representatives-191069-14330100Montana ManualDistrict District Officers (Job Descriptions)Elected OfficersPresidentVice Presidents –Christian LifeGospel OutreachHuman CareServant ResourcesRecording SecretaryTreasurerChairman of the Nominating CommitteePastoral CounselorsAppointed OfficersArchivist/HistorianCorresponding SecretaryEditorFinancial SecretaryParliamentarianScholarship ChairmanStructure ChairmanWeb CoordinatorYoung Woman ChairmanTransition of OfficeFilling VacanciesExpense VoucherDistrict PresidentGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 1), Article VII, and Article VIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. Detailed DutiesDate EverythingBoard of Directors and Executive Committee MeetingsSet date and site for LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) meetings. (A brief post-convention BOD meeting to handle only necessary concerns will be held immediately after the convention closes. The District President, even when completing her term, will prepare an agenda for this meeting, but the new District President will lead the meeting.Ask local contact to arrange meals and housing.At least one month before the meeting, send out a tentative agenda and a call for electronically submitted reports to all who are to attend. At least ten days prior to the meeting, electronically send out a final agenda and a consolidated file of all submitted reports. (Mail all the above to BOD and EC members without access to a computer.) Instruct all members of the BOD who do not send their reports electronically to bring 25 copies to the BOD meeting.Preside at each meeting.Prepare report for each BOD meeting to be distributed electronically.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)District EventsApprove all dates for workshops, seminars, and retreats.Work closely with committees on all communications.District ConventionBe in regular contact with the District Convention Chairmen and the District Vice Presidents.Write a report for the District Convention Manual. Together with the District Corresponding Secretary, assemble and prepare the manual for printing. Contact all speakers: LWML representative, worship service proclaimer and liturgist, keynote speakers, Bible study leaders, Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) Montana District President, LCMS Montana District President, and local city mayor. Contact the host congregation’s pastor about the possibility of distribution of Holy Communion in a worship service, being sensitive to and depending on the congregation’s current practice. Arrange to have the District Treasurer handle registration and housing for BOD members, speakers, and District guests.Appoint District Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee members as outlined in the LWML Montana District Bylaws Article IX, Section 3.Research possible recipients of convention offerings in a timely manner so the information can be included with convention publicity.Be sure someone is assigned to count and secure convention offerings.Develop an agenda for the convention to be approved by the BOD prior to being placed in the District Convention Manual.Be prepared with a post-convention BOD meeting agenda even when completing term.Send thank-you notes to all participants; send honorariums with notes, even when term of office is finished.Zone EventsNotify Society and Zone Presidents if attending their rallies.Attend at least one rally in each Zone during term of office if at all possible.In even-numbered years, remind Zone Presidents of their LWML convention delegate rotation in a timely manner prior to the fall rally.Remind the Zone responsible for creating the LWML convention banner in a timely manner so the BOD can approve the banner design.LWML ConventionArrange to have the District Treasurer reserve a block of rooms at a selected hotel for delegates and the District Pastoral Counselor.Arrange to have the District Treasurer handle registration forms for the delegates, YWRs, District President, and District Pastoral Counselor.Arrange for certification of official delegation from the LWML Montana District.Arrange for transportation of the District’s convention banner.Forward convention information to appropriate people as it is received.Arrange for and conduct a District caucus where the candidates and projects on the ballot can be reviewed.Provide information and help to LWML Montana District delegates as requested.Carry the LWML Montana District banner in the procession.LWML covers transportation to the convention plus meals and housing for the District President from the time of the pre-convention LWML BOD meeting until the convention begins. The LWML Montana District pays the registration fee and expenses for the convention proper from the Delegate Fund.LWML MeetingsAttend LWML BOD meetings as scheduled.Attend other LWML events as requested by the LWML President or BOD.LWML covers expenses for LWML BOD meetings. Follow instructions for travel given by the LWML Meeting Manager.Public RelationsProvide informative articles for each Missive.Consult with the District Editor to be certain all necessary information is included.Proofread the Missive prior to printing.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website. Send special letters to Societies when events require added emphasis.Prepare a five to ten minute greeting, an informational presentation to be shown during breaks, or a display for the LCMS Montana District Convention. They may also ask for a report for their convention manual.LLL usually asks for a five to ten minute greeting for their District convention.Occasionally the District President will be asked to address a church function that commemorates a specific date or event.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Maintain a record of the number of rallies, retreats, and workshops held and the number attending each. This information is needed for the statistic sheet in the LWML Convention Manual.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District President (Bylaws: Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Vice President of Christian LifeGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 2 and 2a), Article VII, and Article VIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Christian Life Committee, see Article IX (Section 2a).Detailed DutiesDate EverythingEducational ActivitiesThe District Vice President of Christian Life, the District Vice President of Servant Resources, and the two District Pastoral Counselors will be involved in planning the retreats. Refer to the retreat page for anize retreats, workshops, rally programs, seminars, and training sessions as requested by theDistrict President.Maintain a current file of materials to recommend to Zone or Society Christian Life Chairmen.Promote Christian life materials at every opportunity.Board of DirectorsAttend LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Missive.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Provide Zone Christian Life Chairmen with information for rally reports.Send thank-you notes to Zone Christian Life Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Vice President of Christian Life (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Vice President of Human CareGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 2 and 2c), Article VII, and Article VIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws.For duties of the District Human Care Committee, see Article IX (Section 2c). Detailed DutiesDate EverythingWorld Relief DriveKeep a current list of all Lutheran churches in the Montana District for distribution as needed.Notify Zone Presidents, Zone Human Care Chairmen, and all other Lutheran churches (not LCMS) in writing whenever Lutheran World Relief (LWR) issues special requests or changes instructions. Be certain everyone has the current LWR forms and information.Select LWR Drive date for approval by the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) at its October meeting. (LWR Drive is always the 2nd Saturday in May – about the 13th.)Contact LWR regarding shipping and billing arrangements.Contact churches where trucks will be parked. Know the truck route, city, church and time.Make transportation arrangements with trucking company. (Currently Midnite Express, Fargo, ND.)Coordinate pick-up arrangements with Zone Human Care Chairmen, who will contact LWML Societies and other Lutheran churches in their Zones. Receive vouchers and receipts from Society drivers and send to the District President for her approval. She will forward them to the District Treasurer for payment. After the event, compile a report summarizing District-wide donations to the drive; send copies to members of the (BOD) and Zone Presidents. NOTE: A template spreadsheet has been prepared for completing this report.Educational ActivitiesOrganize workshops, rally programs, seminars, and training sessions to increase awareness of human care needs and opportunities as requested by the District President.Maintain a current file of materials to recommend to Zone or Society Human Care Chairmen.Provide Zone Presidents or Zone Human Care Chairmen with information to encourage human care projects or activities at rallies.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD and Executive Committee (EC) meetings, and rallies.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Fall, Winter and Summer and Spring Missive;a. about the drive to come or results of the driveb. share ideas about activities for missions or mitesc. share how mites are usedProvide human care information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Provide Zone Human Care Chairmen with information for rally reports.Send thank-you notes to Zone Human Care Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Vice President of Human Care (Bylaws: Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Vice President of Gospel OutreachGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 2 and 2b), Article VII, Article VIII, and Article XIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Gospel Outreach Committee, see Article IX (Section 2 and 2b).Detailed DutiesDate EverythingProcessing GrantsAt the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meeting immediately following the convention:Obtain an extra copy of the District Convention Manual for later use.Obtain stationery and envelopes.Submit voucher for 100 stamps.2.Following convention – as soon as possible:Notify the District Editor of the Missive concerning the grants selected.Provide information to the appropriate people about selected grants for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Make a file folder for each grant.Notify the grant recipients. Include a “Request for Grant Funds” form. Communicate grant payment policy: 1)Grants will not be paid until September 1 and until funds have been set aside from current mites for scholarships. 2)Grants will be paid in the order that requests are received and as funds are available.3)Offer to make partial payment if full payment is not available at time of request.Notify those grant applicants not selected.Send each Society a display (for example a poster) of District mission grant information.3.When funds are requested:A.Grant requests, numbered in the order received and approved by the District President, will be forwarded to the District Vice President of Gospel Outreach who, with the District Treasurer, will determine when money is available for payment. B.The District Treasurer will send a check, which the District Vice President of Gospel Outreach will send on to the recipient. Also send a letter requesting acknowledgment of receipt of the check. 4.By May 1 of the year preceding the District convention (odd-numbered years), send letters soliciting grant proposals for the ballot to each of the following: Zone Gospel Outreach Chairmen, Society Presidents, each pastor in the District, LCMS Montana District President, Chairman of the LCMS Montana District Missions Committee, and LWML Montana District President. The letter shall refer to the grant proposal guidelines contained in the Montana Manual.5.The grant proposals must be postmarked by October 30 of the year preceding the District convention (odd-numbered years).6.When grant proposals arrive, date and number them. 7.Schedule the grant selection meeting and inform Zone Gospel Outreach Chairmen well in advance of when the meeting will take place. The BOD approves the committee’s selection prior to publication of the grants in the District Convention Manual and on the ballot.8.Submit the approved grant resolutions for the District Convention Manual.9. Prepare the printed ballot for the selection of grants at the convention.10.Prepare and present an impartial presentation on the approved proposed grants for the District convention.Educational ActivitiesEncourage each woman, inspired by her study of God’s Word, to see mission opportunities in her everyday life.Provide information about grant recipients, so each woman will support the mite goal.Encourage Societies to provide opportunity for children and all adults to grow in mission awareness and to show the love of Christ through giving opportunities.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD and Executive Committee (EC) meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) and submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Missive; include pictures of mission projects when possible.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Provide Zone Gospel Outreach Chairmen with information for rally reports. Prepare a report for the District Convention Manual on the projects completed in the previous biennium. The biennium ends March 31 the year of the District convention (even-numbered years).Send thank-you notes to Zone Gospel Outreach Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Vice President of Gospel Outreach (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Vice President of Servant ResourcesGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 2 and 2d), Article VII, and Article VIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Servant Resources Committee, see Article IX (Section 2d).Be responsible for the LWML store at the District conventions.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingEducational ActivitiesThe District Vice President of Servant Resources, the District Vice President of Christian Life, and the two District Pastoral Counselors will be involved in planning the retreats. Refer to the retreat page for anize retreats, workshops, rally programs, seminars, and training sessions as requested by the District President.Maintain updated display(s) of current LWML materials to be made available at rallies and other zone events. Maintain a current file of materials you could recommend to Zone or Society Servant Resources Chairmen.Promote LWML resource materials at every opportunity. Board of DirectorsAttend LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Missive.