BYLAWS of - Montana District LWML

Table of Contents

Article I Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District Page 2

Article II Object Page 2

Article III Members Page 2

Article IV Elected Officers Page 2

Article V Pastoral Counselors Page 3

Article VI Duties of the Elected Officers Page 3

President Page 3

Vice Presidents Page 4

Recording Secretary Page 4

Treasurer Page 5

Nominating Committee Chairman Page 5

Article VII Board of Directors Page 5

Article VIII Executive Committee Page 6

Article IX Appointed Officers and District Committees Page 6

Archivist-Historian Page 6

Corresponding Secretary Page 6

Editor Page 6

Financial Secretary Page 6

Parliamentarian Page 7

Scholarship Chairman Page 7

Structure Chairman Page 7

Web Coordinator Page 7

Young Woman Chairman Page 7

Christian Life Committee Page 7

Gospel Outreach Committee Page 7

Human Care Committee Page 8

Servant Resources Committee Page 8

Nominating Committee Page 8

Scholarship Committee Page 8

Structure Committee Page 8

Young Woman Representative Committee Page 9

Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Page 9

Article X Convention Representation Page 9

District Convention Page 9

LWML Convention Page 9

Article XI Publications Page 10

Article XII Finances Page 10

Article XIII Mission Grants Page 11

Article XIV Parliamentary Authority Page 11

Article XV Amendments of Bylaws Page 11

Charter Date: 1942

Adopted by revision: June 1988

Last amended: April 2018

Article I – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District

1. The name of this organization shall be Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Montana District (hereinafter referred to as District), a subordinate organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML) is an integrated auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS).

2. The District is organized into zones that consist of individual women and women’s societies from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Montana District (hereinafter referred to as LCMS-MT) congregations. The zones shall conform to LCMS-MT circuit lines where possible.

Article II – Object

The object of this organization shall be:

1. to develop and maintain a strong mission consciousness among Lutheran (LCMS) women of the Montana District through Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, and Human Care;

2. to gather funds to support mission grants of the District and mission grants adopted by LWML for which adequate provisions have not been made in the LCMS budget;

3. to foster the object of the LWML.

Article III – Members

1. The membership of the LWML Montana District shall be composed of women’s organizations within LCMS–MT congregations, on campuses, or in resident homes within the District. These organizations shall:

a. consist of women who are communicant members of the LCMS congregation;

b. have made application for society membership to the District President for ratification by the Board of Directors;

c. have made the object of LWML their own.

2. Wherever a congregation has several societies affiliated with LWML, they shall be considered as one (1) unit.

3. Women who hold membership in an LCMS–MT congregation may form a society in a setting other than a congregation, campus, or resident home upon approval of the Board of Directors.

4. Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS–MT congregation with or without a society affiliated with the District. Individual membership is not considered a society or a unit.

ARTICLE IV – Elected Officers

1. The elected officers of LWML shall be:


Vice President of Christian Life

Vice President of Gospel Outreach

Vice President of Human Care

Vice President of Servant Resources

Recording Secretary


Nominating Committee Chairman

2. These officers shall be elected at the biennial convention to serve a term of four (4) years, with the exception of the Nominating Committee Chairman who shall serve a two-year term, or until their successors are elected and shall not be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office.

a. The President, Vice President of Christian Life, and Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall be elected in one biennium.

b. The Vice President of Human Care, Vice President of Servant Resources, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected in the next biennium.

c. The Nominating Committee Chairman shall be elected each biennium.

3. No rotation of officers shall enable anyone to be a member of the Executive Committee for more than eight (8) years in succession.

4. Election shall be by secret ballot.

5. The candidate receiving a plurality of the votes shall be elected.

6. The elected officers shall assume their duties immediately after their installation at the close of the District convention.

ARTICLE V – Pastoral Counselors

1. Two (2) Pastoral Counselors shall be elected from names of LCMS–MT pastors submitted by societies and approved by the President of the LCMS–MT.

