RMP Fest 2: Hay any Worke for Cooper

RMP Fest 2: Hay any Worke for Cooper?

B. Arthur, S. Jha, and D. Machado, eds.

Trash Packet


1. This figure slew Bynarr [bye-nar] while living on Ne’tu under the assumed name of Neyonak, and this figure once attempted to negotiate an alliance in the Tobin minefield. This figure died after his ship crashed into Delmak and is worshipped on the planet Chulak. He is the father of Klorel and the husband of Amonet, and he uses the term shova, or traitor, to refer to his former First Prime, Teal’c. For ten points, name this Goa’uld system lord and primary villain of the first four season of Stargate SG-1, named for a demonic serpent in Egyptian myth.

ANSWER: Apophis

2. At one point during the music video to this song, an image of a sports crowd waving white towels is shown during a lyric about a premature victory roar. Early in this song some smoke appears “not white, but red”. One figure in this song notes that he is “exposing to everyone my powerful rod”, which he rhymes with the fact that he is “white horseman, defender of God”. Much of this song purports to tell the story of Beelzebub the Great, who was crucified at the stake. The main figure in this song compares his job to a lion killing an antelope and a hammer hitting a cantaloupe and wears an upside-down cross to show his titular rank. For ten points, name this sequel to Elektronik, Supersonik, a song by Zlad! about being a rival to the Bishop of Rome.

ANSWER: I am the Anti-Pope

3. Oakland has a minor league pitcher with this as his first name and Casilla as his last name. One player with this last name was traded alongside Juan Gonzalez in exchange for Carlos Guillen. While with the Blue Jays, one player with this last name was injured in a Florida car crash and missed the entire 1998 season. That player batted fifth behind Barry Bonds for the Giants in the 2002 postseason. More recently, a player with this last name has manned the middle infield for the Detroit Tigers. For ten points, give this last name of Tigers shortstop Ramon and veteran catcher Benito, also a name used to refer to the patron saint of Spain, James the Greater.

ANSWER: Santiago

4. After his defeat while trying to singlehandedly fight off 11 other men, he ascended into the heavens and his spirit appeared on a large screen, and one notable conversion to his cult include a pig farmer. Kama Mustafa once made a large gold chain out of his symbolic urn. After the introduction of his cross-like symbol, he used it in a number of sacrifices, including a crucifixion of Stone Cold Steve Austin. His recklessness allegedly caused the either physical or psychological scarring of his brother in a fire at a funeral home, which is a source of conflict with Kane, and after defending him from the Dudley Boys, this man also murdered his long time manager, Paul Bearer. Name this professional wrestler, best known for his Tombstone Piledriver finisher and his undefeated streak at WrestleMania.

ANSWER: the Undertaker [accept: Mark Calloway]

5. According to legend, this school was founded at the same location as Tai chi chuan, and notable masters of this school include Sung Wei-I, Fu Chen Sung, and General Li, who is known as the god of this school’s weapon. This school is described as being “internal” rather than “external” like its rival. This school emphasizes the use of the sword, as opposed to the staff of its rival Shaolin school, and is often depicted as villainous in kung fu movies. For ten points, name this school of Chinese martial arts, that also lends its name to a Staten Island based rap clan.

ANSWER: Wudang School [accept: Wu-Tang School; Wudangquan]

6. In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, a creature of this name serves as a mount for a fleaman. The Digi-Egg of Light helps Wormmon evolve into a Digimon whose name derives from this deity. A Marvel character of this name helped warn Thor about Demogorge the God Eater, while for some reason this deity was living under New York in a 1982 horror film starring Michael Moriarty. Unmanned Aircraft Systems created a flying machine based on a pterosaur named for this deity, notable for its long neck. For ten points, name this god, whose Marvel representation retells the famous myth that he was identified with Conquistador Hernando Cortez.

ANSWER: Quetzalcoatl

7. The origins of his most iconic phrase were revealed in "Catch-22" where he got in a fight with Campbell, a man who introduced him to a woman played by Sonya Walger. He's able to save a bartender from getting hit in the head with a cricket bat by Jimmy Lennon after realizing he can change this future, and he also served as the replacement of Radzinsky. This owner of the Elizabeth is prevented from buying a ring by Mrs. Hawking and at one point finds a letter from his long-lost love in a copy of Our Mutual Friend; that woman became his "constant" after he started having flashes following The Incident in the Hatch. Played by Henry Ian Cusick, for 10 points, name this Lost character who spent much of Season 3 looking for Penny, and who shares his name with the author of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

ANSWER: Desmond David Hume [accept either underlined answer]

8. Early scenes in this movie include one where the protagonist friend’s Herman is sent to get help from Mr. Havelock, and one set on a ship off the coast of Portugal, where the protagonist defeat an unnamed villain in a white suit. The protagonist commandeers a speedboat that flies the Austrian flag during one chase scene, which foreshadows his subsequent visit to Castle Grunvald, which has many tapestries and is located on the Austrian-German border. The protagonist then uses a motorcycle to attend a book burning in Berlin and takes a zeppelin to Turkey. This movie ends with a race to the Valley of the Crescent Moon, where the protagonist meets an immortal knight and defeats his Nazi foes. For ten points, name this movie in which Indiana Jones finds the Holy Grail.