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Provide Zone Servant Resources Chairmen with information for rally reports.Send thank-you notes to Zone Servant Resources Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Vice President of Servant Resources (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Recording SecretaryGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 3), Article VII, and Article VIII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. DETAILED DUTIESDate EverythingRecording MinutesRecord the minutes of the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) meetings and the District convention. Minutes must include enough detail that the meaning is clear even to people not attending the meeting.Submit the minutes for review to the District President and the Minutes Review Committee (appointed by the District President at the meeting) as soon as possible after the meeting.Make changes to the minutes as suggested by the District President and the Minutes Review Committee.A second draft can be sent to the District President and the Minutes Review Committee if there were significant changes. Delete the review information in the header.Indicate in a footer to the minutes that they were “Approved by the Review Committee” and the date of such action.6.Prepare a signature page for approved minutes to be signed by the District President and the District Recording Secretary. 7. Distribute approved minutes as soon as possible after the meeting.8.Email copies of all approved minutes to members of the BOD, the LCMS Montana District President, and the LWML President.9.Send a second copy to the webmaster with a special note to include the minutes on the website and to the Montana Missive Editor to excerpt any pertinent information for the Montana Missive.10.Send signed copies of all approved minutes to the District Archivist-Historian.11.Maintain an electronic file of all BOD minutes, officer and committee reports, and attendance/roll call sheetsRoll Call Prepare attendance/roll call sheets for BOD meetings. Attach a copy of the biennium roster for updating by BOD.File the completed attendance/roll call sheets with the minutes and BOD reports.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD and EC meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc. Send a copy of pertinent correspondence to the District President. Assure access to the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records are available to the next District Recording Secretary (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Maintaining and updating the Standing Policies and Procedures are the responsibility of the District Recording Secretary; she can ask someone to assist her with this duty. The Standing Policies will be posted on the Montana District website.Prepare the official roster for the regular fall meeting of the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) as directed by the District rm the societies of votes being taken and anything to do with District Convention voting. Work with the District President on this.District TreasurerGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 4), Article VII, Article VIII, and Article XII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. DETAILED DUTIESDate EverythingFinancial RecordsReceive itemized records of all receipts from the District Financial Secretary.Keep a general ledger of all receipts and disbursements of the LWML Montana District.Record separate accounts for the District.Keep a record of Lutheran World Relief (LWR) expenses from the District and send a summary to LWR for reimbursement. Compile monthly, quarterly, year-end, and biennial reports, in collaboration with the District Financial Secretary, and send to the members of the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD).Along with the District President, be official signatory on LWML Montana District financial accounts. Submit records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the BOD at the close of each biennium or at the request of the BOD (Bylaws, Article VI. 4.e.).Maintain a District Treasurer’s Procedures Manual and GuidelinesDisbursementsMake payments authorized by the signature of the District President.Remit, on a regular basis, 25 percent (25%) or more of the Mite Box offerings to LWML.Provide District vouchers at BOD meetings for attendees to request reimbursement for expenses. Board of DirectorsAttend BOD and Executive Committee (EC) meetings.Prepare officer and special reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Manage District Convention registration and housing for BOD members, speakers, and District guests as directed by the District President.Arrange for counters and the securing of District Convention offerings. At the request of the District President, manage the LWML convention registration for the District delegates, YWRs, Pastoral Counselor, and President; reserve a block of rooms at a selected hotel for the District delegates and Pastoral Counselor. Reports and ArticlesProvide articles, in collaboration with the District Financial Secretary, for the Montana Missive.Provide information, in collaboration with the District Financial Secretary, to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Submit information, on a regular basis, to the District Vice President of Gospel Outreach and the BOD on funds available for payment of mission grants.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, expense reports for events, other reports written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Update and maintain the LWML Montana District Accounting Policies and Procedures; may ask the District Financial Secretary to assist with this responsibility.Keep note of mileage reimbursement history:The LWML Montana District paid $0.30 per mile since the 1990’s, a rate of $0.15 per mile lower than what the District LCMS was paying at that time. (10-2014, p. 4)Rate increased to $0.33 per mile effective with the February 2015 BOD Meeting. (10-2014, p. 4)2015 – current: Refer to Standing Policies and Procedures, Mileage/Travel, Minutes revisions.Bring any suggested mileage revisions to the February BOD meeting for approval.Send a copy of pertinent correspondence to the District President. Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Treasurer (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Nominating Committee ChairmanGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VI (Section 5) and Article VII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Nominating Committee, see Article IX (Section 2e).PurposeThe District Nominating Committee is a special committee, with a single, solitary, important mission: to secure qualified candidates for office. Members of this committee must familiarize themselves with the bylaws and the responsibilities of the various offices for which the committee is to select candidates.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingObtain Nominations for Offices One year prior to the District convention, write an article for the Missive indicating which offices will be included in the elections at the upcoming convention. Include deadlines for nomination and details for submitting nominations.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Regularly contact the members of the District Nominating Committee reminding them to recruit candidates from their zones.In the fall before convention (odd-numbered years), send a letter to each Society reminding them of their privilege to nominate candidates for office, including a list of positions to be filled, emphasizing deadlines to be met, and referring them to the Montana Manual for descriptions of the responsibilities for each office.Contact possible candidates from information in files: previous candidates, women who were contacted in previous years and expressed an interest in holding office at a later time, and names suggested by Societies, individuals, or the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD).Do not allow other people to speak for the possible candidates. Each person must say yes or no on her own behalf. Remember that members of the District Nominating Committee may become candidates for office.Provide each person willing to run for office with a Candidate Information Form and remind her to submit written consent from her pastor and a picture for the District Convention Manual.Names of pastors willing to be on the ballot, or suggested by an LWML member, must be submitted to the LCMS Montana District President for approval.Make certain that the candidates for the office of District President have served as voting members of the BOD or as a voting member of the Board of Directors in a different LWML district.A complete slate will include two or more candidates for each office when possible.Every person willing to be placed on the ballot should receive a letter of encouragement and thanks.Convention ResponsibilitiesProvide résumés (pictures if possible) of the candidates to the Missive District Editor prior to the convention when possible.Provide résumés and pictures of the candidates for the District Convention Manual.Prepare ballots for the election of officers at the convention.Prior to the convention, send balloting information sheets to the District Chairman of the District Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee stating their responsibilities and how the balloting will be done (see Nominating Committee Chairman Handbook).Present the slate of candidates for office to the convention body. This action completes office’s responsibility.Board of Directors1. Attend BOD meetings.2. Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4) when there are actions to report.3. Write a report for the District Convention Manual.4. Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Chairman of the Nominating Committee (Bylaws: Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Junior and Senior Pastoral Counselors General Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article V, Article VII, and Article VIII, of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. The District Pastoral Counselors will determine their division of shared responsibilities with the input of the LWML District President.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingDistrict ConventionOversee the planning of worship, devotions, and Bible studies for the convention.Attend District convention and provide spiritual guidance as needed.Board of Directors and Executive Committee MeetingsAttend LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) meetings as advisory, non-voting members.Prepare reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4). Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using a District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Other ResponsibilitiesPlan the devotions and Bible studies with the District Vice President of Servant Resources and the District Vice President of Christian Life for the District retreats. (See job descriptions for these two positions.)Assist in planning other District events as needed.Be available for counsel on LWML matters as directed by the District President and to BOD members as needed.Reports and ArticlesAlternately write articles for the Missive.The District Pastoral Counselor not writing the article for the Missive is to check for doctrinal content.Provide information to appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Pastoral Counselor (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Archivist-HistorianGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII, and Article IX (Section 1a) of the LWML Montana District Bylaws.purposeTo gather and preserve records and other materials of historical significance to the District, adding each biennium’s activities to the ongoing history of the LWML Montana District.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingMaintain ArchivesReceive materials of historical value from all members and committees of the LWML Montana District and Zone Board of Directors (BOD) and from Societies.The District Archivist-Historian has a moral obligation to LWML to take every possible measure to ensure the preservation of valuable records, not only those of the past but also those of current times, with equal zeal.Appraise records for retention or disposal, acting as the agent of future generations. With wisdom and impartiality, be as diligent in disposing of records that have no significant or lasting value as in retaining those that do.Protect the integrity of the records against defacement, alteration, theft, and physical damage by fire, excessive exposure to light, dampness, or dryness.Preserve copies of all officer and committee reports to file with approved and signed minutes from the District Recording Secretary.Preserve the following documents from the District Treasurer for a period of 3 years:General ledgerCheck registerCash receipts journalEnd-of-biennium financial statementsMonthly reportsAuditOther documents as recommended by the LWML Archivist-Historian and/or federal/state law;Shred all other financial documents not needed for an audit after three years.Remind the District Convention Chairman to make one packets of all District convention materials (mailings, newsletters, worship folders, etc.) plus two (three if needed) District Convention Manuals and give them to the District Archivist-Historian.During the biennium, integrate all pertinent items from District meetings, retreats, rallies, etc. into the archival files and update the index.Receive, sort, and maintain historical files from Zones and Societies and determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed. As archive boxes are completed, indexed and added to the Archive list, they will be placed into the archival depositary of the LCMS Montana District.Record the HistoryPrepare a District biennial history for the District Convention Manual including the following:Outgoing officers;Officers for the next biennium;Mission grants completed;Special projects completed;Bylaw changes;Convention highlights; andOther, as appropriate.Send a District Convention Manual to the LCMS Montana District President, if not able to attend the convention.Following Each District ConventionCheck each file folder to be sure that all biennial minutes, reports, retreat materials, etc. have been received, signed where necessary, correctly files, and indexed.Send one set of each of the following folders to the LWML Archivist-Historian:National Biennium Report, which includes one set of the Missive. District Convention Manuals, one set of approved and signed convention minutes. BOD and Executive Committee (EC) approved and signed minutes and reportsBegin new biennial files, starting with post-convention BOD minutes, approved bylaws, mission grant information for Societies, etc.Educational Activities and MeetingsPlan a display for each District convention.Conduct interest sessions at conventions and rallies as requested by the District President or BOD.When possible attend the biennial Conference on Archives and History held at the Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis, Missouri. Expenses will be paid from the Administrative Account.