2. One Pastoral Counselor shall be elected at each biennial convention for a four-year term and shall not be eligible for immediate re-election. A plurality vote shall elect.

3. The Board of Directors shall determine the attendance of the Pastoral Counselors at Board of Directors meetings, District events, and District conventions. Pastoral Counselors shall have no vote. At least one Pastoral Counselor shall be present at each Board of Directors meeting, each Executive Committee meeting, and each District convention.

4. Responsibility for advising the officers and committees shall be divided between the Pastoral Counselors.

5. The Junior Pastoral Counselor shall attend the LWML convention. If he is unable to attend, the Senior Pastoral Counselor shall attend.

Article VI – Duties of the Elected Officers

1. The PRESIDENT shall:

a. preside at the District convention, Board of Directors meetings, and Executive Committee meetings;

b. be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee;

c. supervise the work of all officers, channeling proper business to each;

d. direct the Corresponding Secretary in handling official correspondence;

e. countersign all vouchers for payment;

f. attend zone rallies with the approval of the Board of Directors; the District will pay her expenses;

g. select, with the approval of the Board, qualified persons to attend LWML institutes, at the expense of the District;

h. appoint the Archivist-Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Editor, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Scholarship Chairman, Structure Chairman, Web Coordinator, Young Woman Chairman, and other positions as needed, with the approval of the District Board of Directors;

i. provide the Editor with presidential messages and news;

j. perform such duties as are incidental to the office.

2. The VICE PRESIDENTS may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence or at the request of the President. (See Article VII, Section 3f)

a. The Vice President of Christian Life shall serve as Chairman of the Christian Life Committee.

b. The Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall:

(1) serve as Chairman of the Gospel Outreach Committee and coordinator of mission grants;

(2) requisition and disburse mission grant funds and monitor progress of each adopted mission grant until completion;

(3) submit reports to the Executive Committee and to the Board of Directors on the progress of each adopted mission grant until completion;

(4) send balloting information sheets to the Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman.

c. The Vice President of Human Care shall:

(1) serve as Chairman of the Human Care Committee;

(2) serve as District contact person for the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Drive.

d. The Vice President of Servant Resources shall:

(1) serve as Chairman of the Servant Resources Committee;

(2) serve as President in the event of an emergency or unexpected vacancy in the office of the President. (See Article VII, Section 3f)

e. The Vice Presidents shall report to the Board of Directors and the District convention body.


a. keep minutes of all Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings and send approved copies of said minutes to all members of the Board of Directors, LWML President, and to the President of LCMS–MT;

b. keep minutes of the District convention and send approved copies to the members of the Board of Directors, LWML President, and the President of LCMS-MT.

4. The TREASURER shall:

a. receive itemized records concerning all funds from the Financial Secretary and keep an itemized record of all receipts and disbursements of the District;

b. remit, on a regular basis, twenty-five (25) percent or more of the Mite Box offerings to the LWML;

c. make payments authorized by the signature of the President;

d. submit a monthly report to the Board of Directors and other reports at such times as requested by the Board of Directors;

e. submit her records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the Board of Directors at the close of each biennium or at the request of the Board of Directors;

f. be bonded, the amount to be decided by the President, Treasurer, and a Pastoral Counselor, under the guidelines of a bonding agency approved by the Board of Directors.


a. be responsible for the preparation of the slate of candidates presented at the District convention;

b. send balloting information sheets to the Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman.

Article VII - Board of Directors

1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers, the zone presidents, and the appointed officers as listed in Article IX, Section 1, as voting members. If a person holds more than one office, she has only one vote. The Pastoral Counselors shall be advisory, non-voting members.