ANSWER: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

9. The works of Carlson & Peeters are often referenced in this work. Segundo is a constant companion in the protagonist’s SAC. The Akuda Bar is home to the Paddle Game and a man named Peepers, who runs a shell game. In this game, it is revealed, with the help of IRIS members such as Hahn and Double H, that the group supposedly protecting Hillys, the Alpha Section, is actually a front for the DomZ. Name this video game, in which Pey’j and Jade tries to save their lighthouse-turned-orphanage, which shares a title with a work of Nietzsche.

ANSWER: Beyond Good and Evil

10. Religious titles among these people include that of “Mylars” and “Ranjens.” In order to unite his village, one of these people’s religious leaders once utilized a magical rock to create a monster called the Dal’Rok, which could only be defeated by the villagers’ sense of unity. These people’s sacred items are called “Orbs” or the “Tears” of their main deities. Demons in these people’s religion include Kosst Amojan and his fellow entities forced from the Celestial Temple, the Pah Wraiths. These people’s spiritual leader was at one time Kai Opaka, but by the end of the show on which they appeared, it was Kai Winn. These people worship entities who do not understand linear time and are otherwise known as the “Wormhole Aliens,” the so-called Prophets. For 10 points, name this fictional alien race from the Star Trek universe, who live near Deep Space Nine, were once oppressed by the Cardassians, and include Major Kira as a member.

ANSWER: Bajorans

11. In the recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Raphael fights an entity with this name in a restaurant to the tune “Black Betty” by Ram Jam. An entity with this name appears in the video game Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, where the player must photograph it in the Argila Swamp for Marcus. An early X-Files episode imagined this entity to be a naked human female cannibal, while Wikipedia notes that people who apparently spotted one of these entities included Joseph Bonaparte and Commodore Stephen Decatur. An origin story for this creature states that it was the son of Mother Leeds, a known witch, while skeptics argue that it is nothing more than a Sandhill Crane. A flying biped with hooves, for 10 points, name this mysterious creature occasionally spotted in the Pine Barrens region of a certain state, which lends it name to the hockey team that plays in the “Garden State.”

ANSWER: Jersey Devil [accept “Leeds Devil” until "Leeds" is mentioned]

12. In one film appearance, this man notes a stone in a fountain that has been “lying in the water for a very long time,” but has not been penetrated by it, comparing it to men in Europe and Christianity. Another character describes him as a “good man” and a “true priest” after this man listens to that character talk about betraying his wife and killing his brother. He is last seen in that film appearance drinking poisoned tea, which kills him, despite the best efforts of Michael Corleone to protect this man from his enemies, including Archbishop Gilday. With his death ascribed to such sources as the KGB, the Freemason organization Propaganda Due, or the Mafia, for 10 points, name this man who was depicted in the movie The Godfather, Part III as “Cardinal Lamberto,” a pope who reigned for thirty three days in 1978.

ANSWER: Pope John Paul I [prompt on John Paul, accept Lamberto until mentioned, accept Albino Luciani]

13. In a sequel, one of these entities is found in a random location in a forest northeast of Mikasalla and is given the name Sour. Combinations of these can be used to create classes for the player like Wind Shaman and Dragoon. One of these named Sap can only be obtained after the player optionally revisits the city of Vault, while in the sequel one can be found in Prox Village only if data is not transferred. A very useful one named Flash greatly reduces the damage taken in battle. When up to four of these are on standby for a character, they can be used to invoke summons like Boreas and Judgment and come in varieties such as Venus and Mars. For ten points, name these creatures from Golden Sun, which share their name with some mystical creatures from the Quran.

ANSWER: Djinni [accept: genies]

14. In one story, the central figure of this religion accidentally killed some dancers using bars of gold. Another figure from this religion set out to accomplish a certain number of tasks that would make him invincible, including moving to a colder climate and entering a "Bowl of Swords", but failed to accomplish the fifteenth and final task of defeating a certain Chilean. Holy objects from this religion include kumbla, a jar that contains glory, and its scriptures include the lyrical kirtanas, which can be sung to ward off this faith's turbaned trickster figure, the Bactrian camel-riding Charles Meigs. For ten points, name this fake quizbowl religion that worships UPenn student and Brown alumnus Eric Mukherjee.

ANSWER: Mukherjudaism [accept: Mukherjews]

15. This group, led by Flabius, takes the risk of Jarvis Probes when they take the time child to New New Hampshire. This group rides ostriches into battle, and after one of their members suggests peace he is brutally killed to shouts of “Kill the Wise One”. This group, who renounce tables in favor of eating on their bellies, believe that their answer to the Great Question is logically correct because each word in their name begins with the same letter. For ten points, name this group of super-intelligent atheist sea otters from the episode of South Park where Cartman travels forward in time, who are at war with the United Atheist Alliance and the Unified Atheist League.