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President. (Article VII, Section 4)Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities; articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Archivist-Historian (Article VII, Section 6)Prior to sending archive boxes to the archival depositary of the LCMS Montana District, review contents to determine if all will be saved or if some can be destroyed.District Corresponding Secretary General Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII and Article IX (Section 1b) of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. Detailed DutiesDate EverythingOfficial RosterMaintain the official LWML Montana District Society roster, making sure it includes the names of all Societies, the date of the Society’s charter, the status of the Society (active or inactive), and other information requested by the District President. Check with the District Archivist-Historian and the District Financial Secretary to keep the list up-to-date.Add or delete names of individual members of the District as status changes occur.Correspondence dutiesPrepare and send communications as directed by the District President.Assist the BOD and Executive Committee (EC) with official correspondence.Provide Society address labels to BOD members as requested.With the District President, oversee the assembly and preparation of the District Convention Manual for printing.Send thank-you notes for all donations received according to information provided by the District Financial Secretary. Maintain a calendar of district events, meetings and deadlines.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher form provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Corresponding Secretary (Article VII, Section 6). Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District EditorGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII, Article VIII, Article IX (Section 1c), and Article XI of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. The LWML Montana District publication shall be called the Montana Missive (or “the Missive”). Mission The District Editor of the Montana Missive should have the desire and enthusiasm to communicate the objectives of the LWML, to provide information about LWML activities, and to report grant progress.QualificationsKnowledge of objectives and history of LWML and enthusiasm for its program.Ability to: Report facts and events accurately.Write clear, readable, concise, grammatically correct material.Judge doctrinal content of articles and materials (final doctrinal editing is the responsibility of the District Pastoral Counselors).Format newsletter demonstrating understanding of editing, proofreading, and layout.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingMontana Missive Immediately following officer appointment, make arrangements for the Montana Missive publication and distribution. Locate a printer. Contact the local post office for shipping prices and forms, and to change the publication’s originating mailing address.Gather information for the Montana Missive, including District news, progress of mission grants reports of officers and committees, and notification of deadlines (scholarship, YWR, etc.).Select content for publication and submit to District President and one of the District Pastoral Counselors for approval.Edit (change, correct, improve, delete) all copy if needed. (If editing material changes meaning of anything which will appear under a byline, author’s permission must be secured.)Send the Montana Missive to all LWML officers, LWML District Presidents, LCMS Montana District President, and others designated by the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD). (See Article IX (Section 1c(4).)Take pictures at District events for use in publication.Be responsible for preparation of a daily newsletter at the District convention.Attend LWML Editors’ workshops when appropriate. BOD determines attendance and assumes responsibility for expense.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD and Executive Committee (EC) meetings. The District Editor serves as an advisory member of the EC.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using a District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, records, and at least the last four years of the Montana Missive to the next District Editor (Article VII, Section 6). Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed. District Financial SecretaryGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII, Article IX (Section 1d), and Article XII of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. Furnish Societies with Mite Boxes, appropriate forms, and tablets of District Receipt Vouchers upon request.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingReceiptsReceive and record all money for mites, Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and Missive subscriptions, and delegate fees from all Societies.Receive and record all memorials and gifts to the LWML Montana District. Send information to the District Corresponding Secretary for thank-you notes.Promptly deposit all funds received in a financial institution approved by the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD).Financial RecordsSend the District Treasurer an itemized report of all deposits and a monthly summary.Maintain an itemized report of all receipts.Keep a separate record of mites credited to each Society.Keep a record of delegate fees submitted by each Society. Provide this information to the District Convention Registration Committee.Submit records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the BOD at the close of each biennium or at the request of the BOD.Subscription ActivitiesEncourage Societies to submit subscription payments at the appropriate time.Keep a record of Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and Missive subscriptions submitted by each Society. Notify the District Editor of the Missive and the LWML Quarterly office of any changes.Board of DirectorsAttend BOD meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual. Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and Articles1. Provide a biennial report of income received from all Societies for the BOD.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of pertinent correspondence to the District President. Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Financial Secretary (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District ParliamentarianGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII and Article IX (Section 1e), and Article XIV of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. MissionTo assist the District, Zones, and Societies in following correct parliamentary procedures so that all LWML meetings are conducted decently, in order, and in Christian love and concern for all members.QualificationsThorough understanding of parliamentary procedure based on the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.Thorough understanding of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. Detailed DutiesDate EverythingBoard of DirectorsServe as advisor on parliamentary procedure at each LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meeting, District convention, and other meetings at the District President’s request.Prepare officer reports, if requested by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual, if requested.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Parliamentarian (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Scholarship ChairmanGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII and Article IX (Section 1f) of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Scholarship Committee, see Article IX (Section 2f).The District Scholarship Committee is only activated if there are more applicants than we have money to give.Detailed DutiesDate EverythingPublicizing ScholarshipsPrepare articles for the Missive reminding all Societies of the scholarship application deadline, September 30 yearly. Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website of the scholarship application deadline.Contact previous scholarship recipients notifying them of the scholarship application deadline.Occasionally provide articles for the Missive reminding members of the Memorial Scholarship Fund.Provide scholarship information to Zone Presidents for distribution at rallies. Scholarship RecipientsReview all applications to be certain deadlines are met and all requested forms are supplied.Schedule a meeting of the District Scholarship Committee or distribute copies of complete applications to all committee members for determining final selection of scholarship recipients via telephone or email communications.Notify the applicants receiving scholarships.Encourage applicants not selected to reapply the following year.Fill out a request for scholarship funds and send to the District President along with a District voucher for her approval. The District President will forward the request and voucher to the District Treasurer for payment.When scholarship checks are received, send a check and award letter to the recipients.Provide a report on scholarship recipients to the District Editor of the Missive and the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Send thank-you notes to Zone Scholarship Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Board of DirectorsAttend LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article, Section 4). Report scholarship recipients to the BOD.Write an article for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Scholarship Chairman (Article VII, Section 6).4.Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Structure ChairmanGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII, Article IX (Section 1g), and Article XV of the LWML Montana District Bylaws.For duties of the District Structure Committee, see Article IX (Section 2g).Detailed DutiesDate EverythingSelect a CommitteeCommittee members should have knowledge of the LWML, some knowledge of bylaws and basic parliamentary procedures, have proficiency in grammar, and have the ability to write well.Maintain District BylawsReview LWML Montana District Bylaws after each LWML convention to keep District bylaws in line with those of the LWML.Prepare proposed amendments to present at the regular February LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meeting in the odd-numbered years. Submit amendments approved by the BOD to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman. Send as many copies as requested. Allow time for the committee to review the amendments and reply with approval or recommendations for change prior to the February BOD meeting preceding the District convention (even-numbered years).If amendments are approved by the convention, update the bylaws and distribute copies to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman, the members of the BOD, each Zone, and each Society.Maintain Montana ManualUpdate the Montana Manual to keep it in line with the LWML and District bylaws.Add and update information and forms as needed. Provide updated information and forms to members of the BOD. Encourage them to remove outdated information. Encourage Zone Presidents to have their Societies and Zone officers remove outdated information and forms and update their Manuals as changes are made. Assist Societies and Zones with Bylaws Encourage Societies and Zones to review their bylaws biennially.Review Society and Zone bylaws, providing assistance as needed.Board of Directors 1.Attend District BOD meetings.2.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4). 3.Write a report for the District Convention Manual.4.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Missive. Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Work with the District Web Coordinator to make the Montana Manual materials available through the District websiteRecord KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Structure Chairman (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Web CoordinatorGeneral Statement of dutiesFor general duties, see Article VII and Article IX (Section 1h) of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. Detailed DutiesDate EverythingMaintain District Website Coordinate with a webmaster to facilitate the use of the latest technology within the District and keep the site operational. Update the LWML Montana District website with current information and forms. Work with the District Structure Chairman to make Montana Manual materials available on the District website.Post current bylaws, issues of the Missive, calendar of events, and informative articles on activities and events of the District. Provide a link to the LWML website – .Provide other links as needed to facilitate LWML activities and business.Board of Directors Attend BOD meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4). Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Reports and ArticlesProvide articles for the Missive. Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Web Coordinator (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.District Young Woman ChairmanGENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIESFor general duties, see Article VII and Article IX (Section 1i) of the LWML Montana District Bylaws. For duties of the District Young Woman Representative (YWR) Committee, see Article IX (Section 2h).QUALIFICATIONSShe shall be grounded in the mission and objectives of the LWML.She shall have enthusiasm for promoting the LWML and interest in involving young women.The District YWR Committee is chosen from women who have attended an LWML convention as a voting delegate or YWR. Detailed dutiesDate EverythingResponsibilitiesServe as the LWML Montana District liaison to the LWML Young Woman Committee, under the appropriate department.If asked, work with the LWML Young Woman Committee to plan programs for the YWRs at the LWML convention.Publicize the District YWR application deadline, October 31, in the year preceding the LWML convention (even-numbered years), in the Missive and encourage young women to apply. Receive District YWR applications.Select a committee to help choose two District YWRs and preferably two alternates. Report the results to the District President by December 15 of the same year (even-numbered years).Notify those who have been chosen and those who were not selected as representatives or alternates.Encourage Societies to send YWRs to each LWML Montana District Convention.Plan special young women events at the District convention.Encourage YWRs who have attended District or LWML conventions to speak to congregations about the LWML.Promote and plan for young women involvement at all LWML Montana District events.Board of DirectorsAttend LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meetings.Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4).Write a report for the District Convention Manual.Keep a record (preferably receipts) of expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.) Reports and Articles Provide articles for the Missive.Provide information to the appropriate people for the Montana Reflections and the LWML Montana District website.Provide Zone Young Woman Chairmen with information for rally reports.Send thank-you notes to Zone Young Woman Chairmen at the end of the biennium.Record KeepingMaintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next District Young Woman Chairman (Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Transition of OfficeWhen changes in office occur, both outgoing and incoming officers have a role in ensuring a smooth and efficient transition. Study the LWML Montana District Bylaws, Article VII, Section 6, and your officer description in the Montana Manual.Outgoing Officer1.Pray for the new officer.2.Remember that all official records and minutes belong to the office and should be accurate and complete for transfer.3.Review files:A.Put in order and label clearly.B.Put materials and papers of a transitory nature in a separate file to be reviewed by incoming officer before being discarded.C.Remove unimportant or personal correspondence.D.Be alert for items of historical significance; give or send them to the District Archivist-Historian.pile for your successor:A. Updated officer guidelines;B.Up-to-date mailing lists; andC.Resource materials pertaining to the office (LWML Handbook, Montana Manual, etc.).5.Meet with new officer:A.Review together the records, files, materials.B.Discuss schedule for the office: list those items which require attention in the immediate or near future.6. Write appropriate thank-you letters.7.Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him.Incoming Officer1.Pray for God’s guidance.2.Have a confident attitude; God-given strengths and talents will help you fulfill your new responsibilities.3.Become familiar with the full scope of LWML:A.Objectives;B.Structure; andC.Bylaws.4. Meet with outgoing officer:A. Review together the records, files, and materials.B.Discuss time schedules.C.Ask questions to clarify any aspect of the office about which you have questions.5.Begin fulfilling the responsibilities of the office immediately.6.Prepare a tentative schedule for the entire term of the office, noting specific dates and deadlines to be met.7.Serve the Lord with gladness!Appointments to Fill Vacancieson the LWML Montana District Board of DirectorsElected OfficersWhen there is a vacancy in an elected office, the LWML Montana District President will notify the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) of the vacancy with suggestions of individuals to consider as a replacement. Members of the BOD shall respond within 14 days, ranking the names presented or submitting additional names to consider. If additional names are received, a ballot including all names will be sent to BOD members. If no additional names are received, candidates will be contacted in ranked order.When a person is appointed to fill a vacancy, the time served to complete that term is not considered when determining that person’s time in that office. In other words, if Mary is appointed to complete Martha’s term of office, the time Mary serves in filling that vacancy is counted as Martha’s time in office, not Mary’s. Therefore, Mary is still eligible to be elected to that office. When filling a vacancy, the person is advised to consider the total length of commitment before becoming a candidate in the subsequent election.Appointed Officers When there is a vacancy in an appointed office, the District President will appoint someone to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. The District President will request BOD approval at the next regular BOD meeting. Pastoral CounselorWhen there is a Pastoral Counselor vacancy, the District President will notify the BOD of the vacancy asking for suggestions of a pastor to consider as a replacement. Members of the BOD shall respond within 14 days. The names are then given to the LCMS Montana District President who will appoint a replacement to complete the term of the Pastoral Counselor. The LCMS Montana District President may choose a pastor not on the list.LWML Montana DISTRICT Expense VoucherAttach & identify all receiptsDate:Total mileage:miles at $0.40*$(attach correct mileage documentation)Motel: ? cost of BOD member’s room$(up to $50)Meals:(meals home may be estimated)$Other: (please specify)$$$$Sub-Total$Amount to be donated to LWML-Total to be reimbursed$Name:Address: City:StateZipYour Signature:President’s Approval:Montana Manual 2015 *updated 4-26-2018-270510-1206500Montana ManualZone Zone Officers (Job Descriptions)PresidentVice PresidentSecretary-TreasurerRalliesGeneral Rally InstructionsRally Expenses InstructionsRally ReportExpense VoucherZone PresidentGeneral Statement of Duties Appoint Zone Chairmen for Gospel Outreach and Human Care, a Zone Archivist-Historian, and other contact people as requested by the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD). Consider names suggested by the immediate past Zone President, Zone Pastoral Counselor, and from the lists of attendees at recent rallies. Supervise the work of all Zone officers, channeling proper business to each. Detailed Duties Date Everything Understand the Purpose of LWML Read the District and Zone bylaws. Study the Montana Manual and the LWML Handbook, particularly the Zone officers and rally information in the Zone section of the Manual. Zone Responsibilities Appoint Zone officers named above. Keep updated lists of Society rally host and LWML convention delegate rotations. Instruct the Zone Secretary to notify Societies at least six months in advance when it is their turn to host a Zone rally or have a delegate or alternate to the LWML convention. Immediately after the fall rally in even-numbered years, send the names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc. of the LWML convention delegate, first alternate, and second alternate to the District President. At least three (3) months before the rally, check all possible dates in the Zone that may reduce the attendance.Arrange planning meetings with Zone officers, Zone committee chairmen (if applicable), and the Zone Pastoral Counselor at least 60 days prior to rallies. Give all information needed to the rally Host Society so they can send invitations at least 30 days prior to the rally. Maintain contact with rally Host Society, provide all information needed for planning, and give advice as requested. Estimate officer, speaker, and Zone Pastoral Counselor expenses (no mileage if rally is at his church) to help Host Society set the registration fee. The Host Society will appoint someone to extend a welcome. Arrange for someone from the previous rally Host Society to respond to the welcome of the current Host Society. Contact the Society that will host the next rally to extend an invitation. Arrange to have convention and other pertinent reports given. Contact the program presenter(s) and arrange for all equipment or supplies they will need. Conduct meetings and introduce programs at rallies. Use the LWML pledge and LWML songs at rallies.Keep a record of all Zone expenses and give receipts to the Zone Secretary-Treasurer for reimbursement using the Zone voucher provided at the rally. (See forms section.)Approve and sign minutes of planning meetings and Zone rallies.Serve as Zone delegate to the LWML convention following election to office. Keep all names of rally attendees and their churches for future reference when considering names for future officer candidates and chairman recommendations. Make minutes of all District BOD and Executive Committee (EC) meetings and of the District convention available to any member of the Zone who requests them. Be sure Zone officers and Society presidents or contacts have all important and required information from BOD meetings. Work with Zone Archivist-Historian to be certain she receives all the material and information from the Zone as requested by the District Archivist-Historian. Give all updated material for the Montana Manual and LWML Handbook to the Zone officers and Society presidents or contacts. District Board of Directors Attend BOD meetings. The Zone Vice President shall be the alternate. Prepare officer reports as directed by the District President (Article VII, Section 4). Keep the BOD updated on Zone officer information. Keep the BOD and District Corresponding Secretary updated on Society information: Society President's or contact's name, address, etc., and if the Society is active or inactive. Keep a record (preferably receipts) of District expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and mileage (use computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings) to submit for reimbursement at BOD meetings, using the District voucher provided at the meeting. (See forms section.)Record KeepingKeep a record of rally expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and submit for reimbursement at the Zone rally, using the Zone voucher in the Zone section of the Montana Manual. Maintain a record of activities: articles written, materials ordered, meetings and events attended, correspondence, etc.Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the District President.Give the Montana Manual, LWML Handbook, and records to the next Zone President (LWML Montana District Bylaws Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Zone Vice PresidentGeneral Statement of Duties Perform duties in the absence of the Zone President or at her request.Detailed Duties Date Everything Understand Purpose of LWML Read District and Zone bylaws. Study Montana Manual and the LWML Handbook, particularly the Zone officers and rally information in the Zone section of the Manual. Responsibilities Serve as Chairman of the Zone Nominating Committee. Serve on the LWML Montana District Nominating Committee.Serve as delegate to the LWML convention if the Zone President is unable to attend. Record Keeping Keep a record of rally expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and submit for reimbursement at the Zone rally, using the Zone voucher in the Zone section of the Montana Manual. Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the Zone President. Give the Montana Manual, L WML Handbook, and records to the next Zone Vice President (LWML Montana District Bylaws Article VII, Section 6).Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Zone Secretary-Treasurer General Statement of Duties Write minutes of the Zone planning meetings and rallies. Send copies of the rally minutes to each of the Societies in the Zone, the LWML Montana District President, District Missive Editor, District Financial Secretary, the Zone Presidents, the Zone Archivist-Historian (3 copies), and the Zone Pastoral Counselor within 30 days of the rally. Notify District President and District Missive Editor, the Host Society, inspirational speaker and alternate, and/or other participants as soon as rally plans are made. (See Zone bylaws.)Be responsible for and keep an account of money gathered at rallies and pay rally expenses (work with the Host Society Treasurer); submit overage (if any), along with LWML Zone Rally Report (see Zone section), to the District Financial Secretary to be deposited into the Delegate Fund.Detailed Duties Date Everything Understand Purpose of LWML Read District and Zone bylaws. Study Montana Manual and the LWML Handbook, particularly the Zone officers and rally information in the Zone section of the Manual. Recording Minutes Record the minutes of the officer planning meetings and the Zone rallies. Minutes must include enough detail that the meaning is clear even to people not attending the meeting. Submit the minutes to the Zone President for her review and signature before signing and distributing them. Send approved rally minutes to the appropriate people named under General Statement of Duties above. Note that the minutes are not sent to all the District officers.Preserve a copy of all minutes signed by both the Zone President and Zone Secretary-Treasurer. Keep a current mailing list of all Societies in the Zone and the name, address, etc. of their President or contact. Responsibilities Keep an accurate account of all rally expenses, including the expenses of the presenters and the Zone Pastoral Counselor. Submit receipts for reimbursement using Zone vouchers provided at the rally. (See Zone forms section)Working with the Host Society Treasurer, pay bills approved by the Zone President. Present the financial report at the close of the rally. Complete LWML Zone Rally Report (see Zone section) and submit it with overage, if there is any, to the Host Society Treasurer since they have a checking account. An overage check and the LWML Zone Rally Report will be sent to the District Financial Secretary. If there are insufficient funds to pay all expenses, pay speakers and Zone Pastoral Counselor (if applicable) first, then the Host Society expenses. Submit receipts of expenses to be covered along with a Zone voucher, signed by the Host Society, to the District President with a District voucher, signed by the Zone President and attached.Preserve a copy of each L WML Zone Rally Report. Record Keeping Keep a record of rally expenses (postage, copies, supplies, etc.) and submit for reimbursement at the Zone rally, using the Zone voucher in the Zone section of the Montana Manual. Send a copy of all pertinent correspondence to the Zone President.Give the Montana Manual, L WML Handbook, and records to the next Zone Secretary-Treasurer (LWML Montana District Bylaws Article VII, Section 6).Work with the Zone Archivist-Historian to help her keep the Zone archives.Records seven years and older should be sent to the District Archivist-Historian for her to determine what will be saved and what will be destroyed.Instructions for RalliesThe Zone President will set the rally date at least three (3) months before the rally, checking all possible dates in the zone that may cut down attendance. She then will give the date to the District President, the Missive editor, and the Website Coordinator. She will also keep these people informed as the plans progress.The Zone President will conduct a meeting of zone officers to plan the rally program at least sixty (60) days before the rally and inform the host society of all necessary details so the society can extend invitations at least thirty (30) days prior to the rally. Invitations will be sent to all societies in the zone, the District President, and the zone officers. The Zone President will provide the list.The host society appoints a member to present the welcome.The Zone President will arrange for someone to respond to the welcome (usually from the society hosting the last rally), contact the appropriate society to extend an invitation to the next rally, maintain contact with the host society, and the program presenter(s) to assure an organized rally.The host society shall set a registration fee to be paid by those attending (note exceptions in 5 and 6 below). Rallies are not to be moneymaking events. Decorations and entertainment expenses are to be paid by the host society. It is the obligation of the host society to keep the registration fee as low as possible, so that expense will not prevent women from attending the rally. The registration fee shall cover the following expenses:Officer’s expenses (an estimate of these expenses shall be given to the host society by the Zone President). This includes the presenter’s expenses;The necessary local expenses (stamps, meal, programs/bulletins, etc.); andThe Speakers’ Fund. This fee is to be established by the District Board of Directors when the District provides the speaker, and by the zone officers when they plan the program. This fee is not established by the host society and is charged only when LMWL leaders do not present the program.Presenters of the rally program chosen by the District or the zone do not pay the registration fee. This also includes the Zone Pastoral Counselor and the District President.Each society is responsible for paying the registration fee for its pastor(s) and vicar.The Zone President will send the agenda for the rally to the host society at least two (2) weeks before the rally. The society shall print the agenda to distribute at the rally.The host society will collect the registration fee as guests arrive, but the Zone Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for disbursing the funds and presenting the financial report at the close of the rally. The Secretary-Treasurer will work with the treasurer of the host society, as the zone does not have a checking account. Be sure to use the proper vouchers. Use the zone voucher for all zone expenses (you may use more than one); use the District voucher to cover a shortage. Please follow the directions on the vouchers.A special offering may be taken only when approved by a vote of the women attending the rally. This offering may be to cover a rally shortage if necessary, for mites, or for a specific cause if at the rally the women have become aware of an immediate mission opportunity.Copy the form on the next page, fill out, and mail to the Financial Secretary with the overage check (if you have an overage) and a copy of the rally minutes.