2. The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice each year to promote the programs of the LWML as described in Article II of these bylaws.


a. transact and supervise the business of the District between conventions;

b. review mission grants suggested by the Mission Grants Committee and approve mission grants to appear on the convention ballot;

c. be authorized to act in session if changes in mission grant plans arise between conventions;

d. propose the budget at each convention and supervise the expenditures of money between conventions;

e. prepare and arrange the program for the convention and assist the zone officers with programs;

f. fill vacancies by appointment, except those of President and Pastoral Counselors. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President of Servant Resources shall assume the duties of the President until an election is held by the Board of Directors at the next regular BOD meeting. The Board of Directors shall elect a President from among the Vice Presidents. A vacancy in the position of Pastoral Counselor shall be filled by appointment by the President of the LCMS–MT;

g. In case of emergency (as defined in the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Law), action may be taken by mail, by telephone, or by electronic messaging.

4. All officers shall submit reports at each of the Board of Directors meetings as the President directs.

5. Each officer and Pastoral Counselor shall carry out their duties as outlined in the bylaws and Montana Manual and as requested by the President.

6. Each officer and Pastoral Counselor shall promptly forward to her/his successor a complete job description and a complete file of documents pertaining to the office within sixty (60) days of the change of office or before the next regular BOD meeting.

ARTICLE VIII - Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer as voting members. The Pastoral Counselors and the Editor shall be advisory members.

2. The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed necessary by the President and the Pastoral Counselors.

3. This committee shall transact necessary business between the Board of Directors meetings.

Article IX – Appointed Officers and District Committees

1. Appointed officers shall be the Archivist-Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Editor, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Scholarship Chairman, Structure Chairman, Web Coordinator, and Young Woman Chairman. These officers shall be appointed prior to the first regular Board of Directors meeting following each District convention. Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment. (See Article VI, Section 1h)

a. The ARCHIVIST - HISTORIAN shall keep a record of the activities and accomplishments of the organization.


(1) maintain the official roster;

(2) handle any official correspondence as may be requested by the President, Board of Directors, or Executive Committee, and send copies of such correspondence to the President.

c. The EDITOR shall:

(1) attend Board of Directors meetings and regularly contact all District officers and Committee Chairmen for news;

(2) be responsible for the publication of the Montana Missive;

(3) handle the circulation of the Montana Missive;

(4) send the Montana Missive to all LWML officers, LWML district presidents, and others designated by the Board of Directors;

(5) serve as an advisory member of the Executive Committee.


(1) receive and regularly deposit all money in the District’s name in a financial institution approved by the Board of Directors;

(2) keep an itemized report of all receipts of the District;

(3) send to the District Treasurer an itemized report of all deposits;

(4) submit a monthly report to the Board of Directors and other reports at such times as requested by the Board of Directors. This may be a joint report with the District Treasurer;

(5) furnish societies with Mite Boxes and vouchers upon request;

(6) encourage societies to submit all publication subscription payments and annual fees at the appropriate time for the following year and send updated lists to the appropriate entities;

(7) submit her records for financial review by a person or persons selected by the Board of Directors at the close of each biennium or at the request of the Board of Directors;

(8) be bonded, the amount to be decided by the President, Treasurer, and a Pastoral Counselor, under the guidelines of a bonding agency approved by the Board of Directors.

e. The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall serve as advisor on parliamentary procedure to the President, the Board of Directors, committees, and zone officers.

f. The SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN shall serve as the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, which is comprised of one (1) representative from each zone appointed by the zone president.


(1) serve as the Chairman of the Structure Committee;

(2) select two (2) or more committee members.


(1) work with the District President to coordinate the District website;

(2) be responsible for coordinating the District website with the District Webmaster.


(1) serve as the Chairman of the Young Woman Representative Committee;

(2) select two (2) or more committee members.