ANSWER: Allied Atheist Alliance [prompt on “sea otters” before mention]

16. His possessions include a gigantic toaster and similarly large roller skates, and his sclerae were originally yellow. His existence was investigated by Phil Donahue, and one story featuring the divorce of his parents was never aired. He once tap danced with Gregory Hines. In one work he tells his best friend that they can hug for real when that friend returns home, and he lives with his family in the cave at 456 Snuffle Circle. Thought for a period to be mythical as he was never seen by anyone beyond his yellow friend, name this large, brown, kind-of-an-elephant, that has a sister named Alice and is good friends with Big Bird.

ANSWER: Aloysius Snuffleupagus [accept: Snuffy; Mr. Snuffleupagus]

17. His uncle Ebenezer, who was to care for him after the loss of his parents, kicks him out and forces him to live on the streets, which leads to the discovery of the source of his powers in an abandoned subway car. His enemies include Dr. Sivana and Mister Mind. In one story, this man promotes Freddy Freeman while he himself assumes the role of his mentor, while in another, this man is able to change the secret word of his most notable rival, Kahndaq’s own Black Adam. Name this comic book character, who, with the help of a wizard, draws his powers from Solomon, Hercules and Zeus, amongst others, by shouting Shazam.

ANSWER: Captain Marvel [accept: Billy Batson]

18. The music video to this song was filmed at Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park and was directed by Diane Keaton. Featuring a cameo by Morgan Mason as the mysterious stranger romancing the singer, the video to this song begins with masked men carrying shining globes walking into the shot. The speaker sings about when she is "lost at sea," she hears her love's voice which carries her, and also muses that "in this world we're just beginning to understand the miracle of living. Heard in the movie Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay when the boys arrive in Amsterdam, this song's titular phrase occurs after the lyric "Ooh, bay, do you know what that's worth?" For ten points, name this hit song by Belinda Carlisle, which posits the theological assertion that paradise is actually a location on the temporal plane.

ANSWER: "Heaven is a Place on Earth"

19. This film opens with the title character describing the "light tingling ... like a caress" on the top of his head that he temporarily cured by fasting for three months and whipping himself. The title character abandons leading a mob into a temple after his hands start bleeding, and Irvin Kershner plays a very angry Zebedee in this film. After the production of this film originally ground to a halt, its director went on to work on After Hours, and he'd eventually lose in the Oscar race to Barry Levinson for Rain Main. The final scene sees the protagonist begging his father to "Make a feast, welcome me home”. The title figure is played by a Brooklyn-accented Harvey Keitel, who controversially fantasized a sex scene with Barbara Hershey's Mary Magdelane while on the cross. For ten points, name this 1988 film by Martin Scorsese based on a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis.

ANSWER: The Last Temptation of Christ

20. In an episode of The Oblongs, an old woman who temporarily adopts Helga sings this song while placing her hand on Helga’s head. In “The Church Organ” episode of The Andy Griffith Show, this song is the first sung using the church’s new organ. Jack sings this song at the end of the novel Losing Battles by Eudora Welty, and Dennis Hopper’s character, Lefty Enright, sings this song several times in Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. In the scene in the 1966 Batman film when Batman runs around with a bomb, a small band is playing this song. On The Simpsons, Reverend Lovejoy sings this song to drown out his daughter Jessica’s list of crimes, while Rod and Tod sing it while building a toy church in the backyard. Based on Psalms 126:6, for 10 points, name this Protestant hymn whose refrain states, “We shall come rejoicing” after the titular farming action is completed.

ANSWER: “Bringing in the Sheaves”

TB1. The defeat of Blockhead Grande in this game requires remembering the placement of its eight weak points. A priestess named Rao is murdered in this game; she is later possessed by a demon named Ninetails, who then kills Queen Kimiko. Later, the protagonist of this game enters the Ark of Yamato with the flute-carrying Waka. Other characters in this game include the goofy Susano and the nymph Sakuya. Noted breast man Issun’s voice is represented by an annoying, high pitched squeak due to his small size, while the defeat of Orochi depends upon sake. Name this video game where the Celestial Brush is used by the protagonist, Amaterasu.


TB2. In the direct-to-DVD movie “Stargate: Continuum”, this system lord bombards Washington DC from orbit on the orders of Qetesh. One slave of this system lord concludes that this figure must not be a god after this figure shows surprise upon seeing a robot. While on Earth to negotiate an extension of the Protected Planets Treaty, this figure is attacked by Nirrti. After this figure died, his pyramid ship was stolen by SG-1 and used to induce an artificial supernova. This figure’s host is a man with long blond hair, and this figure, who killed Teal’c’s father, is killed by a robotic replica of Teal’c. For ten points, name this Stargate SG-1 villain who shares his name with the father of Zeus.

ANSWER: Cronus


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