(Refile this copy of this form with the following instructions in your Montana Manual.)It is very important to review this page when planning the Zone Rally.Reminder: Rallies are not meant to be moneymaking gatherings, but they are expected to meet their expenses.It is hoped that zones will always plan rallies carefully enough to be able to pay all the expenses in connection with the rally. Unexpected situations may arise which cause the zone to experience a shortage. When that happens, LWML Montana District assumes responsibility for those expenses, using overage money from other zones. When one zone is unable to meet its needs, the other zones – through the district – help that zone with its difficulties. This exemplifies the relationship that zones and districts enjoy. Zones are encouraged to keep registration fees low so women are not prevented from attending rallies because of the cost. Setting the registration fee requires cooperation between zone officers and the host society. The society should determine a realistic estimate of their expenses; the Zone President will submit an estimate of the officers’ expenses (and presenter’s expenses if there may be any) to the society, which then determines the registration fee. The registration fee should not be planned to create an overage.If a presenter is to be paid for presenting a portion of the program, the Zone is encouraged to follow these District guidelines: The suggested guideline for honorariums is $25 for presenting the rally program; however, LWML leaders will receive honorariums only when presenting a program outside their specific area of leadership or from special LWML workshops. Presenters who are not LWML members may be paid mileage (the mileage amount is on the voucher form). This decision is made before the registration fee is decided. Be sure you have also carefully read the page: Instructions for Rallies.Overage funds are sent to the LWML Montana District Financial Secretary and used to pay shortages from other zones, or they are added to the Delegate Fund for LWML conventions.Occasionally as a result of the program or a report presented, the women attending a rally become aware of an immediate mission opportunity. If they vote to make donations for a specific cause, to meet a rally shortage, or for mites, a free-will offering may be taken. Keep in mind we do not want women to stay away from rallies because we are “always asking for money.”The Zone Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for the rally funds. The local society’s treasurer will assist her and the funds may be deposited in the local society’s account so that checks can be written to cover expenses and submit overages to the District. Bills may also be paid by cash from registration fees – keep a record for your information. However, the Zone Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for completing the rally report form and for disbursing the funds. The Zone Rally Report will be completed the day of the rally. LWML Zone Rally ReportAttach all Zone Vouchers and receipts to the District Financial Secretary’s copy (copy for your records)Date ZoneCity________________Spring rallyFall RallyChurch_____IncomeNumber Registered at $ per person$Special Offering for:$(if approved by vote of those attending)Total Income$ExpensesHost Society (Program folders, stamps, copying, etc.)$Expenses for meals$Presenter (Honorarium, copies, expenses, mileage, etc.)$Zone Pastoral Counselor (mileage, copies, expenses, etc.)$(mileage is not paid if the Pastoral Counselor’s church is the host church)Zone President’s expenses$Zone Secretary/Treasurer expenses$Other expenses: (list)total for other expenses $_______________Child care$Special offering$$Total Expenses$ ** Shortage (expenses minus income)$or **Overage (income minus expenses)$ *Speaker’s fund (when applicable)$Zone President’s signature:______________________________________________(*Speaker’s Fund: This fee per each rally attendee is charged only when the District provides the speaker or missionary who will present the program at each rally. The District decides the fee.)**Please send a check for the overage and/or the Speaker’s Fund along with a copy of this report to the District Financial Secretary. For a Shortage, a District Voucher must be filled out and sent to the District President with a copy of this report. The District will cover the Shortage. Send a copy of the approved rally minutes to the District Financial Secretary, the District President, and the Zone President.LWML Montana DISTRICT Expense VoucherAttach & identify all receiptsDate:Total mileage:miles at $0.40*$(attach correct mileage documentation)Motel: ? cost of BOD member’s room$(up to $50)Meals:(meals home may be estimated)$Other: (please specify)$$$$Sub-Total$Amount to be donated to LWML-Total to be reimbursed$Name:Address: City:StateZipYour Signature:President’s Approval:Montana Manual 2015 *updated 4-26-2018-87630-1206500Montana ManualSocietyMembers and SocietiesReportsSociety Annual ReportOfficer Election ReportNew Society ApplicationIndividual MembershipLWML Societies and Members – Definitions(From the LWML Handbook, Page A-1 ff, LWML Societies and Individual Members)Organization/StructureThe structure taken by an LWML Society depends upon the needs of the women involved. A Society may, but is not restricted to, adopt one of the following patterns as its framework:A separate group in a congregation formed especially for the purpose of supporting the object of the LWML and participating in LWML programs. Such groups ordinarily have officers (elected and/or appointed), bylaws, and regularly scheduled meetings.Part of a congregational women’s group formed for another purpose (such as Bible study, social/fellowship, exercise, mother’s club, etc.) but committed to the object of LWML. Such groups frequently devote at least one meeting each quarter to the study of missions and to LWML business.A women’s ministry program organized according to a circle plan. A circle plan unites the women of the congregation in one general LWML Society, with smaller groups (circles) working separately in their areas of interest (e.g. altar care, Bible study, missions, quilting, etc.). Societies using a circle plan usually have quarterly LWML meetings which bring all the circles together for a special program.Flexible in structure, with members participating in the object of LWML individually or as a group, but having none or some of the following: schedule of meetings, officers, and bylaws. However, members of such groups are invited and encouraged to attend Zone, District, and LWML events when possible. For other definitions, see page A-2 in the LWML Handbook.LWML also defines membership for a woman not affiliated with a Society:Individual MembersIndividual membership is available to a woman in a The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregation with or without a Society affiliated with the LWML. Individual membership is not considered a Society or a Unit. Individual members have all the privileges of membership except vote at District and LWML conventions. She may serve on committees and hold elective office at the Zone, District, and LWML levels. (Following this page is a form for individual membership for a woman to submit to the LWML Montana District President.)The LWML Montana District has added the following categories for our District:Active SocietyThis Society has officers and bylaws, conducts meetings, receives Quarterlies and Missives, submits delegate fees to the District, hosts rallies, is eligible to send delegates to District convention, is on the delegate rotation for LWML convention, submits mites to the District on a regular basis, and supports the objectives of LWML.Inactive SocietyThis Society is invited to attend all District and Zone events; unless the District is given a contact name, all mailings will be addressed to the women of the congregation at the church address. This group may have officers or occasional meetings, does not host rallies, is not on the rotation for LWML convention delegates, is invited to submit mites to the District, and may subscribe to the Quarterly and Missive. This Society is “flexible in structure.”Society Annual ReportSupply the requested information applying to your society or group, and send this form to the District Financial Secretary with a check and a receipt voucher for the appropriate amount of money due for the Missive, Quarterly, and delegate fees by November 1. (This amount will be for the following year.) These fees are itemized on the cover of the Receipt Voucher tablet. The Financial Secretary’s address is in the Missive. Please type or print; include spouse’s name where applicable: example, Mary Jones (Mrs. John) or (John).Date Society or Group Name Zone Month Society elections are held Church Name EmailMailing Address City ST _Zip Who should receive the District and Zone mail announcements or requests for information?The President or a Contact Person?__________________ That person’s name Address __________ City __ST Zip _____Phone Times to phone EmailPastor _________ Address City ST Zip Phone_________________Times to phone EmailOfficial number of active members (the number of people for whom delegate fees are paid) __________________Number of supporting people in addition to members: ______________(These people may support the society financially or by performing supportive activities and are considered members, but not for the purpose of delegate fees. Examples: make quilts, donate mites, make shut-in calls, etc.).Number of Missive copies ordered and paid for: ______ Number of Quarterly copies ordered and paid for: ______Who should receive these publications by mail?Name _____Address City ST Zip If you have additional information or names you want the District to be aware of, write that information on the back of this form. Please feel free to contact your District or Zone officers if you have any questions. Make three (3) copies: Send one to the District Financial Secretary (with your check and receipt voucher), one to the District President, and one to your Zone President.Society Officer Election ReportComplete this form and send copies to the District President and your Zone President as soon as your society's election is held. Please type or print; include spouse’s name where applicable: for example, Mary Jones (Mrs. John) or (John). If the office titles are not the same, please change the form to reflect your office titles.Today’s date____Day and time of regular meetings Zone Society name Number of members Month and day of week Society elections are regularly heldChurch NameEmailMailing AddressCity STZipNumber of Circles: (On the back side, list the name of a contact person for each circle.)Pastor ________________________________________ Phone __________________Address___________________________________ Email _______________________Pastor ________________________________________ Phone __________________Address___________________________________ Email _______________________Secretary______________________________________ Phone _________________Address___________________________________ Email _______________________Treasurer________________________________________ Phone _______________Address___________________________________ Email _______________________Gospel Outreach (Projects) __________________________ Phone ______________Address___________________________________ Email _______________________Christian Life (Growth) ________________________________ Phone ____________Address________________________________________ Email __________________Human Care (Service) ______________________________ Phone _______________Address__________________________________ Email ________________________Servant Resources (Education) _______________________ Phone ______________Address__________________________________ Email ________________________Archivist/Historian _____________________________ Phone __________________Address__________________________________ Email ________________________(Continue on back if needed – indicate if names on back.)Application to form aLutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District SocietyOn this date ________________________________________________ the women of (Day) (Month) (Year)_______________________________________ Church, have resolved to join together (Name)to form an LWML Society _________________________________________________ (Selected Name of Your Society)that will be affiliated with the LWML Montana District.Church street address ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ _____________ (City) (State) (Zip code)______________________ ______________________________________________ (Telephone Number) (Email) Officers: (Please Print/Type Officer Names)President ______________________________________________________________________Vice President (Optional) ______________________________________________________________________Secretary ______________________________________________________________________Treasurer ______________________________________________________________________Number of Members ___________ Number of Quarterlies ___________Contact Person ______________________________________________________________________ (Name)______________________________________________________________________ (Address)______________________ ____________________________________________ (Telephone Number) (Email)Rev. _________________________________________________________________ (Signature of Pastor)Please return your completed application to the LWML Montana District President. Her address is listed on the back of the Montana Missive or visit for more information.INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP FORMI wish to become an Individual Member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). I fully support the mission statement of the LWML and pledge to serve my Lord by supporting mission projects, service programs, and fellowship events sponsored by the LWML.Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Email I am a communicant member of this LCMS congregation:Name Address City, State, Zip Code Pastor Signature of member Date Pastor’s signature -14067815826200Montana ManualAdditional FormsLutheran World Relief (LWR)GuidelinesInstructionsLabels – Kits & QuiltsBaby Care KitsBlanketsFabric KitsFleece Tied BlanketsMission QuiltsNew Soap KitsPersonal Care KitsSchool KitsReport FormsChurch Report – Contact PersonLWR Truck DriverTellers ReportForms and Reports TimelineLutheran World Relief Guidelines (Shipping and handling costs are for your information.)Quilts (Shipping and handling one quilt, approximately $2.25.)LWR Quilts should measure 60”x80” with sufficient filler to provide warmth on a cold night. Quilts are preferred but new or like new (no stains or tears) blankets are also accepted.Fleece-Tied Blankets (Shipping and handling one quilt, approximately $2.25.)Should measure approximately 60”x80” and should be in separate boxes from the quilts;Two pieces of fleece 58" - 59" wide x 80" long;Ruler;Chalk or fabric pen; andSharp fabric scissors.Blankets (Shipping and handling one quilt, approximately $2.25.)Should measure approximately 60”x80” and should be in separate boxes from the quilts; andNo knitting, crocheting, or religious symbols. School Kits (Shipping and handling, approximately $1.40.)Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college-ruled paper approximately 8”x10?”: no loose leaf paper;One 2? inch pink eraser;One 30-centimeter ruler, or ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other;One pencil sharpener;One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well);Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers: secured together with a rubber band;Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink): secure together with a rubber band;One box of 16-24 crayons; andPlace all items in one sturdy drawstring backpack-style cloth bag approximately 14”x 17” with shoulder straps (no standard backpacks); recommended fabrics include heavy cotton, canvas, denim, and twill. Pattern available at beinvolved or call 800-597-5972.Personal Care Kits (Shipping and handling approximately $2.65, fresh toothpaste is added.)One light or medium weight bath-size towel, approximately 52”x 27”, dark color recommended;Soap bars adding up to 8 to 9 oz. in original wrapping;One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging (toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap);One sturdy comb, remove packaging;One metal nail clippers, remove packaging; andWrap all the items in the towel and tie securely with ribbon or yarn.Baby Care Kits (Shipping and handling approximately $1.30.)Two lightweight cotton t-shirts (no Onesies?, no snaps);Two long or short–sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet);Two receiving blankets, medium –weight cotton or flannel (one of the two may be crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, up to 52” square);Four cloth diapers, flat fold preferred;One jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with a hood, or include a baby cap;Two pairs of socks;One hand towel, dark color recommended;Soap bars adding up to 8 to 9 oz. in original wrapping;Two diaper pins or large safety pins (three inch pins); andWrap all the items in the receiving blanket and secure with diaper pins.Fabric Kits (Shipping and handling approximately $1.)Two pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester). Each piece should match one of the sizes below:2 ? yards of 60”wide fabric3 yards of 44” wide fabric4 yards of 36” wide fabric; No stains or holes; andTwo spools of matching or neutral-colored general purpose thread, 250-300 yards each.Soap can be sent by the boxes. It is accepted in original wrapping of any size although bath size is preferred. (Shipping and handling for one 18# carton is approx. $11.60.) Remember: No, paper or plastic bags, only one type of item per box, label boxes in Large Block Letters on the outside. Strong cartons should be secured with clear wrapping tape, not to exceed 40 pounds.Instructions for Lutheran World ReliefPlease read the following instructions carefully before you fill out the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) labels and the report form.LWR Labels and InstructionsIndividual LWR labels for kits and other items are enclosed. The labels are to be put on each box, clearly showing the contents and the weight along with the other information. Cover label with clear wrapping tape.The labels reflect the new LWR kit instructions for 2015 and following. Please throw old forms, labels, and instructions away! No clothes or sweaters are to be sent to LWR. The Personal Care Kits are not to contain toothpaste. Do not send any items that are torn or stained.New, wrapped soap, and quilts and blankets are still accepted. Quilts and blankets are sent separately. The above items are to be in sturdy boxes no more than 40 pounds in weight. They are not to be tied with string. Use clear wrapping tape. Protect the labels with clear wrapping tape.Before you transfer the labels to the boxes, make copies for your records.Always keep the blank original label forms for your records.The labels can be copied on white paper and cut apart. LWR Report FormThe LWR report forms are enclosed. The forms are to be filled out completely using the information on the labels. Please be certain that all amounts reported are the same as on the labels.There is a report for the person collecting the boxes for the truck. That contact person will then send the forms to the LWML Montana District Vice President of Human Care. All expense vouchers are also sent to the District Vice President of Human Care. Please give odometer or map readings for mileage.There is a report for the truck driver. Be sure that the totals on the report for the collector equals the totals for the truck driver.Make a copy of the forms before you turn them in to keep for your records.Always keep the blank original form for your records.Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Baby CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of Kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Baby CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of Kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Baby CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of Kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Baby CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of Kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fabric KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fabric KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fabric KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fabric KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fleece-Tied BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fleece-Tied BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fleece-Tied BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Fleece-Tied BlanketsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of blankets:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Mission QuiltsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of quilts:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Mission QuiltsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of quilts:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Mission QuiltsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of quilts:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Mission QuiltsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of quilts:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________New SoapWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________New SoapWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________New SoapWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________New SoapWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Personal CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Personal CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Personal CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:______________________ ZIP:________Personal CareWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:_______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:_____________ ST:__ ZIP:________School KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:_____________ ST:__ ZIP:________School KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:_____________ ST:__ ZIP:________School KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Lutheran World Relief: Year_____Congregation: __________________________Address________________________________City:_____________ ST:__ ZIP:________School KitsWeight: ______________Actual____ Est.____ Number of kits:______Keep a copy of this form for your church’s records.This form is to be given to the contact person at the pick-up place for Lutheran World Relief.Lutheran World Relief Drive (Year)Church’s Name Church’s Address City State ___________Zip Lutheran Synodical Affiliation LCMS _______ ELCA _______ WELS _______Other Church Affiliation Contact Person ____________________________ Phone _____________________Address Email _______ItemNumber of boxescontaining this item(only one type of item per box)Total weight (in pounds) of boxes containing this item: state if actual or estimated(example: 10 lb. actual; 10 lb. estimated)Number of items if applicableBaby Care KitsFleece-Tied BlanketsBlanketsFabric KitsMission quiltsNew, wrapped soapPersonal Care KitsSchool KitsTotal # of boxes/poundsn/aKeep a copy of this entire form for your church’s records.Give report to the LWR truck driver.Lutheran World Relief Drive (Year)Church’s Name Church’s Address _______________________________City ______________ State ______________ Zip _____________________Lutheran Synodical AffiliationLCMSELCAWELSOther Church Affiliation Contact Person Phone AddressEmailNumber ofBoxesPoundsCircle oneEstimated or ActualTotalsTellers Report FormOffice or Project:Number of votes cast:Necessary for election:Received:Received:Received:Received:Received:Received:Received:Illegal votes:Signature of Tellers: (Chairman signs first):LWML Montana District TimelineThe following chart represents the twelve months of a year. In each month’s block is a reminder of the forms that are to be submitted during that month. Personalize this schedule by writing in your society’s election so that you may send in the Society Officer Election Report. When you send in your financial reports and money to the District Financial Secretary, please use the Society Annual Report. For the timing of the Society Annual Report, consult the Montana Missive.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayUsual Lutheran World Relief Drive - YearlyJuneJulyAugustSeptemberScholarship Forms due – YearlyLWML Mission Grant forms due – Even-numbered yearsOctoberYoung Woman Rep. forms due – Even-numbered yearsDistrict Mission Grant forms due – Odd-numbered yearsNovemberDecember641357683500Montana ManualGuidelinesFinancial PoliciesHonorariumsTravel/Housing/MealsBoard of Directors MeetingsDistrict ConventionsOther EventsDistrict Convention RegistrationRetreats and RalliesRefundsMemorials from the Board of DirectorsEmployer Identification Number (EIN)RetreatsEndowment FundFinancial Policies Honorariums at LWML EventsPresenters of the program at retreats, workshops, rallies, and seminars, and leaders of sectionals at District Convention will be given an honorarium; however, LWML Montana District leaders will receive honorariums only when presenting a program outside their specific area of leadership. When LWML District leaders present the program within their area of leadership at a retreat, workshop, or seminar, the District will pay their registration. All presenters must register for the event. Non-LWMLers will be paid mileage.The following is a general guideline for honorariums:30-60 minute presentation$25-$501-2 hours$50-$75Rally$25District Convention honorariums to be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account:LWML representative $100 (or as recommended by LWML)Other guest speakers $100Bible study leader $50 (if NOT District Pastoral Counselor)Mites in Action speakers $50LCMS Montana District representative $25 (if NOT Bible study leader)Sectional leader $25 (if NOT LWML member)The LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) will determine what honorariums will be given based on previous District practice (above) and recommendation of the District President.Because it is important to keep the registration fees for events as low as possible to enable more women to attend, event chairmen are encouraged to use the talents and abilities of women registered for the event for activities such as song leader, food preparers, etc. They will not receive honorariums, registration, or mileage.TRAVEL/HOUSING/MEALSThe following expenses of all members of the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) are paid from the Administrative Expenses Account: Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) MeetingsTravel is based on round trip mileage to and from the meeting at the current rate as designated by the BOD. Computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings will document mileage. Carpooling is encouraged!Actual cost of meals when traveling to the meeting, with documentation, and estimated cost of meals on the way home will be reimbursed.Housing in homes is provided at no cost. If a motel is preferred, one-half the cost of a BOD member’s room is reimbursed up to $50.The BOD will pay the full cost of the Pastoral Counselor’s room at all required LWML meetings and events (i.e., retreats, BOD meetings, conventions, etc.), if he does not have a roommate. Every effort should be made to find a roommate prior to the event.?If his wife or family members attend the event with him, they will cover their own lodging and expenses. When submitting out-of-pocket expenses, use the District voucher with appropriate documentation.DISTRICT CONVENTIONTravel is based on round trip mileage to and from the convention at the current rate as designated by the BOD. Computer mapping, map mileage tables, or odometer readings will document mileage. Carpooling is encouraged! One-way travel is paid for newly elected BOD members.Outgoing and newly elected officers meeting to transition duties will be paid mileage.Actual cost of meals when traveling to the convention, with documentation, and estimated cost of meals on the way home will be reimbursed.All speakers will have their travel paid from the Administrative Expenses Account.Equalization/travel and convention lodging expenses for the LWML representative will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account.All meals to/from the airport and any other on-site convention expenses for the LWML Representative will be paid by the District Convention