2. District standing committees shall be Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, Human Care, Servant Resources, Nominating, Scholarship, Structure, and Young Woman Representative.

a. The CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Christian Life and

one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:

(1) encourage active participation in spiritual development programs, such as Bible study and private and family devotions, promoting the use of LWML materials;

(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested.

b. The GOSPEL OUTREACH COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Gospel Outreach and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:

(1) write each society requesting mission grant proposals. Societies need not submit scholarship proposals. The money for scholarships will be included in the mission grants proposed budget. The Gospel Outreach Committee will decide the amount, with input from the Scholarship Chairman, at their meeting before the District convention. The amount will be presented to the convention body for approval;

(2) investigate and recommend appropriate mission grant opportunities to the Board of Directors. Appropriate mission grants will be those that have been approved by the LCMS–MT and will not require permanent subsidy from the LWML Montana District;

(3) prepare printed ballots for the selection of mission grants at the convention.

c. The HUMAN CARE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Human Care and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:

(1) encourage active participation in Human Care activities by providing information about the opportunities and challenges available;

(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested;

(3) assist the Vice President of Human Care to contact churches and to gather items for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).

d. The SERVANT RESOURCES COMMITTEE, consisting of the Vice President of Servant Resources and one (1) member of each zone appointed by the zone president, shall:

(1) encourage active participation in leadership roles by providing materials and training which promote increased leadership skills;

(2) conduct workshops, seminars, or training sessions as recommended by the Board of Directors and assist in zones and societies when assistance is requested;

(3) encourage societies in increasing and maintaining membership.

e. The NOMINATING COMMITTEE, consisting of the Chairman, who shall be elected at the convention for a two-year term of office, and the zone vice presidents, shall:

(1) receive nominations from individuals, societies, zone officers, and members of the Board of Directors and report at the regular Board of Directors meeting prior to the convention;

(2) consider women who are qualified for the respective offices and offer a slate of candidates. Each candidate shall submit in writing her willingness to serve and obtain written approval from her pastor;

(3) ensure that candidates for the office of the District President have served as members of an LWML district board of directors;

(4) prepare printed ballots for the election of officers at the convention.

f. The SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE, consisting of the Scholarship Chairman and one (1) member from each zone appointed by the zone president, shall be responsible for determining recipients of all District scholarships.

g. The STRUCTURE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Structure Chairman and at least two (2) other members selected by the Chairman, shall:

(1) consider all amendments to the bylaws and report its findings to the Board of Directors;

(2) send the requested number of copies of the proposed amendments to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman for approval before presenting them at the District convention;

(3) advise all societies of amendments adopted at the convention;

(4) send requested number of copies of amended bylaws to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman after adoption;

(5) serve all zones and societies in an advisory capacity.

h. The YOUNG WOMAN REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE, consisting of the Young Woman Chairman and at least two (2) other members selected by the Chairman, shall:

(1) select the Young Woman Representative(s) to the LWML convention;

(2) encourage recruitment of young women in societies and zones.

3. The OFFICER and MISSION GRANTS TELLER COMMITTEE, consisting of one teller from each zone and a chairman, appointed by the District President prior to the convention, shall:

a. tally the ballots for officer elections and mission grant selections;

b. report the results of the tallies to the President.

The Officer and Mission Grants Teller Committee Chairman shall not be a Teller Committee member, the Nominating Committee Chairman, or the Vice President of Gospel Outreach.

ARTICLE X - Convention Representation

1. The LWML Montana District convention shall be held at the location selected by the Board of Directors and ratified at the previous convention.

a. The voting body of the convention shall be elected delegates, the voting members of the Board of Directors, and past LWML Montana District Presidents who are members of an LWML Montana District society or are individual members of the LWML Montana District.

b. Representation shall be by congregational societies, each society having the privilege of sending two (2) delegates for every ten (10) members or major fraction (6 or more) thereof.

c. Each delegate’s credentials, signed by her pastor, shall be in the hands of the Convention Registration Chairman at least two (2) weeks prior to the convention.

2. Representation at the LWML convention shall be as follows:

a. in the convention year following her election, the zone president will be the delegate to the LWML convention. In the event she is unable to attend, the vice president will serve as the delegate;

b. the delegates for the next LWML convention will be determined by a rotation of societies within the zones;

(1) There shall be one (1) accredited delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units. One (1) additional delegate will be elected in zones having an additional ten (10) units or major fraction (6 or more) thereof.

(2) Each zone shall have an elected first and second alternate to the convention.

(3) The Board of Directors shall designate the units in the zone from which the delegate and alternates shall be elected, and shall select the units in a sequential rotation.

(4) The units so designated shall elect the delegate and alternates. The zone shall ratify this election at the Fall Rally prior to the LWML convention.

(5) If an alternate delegate serves as the delegate at the convention, the rotation advances, and her society does not select a delegate for the following convention.

c. the delegates shall give detailed reports of the convention proceedings at their zone rallies. A report of delegates’ expenses is submitted to the District President for approval for payment.

ARTICLE XI – Publications

1. The official publication of the District shall be called Montana Missive. The purpose of the Montana Missive is to inform the members of the District about LWML and LWML Montana District activities and mission grants progress.

2. The official magazine of the LWML is called the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. Its purpose is to promote the object of the LWML and to provide topics for study and discussion.

3. The societies shall order Montana Missive and Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly through the Financial Secretary, at the appropriate time, for the following year.

4. The District shall remit payment for the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly subscriptions to the LWML office. The societies are encouraged to make a special contribution to the Financial Secretary to defray the cost of both the Montana Missive and Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. In the event of a deficit the District will pay the balance.

ARTICLE XII – Finances

1. All societies shall contribute to the District. Money gathered by Mite Boxes and donations designated for the District shall be forwarded with properly executed vouchers to the District Financial Secretary on a monthly or quarterly basis.

2. The District Treasurer shall distribute Mite Box money, apportioned according to the budget adopted at the convention, as follows: send twenty-five (25) percent or more to LWML; use forty (40) percent or more for District mission grants; and use thirty-five (35) percent or less for District inreach and administrative expenses.

3. Expenses for LWML conventions will be collected and apportioned as follows:

a. The District Board of Directors will determine all legitimate convention expenses; these would include the registration fee, travel expenses, meals, and lodging;

b. All societies shall collect funds annually for delegates’ expenses and remit same to the District Financial Secretary, at the appropriate time, for the following year, marked “Delegate Fund;”

c. Only the expenses of the official zone delegates and the District President (with the exception of her travel expenses) shall be paid from the Delegate Fund;

d. The expenses for the Pastoral Counselor and the Young Woman Representatives shall be paid from accounts other than the Delegate Fund;

e. The Board of Directors may allocate funds, if available and as deemed necessary, for sending an Executive Committee (EC) member of the Board of Directors, other than the President. The member of the EC will be chosen under the following rotation: Vice Presidents in alphabetical order by title, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. No member of the EC will be sent more than once under this section;

f. The Board of Directors may allocate funds, if available and as deemed necessary, for sending members of the LWML Montana District running for a national office.

4. The fiscal year of the District is from April 1 through March 31.

ARTICLE XIII - Mission Grants

1. Mission grant proposals may be submitted by individual members, societies, zones, the District Board of Directors, and LCMS boards. (See Article IX, Section 2 b (2))

2. Voting for mission grants shall be by secret ballot at the District convention.

3. Mission grants adopted by convention delegates shall be funded as money becomes available in the Mission Grants Account. These funds shall be distributed when the supervising agency of the mission grant makes the request to the District President. Responsibility of the District ceases when payments have been made.

4. Funds voted for mission grants must be disbursed or put into use within the biennium in which they were adopted or be transferred to the Mission Grants Account for the next biennium. The Board of Directors may extend the time for one (1) biennium in case of extenuating circumstances.

5. Reports and pictures of the progress of the work made possible by the mission grants shall be reported at rallies and conventions and may be published in the Montana Missive, the LCMS-MT publication, and other publications, including the District website.

ARTICLE XIV – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the District in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.

ARTICLE XV – Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the convention body. Proposed amendments must be approved by the District Board of Directors and the LWML Structure Committee prior to presentation at the District convention. Copies of proposed bylaw amendments shall be sent to each society sixty (60) days prior to the convention for their study.


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