Committee.Housing arrangements for BOD members and convention speakers in the designated convention motel will be made by the District Treasurer (working with District Convention Committee personnel) and paid from the Administrative Expenses Account. If a BOD member chooses to room with someone other than another BOD member in the designated convention motel, the District will be reimbursed 50% for the non-BOD member. If a BOD member chooses to make her own housing arrangements, the expense will be entered on the District voucher at one half the cost of the room or up to 50% of the cost of a room in the designated convention motel, whichever is less. The Pastoral Counselors will pay 50% of the cost of a room in the designated convention motel if they have a roommate. Please note Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive Committee (EC) Meetings, bullet #4. The individual pays special room services such as phone calls.Young Woman Representatives (YWRs) from the previous LWML convention, who are asked to participate in other capacities in addition to giving their convention report, will have their registration paid in lieu of receiving an honorarium if the BOD approves. They should refer to the YWR Information Agreement and work with the Young Woman (YW) Chairman and/or the BOD on possible sharing of expenses.When submitting out-of pocket expenses, use the District voucher with appropriate documentation.Other EventsThe District President’s and District Pastoral Counselors’ mileage for District or zone events outside their own zone or area will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account. When the District President attends an LWML meeting or conference because of her position (such as LWML BOD Meetings or Leadership Training), expenses not covered by LWML will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account.Travel expenses will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account for LWML members who are chosen to attend LWML leadership workshops (such as Leadership Training) and when they travel to present the workshops as events in the District and zones.When submitting out-of-pocket expenses, use the District voucher with appropriate documentation.Expenses for the Pastoral Counselor to attend an LWML convention will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account. DISTRICT CONVENTION REGISTRATIONBoard members, past LWML Montana District Presidents, pastors, speakers, YWRs, and exhibitors must register. The District Treasurer may assist in completing the registration forms. The registration fees will be as follows:The fees for all BOD members and past presidents will be paid in full from the Administrative Expenses Account.The fees for all LCMS Montana District pastors will be waived except for their banquet tickets. The banquet tickets for pastors who present Bible studies will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account. All general registration pastors must pay for their own ticket if they choose to attend the banquet.The fee for the LWML representative will be a cost of the District Convention Committee. The fees of all other speakers will be waived. If they plan to attend the banquet, that expense will be paid from the Administrative Expenses Account. The exhibitor will pay fees and housing in full for exhibitor representatives who are not LWML members.The District Convention Committee will determine full and part-time fee structures with input from the BOD.Retreats and RalliesPlease refer to the pages for the Retreats in the Policies and Guidelines section and Rallies in the Zone section.REFUNDSIf a refund of registration fees is requested two weeks prior to a retreat, workshop, seminar, or convention, the full amount will be refunded. Refunds requested between that date and prior to the event will be handled by the chairman of the event at her discretion. Refunds may be prorated according to the reason for the request and available funding. All registration refund requests for the District Convention, after the completion of the convention, must be made in writing to the District Convention Committee within a week of the close of the convention. A cancellation fee of $10, depending on the reason for the request, may be withheld. The District Convention Committee will pay the refund. MEMORIALS FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSUpon the death of any current BOD member, their spouse, or a past District President, the BOD will donate an amount of $50 to the Memorial Scholarship Fund from the Administrative Expenses Account.Employer Identification NumberAn Employer Identification Number (EIN) is required on all society banking accounts. Societies may, with permission, use the EIN of their congregation; this is recommended. The EIN of the LWML Montana District can also be used (#23-7540678). A member’s social security number must never be used. RetreatsThe Vice President of Servant Resources, Vice President of Christian Life, and the two Pastoral Counselors will be involved in planning the retreats. Following their election at the District convention, the new Junior Pastoral Counselor and the new Vice President will replace the outgoing Senior Pastoral Counselor and the outgoing Vice President. They will become involved in planning the retreats.The Pastoral Counselors and Vice Presidents will begin planning the retreats before the February LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) meeting. They will have information to present at the February meeting.The registration forms, information, and theme will be in the Spring Missive and on the LWML Montana District website as soon as possible. There will be two separate registration forms, one for each retreat. The Vice Presidents will decide which one is in charge of the retreats. The other Vice President will assist her. The Vice Presidents may select a substitute if one cannot help with the planning. The intent is that each Vice President will be in charge of two retreats during her term. The Vice Presidents will decide which retreat each will lead. If a Vice President cannot attend her assigned retreat, a substitute from retreat attendees will be appointed to help and facilitate the retreat. The Pastoral Counselors will decide which retreat they will attend. If one of the Pastoral Counselors cannot attend, he may appoint a substitute.The Pastoral Counselors, or their substitutes, are responsible for and will present the Bible studies. All attendees, including the Vice President or her substitute and the Pastoral Counselor or his substitute, must register. The Vice President or substitute for each retreat will receive the registrations for that retreat.The Vice President, or her substitute, of each retreat will be responsible for registering herself and the Pastoral Counselor for her retreat. A registration form and an expense voucher must be completed for each and sent to the District President for her signature. It will then be forwarded to the Treasurer for payment. The registration fees for the Vice Presidents or substitute will be paid from the Christian Growth Account and are retreat expenses.The registration fees for the Pastoral Counselors or substitute will be paid from the BOD Account. Mileage and expenses will be vouchered after the retreat. Mileage and expenses for the Vice Presidents or substitute are retreat expenses. Mileage and expenses for the Pastoral Counselors or substitute are BOD expenses. Expenses can include meals during travel, materials, copies, etc.If needed, the BOD can approve seed money for one or both retreats. The leader of each retreat will select attendees as helpers to do food, crafts, snacks, singing, etc. for the respective retreats. The retreat helpers will be reimbursed all expenses except registration and mileage. All allowable helper expenses will be paid from the retreat monies. District vouchers with appropriate documentation will be used for all expenses. The Vice President in charge of the retreats will keep copies of all expense reports and vouchers for the retreats. She will send the originals to the District President for approval. The District President will forward them to the District Treasurer for payment.Every effort will be made to make the retreats self-supporting.If there is a shortage for the retreats, it will be absorbed by the Christian Growth Account. If the retreat has an overage, it will be remain in the Christian Growth Account. All expenses, except the Pastoral Counselor’s, or his substitute’s, registration and mileage, will be considered when determining the cost of the retreat. If registration and/or mileage is paid for anyone other than the Pastoral Counselor or his substitute, that must be added to the cost of the retreat.Prior to promoting each of the retreats, the Vice President in charge will determine what the anticipated costs will be and recommend to the BOD the registration fee for each retreat based on those costs. The Vice President in charge will make a full financial report of each retreat at the following fall BOD meeting. Lutheran Women's Missionary League Montana District Endowment FundThe Lutheran Women's Missionary League of the Montana District (hereafter known as "LWML Montana District") shall have an Endowment Fund. This Fund shall be called Lutheran Women's Missionary League Montana District Endowment Fund (hereafter known as the "Fund"). It shall be one of the funds of the LWML Montana District.The Fund's purpose shall be to receive gifts and bequests and to use them for the further growth of the LWML Montana District’s mission and ministry.The Fund shall be promoted and managed by the LWML Montana District’s Fund Committee consisting of the LWML Montana District President; Treasurer; and Vice President of Gospel Outreach (hereafter known as the "Fund Committee"). This committee will bring recommendations to the LWML Montana District Board for approval.The Fund will be held in the LWML Montana District savings account. The allocation of interest received on the LWML savings account will be entered in the Endowment Fund books. Once the Fund reaches $5,000 through interest and contributions, it will be transferred to a separate account recommended by the Fund Committee. Distributions from the Fund can be made once the principal amount of $10,000 is reached. At that time, only the interest income from the $10,000 will be spent with recommendations from the Fund Committee.The Fund records shall be audited every biennium at the same time that the records of the District Treasurer are audited.The LWML Montana District Treasurer shall be responsible for receipts and disbursements of the Fund, as authorized by the Fund Committee.Individuals who desire to support the Fund should designate gifts to the LWML Montana District Endowment Fund.The LWML Montana District hereby agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless the members of the Fund Committee against any and all liabilities, loss, damages, cost, or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees arising from or in connection with serving as members of the Committee for said Fund.Any amendments to this agreement that will change, alter, or amend the purposes for which the Fund is established shall be adopted only if approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting members present of the LWML Montana District Board of Directors.The LWML Montana District adopted the Lutheran Women's Missionary League Montana District Endowment Funds Agreement on the 14th day of November, 2005.318833516890900/s/ Pam KercherLWML Montana District President321183016065400/s/ Valerie Pateman LWML Montana District Recording Secretary-127000-13906500Montana ManualApplicationsMission GrantsDistrictGuidelines for Submitting and Writing Grant Proposals Directory of Grant PersonnelReviewing Grant ProposalsLWMLGuidelines for Submitting and Writing Grant ProposalsDirectory of Grant PersonnelScholarshipsApplicationPersonal Information Form Reference FormYoung Woman RepresentativeInformationApplication Guidelines Submitting and Writing an LWML Montana District Mission Grant ProposalWho may submit a mission grant proposal?Mission grant proposals may be submitted by individual LWML members, local societies, the districts, and boards of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Any proposal that originates elsewhere must be endorsed by one of the above groups. A mission grant should:Extend ministry of the Word: Does it enable God’s Word to be extended or spread?Fit into plans/projections of the District or Synod.Promote objectives of the LWML by maintaining a missionary spirit.Be current and ready for implementation.Be well-documented.Each proposal should include three (3) elements and include 12 copies of each:The ResolutionSee sample on next page.Be concise:State the purpose or grant goal;Identify the needs; andInclude a basic financial statement with amount of funds requested, itemized use of funds, and, if the request is for partial funding, list the total amount and source of additional funding.The Information Paper Separate from the resolution.Names and comments of people having special knowledge of the project.Current need.Assurance of continued support and maintenance separate from LWML.Directory of Grant Personnel – approvals and signatures. Copy the form following.Who selects the proposals to appear on the ballot?The LWML Montana District Grants Committee evaluates all proposals and makes recommendations to the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD), after consultation with LCMS personnel. The BOD makes final approval for ballot.When and where to send mission grant proposals:Mission grant proposals (12 copies) should be sent to the District Vice President of Gospel Outreach. The proposals must be postmarked October 30 of the year preceding the District convention (odd-numbered years).What if I have a question or need help writing the proposal properly?For advice or additional information, contact the LWML Montana District Vice President of Gospel Outreach or one of the District Pastoral Counselors. Their names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails are printed on the back page of the Missive.Guidelines Writing an LWML Montana District Mission Grant ResolutionBe specific, but brief.Include:A. Grant goals (God’s command to us). B. Grant needs.C. Purpose for funds, how they are to be used.D. Amount needed.Sample Resolution:WHEREAS,God continues to open doors for mission work throughout the world; and (This first sentence is a statement of your goal.)WHEREAS,We must strengthen our commitment to send people who can share the message of salvation; and (The second sentence is a statement of need.)WHEREAS,The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Mission Services has instituted a program for personalized missionary support called “Together in Mission”; and (Include a statement of purpose.)WHEREAS,This program enables us to show those whom we send that we are sharing in their ministry, thereby encouraging them in their task; and (Include an explanation of how money is to be used.)WHEREAS,Together in Mission provides an opportunity for us to work together as we strive to fulfill the Great Commission; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District assembled in convention in (City), on (Month, Days, Year), adopt as a mission grant for the (Years) biennium, (exact dollar amount) for (description or name of activity). (This paragraph must include a specific statement of amount needed.)LWML Montana District Mission Grant Proposal FormDirectory of Grant Personnel(12 copies needed)Name of Grant/Project Amount Requested Submitted by: (Please check one) LWML Member____ LWML Society____ Other ____Name of Submitter or Society President Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone ( ) Email: Congregation Name of LWML Zone President Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone ( ) Email Signature Name of LWML Zone Pastoral Counselor Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone ( ) Email __________________________________________Signature Grant Administrator Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone ( ) Email Funds will be sent to Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone ( ) Email Questions To Consider When Reviewing Grants for the LWML Montana District Convention Ballot1.Is the concept firmly established?2.Does it have the backing of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod? Talk with Synod personnel to double check.3.What are the other sources of funds?4.Will it operate without LWML funds?5.Is the grant “mission” in emphasis: Does it enable God’s Word to be spread?6.Read beyond the words expressed in the concept paper:A.Do you have records of current operating expenses?B.Where are facilities located?C.Is there a list of the Board of Directors?D.Are there names of references to contact?7.Check the district of origin or Synod counterpart for additional information about questionable grants. 8.Scrutinize grants coming from other organizations that often blanket LWML districts. They have been requested not to do this.Guidelines Submitting and Writing LWML Mission Grant ProposalsWho may submit an LWML Mission Grant proposal?1.Mission grant proposals may be submitted by individual LWML members, local societies, the districts, and boards of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).2.At least twelve (12) copies of the proposal must be submitted.3.Proposals must be submitted to the LWML Vice President of Gospel Outreach before September 30 of even-numbered years.4.Proposals for all mission grants, except those submitted by LCMS board shall:Be approved by the Executive Committee of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) District in which they originate.Be approved by the LCMS District President in which the project is located.Each proposal should include three (3) elements and include 12 copies of each:The ResolutionSee sample on next page.Be concise:State the purpose or grant goal;Identify the needs; andInclude a basic financial statement with amount of funds requested, itemized use of funds, and, if the request is for partial funding, list the total amount and source of additional funding.The Information Paper Separate from the resolution.Names and comments of people having special knowledge of the project.Current need.Assurance of continued support and maintenance separate from LWML.Directory of Grant Personnel – approvals and signatures. Copy the form following. When and where to send mission grant proposals:Mission grant proposals (12 copies) should be sent to the LWML Vice President of Gospel Outreach. Find information at . The deadline is September 30 of even-numbered years.What if I have a question or need help writing the grant properly?For advice or additional information, contact the LWML Montana District Vice President of Gospel Outreach or one of the District Pastoral Counselors. Their names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails are printed on the back page of the Missive.GuidelinesWriting an LWML Mission Grant ResolutionBe specific, but brief.Include:A. Grant goals (God’s command to us). B. Grant needs.C. Purpose for funds, how they are to be used.D. Amount needed.Sample Resolution:WHEREAS,God continues to open doors for mission work throughout the world; and (This first sentence is a statement of your goal.)WHEREAS,We must strengthen our commitment to send people who can share the message of salvation; and (The second sentence is a statement of need.)WHEREAS,The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Mission Services has instituted a program for personalized missionary support called “Together in Mission”; and (Include a statement of purpose.)WHEREAS,This program enables us to show those whom we send that we are sharing in their ministry, thereby encouraging them in their task; and (Include an explanation of how money is to be used.)WHEREAS,Together in Mission provides an opportunity for us to work together as we strive to fulfill the Great Commission; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District assembled in convention in (City), on (Month, Days, Year), adopt as a mission grant for the (Years) biennium, (exact dollar amount) for (description or name of activity).(This paragraph must include a specific statement of amount needed.)LWML Mission Grant Proposal FormDirectory of Grant Personnel(12 copies needed)Name of Grant/Project Amount Requested Submitted by: (Please check one) LWML Member ___ LWML Society ___ LWML District ___Name of Submitter Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone () Email Congregation _____Name of LWML District President Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone () Email Signature Name of Synod District President___________________________________________________Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone () Email Signature Grant Administrator Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone () Email Funds will be sent to Street Address P.O. Box City State Zip Phone () Email Guidelines for LWML Montana District Scholarship ApplicationIf you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact the LWML Montana District Scholarship Chairman. The forms referred to follow this page. The application and accompanying documents are to be sent to the District Scholarship Chairman, name and address listed on the back of the Missive, and postmarked by September 30 yearly. The Awardee1. Chosen on the basis of these considerations:A.Christian character, commitment, and the desire to serve in a chosen church profession; B. Scholastic achievement; andC.Financial need.2.Receive payment directly from the LWML Montana District; the money will not be submitted to the school.The ApplicantMust be a member of an LCMS Montana District congregation.Must be enrolled in or planning to attend an LCMS educational facility.Must be preparing for full-time work in the LCMS.Must provide a personal letter of 200 words or more indicating why the student desires a scholarship and why he/she is pursuing a church profession.Must provide a copy of transcript of grades from the last educational facility attended. (Official copy not necessary.)Must provide two (2) completed reference forms, one (1) from home pastor (church official if pastor is student’s parent) and one (1) from an advisor, principal, or other individual. Give a copy of the reference form and a stamped, addressed envelope to each person providing a recommendation. The individuals completing the forms will mail them directly to the District Scholarship Chairman.It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with the individuals providing recommendations to make certain the forms have been completed and mailed.Must submit a completed Scholarship Personal Information Form (one (1) form, two (2) pages).(Check-off list of items to be sent to the Scholarship Chairman is for convenience of applicant.) pleted application form (personal information – 2 pages) 2.Personal letter (#4 above) 3.Transcript 4.Two (2) reference forms Former scholarship recipients need to submit only the personal letter and an updated transcript. The two (2) references, personal information, and original transcript are brought forward to complete the application.Submit a changed form only if the information on your previous form has changed.LWML Montana District Scholarship Personal Information FormPlease Type Or Print PlainlyApplication date Applicant’s Name Birth Date LastFirstM.I.Home Address City STZip ___Phone Email While in school, give any address, phone, email, if different from above:Family InformationIf single, list father, mother, and siblings.If married, list spouse and children.Name of family memberAgeRelationshipLiving at home?OccupationIf in school,GradeSchool NameTotal Annual Family Income From Last Year’s Federal Income Tax ReturnsApplicant’s IncomeParents’ IncomeSpouse’s IncomeTotal Family IncomeIf dependent N/AIf married N/AOn a separate paper, provide additional information you would like the committee to know about your family’s financial situation.Name of Congregation ______________________________ Pastor _____________1. Describe your church activities:2. Describe School/Community Activities:3. High school attended/date of graduation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. College(s) attended (year and location) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Principal or Academic Advisor (latest school attended): Name _____________________________Address _________________________6. Name and location of college you will attend __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Field of study: MinistryTeaching Deaconess DCE _____Other _____ (please specify):8. Name and address of newspaper to be notified if you are a recipient. (A picture for publicity purposes will be requested if you are a recipient.)Signature Date Reference Form for LWML Montana District ScholarshipApplicant’s name ______________________________________Please answer the following questions giving as much information as possible to help the Scholarship Committee evaluate the applicant’s Christian character, commitment, and desire to serve the Lord in his/her chosen church profession. This information is confidential and will be available only to the LWML Montana District Scholarship Committee. Please mail this form directly to the District Scholarship Chairman, name and address listed on the back of the Missive, and postmarked by September 30 yearly.1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?2. How has the applicant demonstrated the potential to become a professional church worker?3. What factors make the applicant especially worthy of receiving scholarship support?Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________Young Woman Representative InformationQualificationsAny mature woman who is a member of an LCMS Montana District congregation may become a Young Woman Representative (YWR) at an LWML convention. She must be 22 to 35 years old at the time of the convention.She will have a deep love and devotion to Jesus Christ and be willing to participate in this special program of the LWML.She will be actively involved in the work of her congregation.She will be able to be away from home and/or work for the convention and travel time.She will be willing to study the convention material that will be provided.She will be willing to attend all sessions of the convention, sitting with the District delegation. She will not be able to vote.She will be willing to actively participate in the special YWR activities at the LWML convention.She will fill out the application and send it to the LWML Montana District Young Woman (YW) Chairman by October 31, the year prior to the convention (even-numbered years).She will ask for a recommendation from either her pastor or the local LWML Society President (or someone who knows her well), calling attention to the due date.Both the application and recommendation must be postmarked on or before October 31, the year prior to the convention (even-numbered years).RequirementsShe will keep an accurate and detailed record of convention and travel expenses.She will send a report of her impressions and her convention experiences to the LWML Montana District Board of Directors (BOD) and the Society or congregation that nominated her.She will commit herself to be active in her LWML District, Zone, and local Society, and encourage other young women to be a part of her experience.She will write an article for the Missive (or the Montana Reflections) to show the importance of involving young women at the Society, Zone, District, and LWML levels. She will be willing, if asked, to share her convention experience in person or in writing with youth groups, Zone rallies, or Society meetings.She will attend the District convention the following spring giving a full report of her LWML convention experiences.She will be willing to participate in the next District convention in any way she is requested. Because of the full expense package payment to attend the LWML convention, she will work with the YW Chairman and/or the BOD on possible sharing of expenses when attending the District convention.General LWML Convention Information for YWRsTravel and housing arrangements will be made and paid for by the LWML Montana District. The District President will coordinate travel plans and arrangements or may ask the YWR to do so.The LWML Montana District will pay for meals at the convention and during travel.The LWML Montana District will pay LWML convention registration fees in full.Any other expenses incurred en route to or from the convention can be vouchered to the District with proper documentation.Young Woman Representative ApplicationName Age (at time of convention) ___________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City State _____________ Zip Code _________ Occupation _____________________Church Membership ______________________ Telephone Email ____________________________________ All application forms must be postmarked by October 31, in even-numbered years. Please attach a separate sheet of paper answering the following questions.The LWML Motto is Psalm 100:2: Serve the Lord with gladness. How do you do this in your life?What groups and activities are you involved in or have you been involved in at your church?What do you know about the LWML? Have you been involved at any level?Why do you desire to be a Young Woman Representative for the District?What do you feel your special interests, talents, and gifts are?Will you commit to serve in some capacity in your LWML District, Zone or local Society after the convention?Your District is making a financial commitment to send you to the LWML convention. It will be an exciting and spiritually inspiring event with very little free time. Do you intend to participate in the full scope of the convention?Please have your pastor or the local LWML Society President (or someone who knows you well) answer the following question, “Why do you feel this woman would make a good Young Woman Representative?” Have them attach this answer on a separate sheet of paper along with their name and relationship to you and mail it to the LWML Montana District Young Woman Chairman, address on the back of the Montana Missive, postmarked by October 31, in even-numbered years. ................

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